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WikiLeaks Is Not A CIA Psy-Ops

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posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by wcitizen

I dont see how I could do that.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by MemoryShock

It's not a Psy Op, per se, but it is part of the agenda. It's simple Problem, Reaction Solution theory. I explain further in this post.

When they're done with this, you will have fewer freedoms than you did before they started it.
edit on 6-12-2010 by smokinsinger because: spelling

edit on 6-12-2010 by smokinsinger because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by tristar

I don't understand your question. There is info on Israel in the cables if you go and read it. Screenshot of what?

Well how about, troop deployment, recent imports via the suez canal and its recent delivery of primers. Ooops..i forgot this is ats and not wiki.

Sorry, but I don't understand a word of what you are talking about. Like I said, I didn't understand your question - and this post hasn't clarified that... I see no ball!
edit on 6-12-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-12-2010 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by MR BOB
reply to post by wcitizen

I dont see how I could do that.

No, exactly. But you can access the cables and read the information on Israel, and other countries.


posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by MemoryShock

it would seem so from this side of the television.

but if all of that were to be true, why is it only on this one controlled leak, from this one person? bradley manning's leak has been their sole focus for almost a year now.wheres all the other leaks? surely with all the WORLDWIDE publicity they should have had a few other submissions by now

our own ATS user's have attempted to submit material, to no avail. the entire process can only be described as extremely questionable.

and id like to bring another issue ive had for some time now back to light.

i keep hearing people talk about how millions (ive heard many figures) of armed service personnel have the same "secret" access, that manning had. yet nobody asks the question of, why hasnt somebody else leaked any of the same material if so many people had the same access?

you want to know why? because its all encrypted, and a lost cause trying to steal.

oh have we already forgotten the earliest days of this story? yes i remember it now, they were constantly begging for money and donations to (and i quote) "BUY MORE COMPUTERS TO DECRYPT THE FILES!!!" this went on and on, keeping everybody in suspense in typical Hollywood fashion, which is a strategy they seem to live by. so you mean to tell me that the CHINESE, the RUSSIANS, the TERRORISTS, with their vast resources, in all this time, havent been able to succeed in obtaining and decrypting these same files.....but one lone hacker, with the help of donations/computers, and a cd with "lady gaga" written on it, was able to pull it off?

pardon while i ROFL

the whole thing is playing out like a movie, it started out that way and jumped right into this particular plot and hasnt stopped.. it even had a debut remember? collateral damage? i remember it read something like " to be shown in 2 weeks at the whateveritwascalled film festival". whats with all the advertising, and media tactics if this isnt fiction? here we are in december already and they still havent "released" it all. all of this to me contradicts what they and the media are trying to portray.

im sorry OP but everything about this screams fake. and coupled with all the accusations from people in the know ( agents) it leads me to believe that this has to play in to whatever their agenda is. as backwards as it seems.

addition: ask somebody back when the US first invaded iraq if 9/11 and the war could have been orchestrated issues, and most people wouldnt be able to fathom "why" a government would attack itself and go to all those lengths, to what end?

ask them the same question now post iraq, after no WMD's and nothing to show for it all but an expensive police state, and its all too clear...
edit on 6-12-2010 by RelentlessLurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 11:55 AM
At some point, this entire matter stopped being a logical discussion and became emotionally based rubbish.

The mechanism for trusting one group of shadowy individuals because they are 'exposing' another group of shadowy individuals the first group doesn't trust is identical and just frankly seems ridiculous to me. It certainly didn't take long for a creepy hero-worship type of cult like mentality to rise around the central figure here. CIA front or not, what does that even matter? The entire thing is a sideshow.

Gov/Obamatrons vs Assangophiles---two sets of blind followers both calling the other side 'sheep'. Damn.

It reads like the last few lines Animal Farm to me.
edit on 12/6/2010 by Clark Savage Jr. because: Clarity

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by Clark Savage Jr.

The mechanism for trusting one group of shadowy individuals because they are 'exposing' another group of shadowy individuals the first group doesn't trust is identical and just frankly seems ridiculous...

Exactly. The hurdle most people simply refuse to jump is the fact that ultimately, it's the SAME group of shadowy individuals behind ALL of this on both sides. If the real agenda were suddenly being exposed, the info and the people exposing it would be gone before you know it and likely even systematically erased from the memories of every single person on the face of the Earth via satellite, time travel, or some other means. It wouldn't be headline news like Wikileaks.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 02:17 PM
I agree....Well laid out thread, thank you...


posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

You are 100% right. If Wikileaks never had done what they did, many Americanas today would give a sh** less about the government, Iraq, or economy.
whether or not they are Fake or not, at least more people care now.
edit on 6-12-2010 by mr10k because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by smokinsinger
reply to post by Clark Savage Jr.

