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Paranormal 101..let the scam's roll out

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posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 02:55 AM
Let's examine there tools of the trade.
EMF detector.
If you can tell it's a GHOST HUNTER store lol
You guy's do realize a high emf pick's up random spike's even if your in your yard.
I use a tri field meter.
To set up Cb antenna's cause High EMF messes up ya signal when talking hearing ect..
There is nothing ghostly about it.
The Show's Ghost hunter's ghost adventure's list goes on and on...want you to think when this EMF detector
goes off for a's a ghost cause they are SELLING YOU SOMETHING.....There EMF detector's..
It's common sense 101..

# Starter Ghost Hunting Kit # $99.95

For that low low price you can be just like them and use a Emf lol
The middle of our entire planet is a magnet lol..go figure.

Then the Frank's box Or ghost box.

Contacting spirits through the use of radio frequency devices or so called �boxes� as a medium for direct communication has been a huge topic of discussion lately in the paranormal community. The main device I am talking about is obviously "Franks Box" or "The Ghost Box" as its being called now. This device was created by Frank Sumption several years ago as a means to further his interest in EVP research. Frank began experimenting with EVP in the year 2000 which led to using a computer program called EVP maker invented by the German researcher Stefan Bion. (available for download in the software section)

Have you ever looked at a picture of a cloud till you saw a rabbit or some thing it resembled?
Well that's all you are doing here except with audio..
You hear enough crap eventually you will hear something you want as a response...
But please do continue tearing up good radio's.
shorting them out to scan frequency's real fast lol
So in fact they are selling you a what???A shorted out radio..yeah good idea to spend ya money on a shorted radio lol

Now for the dreaded EVP ..eww scary stuff here...

Electronic voice phenomena (EVP) are electronically generated noises that resemble speech, but are not the result of intentional voice recordings or renderings. Common sources of EVP include static, stray radio transmissions, and background noise. Some have claimed these sounds are of paranormal origin,[1] while there are natural explanations such as apophenia (finding significance in insignificant phenomena), auditory pareidolia (interpreting random sounds as voices in their own language), equipment artefacts, or simple hoaxes. Recordings of EVP are often created from background sound by increasing the gain (i.e. sensitivity) of the recording equipment.

It's no different than frank's box...
You want to hear what you want to hear.
Yes even if it isnt a radio...stuff bleed's over sometimes.
a cb radio is the worse in the world for it.
i can talk on my neighbor's tv 6 house's down ..they even called the law on me for it lol
radio's can bleed over the same way with the right condition's...
Ever watch these aka ghost hunter's...they always get good evp's when its a lighting storm...Wonder why?
Skip radio bleed over happens at it's worst during lighting storms lol

Just fyi my wife is hooked on these show's...
She hates me cause i debunk what they do cause it's the same ole crap...

i wont even get started on the Thermal video camera lol
Like a ghost would be hot or cold lol
You see that cold spot...OMG!!! it has to be a ghost was close to me...
Naw it was a breeze junior calm the heck down

How would you find and confirm a ghost?
I got no idea..but it isnt with none of the above Buy my equipment crap there selling ya.
edit on 10-11-2010 by TheAmused because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-11-2010 by TheAmused because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by TheAmused

Okay. I understand the dislussionment you seem to project. Bad spelling.

Been there done that. Nothing to show on all the various instruments that convince you. does somene prove that which they experience? The things that seem not of our world?

To yours and anyone elses satisfaction? What do you want and need?

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by TheAmused

I agree to a point. All EMF meters do is tell you theres a high EMF feild. You can only speculate whether its caused by a spirit or something natural. I think if used with other equipment as a kind of warning system that something paranormal may be happening. Then you can justify it. You should never count the readings as proof on its own. Which is what most ghost hunters shows seem to do.

The ghost box just does'nt impress me. I made one and used it in my house which has never had any paranormal activity in it. I still got answers to certain questions. When i listened to the recording i made of the session. What sounded like a clear answer at the time. Could be interprated as other words.

I prefer photographic and video evidence as well as regular EVP sessions. Voice recorders are only meant to record noise. Because they sample at double the human hearing range for quality purposes. I can understand why they pick up things we dont hear. Either because the frequency is too high. Or its too low for us to hear. Very often they say things that are intelligent and have nothing to do with the questions your saying. Kind of like someone butting in to have their say. Fascinating.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 07:27 AM
Why associate these tools with "these shows" your other half is apparently hooked on mate? The EMF detector / Tri Field Meter, K2 Meter, Digital recorders for EVP's, Night vision cameras IR cameras etc etc; didn't come out once these shows did.

