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Black Nobility Exposed Video With Names

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posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by King Seesar

Hi King Seesar,

I think you've made an excellent point. A close friend of mine was shown a Thought Monitoring System at Stanford which they told him could scan the thoughts of anyone whose coordinates you entered. It appears that they may have graduated to other levels beyond Ultra.


posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart
reply to post by mistermonculous

Hi Mister Monculous,

Actually I haven't lost my sense of humor as you gave me a good laugh when you made what seemed to be a reference to me as a person with a delicate mind and prone to paranoia. While the first is quite true of my childhood, and understandably so, and the latter became a logical response to very threatening circumstances, I have become "rather solid" psychologically speaking, possibly due to having to overcome many difficulties.

I beg your pardon regarding my earlier statements. They were insensitive, and just as I have no means of confirming or refuting a significant proportion of the information presented here, I also have no means of ascertaining your psychological state.

Regardless, your sifting through the discrepancies in this thread is quite attentive to details as possibly being more relevant than more salient points. At ATS this is not customary, and is at least for me a welcome renewal of the discussion.

As for my keen eye for detail, well; I am an avid follower of breadcrumb trails, and have been known to spot cunningly hidden Easter Eggs well into June.

Is your background in the esoteric and the occult, leading to a certain distance towards mundane preoccupations which are subliminal if not downright holographic ?

My areas of interest are varied and ever-changing. Emerging mythologies, however, comprise a topic which has always illicted inordinate facination in me. It is here on the ragged edge of Western culture, where the twin fountainheads of fear and faith gush untempered by reason or mitigating facts that the new myths are to be found.

Are you experienced in structuring influence on others' minds and if so was this on your own or within a group with such a vocation ?

My word, no! To the contrary, I am strongly inclined to think that public discourses such as the one we are currently engaged in are precisely the sort of thing which acts as a tonic against that sort of thing. In fact, I am taken with the notion that public discourse encompassing a diverse and numerous cross-section of participants is key to our collective development.

During a recent discussion on the subject of the social value of internet forums, a good friend pointed out that the internet is not ancient Greece, to which I replied; "Quite right, but I remain a Greek." By which I mean that upholding this sort of principle should not be situationally dependent, and that even should the forum body consist of poorly educated and belligerent participants (a common complaint among users), that the exchange of ideas holds a value which transcends the quality of the ideas being expressed.

Let the record state, furthermore, that CIAgypsy's last post resolved many of my questions to my satisfaction.
There are three qualities in a poster which I find distasteful in any context: disingenuousness, a tendancy to muddy the semantic waters, and vulgarity. I believed her to be exhibiting two out of the three traits listed above, and was a tad garrulous toward her as a result. Though my reservations were allayed by her last post, I still disagree with her on the point of relativism in communication.

I agree that a perfect understanding between two parties in any given conversation can, by definition, never be reached due to the subjective nature of the mind. I agree also that one is not responsible for the the listener's biases, nor for how the substance of one's communication is ultimately interpreted by the listener. I still feel the speaker bears a responsibility to make a good faith attempt to have their ideas (and should there be an emotional subtext, their motivations) accurately apprehended by the listener. This may entail framing one's
conversations with the temperament and biases of the listener in mind, though not to the extent that the content is compromised. If the aim is not to be correctly understood, then what is the point of communicating at all?

I would also doggedly aver that presenting oneself as subscribing to an idea one believes to be false is fundamentally dishonest, however benevolent one's intentions might be. It also seems to me to be a particularly ineffective form of communication.


posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

Yea i'v posted a link to a youtube video a few times where Donald Rumsfeld admited they were working on such things as direct energy weapons, he said this a few years back so it's no secret they have this technology and it should come as no suprise that there testing it on people.....

As far as the Thought Monitoring System at Stanford this technology has been around for a little while there just now perfecting it which is scary, i'm on record as saying this type of technology should have never been created it's in direct violation as our rights as humans too have free willl....

