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CAIR recommends that Muslims women only be patted down about the neck and face

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posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
reply to post by SeventhSeal

You didn't read the thread, did you? This was a recommendation, not a rule. Muslim women are searched just the same as non-Muslim women.

you don't know how things work, do you? Muslim women have special treatment here in the United States. You can't wear a ski mask into a shop but you can wear a Burka?


posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by Redwookieaz
Now I don't think any free person should have to endure this garbage but weren't all these scary terrorists Muslim freedom haters!? Now they are the one group to get through without being photograhped naked or having their junk rubbed!?

Bush is that you? If not, your impression is spot on. Only Bush would try to justify multiple wars by stating the enemy hates our freedom. That statement has no grounding in reality. Any Muslims that are upset with the US are likely focused on our foreign policy:

1. Free money and weapons sent to Israel
2. Gulf War - told Iraqi people to rise up because we would have their backs in a forthcoming major invasion to remove Saddam. We signed a cease fire and left them to be killed by any leader.
3. 1950s - US overthrew a democratically elected government in Iran in order to install are more friendly, pro-western ruler.
4. Blocking virtually all UN security counsel votes that would compel Israel to disclose and take responsibility for its crimes.
5. ect
edit on 17-11-2010 by andrewh7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by andrewh7

Wow dude. You really can't read sarcasm can you? I don't blame Muslims for anything. Try reading the post a little more carefully before you call me Bush. What is the matter with you? Somebody poo in your kibble this morning?

People need to work on their reading comprehension skills.
edit on 17-11-2010 by Redwookieaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 03:39 AM
Instead of making this a thread about US versus Islam, I would instead recommend hating the protocol rather than the people who are afforded an exclusion from the protocol. It's a more productive use of energy to express equality for all, rather than direct that energy in such a negative way by being jealous and spiteful of those who are given apparent privileges.
edit on 17-11-2010 by arbitrarygeneraiist because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 03:41 AM
I just wanted to post to say that this thread is based on an inaccuracy.

If you read the CAIR article, it is directions if they are being search DUE TO WEARING A HEADSCARF

Typically, if my understanding is correct you only get the patdown/xray option if you fail the metal detector. The article says that if a muslim woman wearing the burkah is pulled due to the side not due to setting off the metal detector (or some marking on their ticket), then it is due to them wearing a headscarf. In this scenario the woman can request for a patdown of only the neck/face area. You have to read the article closely to get this out of the article.

I believe this is also part of the current and past procedures for people wearing any coverings of the face that they can't remove due to religious/medical issues. Do your own reading of the primary source (CAIR article) and you will see this is the case, if not feel free to correct me.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 04:34 AM
Man...the white t-shirt chick with the black sun glasses...
I'do so love to frisk her..

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 05:00 AM
Apologies, I've not read the whole thread due to time restraints so if what I will say has already been pointed out then I apologise.

This pat of the face and neck is a crazy new special rule that just shows how stupid our Western governments really are, I'll explain why.

In the Muslim religion the Koran says that a woman should protect her modesty, this was decided upon that it meant the woman cover most of her hair, she covered her arms to the wrist, the legs to the ankles and wore clothes that were not tight fitting. This was agreed and accepted, at no point has it been changed to say women must be shrouded from head to toe, this little nastiness was created by Saudi men in a bid to have total control over the woman / women. This was classed as a radical creation, that was taken on by the truly radical men and then forced upon their women.

As we know, 99% of the radical / fanatical teachings come from Saudi clerics, they make up the rules about beatings etc so the people who follow this line of dress will be the same people who stone women, call for people to be beheaded and generally are the ones who show the West the most hatred.

So, what does this mean, well you have a system put in by CAIR that allows women in full Burkas to get the least secure pat downs yet the women in burkas are by link the most likely to be extremely radical and on paper are more likely to be the cause of an incident.

So there we have it, a system to protect people from terror that allows the most likely links to terror to choose to opt out...

Crazy or what!!

edit on 17-11-2010 by Mclaneinc because: correction

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 05:35 AM
Let me make a statement to all of you.