Investigators have been using them for decades, probably longer than any of us know that this equipment has actually existed for. Of course the shows are making them popular now but so what? Yes you're gonna get crocks and bunks running around like Egon Spengler but for the most part the people purchasing this equipment are doing so for noble purposes.

The only product I have trouble with them making money from is the box because as you said it's pretty much a shorted out radio and something pretty much anybody at home with half a brain could make themselves... However I'd make fun of neither, as you seem to be doing.

I don't believe you're in any position to claim anything out of a digital recorder or Frank's Box as "anything you want to hear" 100% irrifutable because it's not. Same way I can't say all my 100's of recording's over time are Paranormal. 95-98% of them probably aren't but a percentage are... You're clearly just a die-hard, 100% non-believer I'm assuming?

Oh and this...

The Show's Ghost hunter's ghost adventure's list goes on and on...want you to think when this EMF detector goes off for a's a ghost cause they are SELLING YOU SOMETHING.....There EMF detector's.. It's common sense 101..

That's BS and you very well know it. About 4-5 out of every 30 or so times will they actually follow up on an EMF hit as though it's something "Paranormal" the rest of the time they say, oh no look a fear cage has been created down here, or nope see all this wiring is active etc etc... So, you're dead wrong there mate lol.
edit on 10-11-2010 by A55A551N because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by TheAmused

Sounds as if you have some sort of apprehension to "Ghosts" actually existing? I have had "Real" experiences with the supernatural when it comes to ghosts, and for the most part, I had nothing to prove my experience to share with anyone else, therefore it becomes a personal experience. Wish I would have had something to record what I was seeing and had proof of what I had witnessed the times things happened.
I personally believe they are making breakthrough discoveries using these types of devices, and if you think about, "Do you expect them to give the stuff away?" seriously..
GH and GHI use the devices to "debunk" and when they do hit high EMF's they try to target the alternative answer's before deducing it's a haunting. Another thing to consider is that they are declared "Professionals" in their field of study, not that that is so grandiose but it is "Projected" title.
GAC is quite different than GH or GHI, but I enjoy their methods just as much. They too do the debunking before decisively jumping the gun of haunting's or explainable natural occurrences.
For the most part, there is no "Ghost Hunter kit scam here." It is just some enthusiasts that got famous by doing what they do well and are capitalizing on the merchandise and selling both existing and new technical device's that seem to be quite the instruments to have if you are into this field of research.
I think you should lean back in an easy chair, put up the foot rest and take a deep breath and start watching or discovering other arguments to bring to the table. IMHO...

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 10:47 AM
The main reason behind the EMF detector in our investigations are based on 2 reasons.

1) Fear Cage: It's believed that high EMF can cause anything from headaches to seeing things. High EMF can explain away a lot of experiences a person has. It's not (or shouldn't be) used as proof in that context.

2) Communication: I understand the concept of natural EMF spikes as well as those caused by wiring and other items in a house but.... When you get direct spikes in response to questions in a pattern that is asked for it makes it hard to believe it's a natural occurance.

I'll be happy to answer any questions about why we do what we do and the theory behind it.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 11:31 AM
I personally think that the ghost busting shows and the equipment are BS. I think the different measures that show up on those machines are just natural phenomenon.
However, I am a believer in something most of us can't see.
When you have an experience or 2 or more, that cannot be explained away, you will then believe.

Then again, it would have been handy to have equipment around when the strange things have happened, just to see if something registered, but that would have been almost too coincidental. Experiences sometimes come far and few between, and one is never ready for them.
edit on 10-11-2010 by snowspirit because: adding

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 11:34 AM
Some people's argument with this is...
The equipment came out before they started use in it for paranormal show's.

No joke it did...
And every piece of so called paranormal equipment they use...give's that iffy feeling.
EMF can make you sick they tell you "maybe presence of a ghost" paranoid..they tell you your "sensitive to ghost's feeling's"

My point is every known piece of electronic equipment they use.
Is used for a specific reason.
They get a's a ghost...not bleed over or wire's or the fact our entire planet is magnetic lol or a radio that scan freq so fast you eventually hear something.

Why not say a Emf pick's up alien's?
OMG aliens ufo ship's might be ghost's guy's cause a lot claim a EMF detector can pick up the presence of ufo ship's that are not there any more.