On a related note did you know that they have created a stereo system in which when placed in a certin direction only the person wanting to listen to music or what ever can here it and no one else it's beamed right into your head via satellite, some one on here posted a topic about it not so long ago, both the Monitoring System you talked about and the the stereo system i'v talked about are some of what is implemented in direct energy weapons.....

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by mistermonculous

Hi Mister Monculous,

No apologies needed, I actually like getting a candid glimpse of the impression I may make on other people, even if I find it is quite different from my self-image. It is true that I have pushed prudence to the extreme due to possibly unsettling experiences in the past as well as because of the need to fend off a barrage of misfortunes which most people have difficulty in believing can exist is such measure. It is easier to be cautious and then relax, than to be carefree and contend with the unexpected.

Regarding your observations about discussions being worthwhile, we can assume that when those who meet are sufficiently different to warrant an exchange yet sufficiently receptive to one another to learn this is known to be the source of civilization. So I'm glad to meet you here and hope to chat again soon. Today this is especially important because of the concerted or incumbant effort to decivilize our world by those who might have an interest in substituting for our ideas and values their own interest and control. Meanwhile, back on topic... with an anecdote.

I grown up, and a young man, I asked a childhood friend who a member of one of the old Italian families of Black Nobility, in marriage. We had known one another for some 15 years and our romance was as passionate as they get. My proposal became the laughing stock of her entourage, posted onto her kitchen wall for its share of jeers. That's what they like, it is a culture of humiliation and mockery whenever sentiment is sincere. It has in some instances merged with the 'real' jetset, not those "nouveau riches" in the people magazines. They are so creepy that some even believe them to be stealth aliens posing as humans, given their utter absence of humane propriety.


posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by King Seesar

King Seesar,

I shall recontact my friend who is overseas at this time. I'll ask him some more details but will protect his identity. What is interesting is that he was shown this for professional reasons, having to do with the Stanford University, and they showed it to him "in operation" which really freaked him out. He didn't mention how it worked as it didn't appear that they were sharing its technology with him, only what it could do. He told me they could tune into ANYBODY's brain, read their mind and even change their thoughts !


posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 01:58 AM
I'm back in touch with him and will give more info on that unit at Stanford. In the meanwhile here's an interesting piece about MK Ultra Mind Control programming, in which Human Sacrifice is used to exercise power over other people's minds by satanic abuse: at minute 7:00 we learn of the CIA's involvement aided by Nazi scientist Dr Josef Mengele who concludes at minute 9:50 that "Trauma bonding and mind control work best when the victim is forced to kill someone they love, usually a Twin".

It is important to note that this method of controlling people's minds using human sacrifice in rituals is ages old, dating back further than most known religions and spans most continents. The contemporary undercurrent beneath today's political power and informational influence is a branch of such a Satanic sect which was carried forward from Babylon to Canaan, on to the Khazar region and later through to Venice and its Black Nobility as well as further North into the Bavarian Illuminati which expanded into the USA from whence it was founded.

For this reason we will note a similarity in methods and practices between what is revealed in this thread, namely the ritual abuse by the Saxe Coburg Gotha family ruling both the United Kingdom and Belgium with its other branch, and those revealed as being quite extensive among the Illuminati in the USA and elsewhere in the world. Given what they go through to gain access to the lofty Elite and its power, one can legitimately say that they have sold their souls to the devil.

For the CIA with its hosts of Nazi experts did little more than extend massively beyond the natural boundaries of a few select families the methods used for gaining total power over people's minds and will. CIA mind control is therefore only the corollary of Aristocratic Rule using whatever means might be required to gain total power. For this reason the CIA has been known to be just as ruthless as the worse tyrants, and for no mystery has gone on to undertake during the past half century a wide sweeping sponsorship of tyrants and dictators.

CIA/NSA Satanist Inter-penetration at minute 2:00


edit on 23-4-2011 by Getsmart because: the Satanists are our Leaders running the world !

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

Cool can't wait to hear about the unit at Stanford in the mean time here is the video link to Donald Rumsfeld from a few years back admiting that America is working on direct energy weapons.....

Here's another video detailing what a TI (Targeted Individuals) is and sometimes gos through....

