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Disclosure Is Here! And So It Begins!

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posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 08:44 AM
I'm not a Christian, or any other religion for that matter, but let's think about this for a minute. There's nothing in the bible about earth being given life exclusively. It logically follows that their god might have created life on another planet too. Where the theology will have a problem is that there are many who live and breath the stories in the old testament and claim that it is "the word of god." The allegorical stories, and all the subsequent 'laws' laid down in these texts would not apply at all to any being born on another planet. They would have their own stories and laws. That would mean that if this were the same god, worship for both/all planets would follow very different paths. If not, this would mean that some form of contact would have to have happened for the stories to be shared, and the means of worship and thought to be consistent. If there has been no contact, and - just for the sake of argument - the aliens are "Christians," it's quite possible that they will disagree with the current method of study and worship on Earth.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 08:49 AM
Big difference between "Earth-sized" and "Earth-like" planets. An Earthlike planet could be as big as Jupiter, for all we know.

However, I do agree that this would be the ideal first steps towards disclosure...getting the public used to the idea that there are other planets like Earth out there.

Then, comes the announcement of microbial, or simple lifeforms found on another planet.

Then, maybe some larger lifeform or fossil found.

Then, a signal.

Etc., etc.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

yes but is that really disclosure?. that could just be what is found in the future.

or has the meaning of disclosure now changed?.

i always saw disclosure as being the governments coming clean that they had recovered alien craft in the past and/or made contact with intelligent alien life?.

which if true i dont think they would ever tell us anyway, what government is going to admit lying to the public for decades over such a huge issue?.

maybe they have nothing to disclose?.

the main problem i see here is that anyone that believes the disclosure theory is going to take any future find as proof that they were right all along!.

i wish we could establish exactly what disclosure meant....



posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 09:16 AM
Well, to quote one of the articles linked on the first page:

It will be some time before scientists can be sure there are truly Earth-like planets in our cosmic backyard. The Berkeley team detected planets by their mass alone, but know nothing about their sizes. This makes it impossible to answer crucial questions such as whether the planets are wet and rocky like Earth, or are inhospitable gas balls or giant water worlds.


A little info on the search for extrasolor planets which you may find interesting and somewhat relevant can be found here, taken from one of my previous threads: Search for Extrasolar Planets

Is this cool? Yeah, but the beginning of disclosure? Hardly.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 09:26 AM
First of all, let me start off by saying that I believe that what we commonly refer to today as "aliens", in the Bible, were referred to as angels. And the Bible does tell us that we were made a little lower than the angels. I also believe that we are not the only "man" in the universe.

I believe, and yes, they are just that, beliefs, that God created this whole universe for mankind. That "earth" and "Earth" are 2 separate things. Imagine if you will, that God seeded the whole universe at the big bang. And that all life was suppose to naturally evolve on all planets.

The Bible also tells us that the angels were present when he created the universe and all its wonders. I believe that God and these angels originate from beyond the universe. Beyond the black void at the edge. That the universe was God's garden.

Then there were those who became jealous if you will. A fight happens, in my opinion, because there were some angels who went to these gardens, and manipulated the natural evolution taking place. And if they were there when God made it, it would stand to reason that they knew the secret to creation. Thus manipulation would not be that hard.

Like I said, these are just my beliefs.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 09:34 AM
Disclosure or the last card?

As the "real" world is running out of enemies of the state.. They need another enemy to keep you in fear and willingly pay taxes.

After Afghanistan we might still attack Pakistan or Iran.. But with the upcoming of China, the re-emerging of Russia.. The places where the West can Kill and Play without too much consequences for the homeland.. are getting less and less.
Today's communication makes it also harder and harder for the governments to make up stories that give them powers to money and army.

So it's time for a new enemy.. One that civilians cannot check, or control... Space enemies..

Please hurry to pay your taxes and be a brave obeying citizen.. because THEY are coming..


posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by v01i0
reply to post by GeisterFahrer

Because in the Bible it says that god created man as a crown of creation. Would there be aliens about, it would mean that they would be superior to us as they can travel vast distances of space.


this is a narrow minded thing to say....why would man lose its place as the 'crown of God's creation' just because another race or species can travel cross galaxy? Why does being able to travel a certain distance make one race or species 'superior' to the other?

This would be like saying that the common Termite is superior to the Blue Whale because it walks on land.

Or that a bird would be superior to a human due to it's ability to fly without mechanical assistance.

Superiority its a title given only by those who feel inferior. What makes one race or species more or less superior? Technology? Spirituality? Will to survive?

