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Was This an Abduction?

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posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by soficrow

Care to share?

Probably not. It was just an interesting incident that I wouldn't bore ATS with.

There's a retired English ufologist, Jenny Randles, who investigated her own intriguing experiences. She opted to test the hypnosis route that's been well trodden. Her objectivity and willingness to explore the experience is worth reading about, in my opinion. It's 1991 and as relevant then as it is now.

If you're interested, it's in the first few pages of a long-defunct UFO periodical called Northern UFO News (NUFON). The article is here.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 07:03 PM
Tea, tea, and more tea for you!!

A study of 14,000 adults in China showed 75% fewer strokes with daily black tea, 65% fewer strokes with daily green tea, but only 25% fewer strokes with daily jasmine tea. The more tea the people drank each day, the fewer strokes.
Tea and Stroke Prevention

I drink this gyokuru Japanese green tea, and silver needle Chinese white tea.

Only the best for me because I'm special

edit on 1-1-2011 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Thanks for the link Kandinsky. ...If you can share reading list, please do. I need to get up to speed.

unityemissions - thanks and yes, tea is good.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by soficrow

Hi. Does it really make a difference if others perceive your EXPERIENCE as real or not? One of your visitors could have been a "you" from a "future" pulse in time & space coming "back" to help. Sounds like the visitor was at least respecting your free-will choice to choose... which when it comes right down to it is a great way to proceed in any relationship. Don't you think?
Each of us has a "God" center to tap into when in trouble. And from what I've picked up from so many fear-based posts I've come across on this site thus far, it seems like so many people have forgotten that... and worse don't even believe in that spark to begin with; so they end up not using the greatest resource they have. Working with this source sure has pulled me out of many mind-boggling negative (as perceived rightly or wrongly by me) encounters with others on and off this world. To drive home my point: early on in my "experiences" I awoke to a terrifying mind control attempt by someone/thing. As it was being played out in my consciousness state (I couldn't move otherwise), my natural response was to "run" away from "it." So I went through the episode as being chased in my mind to the point that I was becoming exhausted, when suddenly I "arrived" at what my mind perceived/intuited as my God-center where "it" stopped chasing me. Ergo: always go to the source for answers, protection, etc.!

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by nosarah

Thanks for your comments nosarah.

...Does it really make a difference if others perceive your EXPERIENCE as real or not?

Not at all. But as I said, what I'm looking for is alternate perspective. I am fiercely independent in my thinking, but VERY aware that others have much to offer - new information, different analysis. I listen, collect data, then make up my own mind.

In this case, I am motivated to rethink my -mostly uninterested- opinion about aliens on earth - and it seems to be this memory that's pushing me there.

NOTE to Kandinsky - re: reading list - I meant background showing alien presence - NOT abduction stories. many fear-based posts I've come across on this site...

This is an almost 30 year-old joyful memory that NEVER was suppressed. I have no fear.

...early on in my "experiences" I awoke to a terrifying mind control attempt by someone/thing. As it was being played out in my consciousness state (I couldn't move otherwise), my natural response was to "run" away from "it." So I went through the episode as being chased in my mind to the point that I was becoming exhausted, when suddenly I "arrived" at what my mind perceived/intuited as my God-center where "it" stopped chasing me. Ergo: always go to the source for answers, protection, etc.!

I agree. Another technique I have used is to face and embrace the 'fear' head on - the 'boogeyman' is usually not at all what you thought it was, and the exercise can be unbelievably liberating.

Take care, sofi

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by soficrow

Hi So,

My 'hit' is that you experienced a NDE, that the beings you saw are your higher overlords in other words. You were shown that as an old soul, you had the ability to make your own decission as to whether you stayed and moved on to your next and might I ad higher incarnation.

Although you would not have been able to make the journey in the physical, the transition in your human body, it matters very little because it was your consciousness/heart/soul that they were offering to release from this karmic incarnation and not the body.

As we move through this existence as it is, there are points where if you are from a higher developing soul, you will be given opportunities to check out. You chose to stay even though they warned you about your challenges physically.

Most likely there was a twinsoul at the bottom of this and even though they do not live in the reflection of time as humans do, the being could not bear to watch you suffer and wanted to give you the chance to 'go home".

It is not an easy life when you have already become enlightened in this physical plane and yet decide to come back again to clear any residual harm done to others in past and to be an example to those who have the pleasure to meet you in this one life.

You have chosen to be a catalyst, to jump start other souls to remember and to be here at this critical time in our planets history. You are a being of light or this could have never happened, your dark days of being many many people on this planet are through. You chose your current DNA, your parents and birth.

So now remember to be grateful in everything because when you do this it will become abundantly clear why you chose your future as you are, exactly as you are. Without these challenges you would have been less not more, you can use the entire experience as your final reminder of your ultimate mission, your remembrance of who, what, why, when and where, and that is a gift in and of itself to be cherished and experienced.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by soficrow

well Sofi I also have the same belief that there are many other alien races. Posssibly dozens, maybe even more. like there could be a "race" of aliens that are god and his angels and maybe the ones that abduct people and do horrible experiments on humans.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by RSF77

mee to

posted on Jan, 4 2011 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by antar

Hi antar,

Thank you for your amazingly thoughtful, informed and supportive response. You truly are wise, and a good friend.

My 'hit' is that you experienced a NDE, that the beings you saw are your higher overlords in other words.

I've always understood this particular experience as spiritual, and cherished it as such. It's only recently that I've considered re-considering, and investigating whether or not it was alien contact rather than spiritual.

