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Denmark arrests four over 'Muhammad cartoon plot'

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posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by RedGolem
Just in case any one would like to see any of the Mohamed images, hear is a link that will take you to a page with a collection of them.
edit on 29-12-2010 by RedGolem because: spelling

Very disrespectful

Whether intentional or not, you have no idea how disrespectful and insulting those cartoons are.

(IMO) Nothing positive can be gained from insults.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by lurkee
Very disrespectful

Whether intentional or not, you have no idea how disrespectful and insulting those cartoons are.

(IMO) Nothing positive can be gained from insults.

It might be disrespectful, but enough to kill people over?

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by lurkee

Whether intentional or not, you have no idea how disrespectful and insulting those cartoons are.

(IMO) Nothing positive can be gained from insults.

Nothing positive can be gained from insults, ok that is a fair statement. So how about positive things gained from people killing other people because of a comic drawing? Or people, or leaders of organizations calling for people any where to kill people because of a drawing?
As soon as that stops there will be no reason to post a link for a comic on a conspiracy site.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by jerico65

It might be disrespectful, but enough to kill people over?

My last reply in this thread

I know this thread will turn in to a hate festival therefore would like to make it clear that this is my last post.

Is it enough to kill people over?

No, people shouldn't kill because of an insult, but let's put all the facts together to create perspective.

-Muslims are very sensitive towards their prophet.
-Insulting the prophet causes anger.
-Anger can cause a person act irrationally, killing someone for an insult is an irrational act.

Let's put a better question on the table:

"Can it cause someone's death?"

Yes, people shouldn't throw insults that can get them killed, but let's put all the facts together to create perspective.

-Westerners are very sensitive towards freedom of speech.
-Westerners get emotional when freedom of speech is attacked (anger).
-Anger can cause a person to act irrationally, anger usually drives Westerners to draw more cartoons of the prophet.

All the information, on both sides put on the table, the solution to this problem is so simple that you wouldn't even imagine how simple it is.

Don't give the damn cartoons any attention.
When the media magnifies childish cartoons, then Muslims react causing more attention, then that attention in media causes more Muslim reaction which causes even more attention in media.

There needs to be responsibility. How is drawing a cartoon an important news? It is all about ratings (greed). Greed has pushed the media to create chaos intentionally risking peoples lives and creating hate.

Muslims also need to stop giving the cartoons damn attention, these cartoons are nothing but insults, why would they want to spend their focus and energy on insults? Why don't they put their focus and energy on GOD and on something better.
edit on 29-12-2010 by lurkee because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 06:59 PM
Why not and shift and send all the Muslims back to the middle east if they don't like it?

1.first they didn't liked when we say Merry Christmas, so the media scums and others re changed that to happy holidays, yet only Christians celebrate dec 25, other so called holidays aren't even on dec 19-20, yes i know the Jewish people have there own hanukkah but.

Hanukkah Dec 1-Dec 9
Christmas Dec 25

Diwali the dates of this festival may be subject to change according to the position of the moon.

So again Muslims are offended even the slights mention of Christ, and are more even offended when artists pictures of Muhammad? haven't they heard the words freedom of expression before?

And yet Islam forbids women of everything.

Well either way, i don't want my Europe to be turned into a Islamic Paradise.

edit on 29-12-2010 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 08:17 PM
I see a misunderstanding of many ignorant, well, caring people who have based there beliefs unto what they think is not the right state of mind, the positive and true moral sequence we have been endowed to believe from the Government(s). But we forget we are believing other peoples views on this, we are not trusting our own opinion on what is wrong and what is right, our morals have been totally controlled by the higher power.

Now to get to my point; It is human nature that when distrupted and attacked emotionally, verbally, physically, and once endured, there mind will react in the most violent way in any situation, there emotions take control of them and they are set out to fix what they feel is an attack to them. Many people feel this, not just religious, but other such as emotions abuse to a level that makes them attack and even kill the culprit, see'ing this in my life, I can see this as a pretty good fact. That is why once a person is sucumbed once, twice, over and over again, even bringing them to the right mental state makes them violent to any situation they feel is an attack.