The mechanism for trusting one group of shadowy individuals because they are 'exposing' another group of shadowy individuals the first group doesn't trust is identical and just frankly seems ridiculous...

Exactly. The hurdle most people simply refuse to jump is the fact that ultimately, it's the SAME group of shadowy individuals behind ALL of this on both sides. If the real agenda were suddenly being exposed, the info and the people exposing it would be gone before you know it and likely even systematically erased from the memories of every single person on the face of the Earth via satellite, time travel, or some other means. It wouldn't be headline news like Wikileaks.

This this is why thing like "Wikileaks is decieving you" gets created. people really think the government is G-O-D and that they have the power to wipe out whoever they want.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by RelentlessLurker
but if all of that were to be true, why is it only on this one controlled leak, from this one person? bradley manning's leak has been their sole focus for almost a year now.wheres all the other leaks? surely with all the WORLDWIDE publicity they should have had a few other submissions by now

I am doubtful that all of this material came from one person. Besides, they now have a spin off...

A group of former members of WikiLeaks is planning to launch its own whistleblowing platform in mid-December, according to a German newspaper. The activists criticize WikiLeaks for concentrating too much on the US and want to take a broader approach.


posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by mr10k

You obviously haven't done much research.

Go to the Project Camelot website and look at all the interviews from inside sources who talk about the supremely advanced technology the world governments have. It's likely thousands of years in advance of the possibilities we are even currently aware of.

Also, look into Brandon Levon's research. The people / entities that truly run the world have been around for a VERY VERY VERY long time and are therefore extremely experienced at deceiving the masses. You're not giving them enough credit.

Edit: There were airplanes in ANCIENT EGYPT for Chrissakes, and the people in charge now are descendents of those who were in charge then!! What makes you think they can't wipe out whoever they want? If they continued to advance from that time until today, who knows what they're capable of now??
edit on 6-12-2010 by smokinsinger because: add

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by schrodingers dog

You are absolutely spot-on.

People do not like others to rattle the bars of their carefully created prisons of cognitive dissonance.
We, as a species, are conditioned to constantly fear the world around, so, we build our own little walled mental enclaves so as to be less afraid. When something throws reality over that wall, we panic, and try to enforce said wall. Simple psychology really.

It is the grand-scale variation of the way some victims of very traumatizing experiences, close themselves to that experience. Our mind is very well capable of doing that, if only to be able to function in daily life.

Politics, power games, power in general, failed idealism, has traumatized us pretty significant over the ages, and it is only the mentally strong that can face the trauma, and it's sources head-on without trying to stash away the more painful parts..

Sometimes something else has to jolt reality into our walled-in conscience, unpleasant as it may be. Ultimately we will be the better for it.

Wikileaks has only begun to throw reality over our walls. Be prepared for many more, and significantly more shocking revelations.

I, f.i. cannot wait until the Bank-related stuff gets publicized. Probable is that it will enforce what most of us already knew, but didn't want to think about too deeply, because desperation would be at our doorsteps...

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by tristar

Hello tristar.

Interesting and while I can agree that there are some similarities there is a very distinct difference in the recent years with Vietnam. Remember, information was propagated on a stagnant level, as in there was almost no choice for the majority to accept the presented information. The internet has changed that. I repeat that all over ATS but only because I think that it is worthy of note since we now can view information exchange on an instantaneous level.

What does this do?

For one, it takes away some of the authority and as well opens up nationalities.

This isn't a strictly nationalistic international paradigm but one that uses nationalism for corporate/economic gain. As well, the internal politics of any given nation is indeed worthy of a look see since we have officials elected or appointed based on corporate affiliation or even theistic mores and some cases it is a manipulation of basic ideaology that opens the door for many of our elected officials.

I can still appreciate the Vietnam reference and any analysis of global trend would be remiss to not look into the economy that a war can effect but I am perhaps thinking it is time to look beyond national boundaries and find that money and power seekers ignore such boundaries...and perhaps even at times effect international opinion and stability for such purposes.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by infinite

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
I think the mere fact the owner of wiki denies 911 truth and ET/UFO topics as crazy people is a HUGE red flag.

How is it? Just because Assange does not share your views, and others, on certain subjects does not make him a CIA operative

Quite offended by this post because you use this line of 'reasoning' - it is obscure and out of context. And completely wrong.

I don't care if ASSanage doesn't agree with ME. i couldn't give a flying rodents foot if someone agrees with me or not. I NEVER said he was a CIA operative at all.

I think WIKI is CIA - simple as that. Now Assanage - is he in on it or not, is he brainwashed like every other CIA monkey? I don't know. But you cannot ASSume that because he doesn't agree with me personally I think he personally is a spook. Look before you leap 2003 - you should know better mate.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 05:08 PM
Both Obama and Assange have a shadowy past. Why?

