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Man Getting Evicted from Land for living "to simply"

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posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by romanmel

Originally posted by 19rn50
Dadio has made some good points.
Why is American in trouble? Remember our forefathers made it clear.
We are to be under the laws of God, "NOT MAN". The Ten Commandments.
That it folks, only 10 laws apply to US. Really are these laws so hard to uphold?
I think NOT!
Oh ya, The corporations does not want the ten commandments on the court house lawn "WHY"
Now what does God say about this poor guy
Please read Exodus chap 20; verses 16 & 17.
The simple laws God instructed us.
For those who do not believe in God, still these laws are very simple.
I see many things differently then most of these posts.

You mean like Romans 13:1 NIV:

"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."

Not to get too far off topic here people, but ..... has it not been said that God is inside all of us, not in these houses made of wood and stone? So therefore it is true that every man is the king of his castle, the Ruler of his domain. Governments can not rule the people that put them in place or power, they can only "handle" the financial affairs. This is what the Constitutions are about, they are corporate contracts. We are not employees of the corporation and therefore ANY policy passed ONLY applies to those who wish it to, by subjecting themselves to the policy...i.e. getting licenses and registering property. THEN and only then do these statutes, codes, regulations and such apply to you. Sovereign men are responsible men who do not trespass or violate others rights to be. Therefore again, they are the rulers of their own domain and these so-called "laws" do not and can not be applied to them without their consent. I for one, do not consent.

Everyone should do the same.
edit on 3-12-2010 by daddio because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by romanmel

Originally posted by 19rn50
Dadio has made some good points.
Why is American in trouble? Remember our forefathers made it clear.
We are to be under the laws of God, "NOT MAN". The Ten Commandments.
That it folks, only 10 laws apply to US. Really are these laws so hard to uphold?
I think NOT!
Oh ya, The corporations does not want the ten commandments on the court house lawn "WHY"
Now what does God say about this poor guy
Please read Exodus chap 20; verses 16 & 17.
The simple laws God instructed us.
For those who do not believe in God, still these laws are very simple.
I see many things differently then most of these posts.

You mean like Romans 13:1 NIV:

"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."

I believe that.

My governing authority is the constitution of the united states and the 1st amendments.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by mryanbrown
reply to post by RealAmericanPatriot

He isn't camping. That's the issue. He 'lives' there. And to live somewhere is to be a resident, and to be a resident requires your residency i.e. housing follows certain building codes.

Absolute rubbish. If you live in a permanent structure, you are a transient inhabitant, NOT a "person" nor an individual, these have far different "legal" meanings than what the average human thinks. THIS is how they get you. If you do not know how to speak the magic language, then you are screwed. If you NEVER move, then you "could be" considered a resident, but that is up to you. And by use of the Zip Code, it becomes federal and state territory. How many have investigated WHEN these, "so-called" laws were implemented. Ever hear of "ex post facto", ALL of the policies and "laws", again, are null and void and ONLY apply to those who wish for them to be applied to them by their own consent. They can not make ANY law that regulates AFTER the fact. Man existed LONG before government was instituted and every Constitution states that the people hold ALL the political power. But most do not know how or when to use it.

