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Something that looked like a missile over Phoenix.

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posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 06:40 AM
I want the poster and anyone fear monger to be aware of this.

There is a law out there that if anyone causes a panic or makes a false alarm they could be fined, or Jailed. So becareful of what you post and if it proves to be false you could be in very, very big trouble.

So I I was the OP I would come out and tell the truth and admit its DISINFO or a lie, or face the consequences of his actions.

Because I have heard they are tracking down on these kind of people, and its not pretty.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by Gabrielle.Black

For one he never said that what he was saying was 100 percent the truth. From the story he presented it is all hearsay.I also highly doubt they are going to drag him off to the stockade. Someone high up may investigate it to see if they have a leak but that is it. The internet is full of more crazy rumors that have " in the know sources" then this.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 06:46 AM

Originally posted by Gabrielle.Black
I want the poster and anyone fear monger to be aware of this.

There is a law out there that if anyone causes a panic or makes a false alarm they could be fined, or Jailed. So becareful of what you post and if it proves to be false you could be in very, very big trouble.

So I I was the OP I would come out and tell the truth and admit its DISINFO or a lie, or face the consequences of his actions.

Because I have heard they are tracking down on these kind of people, and its not pretty.

Haha thats a thread killer if I've ever seen one!

At the very least the Mods should look into this ATS member, his story is looking to be really really fake. I'd say this type of thread making should land the OP banished from ATS

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by Gabrielle.Black
I want the poster and anyone fear monger to be aware of this.

There is a law out there that if anyone causes a panic or makes a false alarm they could be fined, or Jailed. So becareful of what you post and if it proves to be false you could be in very, very big trouble.

So I I was the OP I would come out and tell the truth and admit its DISINFO or a lie, or face the consequences of his actions.

Because I have heard they are tracking down on these kind of people, and its not pretty.

Hahahaha, oh please, get over yourself . He wasnt causing panic at all. He never said it was 100 %. I found it quite interesting actually .

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 06:52 AM
It's all smoke, mirrors and distractions.

The real stuff going on you haven't a clue.

We won't know jack *hit until TSHTF - then everyone will be sooooooooooo surprised.

edit on 6-11-2010 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 07:00 AM
could someone please explain the point of this thread. im a bit confused and would like some clarity.

i know we have established that something was launched from an air force base. so a million people claiming to have seen the same thing isnt going to make that reality any more solid. we know that NOBODY knows what it was. we know that NOBODY knows what its purpose was. we know according to the OP that it had nothing to do with a nuclear strike against india(for all those bright sparks who flew off the handle and decided to concoct their own version of events, nice touch)

the validity of the launch doesnt not by proxy validate the ludicrous claim that obama is in india with his family to oversea some clean up of a "supposed" silo explosion of a nuclear device. so nobody seems to be discussing this point which is good IMHO.

so are we trying to figure out what was launched and why? has anybody tried calling the base and asking them? crazy i know but it sure beats trying to guess what it was.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

I think trying to stay with a clear mind and connecting information will help us get at least an overall idea of what's going on. Not to freak out about it, but to be prepared and act adequately. That's the purpose of ATS for me.

Those who think there are only two possible states of mind - freaked out and ignorant, and choose the latter because don't see another option to be calm - I wish you good luck. Something really big is going on, but why saying this should freak everybody out? Are we insane or what? Don't we have our minds to think about solutions? How many are we? If we cooperate and help each other no force in the universe can bring us down. How am I so sure? Ask yourself truly and deeply and you will see what I am talking about.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by Gabrielle.Black

Either you are afraid of what you read and are fabricating this to attempt a "confession" from the OP'er, OR you are a bigger fear monger and are trying to suppress free speech. Which is it?

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 07:46 AM
A few things just don't add up...

I agree that it looks more like a contrail than a rocket launch. The evidence for that is overwhelming. Outstanding job, OutKast Searcher. However, I do not believe that it was a high thrust, vertical take off as suggested. If it were, why were no sonic booms heard? Any current fighter in the American arsenal would be supersonic in a matter of seconds. The sonic boom would have easily been heard 25-30 miles away (about the distance from Luke AFB to Shea Blvd.)

Secondly, if it were a missile launch, where is the reaction from the international community? Every time another country (ie. North Korea, Iran) has had an unscheduled, unannounced missile launch the world has gone up in arms about UN sanctions and so forth. What makes you think that the US would be exempt from this, especially with all of the anti-American sentiments out there?

A third item is the lack of operational heavy launch facilities and equipment in Arizona, with the Titan II silos being deactivated around 25 years ago (and I'll admit I may be wrong on this one.) To my knowledge, all of the currently operational ICBM facilities are in the northern states of Wyoming, North Dakota and Montana.

