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Something's about to happen (fall of 2010)

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posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by SkyBluePegasus

Thanks for your reply, and in all truth I don't think we know the ACTUAL date of judgement, and I am of the view, or suspicion that it's always the judgement, since every moment of creation is brand spanking new..

edit on 27-10-2010 by NewAgeMan because: something changed, minor.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by sodakota

Thats it.... you nailed it, and although no ones given this much credence, I feel his trip is a key indicator if you will, as to what to expect during this timeframe.... "Standby"

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 11:47 PM
Interesting thread Rob. Intuition is far more valuable than knowledge.

And, with faith the size of a mustard seed, mountains can be moved...

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 12:33 AM
No lie, i rememeber a few years ago i was convinced the world would end oct 31st...everyone thought i was crazy..lo and behold nothing happened..i sucked it up and moved on now it seems other people have gotten the same impression too...smh

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

I think you're right about the world getting a new chance. But I think we get new chances all the time. I like to believe there's an open future for all of us, and nothing is ever really truly set in stone. I'm pretty sure we have more power over this reality than we think, and even if world wide we might not have all that much to say, I'm quite positive about our own little worlds being very much influenced by all we think and believe in. And what's great is that we can make our little worlds really happy places to be in, and the happier and more positive they get, the more they'll probably take over the bigger world in a good way. Small consistent steps always go a long way, you never know, they might go all the way.

For me the most depressing thought is that my little happy world might end too fast and not get the chance to grow as much as I would want it to, or affect the bigger world as much as I'd hope, but hey, if I didn't have this pressure behind my back, maybe I wouldn't take myself as seriously as I am doing it now. A sense of urgency like I said, is not at all a bad thing, if anything, it's probably what we need. Yeah, we might get depressed at first, we might fail quite miserably, but the pressure is there to make us wanna get over that, and push further and further. It's all a very natural process in my opinion, and very much worth it.
Also, I think it's a pretty good lesson in terms of learning to maintain the balance between the the good and the bad, the outside, and the inside. I'm just saying that running away from the outside world, and hiding in our own happy bubble isn't the answer either. It's a pretty interesting game we're playing here in this lifetime I think, and our own worlds are very much a replica in many ways of the outside world, except we're in control of what we choose to keep, develop, get out, etc., and subsequently these changes for the better might slowly have an impact on a bigger scale. Just our sole example might inspire a few others, and that's great as it is.
Obviously, this is all great in theory, and I don't think I can say that I've gotten this whole game under control in practice. I'm still learning to maintain a healthy balance, staying happy inside but also occasionally taking a look outside and balancing myself again through that. It's a constant work, and sometimes I'm doing a terrible job, but when I do get it right for longer periods, I can really feel the great effect it has on me and around me, and it's so worth it. And thank god the pressure is constantly there to correct me and keep me going, otherwise it's pretty easy to be a lazy bum.

Thank you for your reply. I don't think I've been told much that I'm a good person, so it was literally weird for me to read that, and react to it, but I guess I'm happy you're getting good vibes from me.
I think deep inside I'm just as flawed as the next guy, It's just a matter of learning to control yourself and help yourself become a better person. But I guess parts of this goodness are also something we all have inside, we just need to learn to recognize them. So I'm just doing my best at doing all these things. But I also feel very good vibes from you, and I'm quite happy you're my first friend on ATS.
It really makes my day meeting people like you who make an effort to consciously better themselves and look for better answers around them. It's also strange that you feel like I'm working/helping/counseling people. I'm 22, finished business
and never got to quite help out as much as I would've hoped to. But I've felt deep inside all my life that my purpose here is to help, listen, counsel. I've only managed to do volunteering work with disabled kids, abandoned animals,here and there but that's the extent of it.Of course I feel very lucky to have gotten the chance to do that, but I feel there's much more I could do, and maybe someday, if the future stays open, I'll get to do this on a larger scale, professionally. I guess it would be my dream. But I am very impressed that you sensed all this just through one post of mine. You're quite awesome

Hope when I get 20 posts we can talk more.

edit on 28-10-2010 by starloveiai because: spelling errors

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 02:55 PM
Wow, I can't believe I wrote so much, and it certainly feels very weird openly talking about myself on a forum, but I guess that's what I get for not getting out of my bubble as much as I should