One more issue I would like to bring up to many of the people who say "if you do not like this country leave it", a few days ago I was wondering that also and watched a video, the man said "I will, once you leave mine" I thought, that right there is a solid anwser, when a country is destroyed to it's knees, people will have to emigrate, and they will complain of what is done to there country, it's only natural, and once there country is back to a healthy state, which could take a year, or it could take a hundred years, depending on the rehabilitation, but when the damage is done, it brings many side affects until it's fixed. That's about it.

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by q_ball
reply to post by Arbitrageur

you can say the same about any faith...what are the catholic priets doing to stop all the pedophile allegations?? Are they actively reporting there clergy men? No, what happens is a harasment claim is brought forward by a victim then something happens, unless your in the vatican which protects them. See? How comments can go both ways. You need to stop being so hateful and open your eyes

OK its bad, what you said about Catholics above and I think its as equally disgusting as what the OP has bought to our attention. I despise all organised religions equally. Now with that out the way, pointing out other religions to somehow justify these terrorist actions! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by lurkee

Originally posted by RedGolem
Just in case any one would like to see any of the Mohamed images, hear is a link that will take you to a page with a collection of them.
edit on 29-12-2010 by RedGolem because: spelling

Very disrespectful

Whether intentional or not, you have no idea how disrespectful and insulting those cartoons are.

(IMO) Nothing positive can be gained from insults.

But why is it disrespectful?

Surely satire and parody is a symbol of free speech?

And even if it is disrespectful, why should disrespect earn a brutal death?

posted on Dec, 29 2010 @ 10:29 PM
The original cartoon incident is about five years old and the relentless pursuit of revenge over it is very troubling and should raise a red flag in everyone's mind. It also shines a light on the disturbing mentality of these extremists.

I've seen cartoons, artwork and parodies of Jesus that are far worse.

Reminds me of what Salman Rushdie was subject to for writing "The Satanic Verses". The Ayatollah issued a fatwa on him in 1989 for writing a book that the extremists didn't like. A bounty was placed on his head and the threats still come in after 21 years.

Makes you want to go Hmmm.... What the hell is wrong with these people.

edit on 29-12-2010 by jibeho because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by RedGolem
Just in case any one would like to see any of the Mohamed images, hear is a link that will take you to a page with a collection of them.
edit on 29-12-2010 by RedGolem because: spelling

Thanks for the link, Redgolem! Ut, oh. Soon some morons will try to kill you or the operators of ATS!

I've seen a few of them before.

It's a good thing that Mohammed wasn't born into this time period. Because there would be photos of him all over the internet and the world! There would probably be wholesale destruction. lol

Hmmmmm.........I'm beginning to see some sort of plot that might cause Islamic idiots to turn upon each other and maybe the worst of them might die.

I'm happy these idiots were caught. But I also hope that this isn't some sort of false flage situation. Paranoid much? Well. this is ATS, right?

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by lurkee

Originally posted by jerico65

It might be disrespectful, but enough to kill people over?

My last reply in this thread

I know this thread will turn in to a hate festival therefore would like to make it clear that this is my last post.

Is it enough to kill people over?

No, people shouldn't kill because of an insult, but let's put all the facts together to create perspective.

-Muslims are very sensitive towards their prophet.
-Insulting the prophet causes anger.
-Anger can cause a person act irrationally, killing someone for an insult is an irrational act.

Let's put a better question on the table:

"Can it cause someone's death?"

Yes, people shouldn't throw insults that can get them killed, but let's put all the facts together to create perspective.

-Westerners are very sensitive towards freedom of speech.
-Westerners get emotional when freedom of speech is attacked (anger).
-Anger can cause a person to act irrationally, anger usually drives Westerners to draw more cartoons of the prophet.

All the information, on both sides put on the table, the solution to this problem is so simple that you wouldn't even imagine how simple it is.

Don't give the damn cartoons any attention.
When the media magnifies childish cartoons, then Muslims react causing more attention, then that attention in media causes more Muslim reaction which causes even more attention in media.

There needs to be responsibility. How is drawing a cartoon an important news? It is all about ratings (greed). Greed has pushed the media to create chaos intentionally risking peoples lives and creating hate.

