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Shootings in Arizona will be used against us.

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posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 08:47 AM
H.R. 1955 Bill mentioned in this thread was NEVER passed as law by the Senate

H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007
110th Congress 2007 - 2008

To prevent homegrown terrorism, and for other purposes.

This bill never became law.

This bill was proposed in a previous session of Congress. Sessions of Congress last two years, and at the end of each session all proposed bills and resolutions that haven't passed are cleared from the books. Members often reintroduce bills that did not come up for debate under a new number in the next session.


Introduced .................................. Apr 19, 2007
Referred to Committee ................ View Committee Assignments
Reported by Committee ............... Aug 1, 2007
Passed House ............................ Oct 23, 2007
Senate Vote ............................... (did not occur)
Signed by President .................... (did not occur)

Last Action:
Oct 24, 2007: Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

Oct 23, 2007: This bill passed in the House of Representatives by roll call vote. The vote was held under a suspension of the rules to cut debate short and pass the bill, needing a two-thirds majority. This usually occurs for non-controversial legislation. The totals were 404 Ayes, 6 Nays, 22 Present/Not Voting.

Source: - civic project to track Congress


S. 1959: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007
110th Congress 2007 - 2008

A bill to establish the National Commission on the Prevention of Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism, and for other purposes

This bill never became law.

This bill was proposed in a previous session of Congress. Sessions of Congress last two years, and at the end of each session all proposed bills and resolutions that haven't passed are cleared from the books. Members often reintroduce bills that did not come up for debate under a new number in the next session.

Introduced .......................... Aug 2, 2007
Referred to ......................... Committee View Committee Assignments
Reported by Committee ....... (did not occur)
Senate Vote ....................... (did not occur)
House Vote ........................ (did not occur)
Signed by President ............ (did not occur)

Last Action:
Aug 2, 2007: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

Source: - civic project to track Congress

H.R. 2376: Terrorism Prevention and Deterrence Act of 2007
110th Congress 2007 - 2008

To prohibit the rewarding of suicide bombings, to prohibit terrorist kidnappings and sexual assaults, and for other purposes.

This bill never became law.
This bill was proposed in a previous session of Congress. Sessions of Congress last two years, and at the end of each session all proposed bills and resolutions that haven't passed are cleared from the books. Members often reintroduce bills that did not come up for debate under a new number in the next session


Introduced............................ May 17, 2007
Referred to Committee ......... View Committee Assignments
Reported by Committee ....... (did not occur)
House Vote ........................ (did not occur)
Senate Vote ....................... (did not occur)
Signed by President ............ (did not occur)

Last Action:
Jun 25, 2007: Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security

Source: - civic project to track Congress

Also known as:

S. 1320: Terrorism Prevention and Deterrence Act of 2007
110th Congress 2007 - 2008

Never Passed!

Source: - civic project to track Congress

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by thewholepicture

I totally agree here, hewholepicture, first time I have seen you here. Yes, the gun ban drums will beat over this fiasco for certain. Congressmen and women will demand security details for everything, at a very large cost, no doubt, and probably people who wish to see their leaders will have to go through the naked body scanners. I have studied this, and make note I am not a professional profiler, however the way this kid did this, coupled with the things he said.....all domestic terrorist talking points it seems. I am thinking MK-Ultra here. Anyone agree with me?

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 09:00 AM
I had this same thought this morning, when catching up on some news. He obtained the gun legally which will only result in tightening gun laws.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 09:15 AM
I think i know what changes will occur. I had posted it previously in a dream I had.

Scary to see things coming about.. This i but the first in a string of many incidents that will lock our nation down..

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by thewholepicture

Isn't that a strong Canadian accent?
Fortunately for him, his government has a mechanism in place to quell any dissent from his views.
His minority Prime Minister need only request the Governor General prorogue Parliament should any of his countrymen question the events leading to involvement in the War on Terror.
edit on 9-1-2011 by 23refugee because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-1-2011 by 23refugee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 10:02 AM
This will not rebound back to us, though it is no secret that MSM and government are itching for a reason to attack conspiracy theorists/alternative thinkers.

This is a link to one of the shooters ATS threads:

He was totally unhinged, and deranged. Soon he will be sentenced to death and will be put out of his misery.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by ProudtobeEnglishHe was totally unhinged, and deranged. Soon he will be sentenced to death and will be put out of his misery.

I'm anxious to learn you think this ATS contributor will be executed. No-one should be executed anyway, least of all someone with profound mental health problems. Execution depraves everyone, from the executioner himself to those who post their support for such an obscenity online and in anonymity.

