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Jesse Ventura - Disinfo Agent?

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posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 07:53 PM
Disinfo agent?? Nah

Been hit in the end a few to many times??

Uh huh!!! yup

Doesn't make him a disinfo agent though.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 08:14 PM
Any man who can
1) survive and graduate BUDS
2) use a hand-held mini-gun to bleed a bad a$$ alien
3) be a professional wrestler (???!!!)
4) be a governor in the US
5) be in any movie that made it pretty big
6) speak truth to power and not be fearful (like most of his pansy a$$ critics)
7) no telling what else he did....

deserves a little respect and attention. Just remember what he thinks is going on the planned TV show is not necessarily what his producer (or others) is/are planning. I can say that with experience of a close family member...they call it "creative license", it comes out completely different from the truth!

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by squirelnutz
Jesse Ventura gets a lot of information out there for the sheeple to open up their minds...


Jesse Ventura makes all claims of conspiracy look ridiculous so that whenever a topic is brought up, it is easy to dismiss because of his show......

edit on 6-11-2010 by squirelnutz because: i am an idiot

Originally posted by hadriana
I don't care.


you dont care? we question if the man can be trusted and you dont care? embrace ignorance much?

broadcasting is owned, anything permited to remain on tv is a controled messege, many posters of this thread have supplied good reason for knowing this.

jesse is either a part of it or being made a fool by it. i wouldnt believe he had any honest control over that show unless he owned the channel itself, as well as any other rights and permits that go along with broadcasting.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 10:08 PM
Im not questioning the man's credentials, I am simply saying that because of his show, good FACTUAL conspiracies are being looked at as ridiculous and silly...

He has done a lot in his CAREER, yes, no questions about that, but is his show doing more harm than good?

Yes he is opening a few minds, but how many more minds is he closing?

that is what i am debating

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 10:12 PM
IMHO I feel that he is genuine when he gets upset at somethings especially 9-11 and the airport in denver. I think he takes this serious. I heard him even speak on Howard and he is a genuine person. I dont know if its helping open eyes but I beleive he is trying

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by rushunt

I dunno maybe I'm looking at it from a different angle but he seems to be discrediting our cause, whether on "accident" or not...

As you mentioned he does seem credible about some things such as the Denver Airport episode but the only person i have been able to believe was the guy talking about lyme disease..

Maybe intense psychological distress could make someone appear a liar, i dunno... thats why i brought it here

And Jesse believes EVERYTHING he hears.. At least thats how he portrays it.... I could tell him the Government is testing Bees with Laser guns inside my anus and he would probably do a show on it...

I do want to believe, but this world has taught me when it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's probably a dog in costume trying to eat the real ducks

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 10:38 PM
I read somewhere that alot of people want him to run for 2012 president elections, He stated he didnt have the time to get it together, I would vote for him. I think he would release all the info we ever wanted! Lets all write him in at the ballots!

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 10:55 PM
"I would ignore if i was you, but some may find it entertaining. Remember this guys jobs are all about lying."

Actually, I would ignore everything on Television all together if I was you. If there was ever a profession tailor made for born liars, TV is it.

"Maybe should have called it Conspiracy Hunters."

Yeah...he should arm his crack staff with some water guns while they go around hunting down the next great conspiracy. It's dangerous work ya know.

"I dunno maybe I'm looking at it from a different angle but he seems to be discrediting our cause, whether on "accident" or not..."

Nothing is done by accident...especially on some shallow crappy pre-scripted TV show.

"I could tell him the Government is testing Bees with Laser guns inside my anus and he would probably do a show on it..."

Hey, your anus is as good a place as any to get material for these lousy TV shows. The fact that people think the Guvenah is actually contributing something of value tells you how lost and pathetic people are.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 11:19 PM
Ventura is very ignorant himself (read: find details) when it comes to this stuff, which makes me think he is doing this for the money (Books, TV shows). You can tell he has fallen ass backwards into "alternative history" only in the last few years and happens to make a lucrative living from this stuff trading on his name. He also relies on his "team" of models/actors on his show to investigate what can be found on Google in 5-10 minutes.

His celebrity status allows him to uncover essentially existing information that most amateur researchers have known for years and presents it as new and revelatory.

As with most sensationalists, he never truly cracks the conspiracy and winds up with a bunch of unanswered questions, most of which were asked years ago by someone else who was less famous.

He's either an attention seeking wannabe researcher or a paid dis info agent perpetuating the "Limited Hangout" to reveal what is approved to be revealed and only that much.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by 1SawSomeThings

He was NEVER a SEAL.

He was UDT not a Seal.

BIG difference.

He NEVER earned the trident.

NOBODY from his time in the Navy even remembers him.

The first thing I would ever do if I was in the same room is ask him what his number was.

Every SEAL has a trident issued with a number on the back.

They all know their number,forever.

It is even used to identify them,if they need to "call"in.

My mentor in the service was one of the people who designed the SEAL Trident.

He was made a honorary SEAL by members of the community but NEVER was a actual SEAL.

UDT "frogmen" were just that divers with ordnance training.