Also if anyone is a target of such technology or is being gang (organized) stalked or is just intrested in the mater here's a website were you can learn more about these types of things......

edit on 24-4-2011 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart
reply to post by King Seesar

Hi King Seesar,

I think you've made an excellent point. A close friend of mine was shown a Thought Monitoring System at Stanford which they told him could scan the thoughts of anyone whose coordinates you entered. It appears that they may have graduated to other levels beyond Ultra.


Wouldn't something like this be illegal? It would seem that some inventions would be a violation of human rights and therefore illegal! Have you actually seen this machine work yourself?

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 04:22 PM
Woh! Those are some creepy a$$ videos!

I read the first two pages of this thread and there is something I don't understand. If the po' suspected these sick sadistic ****s were doin' this to kids, why not raid the compound to catch them in the act?

earlier today I was searchin illuminati stuff online and came across a new blog about mind control and child abuse that is similar to this thread. this is some messed up s**t! I mean, really! Who does this to little kids? I was blown away and it looks like the blog is only getting started. Should be interesting to follow and see what kind of s**t this lady reveals!

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 03:40 AM
I know the first youtube video on this topic has been deleted but here's another link to the video...

I feel it's a pretty important video and should be seen....

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by King Seesar
I know the first youtube video on this topic has been deleted but here's another link to the video...

I feel it's a pretty important video and should be seen....


I wasn't aware the other one was deleted, but this one looks as full of blatant BS as the original one. Just like the old one, this one is full of the same lies, rumors, and nonsense as the first one. One change does stick out between the two videos.... At least in this one, the individual who put together the clip doesn't claim that the paintings of the children are kids who have been sacrificed in rituals. The children were actually painted by Princess Stephanie and are advertized on her website. They were not "sacrificed children" by any means.

There are still a bunch of other lies on the clip that HAVEN'T been changed yet.... One example (cause I know you are going to ask....), the clip of Prince Phillipe with the "Monarch Beta Sex Slave." This was previously pointed out too.... The woman is Patricia Zeevaert who was at an event with her BOYFRIEND (now husband) Phillipe Gilbert. She just happened to be sitting NEXT TO Prince Phillipe and a cameraman caught him scoping out her "landscape," so to speak.

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 10:44 PM
One persons BS is what another person considers very important information to get out and to inspire Serve and Protect Mode. This is very real situation. And If I was posting against a topic, I'd want to be 100% certain it wasn't endangering lives, because I wouldn't be able to live with myself. This topic has consequences. Serve and Protect, oh and please wake up.

I'll never forget posting on ATS, about Laurel Valley, and having a strange note, referring to Dead Joe the hitman satanic song with Santa and Ho ho ho and welcome to the car crash, on my computer. Then I posted that. Now this is a large property and we had a cedar hedge really close to the side of the house, it was downright spooky in that space, moist, overgrown. And off the road. You'd have to tresspass quite far onto my property to get there.

Well, within a very short while, the wall was kicked right beside me on the living room, next to the hedge, sounded like big boots, I thought military type boots.

Very real stuff. Murder Incorporated.

I envision people waking up and getting really upset, and basically enmasse stopping this in every single town and city and area, and chewing the line of command and seeing justice done.

edit on 25-1-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

You know of course i disagree i must lol, anyway i think this is a very important video for one reason when people are looking for the powers that be they get trapt within there own conspiracy sometimes and have narrow eyes per say there always looking at the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and English royalty this shows that yes there are other Royals outside Britain and yes some of them are invovled in world affairs....

As far as the Monarch beta sex slave do you have proof she is not one whoever she is married too and what about Count Jean-Pierre de Launoi is he not a drug trafficker along with Baron Daniel Janssen and is Michel Nihoul not a psychopathic rapist???

Have a look at this blog is all that i am saying....

posted on Jan, 25 2013 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Thank you, also you should have a look at the blog i just posted.....

It mentions Michel Nihoul being at a party where someone was murdered....