Now you know how it feels to be put asside and be treated like a different race.

It wasn't soo long ago there was alot of racism in America, ANTI BLACK. Anti NATIVE AMERICAN.

They faced alot of hardship, beatings, rapes, and alot more.

Now your turning around and basically claiming you've been treated wrong all because of your religion.

You hypocrites....

Last of all I don't agree with the scan. It's not good, but that scan is very controversial and it won't last very long, and it won't take very long for that technology to disapear all together.

Or it'll just continue to stay there and people will get use to it.

Don't forget there a real threats out there, there are real bad guys, real rapers, real terrorists, and real murders.

They aren't all created by the "EVIL" government in which you claim.

Maybe its time you open up your minds.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by Redwookieaz
Excuse me Memory Shock but the picture that I posted was neither gore nor porn. It is the picture that is produced from a backscatter xray machine. The fact that you censored out the picture does kind of help prove my point about how sick these machines are though.

Hey what the hell is this? Why did a mod removed the backscatter machine? It's not porn thats bs. I truly and honestly want to see what the back scatter image is like. I have never seen one yet? These mods around here are out of control. Absurdity.

Now you llsten to me. It well within your rights/rules what ever to post that back scatter picture. Put it back up. You can go just about anywhere on the internet and see absolutley filth and a mod comes on here when we are trying to educate ourselves and removes a backscatter pic? Yea MADNESS alright!


posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by jibeho

This was written on November, 10 2010 not in August. TSA pat downs started in August for those who opted out of Body Scans. Must be some confusion here. All you have to do is read!!!!

I did...they were talking about the TSA protocols from August...

From your link above..

As of August 2010, passengers who opted out of the full-body scanners were subject to the enhanced pat-down.

In light of the growing concerns about the invasiveness of the new enhanced pat-down procedure, CAIR offers the following recommendations to Muslim travelers:

If you opt out of the full-image body scanner, you have the right to request that the manual search be conducted in private.

The TSA has changed the pat-down guidelines since then..
From Nov 1st.

Yesterday, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) rolled out new nationwide rules for traveler pat-downs.

Here from the TSA Blog...

Also here...October 29th

The TSA has recently changed its guidelines and these pat-downs are now much more invasive. Screeners are now authorized to use the front of their hands and to touch areas around breasts and groins. Passengers being screened are supposed to be given privacy during these more invasive pat-downs and the searches are supposed to be done by screeners of the same sex. Opting for the pat-down will take more time.

There are literally hundreds of links explaining how the TSA has rolled out new Pat-Down guidelines at the end of October.

CAIR issued guidance with regards to August.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by Mclaneinc
Apologies, I've not read the whole thread due to time restraints so if what I will say has already been pointed out then I apologise.

This pat of the face and neck is a crazy new special rule that just shows how stupid our Western governments really are, I'll explain why.

Read the thread...You are confused.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

Pull your head out of the sand. They did invade us. In fact, they knocked down the wtc. The biggest threat to freedom in the world, however, is not terrorism. It is the pervasive attitude that our enemies will be nice to us if we appease them.
These are the parents who won't impart the simple knowlege to their children that if a bully keeps taking your lunch money, hit him as hard as you can. You'll then get to not only eat lunch, but eat in peace.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by astrogolf
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

Pull your head out of the sand. They did invade us. In fact, they knocked down the wtc. The biggest threat to freedom in the world, however, is not terrorism. It is the pervasive attitude that our enemies will be nice to us if we appease them.
These are the parents who won't impart the simple knowlege to their children that if a bully keeps taking your lunch money, hit him as hard as you can. You'll then get to not only eat lunch, but eat in peace.

The "appease" and "apologist" language is used to discredit those who think it is important to discern between those who attacked us and everyone who looks like them.

If a bully attacks your athiest child in school...and the bully happens to be an evangelical christian...will you advise your child to punch every Evangelical Christian child he meets? Will that make your child safer in school or a target?

The "appease" and "apologist" monikers are rhetorical devices thrown by people that apparently are hoping for a religious war and the end of times...or the lesser of minions..the ignorant and hateful.