I don't see how you guy's dont see this?
Not only does this device pick up high spike's of EMF as intended..But ghost's and ufo's to.
It's like saying my spoon is also a divining rod and helps me find water lol
want to buy my spoon to help you guys find where to dig for a well at?
of course you wouldn't...But if i throw enough money on tv with show's of it working.. eventually people would buy my handy dandy water spoon kit for 99.95.

no i think ghost exist to other guy you asked.
Just a emf ..evp.. and thermal camera and man made device's like these.
all can be explained simply.

Ever since the first picture was took...people started faking Spirit photo's..
in the 1800 there was spirit photographer on ever corner in most major towns lol
They just wanted there money.
If it put's a doubt in your tends to move your hand toward your wallet.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by TheAmused

You dont like things like EMF detectors being used in ghost investigations. Some of us get the picture. The fact is people use them and will continue to use them and shout look a ghost everytime they see a spike. Theres nothing you can do about it. You've educated yourself enough to know that this probably is'nt the case. Thats all you can do. You cant try to make anyone else to believe it because they just dont get it and will continue regardless. So your only winding yourself up really.

Dont watch ghost shows if your looking for a serious investigation. They are'nt interested in finding ghosts. They only want to make you believe they are. Thats why anything and everything gets classed as paranormal. Of course they have the good sense to debunk the odd peice thats obviously not paranormal anyway. Just as a convincer. At the end of the day. As long as they get there cheque and the go ahead for another series. Thats all that matters. It does'nt matter what show you watch. Everything on T.V is fake.

posted on Nov, 10 2010 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by TheAmused
so we should believe you because you say so?what exactly are your credentials?I myself don't believe all of the shows but I don;t think it has anything to do with the equipment they use.
let me ask you a question,If your out in the middle of no where and you get an evp on a digital recorder where exactly is the voice coming from?

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 07:35 AM
This is where you need to start reading properly.

Originally posted by TheAmused
My point is every known piece of electronic equipment they use.
Is used for a specific reason.
They get a's a ghost...not bleed over or wire's or the fact our entire planet is magnetic lol or a radio that scan freq so fast you eventually hear something.

Like I said in my OP

About 4-5 out of every 30 or so times will they actually follow up on an EMF hit as though it's something "Paranormal" the rest of the time they say, oh no look a fear cage has been created down here, or nope see all this wiring is active etc etc... So, you're dead wrong there mate lol.

In other words NO they don't pretty much -ever- say it's "a ghost" in fact they NEVER say it's a ghost, they deem it to be something unexplainable after they've checked local and surrounding area(s) for any evidence of natural phenomenon or electrical/magnetic field currents.

no i think ghost exist to other guy you asked.
Just a emf ..evp.. and thermal camera and man made device's like these.
all can be explained simply.

But the thing is... EMF detectors, K2 Meters, EVP recordings, IR cameras etc - Have had real, legitimate proof attached to them, at some point or another in an investigation whether it be one on Television or some groups personal accountings; therefore this is the reason they've now gone widespread in the field of Paranormal Investigation. -- So again, you're pretty wrong in your assumptions.

I've experienced things not only with equipment, but with my naked senses too. I've done extremely controlled experiments with EMF detectors, K2 Meters, Digital Voice recorders and got findings... Remember, this is in extremely controlled surroundings.

I'm not sure what your affliction with someone making a little money from products that work, is... But your argument isn't too valid. EVERYBODY knows it isn't going to work 100% of the time but your argument is that it will never work and never has, that it's ALL false and lies. -- But it's not.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 07:38 AM
reply to post by KrypticCriminal

And your post was actually incredibly laughable.

I was privvy enough once, to be on an investigation, which was broadcast on Television; which I won't name. -- Where "evidence" was caught and I can tell you now it wasn't falsified because I was at the very location, in the very room, when it happened.

Eh I know I'll get some kind of 'retort' about "BS" but whatever... So long as I know the truth as you said to TheAmused; so long as S/HE knows it isn't going to work 100% of the time. The thing is, they believe it can't work, full stop.

I'm wondering if they've done enough testing w/ the equipment to know it can't work, full stop -- Or ANY at all, for that matter.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by A55A551N

And your post was actually incredibly laughable.

Glad i could put a smile on your face.

I was privvy enough once, to be on an investigation, which was broadcast on Television; which I won't name. -- Where "evidence" was caught and I can tell you now it wasn't falsified because I was at the very location, in the very room, when it happened.

