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Tetanus Vaccine

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posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by kalamatas
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

disease decline stats

This link pulls all of it's information from (surprise, surprise) a man trying to sell a book. That book, I should mention, doesn't state where it gets the data used in those charts.

Doesn't that raise a red flag (or a dozen) to you? Someone trying to sell a book, pushing source-less data?

more stats

This link pulls it's data from not one, but TWO people trying to sell books! And, as with the first link, the data isn't attributed to any viewable source, other than the book.

A a medical professional, it really should be your duty to research both sides as well and not take your stats, safety and effectiveness info solely from the materials written by pharma.

I did research both sides. The side you've presented reeks of people taking advantage of vulnerable and scared people as a means of selling books full of nonsense.

There's plenty of hard evidence that goes against vaccine safety and effectiveness.

I would love for you to publish some that doesn't require me to buy an ebook for $19.99.

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by RogerT
I have to agree about the vaccines. Personally, I have refused all vaccines if at all possible. I don't get half as many colds or the flu near as much as I used to when I had to take the shots when I was in the army.
You just don't know for sure what they contain, despite the labels. Ask your GP about it the next time you have an appointment. If you press hard enough, a lot of them will tell you they don't know for sure what is in it, other then what their told.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by RogerT

You do understand that obesity, cancer, cigarettes, diabetes, car accidents are the leading causes of death right? What you are referring to is maybe how residents are the leading cause of mistake caused death. Infection is the leading cause of death in a hospital. I'm going to college to be a doctor I would prefer if you would not insult my profession. Also you they are never necessary, well go ahead and get polio, and small pox and then come back and tell me they're not necessary. The native population of America during the colonial days would have killed for a small pox vaccine. But I forgot doctors are evil because they don't believe in grinding up a plant and rubbing it on your foot will cure your baldness. You wanna know why you are enjoying this high standard of living right now? The reduction of pathogens you know how that happens, sanitation and doctors!

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by yrwehere1

Personally, thats the reason why they have to put out PSA's for parents about whooping cough. It's making a comeback because people didn't get the vaccine and thus infecting their children.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by yrwehere1

After having TWO bad reactions to tetanus shots (the last time after a minor scrape in a car accident I told them NO & they did it anyways... I was 3 months pregnant & lost 3 days due to a 103 degree fever) I now have medical alerts ALL OVER my charts of NO TETANUS SHOTS!!!

Any male medical professional that comes near me with one & I am conscious will likely not have children when I am done with them. Women better hope they aren't lactating....

I also refused the H1N1 last year too. Haven't got this year's as they are saying it's been added to this year's mix....

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by noobsauce13
People believe that vaccines cause autism and other stuff like that...bottom like without vaccines you had a 2/3 chance of not being alive right now.

Diseases that cause early death are a eugenic mechanism that weeds out the week and defective. Vaccines are thus anti evolutionary resulting in a sicker and sicker population. One in 55 males now get autism after being vaccinated,one in 100 people get schizophrenia.
There is presently no eugenic mechanism in place.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by RRokkyy
One in 55 males now get autism after being vaccinated,one in 100 people get schizophrenia.

Both of these statistics are false. Simple logic, as well as a reasonable level of common sense, would tell you that.
edit on 1/4/2011 by VneZonyDostupa because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 03:37 AM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

??? Simply type in The main page, where I don't see anything being sold. Click under Science "Basic Facts", then peruse. If you just google the terms "disease decline prior to vaccine" or something along those lines you get all sorts of statistical references without a book being sold.

Vaccines and Scientific Studies

I'm over trying to convince anyone of anything. I've taken too much of my time over the years to post links, studies, etc. share well researched, cited material, and frankly don't know why I'm doing it now. I'm fortunate to have MDs who have done their research and after extensively looking at facts, are opposed to the use of vaccines, and truly understand immunity and the proper way to maintain health and avoid diseases and therefore any rare correlating complications of such illnesses. Health isn't an injection of dead foreign material and chemicals bypassing the primary immune system defense mechanisms. Another reason why vaccines aren't truly immunizations.