I think ATS contributors should come together as one, demand him a fair trial, highlight the state of his mental health and actively campaign against his execution.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by Niall197

Originally posted by ProudtobeEnglishHe was totally unhinged, and deranged. Soon he will be sentenced to death and will be put out of his misery.

I'm anxious to learn you think this ATS contributor will be executed. No-one should be executed anyway, least of all someone with profound mental health problems. Execution depraves everyone, from the executioner himself to those who post their support for such an obscenity online and in anonymity.

I think ATS contributors should come together as one, demand him a fair trial, highlight the state of his mental health and actively campaign against his execution.

He killed 6 people and attempted to kill a Representative. There is no way any other sentence could be passed, which is very sad.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 10:17 AM
I absolutely agree with you on this.

And I'll take it one step further. The timing on this, right before the vote to repeal Obamacare is just to fantastic. The imediate result is the delaying of the vote to repeal, and you know the far left will use this terrible event to foster sympathy and favor to their side. Don't believe me? Look how they used the death of Sen. Ted Kennedy to help pass Obamacare in the first place.

Second, there will be a move against anyone who speaks against the anointed one and his adgenda. We have already seen the frame work this new offensive against the American people with the numerous and repeated warnings against "domestic" or "citizen" terrorists from the Department of Homeland Security.

I hate to say this, but if you are reading this thread or any other thread on ATS or other web sites like are on a list, lol.

Get ready everyone its going to get weird in the coming days.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by ProudtobeEnglish

He killed 6 people and attempted to kill a Representative. There is no way any other sentence could be passed, which is very sad.

ATS as well as other forums and news media have made a very good case for an insanity defense.

Just read through any of the threads regarding this shooting and in particular the shooter.

The guy who shot president Reagan and others many years ago used this defense and it worked well for him.

Most of you are convinced already that he is a lone, very disturbed and completely insane individual.

He may never go to prison, a nice mental facility maybe with loads of free meds and maybe an occasional release to spend time with family for the holidays... And who knows, maybe one day he will be found to be cured and released for the remainder of his life.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 10:26 AM
I have a question.

Why aren't members of congress armed?

David Grouchy

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 10:30 AM
Why doesn't the left say anything about this stuff:

1. Vice-President Biden when he spoke before a Democrat Party fundraiser in Minnesota said he would "strangle" the next Republican who talked about balancing the federal budget.

2. GOP takeover of Congress would mean 'hand-to-hand combat,' Obama warns.

3. When Democrat Joe Manchin was Governor of West Virgina, he fired a rifle and put a bullet into the heart of the cap and trade bill in a television political ad.

4. The Daily Kos had a bulls eye on the Congresswoman in June of 2008.

Bunch of hypocrites.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by davidgrouchy

I think it's safe to assume many members of congress are armed at certain times. It all depends on their personal preferences of the congressman and the laws in the area in which they are currently at.

Though, it's a stretch to think that being armed could prevented all of this. If someone unexpectedly pulls a gun and immediately starts shooting, there are going to be casualties regardless if people are armed. Though, perhaps there may have be less.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Kaploink
Though, it's a stretch to think that being armed could prevented all of this.

I merely suggest that if the hill spent more time criticizing each other for not being armed and less time passing laws full of weasle language like "mentally disturbed" there would be fewer incidents like this.

David Grouchy

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 11:13 AM
The media says he was trying to get into the military. He claims he was accepted by the military but the government says they turned im down.

It appears they may have found a military "mission" for him to carry out. Possibility??

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 01:22 PM
Did you all hear about the tea party comment in the drudge report?

--"Ms Giffords’s father Spencer, 75, wept when asked if his daughter had any enemies. ‘Yeah,’ he said. ‘The whole Tea Party’ – the Right wing of the Republican Party."

I bet Alex Jones will be all over this..

I'm not a tea party-er, but wow..

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by thewholepicture

Look's like you could be right.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by thewholepicture

I'm with you 100%. Any excuse to further limit our freedom and marginalize anybody who questions Big Brother. Just like Bush used the Patriot Act to "protect our freedoms". It was nothing more that a huge power grab and an excuse to control the population.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 05:12 PM
To be honest i think its going to hurt the Mental Health community more, the threads that he made were incoherent and our members were clearly baffled by his assertions. I'd bet that sufferers from schizophrenia experience a nastier backwash that we do.
edit on 10-1-2011 by Versa because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2011 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Ellen15

Hey Ellen thanks for showing me that.. I didn't know.. That video was during the RP revolution thing and added it.. I didn't even think to look to see if it became law.. Thanks for showing me that.. I guess i can stop showing that around.. But..... It does show to what extent they will take to control us..

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