Where have i said that they falsefy evidence. I think you need to read my post again. What i said was. (pay attention now
) They are'nt serious about catching paranormal activity. They just want to give you the impression they are. They're MO is entertainment and ratings at any cost. They dont even use the equipment they have properly to good effect. I dont care whether you've been on a hundred televised ghost programes. Im basing my oppinion on the ones that ive seen which are all BS.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:54 AM
Hearing the stories and seeing them on TV are much different than living them. I've said for years if someone doesn't believe in spirits or the methods we use they won't...... until it happens to them and they see it work in person or they see something they can't explain in person.

When you eliminate the probable, what ever remains no matter how improbable must be the truth.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:59 AM

I dont care whether you've been on a hundred televised ghost programes. Im basing my oppinion on the ones that ive seen which are all BS.

I'm sorry man but living it and just seeing it are two different things. How can you compare what a person has experienced to what your opinion is based on a small sample of seeing it on TV? That makes no since. Talk to those of us that have been there and/or go to places until you see enough to make an educated decision and then you can judge.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by WVGhostGuy

I dont care whether you've been on a hundred televised ghost programes. Im basing my oppinion on the ones that ive seen which are all BS.

I'm sorry man but living it and just seeing it are two different things. How can you compare what a person has experienced to what your opinion is based on a small sample of seeing it on TV? That makes no since. Talk to those of us that have been there and/or go to places until you see enough to make an educated decision and then you can judge.

Yet another poster that cant read properly. Im talking about ghost shows nothing else. I havent once compared real life experiences or investigations to ghost shows. so i dont know where your getting this idea from. Do me a favour and actualy take in what people write instead of just skimming over it and jumping to conclusions.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by KrypticCriminal

I think you misunderstand. I wasn't referring to the existence of ghosts or spirits. I was referring to the shows just as you were. I did read the post and even quoted you word for word. If you are there to see how the equipment works and are there to see how these television investigators (which I am not one of) work then you can make an informed decision. Most of us get similar results to that which is shown on the shows and work under controlled environments. EMF is a useful tool but no investigator will tell you one blip makes a haunting. One responding to request or command however is a pretty good indicator that something may be their.

That's what I was addressing.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by WVGhostGuy
reply to post by KrypticCriminal

I think you misunderstand. I wasn't referring to the existence of ghosts or spirits. I was referring to the shows just as you were. I did read the post and even quoted you word for word. If you are there to see how the equipment works and are there to see how these television investigators (which I am not one of) work then you can make an informed decision. Most of us get similar results to that which is shown on the shows and work under controlled environments. EMF is a useful tool but no investigator will tell you one blip makes a haunting. One responding to request or command however is a pretty good indicator that something may be their.

That's what I was addressing.

Well this is my point exactly because in my first post i said exactly the same thing. So thats what i meant by reading what people write and take it in. Ive used an EMF meter before and i know what it does and why paranormal investigaters use it, believe it or not. The point i was making was the same as you just said. It should'nt be used as evidence in any way because you cant prove that the spikes are caused by anything paranormal. You can only speculate.

Thanks for your reply.
edit on 11/11/10 by KrypticCriminal because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by KrypticCriminal

Point understood but..... When you ask for 3 spikes and get them or ask for a raise in the field reading and get it that makes it harder to explain away.

Our group doesn't use random spikes as evidence but if you ask it to give you 3 and it does then ask for 5 and it does that's a bit more than random. It's not the spike it's the signs of inteligence behind them. So in a way I agree with you but also know that they can be a great tool for investigations and in requested patterns or responses on command I would say that it can be used as evidence.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by WVGhostGuy

Yeah, i understand that, its like the K2 meter. Ive seen them get lit up plenty of times on request and i actualy find it quite compelling. If used in a serious investigation that is'nt being funded by a T.V network. Ive also seen videos which show how the same effects can be created. Thats my problem with them. Everytime they crack one out they get results. Its only been on rare occations when ive witnessed it. So either their doing something we havent been. Or some of the stuff they get is purely for entertainment and ratings sake. Not all of it but some at least.

The only thing i do enjoy about most ghost shows is their EVPs. I ve also seen how they can be faked. So i take them with a pinch of salt aswell. I may be being over sceptical but i only ever watch them for entertainment because otherwise they just frustarte me. I want to jump in their and say, look do this or try this for a while longer.

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