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UFO's I filmed in Infrared just 45 minutes ago...

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posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by Diplomat

I will not let you inside my science facility:=)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:03 AM
People, the guy was using NIGHT vision in the DAY.

This means his camera removed the IR cut filter to let in more IR light (that is how IR cameras work). Removing an IR cut filter in the day will let in so much light that the image will be washed out. Objects which are not bright WILL be bright. They will be so bright that they will "bloom" and look 3 times larger than they really are. Do any of you know what light blooming is?

That is also why he ADDED A LENS in the beginning of the video. He had to add a tinted lens just so the image wasn't washed out because he is using NIGHT MODE IN THE DAY. The tinted lens didn't help either, just LOOK AT THE TREE IN THE TOP RIGHT. The tree is as bright as the Sun... the tree itself is glowing, and the light is blooming...

What he is filming are flying insects. The size they appear on the video is NOT the size they actually are. They are probably 2 maybe 3 times smaller. This guys camera trick is fooling you all.

All of you claiming the objects go behind clouds are being fooled by camouflage, and the cameras inability to display/record small objects, and also compression issues. You can only display so much small detail in square pixels. When the detail is smaller than pixels, they become hard to see and blend in with backgrounds. When you have such a small range of colors like in the OPs video with night mode, things blend (camouflage) even easier because everything is nearly the same color just a different shade. The sky is also glowing and this causes light from the sky to bloom around the object in a silhouette. This effect is also known to make things hard to see clearly, and things blend with the sky. Then when the camera and computer compresses the video, the algorithms which are designed to reduce file size try to reduce the amount of colors in the image and it blends things even more.

The objects are not going behind the clouds, they are just blending in.

What we have here is simple flying insects... and an amateur photographer, and amateur UFO researchers.

Those objects are not flying fast at all. You are being fooled to think they are farther then they are. They are only covering a very small distance.

If you want to get technical, you can measure the objects, and make sure determine the amount of bloom to get a closer estimate of size. Then use the size to measure the speed of the object, and get a size/speed ratio variable.... If it is traveling it's own length multiplied by a certain amount over time, you get the speed. Then you just plug in the variables of known objects to get an estimate.

You can do this by picking a point in the sky that the object flies past. Measure the time it takes for the object to pass this point from front to back, and record it as the time variable (T). Then you plug in known sizes (S) of objects such as insects and birds and you can calculate the speed (X).

So for example, if the object in the video passed the point in 250 milliseconds. T = 250ms. Now find a common insect or bird in that area and get their average size. For example, a "damselfly" is popular in the OPs location, and they can be around 1 inch in size. S = 1in.

So, if we have an object which passes a point in 250 milliseconds, and that object is 1 inch long. That means the object was traveling 0.22 MPH.

1 inch per 250 milliseconds to mph.

The average speed of a damselfly is 10 mph. So we know that if the objects are 1 inch, they are traveling within the size to speed ratio of an average flying insect of that area.

Sorry..... you are filming insects... nothing more. I find it hard to believe the OP doesn't already know this because he has a better advantage point then everyone else.. I think the OP is trying to pull your legs.

edit on 9-11-2010 by gift0fpr0phecy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Birds?? I hope that is some kind of joke

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by jazz10
reply to post by GammaRayBurst

I would love to know what effect chemtrails etc have or would have on vehicles that rely on manipulating gravity!!
nudge nudge.
Promoting or preventing?
Which do you think?

thats 1 hell of a theory u have there...dont know why i havent thought of it before

im leaning towards prevention

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by gift0fpr0phecy

Thank you for your reply. Its not insects though.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by groingrinder

If you where to aim that into the sky at a cloud you would get the same effect as in the video.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:08 AM
Looks to me like you're taping someone with a light-pen/laser pointer bouncing the dot off a piece of glass in front of the camera lens.

Just my observation folks

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by GammaRayBurst

Nice catch here. This is a very good method 2 catch our own satelites in daylight or other flying crafts out there. It seems to be just an ordinary extra terrestrial spacecraft moving though, nothing more. I checked the option of blooming\insects but our science staff ruled that out during lunchtime. So most likely just an extra terrestrial spacecraft.

Since we cant identify it, its a UFO.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by Archirvion

Thank you for your reply, but I just showed you that if the object was 1 inch in size, that it is flying the speed of known insects of that area.

Unless you can show they are not insects, my estimations out weigh your obvious denial and lack of supporting information for your hypothesis.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by GammaRayBurst
It was most likely, IMO, a red tailed hawk which live in Tennessee as well as many other places.

Here is the link to the info I found.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:19 AM
I just measured another object on the video.

It traveled it's own length multiplied by 30 in 1 second.

If the object was 1 inch in size, it was traveling 30 inches in 1 second. That is 1.70 miles per hour. Which is very slow.