No Zip Codes(Use invokes Federal Jurisdiction)
(Author unknown)
Use of the Zip is voluntary. See Domestic Regulations. Section 122.32 as amended. You should
also know that the Postal service cannot discriminate against the non-use of the Zip Code. See
"Postal Reorganization Act ", Section 403, (Public Law, 91-375). The federal government
utilizes the ZIP code to prove that you reside in a “federal district of the District of Columbia”.
This is why the IRS and other government agencies (state and federal) require a Zip code when
they assert jurisdiction by sending you a letter. They claim that this speeds the mail, but this is a
sly and subtle TRICK. It is also prima facie evidence that you are a subject of Congress and a
"citizen of the District of Columbia " who is "resident " in one of the several states.
The receipt of mail with a ZIP code is one of the requirements for the IRS to have jurisdiction to
send you notices. The government cannot bill a Citizen of Texas, because he is not within the
purview of the MUNICIPAL LAWS of the District of Columbia. In fact, the Internal Revenue
Service has adopted the ZIP code areas as Internal Revenue Districts. See the Federal Register,
Volume 51, Number 53, Wednesday March 19, 1986.
You must remember that the Postal Service is a private corporation, a quasi-government agency.
It is no longer a full government agency. It is like the Federal Reserve System, the Internal
Revenue Service, and the United States and the United States Marshall Service. They are all
outside the restrictions of the Federal Constitution, as private corporations. They are all powerful
in their respective areas of responsibility, to enforce collection for the federal debt. So, if you are
using a ZIP code, you are in effect saying openly and notoriously that you do not live in the State
of Texas, etc, but instead are a resident in the Texas area of the District of Columbia (a federal
district). There are some so-called Patriot groups that I consider Patriots for money. They
advocate the use of Title 42 suits (which are for federal citizens only), send mail to you with a
ZIP code, and ask you to do things that place you within the municipal jurisdiction of the District
of Columbia.
Remember these individuals may be agents of the government or, even worse, are advocating a
one world government by the use of the Social Security number and the ZIP code.
So you must be aware of the movement towards a one world government through annihilation or
elimination of State Citizens by use of the so-called 14th Amendment and its related laws.
It is this writer's opinion, both as a result of study, e.g. of page 11 of the National Area ZIP code
Directory, of 26 U.S.C. 7621, of Section 4 of the Federal Register, Volume 51, Number 53, of
(TDO) 150-01; of the opinion in United States v LaSalle National Bank, 437 U.S. 298, 308, 98, 5
Ct 2d 2357, 571. Ed. 2d 221 (1978); of 12 U.S.C. 222; of 31 U.S.C. 103, and as a result of My
actual experience, that a ZIP code address is presumed to create a "Federal jurisdiction " or
“market venue” or “revenue districts” that override State boundaries, taking one who uses such
modes of address outside of a State venue and its constitutional protections and into an
international, commercial venue involving admiralty concerns of the "United States ", which is a
commercial corporation domiciled in Washington, D. C.

Remember there is a "Post Office" AND the "Postal Sevice", why the two different entities? I have a friend who is a postman, he gets on my case stating, "you're one of those general delivery people aren't you!!!!" He hates that, because you go to the post office to pick up your mail, no ads and other bullcrap in your mailbox.

I am patiently wiating for the day when all of us will unite and stop this BS insanity brought before us. The forefathers would have been done with it by now, what are you waitng for?

Visit the link and READ IT!!!

edit on 3-12-2010 by daddio because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-12-2010 by daddio because: spelling, again

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:35 PM
I just heard the story reported on the Alex Jones show.

They say he has an outhouse.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by felonius

Gawd you know its the frog in the pot, I fear the way this is happening it is really making people so ignorant that they will just allow anything thrown their way and accept it all until that is the way things are. Peole have to fight fire with fire and to take this to a higher court is the only way, the only whayyy.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 06:55 PM
we need a better housing system

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by christianUFOilluminati
we need a better housing system

We need no system for housing, housing becoming a system is what creates this mess.

What we need is these towns and cities to stop passing any codes or ordnances without letting the entire town know about it. Yeah I know they have open meetings for things like this, but does everybody have time or know when and where the meeting and vote is held.

Why can't we vote on these "codes" ourselves instead of having a "counsel" voted on by the rich vote for how we we live our life.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 07:45 PM
I can't wait till the SHTF so I can have some chicken or beef from the old man who was "polluting" to all the government idiots.

When we eat and they don't, sorry 'bout ya luck.

The cow dung would have done your yard some good.