Let's start by going after the man we said was responsible...the man we were promised we would get, "Dead or Alive"...Osama Bin Laden. Once we kill or arrest that moron, then we can take a moment and discuss whether we should attack the other 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world that didn't attack us on 9-11.

edit on 17-11-2010 by maybereal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 10:06 AM

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by astrogolf
I've always found people prone to insult other races because they feel inferior or perhaps envious.

ppsst ... hey skippy ... it seems your slip is showing there big fella.

edit on 17-11-2010 by Annie Mossity because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by maybereal11

You seem to want to obfuscate. I would advise my child in that instance to punch the one who attempted to take his lunch money, and keep an eye on those who hang around with him.

Here are some simple facts, chamberlain. Less than one percent of the population commits 100 percent of the terrorist acts. What defines this one percent. Middle eastern heritage and muslim affiliation. Just that simple. In the case of the westboro church crowd, what defines them? That's an easy one. It isn't the race (they include black, white, hispanic) . You just look for the folks dressed in crappy clothes carrying the "god hates soldiers and fags" signs. Pretty simple. So yes, I'd keep them off airplanes as well, because they don't deserve to live among good and free people either.
Here's the deal. As a kid I moved to a new neighborhood. The first day of school, a couple of kids my age ganged up on me and took my lunch money (they had to hold me down and wrestle it away, as I'm not very europeanish). The next day I waited behind a bush around the corner and the main kid came by alone. I dove on him and beat the ever living crap out of him. They never attempted to take my lunch money again. In fact, we bacame good friends, and 45 years later, still are. You see, we respect each other. Respect is a learned behaviour, and if you don't both earn your respect and inforce it, you won't get any respect. This is because if you won't stand up for yourself you don't warrant respect.
But in the case of westboro, or islamic terrorists, they're not bullies. They're just cowards. A bully is a friend who's respect you haven't earned. A coward has no respect to give or earn.
So hell yes. The cowards in this case can be easily defined. So they shouldn't find themselves on our planes. It comes down to this. If the muslims and you have such a problem with America, stay the hell out. We won't miss them. And sooner, rather than later, we'll put these policies into play. This is because we're getting sick of this marxist non-meritocracy egalitarian bulls#!t. And that's just the way it is.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 10:44 AM
Bullies are not friends whose respect you must earn.
Cowards are cowards.
And bigots are bigots...America is the melting pot and there is nothing more unamerican than intolerance. It is why the Pilgrims came here in the first place. Ponder that next week when you eat your turkey,
Your post was full of BS....

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
reply to post by Soloist

Did you notice that I provided a source for my previous post? And this, your second post giving numbers, has no source at all. Please provide a link for your 16,000 attacks in the last ten years. Thank you.

So you're denying that Muslims have made these attacks in the last decade? Wow, to be that out of touch with reality... I guess it must have it's perks!

Hopefully this link won't get removed for "gore" or something, but here is one site that keeps the tallies.

And in spite of there being terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims, it by no means equates to a problem with Muslims.

Keep fooling yourself, as I said earlier the rest of us who can see what's going on, will *not* be fooled. I call it as I see it. Thousands upon thousands murdered and raped in under 10 years is a HUGE problem. But, I guess you're okay with that, huh?

Don't you think that if every Muslim believed it their duty to kill infidels, there would be much more havoc and many more dead "infidels"?

This is why we will stop Islam before it gets to that point. This is a must. Either you get it or you can pretend you don't, doesn't change the facts.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Redwookieaz

I'm beginning to think that TPTB are using TSA to ratchet up the hatred of Muslims. On one extreme you have law abiding citizens and their children being groped and humiliated and to the other extreme Muslim women being patted about the face and head...always a good place to hide guns, knives and explosives....give me break.

We are being conditioned people. When the bombs start flying again (Iran) we the groped and humiliated will see it as retribution for the sins committed against us at the airport.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by Witness2008
reply to post by Redwookieaz

On one extreme you have law abiding citizens and their children being groped and humiliated and to the other extreme Muslim women being patted about the face and head...

Read the thread or see my "posts in thread" The story / OP has been debunked.

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