No parachute training usually.

The proof is in the fact that while he was stationed in San Diego,he hung out in a biker bar and worked asa bouncer at the bar.

NO SEAL would ever do that and keep their clearance.

His older Brother was a UDT too but ended up serving in a SEAL unit when the UDT frogman were transitioned into the Seals.

Many SEAL's from back then remember his brother but not him.

He is a living cartoon character.

All pretend and make believe.

He is only about insuring that his persona makes him money.

edit on 6-11-2010 by Oneolddude because: (no reason given)

Mod Edit: Quoting – Please Review This Link.

edit on 2010/12/4 by GradyPhilpott because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 11:28 PM
Just in case anyone either forgot or didn't know the Old Skool Jesse Ventura:


Disinfo agent? Prolly not...

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by Oneolddude

You got some proof to go with those allegations?

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:07 AM
I saw the TV episodes of Conspiracy Theory months before I read the book. The book leaves much more to question, but I think Jesse is the real deal. From what I gathered from his book and TV show, he tries to present the facts in with an attitude that most of the general public will relate to, you have to remember that most of the sheeple have never heard of most of the theories and topics his TV show presents. I just think his motives are a little different than most. I think he truly believes in what he's doing, but also sees this as a money making opportunity, keep in mind that he is a professional wrestler. I don't blame the man for trying to make a buck in his "retirement". I remember seeing Jesse on some video with Willie Nelson, smoking dope, and talking about conspiracy stuff, so any friend of Willie's is a friend of mine, lol. One of those "I'll never smoke dope with Willie again" moments. As for the powers that be hindering what he does, I'd say it's completely true. They probably see him as a clown, one of their pawns who is controlled regardless of what he believes. I suppose money being his end all, be all, motivating factor, that this is true. And with money being the key motivator, that point is in check. At the end of the day, I think anyone that watches Conspiracy Theory has a few points to take home, and pursue at their leisure, if they're not completely asleep, and if they're not so far gone as to debunk everything the man has to say. He speaks the truth, but he, like the rest, are allowed to broadcast and be seen by the TPTB, and as long as you're broadcasting on their airwaves, what they say goes, and does so. At any rate, props to Jesse for saying what's on his mind, and being seen a little more than the rest of us. Hopefully his show will cause a few to pursue a little of what he says, and it will snowball from there.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 07:07 AM
Jesse's show is a godsend he gos out and gets good info on topics we all wanna know about and this opens up the eyes to the casual viewer and gets them to think, i love it when someone does something this big to have a show which was Tru-Tv's highest rated show that puts these conspiracies at the fore front and shows you theres more too it then meets the eye and then someone calls him a disinfo agent what a joke OP are you sure your not the disinfo agent i mean come on.

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by King Seesar

Who knows I might be?

I am honestly disappointed with the the people saying he is a God.....

I have friends that call bull# on REAL conspiracies because of his shows... Maybe calling him a dis-info agent was a little too far, but i don't think he is helping our cause..

Now, us, Intelligent people that think outside the box and would like to know the truth about our world are lumped into the same category as the loonies because thats the only type of person he interviews..

After watching a few more episodes i came to this conclusion: Jesse Ventura is Genuine, BUT he is extremely naive and he believes EVERY conspiracy and EVERY BODIES story, not matter how crazy/absurd the conspiracies go, he follows.. I honestly think, he thinks he is uncovering great truths, but TPTB are more than happy to pay him a salary because he makes us look crazy

It's plain and simple and if you people would stop to think about it, instead of "OMG JESSE WAS A WRESTLER! HE IS THE HERO OF THE EVERYMAN!!" You might actually see the point im trying to make..

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by hadriana

That whole deal the other night with GS had to have been completely staged.
Just how were the cameras placed in this restaurant without anyone knowing?
How did they happen to waltz in and confront these creeps?
I am sure everyone in the place would have seen a camera crew setting up
their equipment before Jesse strolls in. Just wondering.....

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by endtimer

Are you talking about the wall street episode, where he "surprises" the bankers?

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by squirelnutz

Yes, this show was just aired on friday evening. He was questioning 5-6 men
at a table drinking wine, and he was probing into the huge bonus issued to
Goldman Sachs CEO's. Then at the end of the "show" Jesse said he was going
to kick some ass.

edit on 7-11-2010 by endtimer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by endtimer

yeah it was obviously staged...

except i dont think Jesse thought that

Like i've said before, I am a good poker player, i can see tells and i can tell (for the most part) when people are full of it, and Jesse was the only Genuine person on the scene..

I think the "bankers" were just actors but they told Jesse they were real bankers

posted on Nov, 8 2010 @ 01:29 AM
I have no idea if this man is a Disinfo agent or not. What I do know is that his speech, mannerisms, and massive Wisconsin over-bite make him sound ridiculous and sensationalized...Conspiracy Theory is a joke, and nothing more. Idiots watch this show. People that watch this show or tune in for a few minutes are laughing at the people of ATS and other like-minded people. I hope that it is off the air soon. It is destroying the credibility of people who actually think and analyze and question the world around them.

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