If i EAT the lion, do i gain its power?

spread out.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 11:37 AM
A wide ranging thread. Various remarks prompt several responses. First-- The Denver, Colorado initiative on extraterrestrial life would create a committee made up of volunteers. No public funds would be used. These people, by their work, would be giving to the community not taking from it. Second -- The newly announced Earth-like planet at the star Gliese 581 has not disappeared or been disproved. A Swiss team of astronomers simply reported that they had tried to find it and had not succeeded. They also admitted that they were working at the very limits of what they could detect. They could easily have missed an existing planet under these conditions. Third -- The recent estimate that one in four stars could have an Earth-sized planet was not a 'guess'. It was based on astronomical observation, and logical extrapolation. Finally -- is this announcement a part of a gradual disclosure of extraterrestrials visiting Earth? Probably not, in the sense of a closely planned and controlled effort. In a larger sense, however, it appears that the more we learn about the universe we inhabit, the better prepared we are to accept such knowledge whenever and however it may come. Ross

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 12:28 PM

i always saw disclosure as being the governments coming clean that they had recovered alien craft in the past and/or made contact with intelligent alien life?.

I agree, but these other steps could be to "soften the blow" so to speak.

If we truly did recover crashed alien technology, I'm sure there are at least 3 camps on disclosure...

1) Tell everyone everything now.
2) Tell the public, but get them used to the idea first (such as above ideas).
3) Never tell them.

Probably more, but at LEAST these 3... I'm just saying that these kinds of announcements COULD be seen as those timid steps to getting folks used to the idea, but personally, I think these announcements should just be taken as face value, for what they are (scientists trying to get some attention for their work, and thus more funding)...

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by rajaten

You and I must have different definitions of disclosure.

dis·clo·sure (d-sklzhr)
1. The act or process of revealing or uncovering.
2. Something uncovered; a revelation.
3. something that is disclosed
4. the act of disclosing; revelation

Originally posted by rajaten
reply to post by TrueBrit

Depends how you define disclosure.

Would you care to share your definition of disclosure?

The discovery was reported in the journal Science.

I see a discovery not a disclosure.

Regarding the initiated ordinance:

Here is the ballot title for the Extraterristrial Affairs Commission. It discusses the reasons why petitioners believe the committee should be created. Give it a read, it sounds like a lot of concerned UFO enthusiasts believe such a committee should exist. How does one get an initiative in the ballot you might ask?

Here's the Denver Ballot Initiative Requirements and following are a couple of quotes from it.

Voters in the City and County of Denver have the right to place initiatives on the ballot by petition. Several steps are involved in this process, and the procedures are prescribed by law.

For an initiated ordinance, petitioners must collect valid signatures from registered Denver voters equaling five percent of the total votes cast in the previous mayoral election. For 2009 and 2010, this equals 3,973 valid signatures. Petitioners are encouraged to gather an ample number of signatures in excess of this to ensure that at least the required number of signatures are confirmed valid.

This really has nothing to do with the government but rather is representative of the wishes of at least 4000 of Denver's citizens.

So how is disclosure here and what's beginning?

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by v01i0

Actually, it doesn't.

I see UFOligists quote Ezekiel all the time.

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by v01i0
reply to post by GeisterFahrer

Because in the Bible it says that god created man as a crown of creation. Would there be aliens about, it would mean that they would be superior to us as they can travel vast distances of space.


No it wouldn' would just mean that they had been here longer than us!..........remember would put the "crown" on last

posted on Oct, 29 2010 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by RICH-ENGLAND

what government is going to admit lying to the public for decades over such a huge issue?.

They'd simply blame it on previous governments lying!, and present governments telling the truth!

But I agree with you.........If they could have got away with that, they would already have done it!..................or would they??

edit on 29/10/2010 by Argyll because: it's a secret

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by rajaten
Billions of Earth-size planets orbiting sun-like stars, researchers say

At least one in every four stars like the sun have planets about the size of Earth circling them in very close orbits, researchers said Thursday. That means our galaxy alone, with its 200 billion sun-like stars, has at least 46 billion Earth-size planets orbiting close to the stars, and perhaps billions more farther out in the so-called habitable zone, said astronomer Andrew Howard of the University of California, a co-author of the paper. The discovery was reported in the journal Science.

Read more:

Dont believe me? Then look at this:

Initiated ordinance? hrmm....
edit on 29-10-2010 by rajaten because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-10-2010 by rajaten because: (no reason given)

Wow.. unbelievable. First off, NASA saying there are earth like planets out there != govt saying aliens are visiting Earth.

Secondly, the denver thing. Its a INITIATED ORDINANCE, meaning someone , a private citizen, got the number of signatures necessary to get something on the ballot. This isnt something the city of denver is officially putting forward.

Who is the sponsor of initiative 300?
lets see.

Oh, its none other then Jeff peckman!
for those of you unaware who jeff peckman is, hes the one responsible for this video:

posted on Oct, 30 2010 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by Jay-morris
reply to post by rajaten

Yeah, just like your "october 13th" disclosure, which turned out to be nothing! Yes, its good that we are finding new planets. And i am certain that there are many life forms are out there, and maybe they could be visiting earth, who knows. But the hardcore believers are killing this subject with their "believe everything" viewpoint. And thats a shame, because there are some great cases out there, but these days people are more interested in the hoaxers and balloons

exactly, ive been saying the same thing. You see posts all the time here that are just so off base even by UFO beleiver standards with regard to the claims they make, yet you will see with almost any post, a army of believers responding in support.

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