Finally, Phoenix has had its share of strange lights. There was a staggering amount of video and images from the Pheonix Lights, so why not this object? I understand that this object seemed to be in the sky for only a moment, while the lights hung around, but in most places of the world even a short UFO claim has some video. Where are all of the YouTube videos claiming this sighting?

In conclusion, I'll side with Occam's razor. This was nothing but an interesting case of skewed perspective and a high flying aircraft.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 07:56 AM
I've read a lot of threads here at ATS. For some reason your thread rings true for me. With the amount of sink holes opening up, volcanic eruptions and seismic activities, something is upsetting mother earth. The steps you took to bring this information to ATS are the same things I would have done. Keep in touch with your friend and keep us updated. Let's hope this accident is contained. Star and flag for you.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 08:09 AM
sorry to derail this thread back to the original topic but i am confused about one thing, and forgive me if it has been answered but if the op saw the rocket plumes at 5:30 (wich i believe) how could it be the Delta II rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base wich launched at 7:20?

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher

Originally posted by LadySkadi
Where are the pictures?

Still being photoshopped.

These things take time.

LMAO - that definitely gets a star!

Can't wait to see the pics.

Seriously, SkepticOverlord's pics were pretty interesting. SOmething like that would have to have come from a military base. Has anyone formally inquired about it>

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Gabrielle.Black
I want the poster and anyone fear monger to be aware of this.

There is a law out there that if anyone causes a panic or makes a false alarm they could be fined, or Jailed. So becareful of what you post and if it proves to be false you could be in very, very big trouble.

So I I was the OP I would come out and tell the truth and admit its DISINFO or a lie, or face the consequences of his actions.

Because I have heard they are tracking down on these kind of people, and its not pretty.

There's a law "out there"? Sounds spooky.

Yelling FIRE in a crowded theater is a little different than the musings of some dude on the Interwebs. The former is restricted for obvious reasons, while the latter is what makes life so darn funny.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 08:36 AM
They just reported on local news here in NYC that a rocket was launched from California yesterday on a satellite release mission.

I'm not sure if this has anything to do with this sighting, but maybe it's the same rocket?

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 08:52 AM
I believe the poster did have a conversation with their "friend in the Air Force." however, if I had a dime for
every time I read "...I have a friend in the military that said..."
Well...we would be flying like the Jetsons, going back in time like Back to the Future and Transporting back to the the Star Ship Enterprise.

It is my belief that the only time the Military wants to share information is when they need us to do something that takes away attention from their real purpose.

Sometimes things they don't want to share, slip out by pure accident and sometimes people in the Military that are uniquely concerned about our well being do something because they feel morally obligated to do the right thing.

I think a lot of times misdirection is the way the military likes to work: What the Eyes see and what we hear is what the Mind believes.

Also, I hope the poster does not think I am attacking his claims, like a good investigator we need to follow the evidence and see where it leads.

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
It's all smoke, mirrors and distractions.

The real stuff going on you haven't a clue.

We won't know jack *hit until TSHTF - then everyone will be sooooooooooo surprised.

edit on 6-11-2010 by ofhumandescent because: (no reason given)

Can you see in your Tarot decks and focus on this date?

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 09:03 AM
Its way past my bed time, but i had a idea and wanted to throw out, not sure if anyone covered it.
But whats the payload on a rocket like this?
With obama doing his meetings, and everything else going on could it possibly be the govt launching a satellite to do some recon and keep tabs on things while he is over there?

Just a idea , i'd read through to see if it was covered yet, but i'm beat....

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by General.Lee

Interesting thread. I have not read the pages of comments before this posting. My views on reading the original posting and seeing the images from SO is that the message is bogus and the images real with the conclusion that the message was concocted to cover for the images that they knew would be released.

The direction the object went will tell us if it is a rocket going into orbit. A manned vehicle would probably have to go East rather than west or into a polar orbit. People with some knowledge of Luke AFB will know if they have any facilities to launch a manned vehicle. I seriously doubt it as that normally takes a huge amount of back up facilities and personnel.
I'm thinking a fighter pilot is not going to spill the beans to the first person asking them what the heck was that thing that just blasted out of your base. My guess is that it was a defensive anti-aircraft rocket fired intentionally or accidently, or it was a high-altitude research rocket and the OP simply seized on an opportunity to have a bit of fun with us.
edit on 6-11-2010 by Aliensun because: addition

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 09:06 AM
It's very hard to prove someone didn't know it was fake..... It would be circumstantial evidence at the best. This DOES LOOK like a missile shoot but could be many false flags...

posted on Nov, 6 2010 @ 09:07 AM
Or possibly they are going there to "make contact" and oboma wants to be prepared? That would also explain why he brought his family.

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