While in theory vaccines sound hunky dory, when you take the time to find all the washed over information, all is not as it seems, and if you truly care about the people you are treating, I would take the time to look into it all yourself, rather than make others bring the info to you. It's there, I've spent hundreds of hours pouring over all sorts of information and talking to various professionals, and yes there is some separating wheat from chaff, but an open discerning mind and someone who truly cares about the health of others would take the time to separate it. Not just blow it off with the assumption that because it didn't come from texts in school (written by those with a vested interest mind you) it has no validity.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by denynothing
reply to post by yrwehere1

Personally, thats the reason why they have to put out PSA's for parents about whooping cough. It's making a comeback because people didn't get the vaccine and thus infecting their children.
edit on 4-1-2011 by kalamatas because: bad link

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by AndrewJay

Originally posted by sapient
jrmcleod is correct, but with just a minor correction. It's HIPAA that guarantees you the right to read and obtain copies of your own medical records. They can charge you "reasonable copy fees," but they must provide it to you upon request.

Tetanus is a bacterial infection (also called lockjaw) and a person usually gets it through a break in the skin, like stepping on a nail, or like you, putting your hand through glass. The recommendation is to have a tetanus booster every 10 years. But, when a person goes into the ER with an injury like that, they will usually give another tetanus booster if you haven't had one in the past 5 years.

I have no idea why they would ask you to receive a second tetanus shot only a week after they already gave you one though. That would be much too soon for another booster. Are you sure that the first shot they gave you was a tetanus shot? Could the first one have been an antibiotic shot maybe? Either that, or the hospital that you went to is keeping terrible records to not realize that they had already given you a tetanus booster the week before.

edit on 1/3/2011 by sapient because: can't spell

Nope the woman said here is the Tetanus booster as she stuck the needle in my arm. It was a week to the day that I went back and they had my records opened on the computer and offered me another shot. I told them I just had it a week ago and they said oh ok. I could probably walk in and get one everyday if I wanted to.

Edit: For the record i know what tetanus is and what the shot is for. My concern is the article I linked to as well as just how safe the actual shot is. Ive heard horror stories about the h1n1 vaccine as well as studies linking vaccines to autism in children. The side effects and what is actually in the shot is what concerns me.
edit on 3-1-2011 by AndrewJay because: (no reason given)

A good test to see if you had a Tetannus shot is that your arm is usually sore afterwards, like its been punched and feels bruised. I believe this is because you are injected with a cold liquid straight into your warm muscles. Tetannus is refrigerated.

Was your arm tender the next day?

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by RRokkyy

Originally posted by noobsauce13
People believe that vaccines cause autism and other stuff like that...bottom like without vaccines you had a 2/3 chance of not being alive right now.

Diseases that cause early death are a eugenic mechanism that weeds out the week and defective. Vaccines are thus anti evolutionary resulting in a sicker and sicker population. One in 55 males now get autism after being vaccinated,one in 100 people get schizophrenia.
There is presently no eugenic mechanism in place.

As hard as it is for most people to come to terms with this way of thinking, I for one actually agree with it to a point. These vaccines given at birth not only go against nature and her way of weeding out the weak as we see in almost every other animal on the planet, but instead they actually harm healthy children in the process by causing things like autism and whatever else these shots have been linked to. Is it worth harming those that would grow up to be strong and productive members of our species to save those that nature itself deemed unworthy?

Conspiracy aside, at which point do we cross that line from helping our fellow man to playing god and at which point does it actually do more harm than good in the long run? Im just amazed this thread went past the first page, but I guess its an issue on alot more minds that I thought.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 04:19 AM

Originally posted by jrmcleod

Originally posted by AndrewJay

Originally posted by sapient
jrmcleod is correct, but with just a minor correction. It's HIPAA that guarantees you the right to read and obtain copies of your own medical records. They can charge you "reasonable copy fees," but they must provide it to you upon request.

Tetanus is a bacterial infection (also called lockjaw) and a person usually gets it through a break in the skin, like stepping on a nail, or like you, putting your hand through glass. The recommendation is to have a tetanus booster every 10 years. But, when a person goes into the ER with an injury like that, they will usually give another tetanus booster if you haven't had one in the past 5 years.

I have no idea why they would ask you to receive a second tetanus shot only a week after they already gave you one though. That would be much too soon for another booster. Are you sure that the first shot they gave you was a tetanus shot? Could the first one have been an antibiotic shot maybe? Either that, or the hospital that you went to is keeping terrible records to not realize that they had already given you a tetanus booster the week before.

edit on 1/3/2011 by sapient because: can't spell

Nope the woman said here is the Tetanus booster as she stuck the needle in my arm. It was a week to the day that I went back and they had my records opened on the computer and offered me another shot. I told them I just had it a week ago and they said oh ok. I could probably walk in and get one everyday if I wanted to.