I've had several NDE's - tunnels, white light, being in a place of consciousness with no senses. This experience was very different - from the 'path' to getting there, to the realities of the 'there.'

Also, I've had lots of conversations with "the ancients" or "higher overlords" as you call them. (I'm pretty sure we mean the same thing.) At different times in my life, I've called on them a lot. …One thing I do, when they are trying to tell me things I can't understand, is ask them to tell me a story that shows me what they are talking about. They're quite happy to and it helps me 'get' the message - they 'transport' me, use pictures and '3-D video' to put me in the middle of the "story." Effective.

…I do know they're not all "good guys" - some are confused and angry tricksters (but easy to spot). My experience is that the 'bad guys' appear when I delve most deeply into meaning and broaden the range. Telling them they're not welcome gets them gone.
NOTE: Some of these lost and confused 'bad guy souls' are very old souls. Go figure.

Point being, this experience was quite different from my other contacts with the ancients.

As we move through this existence as it is, there are points where if you are from a higher developing soul, you will be given opportunities to check out.

Yes! …and I'm pretty sure I've walked away from some really good ones out of pure ignorance.

Most likely there was a twinsoul at the bottom of this and even though they do not live in the reflection of time as humans do, the being could not bear to watch you suffer and wanted to give you the chance to 'go home".

Maybe - I've never been aware of a 'twinsoul' but it could be. My experiences with these 'travels' shows me 'the ancients' are quite aware of pain and suffering, and consider it a normal part of the human experience, of the sensory life. Going home is always an option but seeing it through is better.

You have chosen to be a catalyst, to jump start other souls to remember and to be here at this critical time in our planets history. You are a being of light or this could have never happened, ...

A good part of me thinks embracing that notion would be untenable hubris, and a big step towards narcissistic madness. At the same time, I recognize that knowing one's purpose is essential. …My personal middle ground is in recognizing that: we all have a purpose; finding our purpose and bringing it to consciousness is part of our job; and living and working consciously is what it's all about.

(Remind me to tell you about the 1987-ish past life regression I had with deep tissue massage.)

So now remember to be grateful in everything

Ahh. That wonderful awareness and gratitude after an NDE does go - sometimes it lasts a few years, but the heightened state just doesn't stick. Still, there's always the memory, and at least intellectual knowledge of the substance of the memory. It's hard to live in gratitude but I do, always in some small way, just not with that almost visible glow.

Without these challenges you would have been less not more, you can use the entire experience as your final reminder of your ultimate mission, your remembrance of who, what, why, when and where, and that is a gift in and of itself to be cherished and experienced.

So true! ...The Sufis say, "If you want to increase your power, increase your need."

In my experience and observation, that's how it works. Our 'challenges' create needs that require 'power' to fulfill, and so it is that we acquire what we need to learn and grow and move forward.

I am honored to have you as a friend, wise antar. Thank you for being you, and being here.


posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 05:47 PM
thats a really cool story!if it indeed happen the way u said!
it doesnt matter what people say to u like you are crazy whatever.
if u really believe in it and in your heart u can feel the truth!than its real and it happend!
thats all that counts!
and even if this story is bs and u made it up to entertain us just the fact that u have choosen to stay on earth
really says a lot about the person u are or would like to be.and thats a good person with heart.

posted on Jan, 6 2011 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by macG84

Aw shucks. Thank you.

btw - it really did happen that way. I'm just wondering again, "What the [?] was it that happened?"

Take care.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 03:22 PM
I am honoured that you would share such a deeply personal and cherished memory with us here.
My thoughts too staryed to the possibility of an NDE which you experienced without the realisation of the death part....I believe this may be possible.....(a mini stroke or heart stoppage of short duration, or short circuit causeing a flutter in the hearts motions)
The story fits the scenario, better the younger you actually were....
You may have already studied such things, as i am sure you have been searching since...
I do think the possibility of alien abduction is also very real.
Id even reccomend studying whatever info about child abductions that you may find with an eye to finding parrallels.
It is my belief that there are more than one race of space brothers out there, who are acutely aware of us, and even share a common destiny with us.That space is crowded and teeming with life.
The story of contact so far, has been mixed.
When there have been children involved, the results of the contact seem to differ from adult contacts signifigantly in tone.
In fact it seems to me it is the children and not the adults which are the primary focus much of the time..
Be it that it takes a childhood of familiarity with these beings in order to interact with them fully,or that it is the next generation with which these beings wish to interact.
Many abductions are a generational occurance, and are the logical outflow of prior contact with older family members.
That being said perhaps some discreet iinquiries could be attempted of course as sublty, and delicately as possible.
I do agree that whatever the circumstances, It is what happened to you for real, whether it was an NDE or abduction.I also feel that there was purpose beyond the scope of our understanding at this point.
Whatever you decide may have happened, the effects are the thing, and it really doesnt matter in the long run
what exactly happened, as much as what you do with it and how it moves you through this life.
Having been a witness, and knowing that a larger reality awaits us, though, like you, unsure just what that may mean,i can only say that they are here, they have an affinity for us, and they seek to understand us as much as we would seek to know about them.That they await our comming out with eager anticipation, as if there is something about our humanity which will make us a valued and precious part of their reality
Some things we are not given to know the fullness of...yet i cant help but think that what we have been shown is as much as we could handle at this time collectively.
The feeling i get is simply that we are too limited by our physicality.and cannot yet comprehend beyond our three solid dimensions, either spiritually or physically.
But i believe that we are working towards full contact from both sides of the gulf that lies between us.
I here add my gratitude for your earnest and straightforeward post,which i hope may bring forth some further wisdom from those who have read and identify with it.
peace bro s

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