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Report: Russia hunts double agent who betrayed U.S. cell

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posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:27 AM

Report: Russia hunts double agent who betrayed U.S. cell

MOSCOW — The head of Moscow's deep cover spying operations in the United States was a double agent who had betrayed at least 10 compatriots in a major blow to Russian intelligence, a Russian newspaper said on Thursday.

Kommersant reported that Colonel Shcherbakov, head of the Foreign Intelligence Service's department for "illegal" spying operations in the United States, had been working for Washington.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:27 AM
This is a nasty article that will result in a loss of life. Not that msnbc have anything to do with it, but it has hinted on who has a date of expire.

Talk about Russian roulette.

Quoting intelligence sources, the newspaper says Col Shcherbakov fled to America in June, just three days before President Dmitry Medvedev's official visit to the US.

A few days after that, once the Russian president was back in the Kremlin, the Russian agents were seized.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:44 AM
In the off chance some are too lazy to click and read

"We know who he is and where he is," the Kremlin official was quoted as saying.

"Do not doubt that a Mercader has been sent after him already," the Kremlin official said, referring to Russian agent Ramon Mercader, who murdered exiled Bolshevik Leon Trotsky with an ice axe in 1940 in Mexico.

Oh these news article's and the guessing game as if noone knows whats about to happen does bring a feeling that i used to have when i was much much younger.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:51 AM
Just thought that perhaps people assume that is mambo jumbo talk..lets have a nice look at what has been going on right under our noses.

The conflict has resulted in the assassination of several INIS officers, mostly by their colleagues in the Service, according to two anonymous Iraqi security officials, who spoke to The National, an English-language newspaper published in the United Arab Emirates. One of them, a brigadier-general with recent experience in intelligence work in Baghdad, told the paper that Shiite INIS officers are beeing killed by professionally trained assassins using “plastic explosives, sticky bombs and silenced pistols”. These killings, said the brigadier-general, are conveniently reported as random terrorist attacks against Iraqi government employees. Another intelligence source told The National that the killings are targeted and involve the use of inside information, including pen-register data of cell phones belonging to spies targeted for assassination.
edit on 11-11-2010 by tristar because: fixing link

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:54 AM
Wow big news!!

Great find tristar!

I will be following this.....


posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 07:01 AM
So when this guy dies we now know it'll be the Russian secret service.

We certainly seem to be seeing a massive change in reporting, and a change in the words tptb are using.. like the UKs PM going into the G20 using the terms currency war.. certain keywords like that do get my attention.

Will keep an eye on this story and see how it develops


posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 09:12 AM
So its OK to openly admit that you have targets on an agent and even in another country? These are murderers, and they need to make a U-turn in their lives, very fast. The Harvest some 2012 proponents talk of is a daily basis, its everyone, when their time is up.

I'm really worried about him, and anyone who gives their service in the Mafia overlords and black ops.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Isn't that considered a solution to a problem that no gov would ever want to openly admit to. Then again, admitting to it, makes it clear to all far and wide, that when playing in the big leagues prepare for some hard ball.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:30 PM
Given that this will come to the obvious end as a news article i guess we should point out what has been stated by the individual who runs the show without any intention of hiding his ability to govern.

Speaking shortly after the agents' return to Moscow, Russia's prime minister, Vladimir Putin, said the traitor who had betrayed them had been identified.

"It was the result of treason," he said, predicting a grim future for those responsible. "It always ends badly for traitors: as a rule, their end comes from drink or drugs, lying in the gutter. And for what?"

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