Edit: For the record i know what tetanus is and what the shot is for. My concern is the article I linked to as well as just how safe the actual shot is. Ive heard horror stories about the h1n1 vaccine as well as studies linking vaccines to autism in children. The side effects and what is actually in the shot is what concerns me.
edit on 3-1-2011 by AndrewJay because: (no reason given)

A good test to see if you had a Tetannus shot is that your arm is usually sore afterwards, like its been punched and feels bruised. I believe this is because you are injected with a cold liquid straight into your warm muscles. Tetannus is refrigerated.

Was your arm tender the next day?


posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Here's another without digging too hard.

By the way, just because info was pulled from a book doesn't mean it reeks of anything. I've bought zero books to find all the information I have. What reeks is the massive scare tactics used to promote needless vaccinations for the profit of pharmaceutical companies. Research yourself the stats that you just can't believe because the first link I used pulled it from a book. The stats are there to be found, legitimate as they come, with no other intention than to let people know that health and real immunity come from proper hygiene, sanitation, true nutrition, lifestyle, etc. The stats prove that.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by kalamatas
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Here's another without digging too hard.

By the way, just because info was pulled from a book doesn't mean it reeks of anything. I've bought zero books to find all the information I have. What reeks is the massive scare tactics used to promote needless vaccinations for the profit of pharmaceutical companies. Research yourself the stats that you just can't believe because the first link I used pulled it from a book. The stats are there to be found, legitimate as they come, with no other intention than to let people know that health and real immunity come from proper hygiene, sanitation, true nutrition, lifestyle, etc. The stats prove that.

I agree completely and the sad part is the healthcare industry has turned into more about making money than actually helping people. Its been this way for a long time and you read horror stories of insurance companies telling people to go home and die instead of putting out the money to save their life. This is why these shots and medications are pushed on us.

The simple fact is, those commercials you see on the tv about the newest drugs are being sold by people no better than the drug dealer sitting on the corner down the street. The difference is if you wear a suit and sell it from an office you dont go to prison.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 04:58 AM
Tetanus is so rare you do not even need a vaccine...chances are so slim you would ever get this disease....

How Many People Get Tetanus ?

Tetanus is a condition that is brought on by a strain of bacteria called clostridium tetani. It enters the human body through cuts and wounds, and causes infection. It is found in soil and animal feces. The bacteria give out a toxin which is extremely dangerous for human beings and can cause death.

Tetanus, however, is an extremely rare medical condition in the US, and the country sees less than 100 cases every year. Children are vaccinated frequently whenever they are badly injured. Tetanus is more widespread in countries where there is a lack of sanitation systems and there is an overall problem with hygiene. Children in these countries get affected by tetanus more in number

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by VneZonyDostupa

Originally posted by SunnyDee
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Just like all the different flus over the years, diseases come and go. Some believe that many of the diseases you mention did just that, went away on their own, it probably helps that we live in a cleaner environment than days of old.

Well, then "some people" need to do some research and learn how statistics works. There's a reason we saw sharp decreases in every nation using a given vaccine (all occuring in different years) shortly after the vaccine for that disease was introduced.

Probably started that way so they could get the masses to trust them .

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:06 AM
reply to post by AndrewJay

AFAIK, hospitals need to make money like any business. Sickness and trauma are big business. I've had them want to give me tetanus shots when I didn't need one, leading me to believe they just want to make more money off of a visit.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by Missing Blue Sky

It is rare BECAUSE of the vaccines!

Rabies is very rare in people as well, but one door over from me is a kid that just got a round of shots this past summer, because he was bitten by a rabid raccoon!

It is certainly not worth risking it. I have stepped on rusty nails, driven nails through my hands (nailed myself to a door!), blown myself up (25% of body skin grafts), been stabbed, wrecked motorcycles, been headfirst through multiple windshields, punched through windows, etc. etc.

I am a big fan of tetanus shots! There value should not be underestimated! I only went to the hospital for the skin grafts, one of the windshields, and once I after my hand healed to get glass surgically removed. Most of the time, I patch myself up, call the doctor and get a tetanus booster.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 08:32 AM
I have never really put much thought into it but I recently cut my head open in an accident and had to get staples. I was also given a tetanus shot. It never even crossed my mind to ask why or anything like that. I just assumed they knew what was best. I mean they did ask me if I had had one in the last 3yrs and I told them no so they gave me a booster. I do also recall hearing people being asked throughout the ER.

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 09:47 AM
That vaccine killed my perfectly healthy sister, but first it messed her up. I'll go into details when I have more time

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