If the object was 1 foot in size, it was traveling 30 feet in 1 second. That is 20.45 miles per hour. That is still pretty slow.
edit on 9-11-2010 by gift0fpr0phecy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:20 AM
My guess:

• birds, bats, or bugs (the infrared is enhancing whatever you were shooting)

A random spot moving in the sky erratically is pretty hard to identify, but it's way more likely something terrestrial than extraterrestrial. Now if a big alien ship, like in the movie Skyline, where to be pulling people up into it, then I'd say you'd have a more interesting video.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by BAZ752
Let's for a moment consider the physiology of a bird, in this instance a Swift, they are far more apt at acceleration than most common birds and are widely acknowledged as being one of the fastest aerial birds on the planet. There's no reference in that video to prove that the trajectory is horizontal either, only that it appears horizontal, but again, we do not know that.

The trajectory is pretty parallel to the horizon so it is not in a dive which could have explained the acceleration. Swifts are fast but their speed is pretty constant in flight.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by gift0fpr0phecy

Well, that's a good post and well put together, certainly has a lot of validity in the main part. I'm a man of maths myself, and I don't really feel the need to try and point that out to prove the issue here because I don’t think it applies. Also, it's a little ignorant to assume we've all been fooled into believing something that you cannot yourself prove.

IR during daylight will show darker matter to be lighter, if we’re assuming the background is at a pitch that permits us to see it. That part can be acknowledged.

Why don’t you take a look at the case I’m putting forward in this thread and consider that it may be possible that what we’re seeing here are Swifts in mid-flight. I’m sure you’ll find the basis of my argument strong enough to challenge and also one that shouldn’t entirely be rejected.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:24 AM
Oh nice! PLEASE do a night shot!

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by BAZ752

The particular movment I am thinking about is the one that starts at about 1:09 to 1:13. There is no change in direction just a clear acceleration along a linear motion and that does not fit well with any bird I have ever seen including swifts. Sure a swift can slow down quickly and turn on a dime but they cannot move like that.

Furthemore if the there is a turn it would have to be turning perpendicular to the direction of the observer to obscure that fact from the point of view. Any turn would therefore subtract apparent speed as a function of the vector of direction not add to it. I thefore can conclude that this is not a bird.
edit on 9-11-2010 by Clavicula because: added additional point.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by BAZ752

The average size of Swifts range from 3.5 inches to 10 inches long. According to my calculations from the video... if the objects were in fact Swifts of these sizes then...

3.5 inches multiplied by 30 = 105 inches. 105 inches per second = 5.9 miles per hour.

10 inches multiplied by 30 = 300 inches. 300 inches per second = 17.04 miles per hour.

The object would then be traveling from 6 to 17 miles per hour. That is within range of the average speed of a Swift, so I would agree that it could be a Swift.

However, I believe these objects are a lot smaller than 10 inches, and are insects... But we can both agree that this is not a UFO and it something identifiable.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Clavicula

The trajectory is pretty parallel to the horizon so it is not in a dive which could have explained the acceleration. Swifts are fast but their speed is pretty constant in flight.

I implore you to look again at point No. 1 on the post where I brokedown the relevant parts of the footage to substantiate my argument. A dive is certainly what appears to occur between 1:00 - 1:02.

You now say that their speed is 'pretty' constant [sorry, I'm not picking you out on your word usage here
] but when we're talking about pretty, in what scale of variance can we measure it? As I've stated, Swifts have similar ability in flight as Hummingbirds but with far less control due to their body mass. Consider the size of the objects in relation to how they accelerate [move] and the footage I linked will deomstrate that it is very possible for them to accelerate and indeed move at these speeds.

Again, this link will provide that information.

Here you will see the following:

Swifts are the most aerial of birds. Larger species, such as White-throated Needletail, are amongst the fastest fliers in the animal kingdom. Even the Common Swift cruises at 5 to 14 metres per second (18–50 km/h, 11–31 mph) and is capable of 60 metres per second (216 km/h, 134 mph) for short bursts.[citation needed] In a single year the common swift can cover at least 200,000 km.[1]

So yes they are capable of accelerating at almost 5 times their cruising speed for shorter bursts therefore not making for a constant speed during flight. Which is very possibly what we are seeing here.

edit on 2010/11/9 by GradyPhilpott because: edited nested quote.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by GammaRayBurst

I have never had a real interest in UFO's. But since I signed on to ATS (for other reasons) I have watched and read about the various sightings and by far, your video is one of the most convincing. I would lean towards some military experiment before I said it was a UFO, but that's just because I'm still riding the fence. But you definitely caught something!!!! Oh, and are you mIddle, North or South Middle Tennessee?

Great Job! Star & Flag from me and a comment : )

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by GammaRayBurst
They started spraying chemtrails here in middle Tennessee again today, I took my video camera out to show what chemtrails look like in IR Nightshot mode, when i caught multiple objects in the sky.
The video quality has degraded once I download the video from my camera to computer then up computer to a image hosting site.. the original video played directly to a large TV screen shows amazing clarity and detail.

S&F Great job. Those things certainly were going like a bat uotta hell.

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