Try growing something in that crap you been watering with your city water.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 10:19 PM
If they don't have you under their control they will find any way that they can to have control of you.
It is America. It is NOT free. It NEVER has been.
They have been in control since the slaughter of the Native Americans.

posted on Dec, 4 2010 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by thewholepicture

Thank you for sharing this..
I think its a shame what they are doing to this man. He owns the land, he's not close to anybody. He is pratically camping, except in the long-term sense. Personally I would leave him to his business. All he really needs to do is dig himself a hole(pretty deep) and place an outhouse on top of it. You can buy bottled water at any store or if he preferred, He could sanitize rain water. Building a fire, not a problem. He could use a 50gal drum, turn it into a barbeque pit. An ice chest for string parishables. The county just wants the money. Probably some nosey-assed community dweller doesn't like to be out-witted.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 12:31 AM
What it boils down to isn't that he's not giving the city money - it's that he's not drinking their fluoride poison-water or allowing the government to remotely monitor and mind-control him through the electrical and phone lines. He's in serious danger of waking up, and to them, every single person who wakes up and truly understands what is going on is a major national security threat. I wouldn't be surprised if the NSA or another agency caught him on satellite or by helicopter, told the city about him, and ordered them to either put him on the grid or get rid of him.

And for those people who ignorantly support this kind of tyranny, where is the thumbs down button? You need one permanently placed on your avatars for everyone to click.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by thewholepicture

Wal-Mart moving in?

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 02:15 AM

The government wants everyone to be dependent
on the government, because the government is dependent on
our $ $ $ money.

Why couldn't he claim religious immunity ?
Do the Amish and Mennonites get harassed by the government ?

sɹǝʇʇɐɯ ɥʇnɹʇ


posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 12:59 PM
These kind of stories bring credibility to the Jessy Ventura conspiracy theories. Government sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong to get money from people. He will be lucky if the government doesn't take his land away.
It does appear to be time for the planet to be cleansed. Clear out the corruption and greed. It seems to be everywhere. Polar alignment stripping the earth clear with few survivors to rebuild? Maybe it's time. Too bad I won't be around to see the rebuilding.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 05:26 PM
The man is a FREEMAN. His ways, beliefs, and thoughts are probably driven by who he chooses to worship and call God. By his sheer presence, he made up his mind not to give into the corrupt local and state govt. It does appear that he is not asking for anything other than to be left alone. It is his property and he has the natural right to do as he pleases as long as it not encroach on others. I got sucked into a HOA in my early twenties and regretted it. Hell the HOA had more power and authority over my land as I did. That bit! So, I stand with the fellow and I hope his lawyer and he win.

posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 11:41 PM
Why would the government want anything but what is best for it's people? There IS an international economy and an international struggle for power. If the government was suppressing it's people, wouldn't that mean they were handicapping their own "soldiers"?

My own plan is to carry out my later years in Montana or Vermont. Hopefully civil liberties have pervailed by then.



posted on Dec, 5 2010 @ 11:56 PM
Very sad to say that this can happen. We are not free. Just recently the county person came out to assess our property (no one was home) and left a little note on the door that they had been there. It ticks me off they can just come out and snoop around without permission. I need a gate up in the driveway. I want to keep out the world but I guess that's not possible anymore.

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 12:09 AM
While the subject matter IS a cause for concern, this appears to be the pleliminary action of a power hungry state. In most cases with, the correct lawyer, the individual will prevail.

The question this post actually poses is what typical individual is able to uphold their own rights through the traditional law system as it stands?

posted on Dec, 6 2010 @ 01:24 AM
I was just reading some of this thread, and forgive me if I am misquoting anyone. Some of the arguments seemed to lie in the amount of animals the man had, being followed by the fact that he has no sewer service. Now I know know what part of the U.S. everyone else lives in, but where I'm from animals don't use the potty. Just sayin'.

posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by thewholepicture

I've considered living like that. Using well water, generating my own electricity, and raising farm animals and vegetables for my own resources. Pretty enraging to be kicked from your own property for not obliging to "mans ways".

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