Muslims also need to stop giving the cartoons damn attention, these cartoons are nothing but insults, why would they want to spend their focus and energy on insults? Why don't they put their focus and energy on GOD and on something better.
edit on 29-12-2010 by lurkee because: (no reason given)

What's your point? Westerners have their sensitivities and muslims have theirs, we all know that. the fact is muslims can keep their sensitivities in their own countries and this was a WESTERN country.. You're drawing a completely false comparison between how muslims feel about things in the west vs how the west feels about the west.

If you're going to compare reactions to these comics and freedom of speech then talk about freedom of speech in muslim countries. Maybe you couldnt think to do that because such a thing doesnt exist.
edit on 30-12-2010 by Valdestine because: typo

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by jibeho

I've seen cartoons, artwork and parodies of Jesus that are far worse.

Reminds me of what Salman Rushdie was subject to for writing "The Satanic Verses". The Ayatollah issued a fatwa on him in 1989 for writing a book that the extremists didn't like. A bounty was placed on his head and the threats still come in after 21 years.

Your reference to Rushide is a good point to note. It is that mentality which makes me want to post this thread so people are aware of it. I don't care what you blame it on, be it organized religion or not, but that kill everyone who disagrees with me mentality is what needs to stop.
I have also see cartoon of other religions that are far worse, weather I like them or I don't I don't shugest people go kill the cartoonist.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 08:27 AM
I live amongst people from the Middle East. There are lots of Muslims here from everywhere in the world.

I will have to admit that people from the Middle East and Pakistan do seem to have short fuses and are highly emotional as a normal state of being. When I observe them interacting it frequently looks like they are fighting or arguing, but are just expressing themselves with uber exhuberance.

Then again, my first boyfriend's Italian family was a lot like that.

I get the impression that this sort of emotionalism is something they expect; kind of opposite to what the part of the world influenced by the UK expects. It could be part of the picture.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by wayno

thanks for posting

Also I do think I can see your point of just having a lot of exuberance. I just also feel that does not mean it is ok to call for some one to be killed, much less setting up to do just that.
Also I like your signature.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 11:04 AM
As much as I am pro acceptance of Muslims into the west, I am also extremely intollerant of any kind of radical an/or violent teachings. I feel that any and all such behaniour must be met with strong opposition.

Clerics or Mullas teaching hatred and violence aught to be tried and either sent to jail or deported. The rest can stay.

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by wayno

good words for those who preach hatred. Unforchently your idea to just put the hate mongers in jail or deport them is something that wont happen. That goes along with free speech. Once the free speech is gone so will be any other chance of still able to live with any amount of freedom.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:38 AM
I know it's not PC to ever be critical of Islam, but Islam is not a personal faith practice, it's a world conquering extremist cult, that does not accept freedom. if a Muslim decides they don't want to be Muslim, they get killed. Christians and Buddhists in majority Muslim nations are often attacked and killed. If a Muslims daughter wears blue jeans or make up, she is often killed by her own family. Islam is like the anti-thesis of freedom and tolerance. of course not all Muslims think that way, but a large enough segment does, and I believe they have many silent adherants, that makes it a big problem in a modern civilized society that believes in freedom and tolerance.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by tom502

you do make a good point. This thread is about intolerance which all to often seems to be the norm. That idea is also talked about with the Christians being the ones being perssacuted here.
edit on 31-12-2010 by RedGolem because: spelling

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:59 AM
Just sounds like an excuse to start trouble to me.
I mean the cartoons were over 5 years ago now and they want to get revenge now?
Something is incredibly sus about this.
Throw in Katies Couraks ridiculous comment about making a Muslim comedy like the Bill Cosby Show and it all looks like they are trying to drum up something sinister.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard

Originally posted by lurkee

Originally posted by RedGolem
Just in case any one would like to see any of the Mohamed images, hear is a link that will take you to a page with a collection of them.
edit on 29-12-2010 by RedGolem because: spelling

Very disrespectful

Whether intentional or not, you have no idea how disrespectful and insulting those cartoons are.

(IMO) Nothing positive can be gained from insults.

But why is it disrespectful?

Surely satire and parody is a symbol of free speech?

And even if it is disrespectful, why should disrespect earn a brutal death?

Try making a parody or a satirical comment about the Holocaust in Denmark and see how far it will get you. You will spend a minimum of 5 years in prison for expressing your free speech.

edit on 31-12-2010 by Ilovecatbinlady because: (no reason given)

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