Answer: They are not of this world. Yes fellas, they are indeed ETs.

That's why Assange is still able to operate and still 'alive', he's protected by galactic forces to ensure he carries out this mission which will lead to ARRESTs (ongoing right now)/RESIGNATIONS and REFORMATIONS.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by galactictuan

So are you saying they're on our side, or are you saying they're part of the NWO agenda? I can't imagine the NWO allowing a friendly ET to stay in office or leak files without at least trying to take him out (that means politics first, and if that doesn't work, nukes, wars, advanced tech - everything in their power).

But here's the million dollar question. Can you back this up with real, provable fact? If you can't, then you need to consider alternative possibilities.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 12:47 AM
WL is forced to be slow and methodic. It makes no sense to dump the mother-load if people aren't ready to accept the truth and its consequences. WL has no choice but first gauge public interest. Dumping everything now on audience that is unsympathetic is wasteful and counterproductive. This will have to be ramped up as perceptions change. It may never come to that point if the masses aren't willing to wake up from their stupor.

WL also has to assess resistance against them. Like two fighters entering the ring for the first round. It's a feeling out period so that you can begin to build a strategy on how to proceed. WL could not have known what the initial beating was going to be like until actually entering the ring.

I also feel they are giving TPTB a chance to do the right thing. To change course and make right. If they refuse, the dial gets turned up a notch.

This 'process' seems normal and does not in any way send up a red flag in my eyes. I'll agree, for now, that they appear to be who they claim to be. I have no choice but give them the benefit of the doubt.
edit on 7-12-2010 by Cablespider because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by MemoryShock

I tend to disagree, and I've written briefly about the problem of toting Wikileaks as the epitome of transparency and why it should be questioned in another thread:

Wikileaks does not foster transparency worldwide - it's rather a convenient scapegoat that legitimizes government agencies' attempts to harden their system, tightly control information, create an air of mistrust and thus legitimizes and quickens the removal of freedoms and rights in the name of security.

Wikileaks (and any "damage" that may come from it, no matter if it's just media spin) effectively manipulates public opinion on transparency and state-secrecy crackdowns, separating this opinion into two spheres:

1) The people who agree with the feds and think that the internet is a dangerous place and insecure technology will be the downfall of their lifestyle, and that there should be increased funding for securing information and outlawing "dangerous" sites (in which case, the Wikileaks disinfo campaign has served its purpose)

2) The people who think that Wikileaks represents pure information, that we're peeking behind the veil. They thus demand this sort of transparency from other bodies, and say we should all support and send our secret docs to such a noble cause (in which case, Wikileaks has effectively monopolized control over supposedly secret or leaked information, and serves the purpose to a) mislead people into believing that what is leaked must be the raw truth, and can thus release any information that serves any given geopolitical agenda at any given time, and b) this faux-truth floods the media, thus becoming "fact", and may distract the masses from truly important events)

Notice how the MSM has largely failed to question the legitimacy of the documents, or even Wikileaks itself - an organization notorious for its secretiveness (funding, members, cryptic tweets and password protected nonsense, withholding a majority of the large amount of leaked docs it receives thanks to it's domination in the media etc.) There is no mainstream public debate on the authenticity of Wikileaks. This should sound some alarms.

This is a new era of information wars - control perception, and you control the world. Check out the Information Operations Roadmap personally approved by Donald Rumsfeld (in my linked post above) to see how the U.S. is explicitly seeking and heavily funding PSYOPs campaigns on the internet, with the timeline closely matching the emergence of Wikileaks. I refuse to take Wikileaks at face value and assume it's truthful and altruistic - it's way too politically infused for that, and the current clamor in the U.S. to censor the internet and lockdown information, which was instigated and is perpetuated by the existence of Wikileaks, makes it seem like the website is closely serving this paranoid agenda. The biggest mistake right now would be to glorify the potential enemy.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 01:38 AM
Good post.

The OP seems convinced that WL is pure as the fallen snow in it's motivation. I do not have the inside info to make that assumption, personally.

I am all for the disclosure of those docs that show the world what is truth. I agree with the OP that it is BigGov that puts our military men "in harms way", not those who expose the lies we have been fed by TPTB. BigGov has learned that "...your sins will find you out." For that I am most appreciative.

My only caution is that we do not give into the temptation of embracing an unknown person or group as our champion based on appearance. A con-man in the classical sense attempts to mislead you by convincing you that :he is "on your side". He then manipulates you to work with him and even promote the idea that he alone can save the day. He then springs his con, whatever it be. I'm not saying WL is a con-job. I don't know. I do know human nature dictates caution in matters of motivation.

Time will tell.

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