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by King Seesar

I saved that link, and will be praying for all the victims of these people and for this to be revealed, exposed and stopped and for citizens to really gain momentum in Serve and Protect all their regions. I often post that you can see different codes on liscence plates, they can often have 666 in them or 3 6 9's or 9 11's by the same codes. They are often red but can be orange and black. And in church's for example, often wearing odd rings and driving the coded vehicle. I've been followed by some of those. I don't think they like people waking up to this. But I recommend what Benjamin Fulford said, seek amnesty, admit what you're doing, disclose and serve the people and seek amnesty. Because the next step after this life is finished will be hard enough for them so mitigating this and having Family behind you, supporting you as you have perfect knowledge and understanding, is important. But otherwise they need some stiff jail terms, and every child and family needs to be safe from this.

This is from on HIGH. The Highest levels.


Conspiracy Of Silence
Chateau des Amerois - Mother of Darkness Castle
Missing: the mystery of 300 boys who have disappeared from school

"Play Me Backwards" by Joan Baez

I've seen them light the candles
I've heard them bang the drum
And I've cried Mama, I'm cold as ice!
And I got no place to run

Let the night begin there's a pop of skin
And the sudden rush of scarlet
There's a little boy riding on a goat's head
And a little girl playing the harlot
There's a sacrifice in an empty church
Of sweet li'l baby Rose
And a man in a mask from Mexico
Is peeling off my clothes

I've seen them light the candles
I've heard them bang the drum
And I've cried Mama, I'm cold as ice!
And I got no place to run

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 11:52 AM
The full lyrics for her song, and its important!

You don't have to play me backwards
To get the meaning of my verse
You don't have to die and go to hell
To feel the devil's curse

Well I thought my life was a photograph
On the family Christmas card
Kids all dressed in buttons and bows
And lined up in the yard
Were the golden days of childhood
So lyrical and warm
Or did the picture start to fade
On the day that I was born

I've seen them light the candles
I've heard them bang the drum
And I've cried Mama, I'm cold as ice!
And I got no place to run

Let the night begin there's a pop of skin
And the sudden rush of scarlet
There's a little boy riding on a goat's head
And a little girl playing the harlot
There's a sacrifice in an empty church
Of sweet li'l baby Rose
And a man in a mask from Mexico
Is peeling off my clothes

I've seen them light the candles
I've heard them bang the drum
And I've cried Mama, I'm cold as ice!
And I got no place to run

So I'm paying for protection
Smoking out the truth
Chasing recollections
Nailing down the proof

You don't have to play me backwards
To get the meaning of my verse
You don't have to die and go to hell
To feel the devil's curse
I'll stand before your altar
And tell everything I know
I've come to claim my childhood
At the chapel of baby Rose

I've seen them light the candles
I've heard them bang the drum
I've seen them light the candles
I've heard them bang the drum

Les Rose Ballet!
edit on 26-1-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by King Seesar
reply to post by CIAGypsy

You know of course i disagree i must lol, anyway i think this is a very important video for one reason when people are looking for the powers that be they get trapt within there own conspiracy sometimes and have narrow eyes per say there always looking at the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and English royalty this shows that yes there are other Royals outside Britain and yes some of them are invovled in world affairs....

Seesar, Seesar, Seesar.....Is that an attempt to criticize me because I vehemently and regularly defend the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and the Belgian Nobility? That I can't see the forest for the trees? Because I find a gross miscarriage of personal justice & ethics to malign innocent people, including the wealthy? I will not deny that there are bad people, including monsters, among the wealthy but I could say the same thing about the poor too. Just because someone belongs to one of these families does NOT make them a murderer, rapist, unethical, a criminal, or care less about human rights or equality. The idea that you or anyone would paint these people with a broad brush when you don't even know them is an affront to decency and your cause.

Originally posted by King Seesar
As far as the Monarch beta sex slave do you have proof she is not one whoever she is married too and what about Count Jean-Pierre de Launoi is he not a drug trafficker along with Baron Daniel Janssen and is Michel Nihoul not a psychopathic rapist???

Have a look at this blog is all that i am saying....

Can I PROVE that Patricia Zeevaert isn't a Monarch Sex Slave?? Omg...really? You can't PROVE a negative statement. You know better than that... You are the accuser. In the rules of debate or argument, the accuser provides the evidence. You have NONE that she is.... Patricia Zeevaert is a tour hostess who lives with her husband, Belgian cyclist Phillipe Gilbert, in Monaco. She is a very sweet girl and devoted mother. She lives just as much of a normal life as probably most everyone you know.

As for the others you've mentioned, the only one who is a true criminal is Michel Nihoul (although not a rapist, he is a criminal/mobster). The others are simply business men who your sources are trying to implicate by association. They have never been charged or any proof shown that they have done anything illegal or been involved or financed anything illegal. Again, anyone can make an accusation. You take that accusation to assume guilt, without any proof shown, simply based upon their status/class. That kind of behavior is its own kind of racism or class envy.

The Dutroux affair is ugly and was heavily discussed in the first 10 pages or so of this thread. Proof was provided on those who were the guilty. Let's not malign innocent people, shall we?

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
One persons BS is what another person considers very important information to get out and to inspire Serve and Protect Mode. This is very real situation. And If I was posting against a topic, I'd want to be 100% certain it wasn't endangering lives, because I wouldn't be able to live with myself. This topic has consequences. Serve and Protect, oh and please wake up.

Perhaps I call it BS because it is blatant LIES. Protect and Serve? That should be about protecting the innocent, right??? These people aren't guilty of the "labels" attached to them in the video. You don't even know them, nor have you seen one SHRED of evidence of ANY "alleged crime" attached to them because THERE ISN'T ANY.

So you are going to call someone guilty just because of their name, family lineage, and wealth? Wow...glad you aren't sitting on my jury.
edit on 26-1-2013 by CIAGypsy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by CIAGypsy

Nah even tho i have noticed that you defend the Rothschilds and Rockefellers i was just trying to wake people up to the fact that it gos beyond them to some extent everything should not fall just into there hands and that there is Royalty in other places such as a semi remote place like Belgium.

As far as not everyone from wealth or these families being involved in nefarious schemes whether that be money embezzlement or child sacrifice guess what the world might end WE AGREE!!!!!, the video we are discussing does not paint everyone in a bad light some people are just referred to as a Royal only some are referred to in a bad light and i'm sure there are Royals from France Belgium ect ect that the video didn't even bother to mention because there not suspected of anything....

The blog i posted does a good job of explaining why some of these people were mentioned in the video, such as Michel Nihoul for instance so i mean the debate gos both ways you can bring up Patricia Zeevaert then i counter with Michel Nihoul and with things coming to light like the stuff from the island of Jersey it is becoming more clear....

What i'm getting at is the sick and twisted things that some of these people do should be exposed but your right it shouldn't just be Royalty that is exposed doing this anyone invovled in the harming of people this way should be exposed the Mexican Mafia the Yakuza all the way down to any two bit criminals...

edit on 26-1-2013 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by King Seesar
reply to post by CIAGypsy

the video we are discussing does not paint everyone in a bad light some people are just referred to as a Royal only some are referred to in a bad light and i'm sure there are Royals from France Belgium ect ect that the video didn't even bother to mention because there not suspected of anything....

Please don't tell me that you are insinuating that the video is not trying to paint EVERYONE on that video in a bad light, including the Royals without "criminal labels." If that were the case, the woman would have openly said so in her various labels.

Originally posted by King Seesar
The blog i posted does a good job of explaining why some of these people were mentioned in the video, such as Michel Nihoul for instance so i mean the debate gos both ways you can bring up Patricia Zeevaert then i counter with Michel Nihoul and with things coming to light like the stuff from the island of Jersey it is becoming more clear....

I've already said that Nihoul was a criminal (although NOT a rapist or child trafficker). In fact, I provided actual proof of it in the beginning pages of this thread. But MOST of the people trashed in that video are, in fact, INNOCENT. Most of them are NOT criminals or involved in human or drug trafficking of any sort.

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