Also, I hope everyone is feeling better and less anxious these days.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 03:01 PM
Whatever transpires it will be ok. Earth won’t not self destruct. Anything bad that you expect to happen would be minimum and nothing catastrophic. Your imagination has endless possibilities and formulations to construct. Continue to dream and imagine, but try to be more optimistic. Optimism is something you will benefit from. Healthy thinking is healthy living.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 03:58 PM
VERY interesting discussion ensuing here. Thanks OP. I agree with this feeling that things seem to be sort of speeding up; like the earths gaining some weird kind of momentum. Not literally (as in spinning faster) but contained upon it or within it OR within us. Make any sense?
We are heading towards something. I feel it - in my very being.
Is it at all possible, and I ask this as a sincere question not rhetorically, that the LHC DID in fact have some affect on things when they set it off? I was scared s***less when that whole project started. They cannot possibly know what they're dealing with. More people playing God.

Rob, if I could I'd join you on the stoop for a smoke as we look to the heavens for some help!

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 08:08 PM
You guys are just awesome!

If there is a big time problem looming large on our collective horizon because of the Occultists who want to be God like Jack Parons who founded NASA, and his messed up friend Crowley (and I am convinced that he is the father of Barbara Bush, although that's another story), and, if there IS an omniscient all powerful and loving God, whereby the height of virtue is power restrained - then I say that people like you, and me, we, and so so many others, we are the reason why the "abortion" might be called off, and I don't mean the experiment, just one possible outcome.

Point is, in spite of all the suffering and sorrow, life is good and it's better that there is something and not nothing. It's good to be here, and somehow, some way, by the power of love as being "at cause" in our universe, maybe, just maybe, we can get there, to that new place of being, and together, working hand in hand, and with God's help from above (incorruptible center and source of all existence, perfect and pure) - help build the new heaven and the new earth, as part of an ongoing evolutionary process, instead of all at once in one shot, because it would be better if somehow we could learn to do it ourselves, working together collaboratively in a newfound MUTUALITY of existence, mutuality being the operative word.

I WAS really feeling it bad, btw, and I don't think it was JUST my imagination running away with me based on some unreliable internet research.

Anyway, I'm feeling a LOT better now and much much more optimistic about our mutual realm of future possibility.

So thank you, for your participation, and who knows, maybe we saved the world! Right here at ATS, armed with nothing but keyboard and mouse!

All in a days work!

So, what's NEXT?!

What do we do now?

I say we must learn how to throw away our shields and love one another as God loves us.

Best Regards,

aka Rob

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by freetree64
reply to post by sodakota

Thats it.... you nailed it, and although no ones given this much credence, I feel his trip is a key indicator if you will, as to what to expect during this timeframe.... "Standby"

Absolutely Obama's trip to India and booking in at the Taj Mahal is a big part of this puzzle and is directly releated to the "risks" involved with the CERN experiment. It's a perfect way to clear the slate and focus 100% on this issue ie: meet with top Physicists, etc., collaborate with other leaders maybe "Illuminati" whatever ie: the Occult aspects of this "operation". This could very well be THE biggest national security threat the USA has faced since the Cuban Missile crisis. To deal with it appropriately, he needed to get out of dodge, especially in the wake of the mid-term elections. For something like this there can be no distractions, and no mistakes.

I picked up on this piece of the puzzle as well.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 08:55 PM
So you see, if there was ANY validity to the concern ie: CERN causing a "dark matter spill" OR a "ripe or a tear, in spacetime" something the physicists are actaully HOPING for, it would seem, since they are recreating the conditions of creation and hoping to actaully OBSERVE dark matter, and ALL the particles, including the Higgs Boson, heck, they've even set up the CASTOR detector, to detect strangelets, and of course (please ignore the run on sentence) while they TELL us that such collisions are nothing more, or less, than cosmic ray collisions, well they would be WRONG in the sense that those are particles which have changed frequencies from the moment of creation, but THESE are the ORIGINALS, being created here on earth, in other words we don't KNOW with ANY degree of certainly whatsoever, what will happen (an UNKNOWN UNKNOWN) - and therefore, this then would be the greatest *possible* crisis, facing not only the USA, but mankind and all life on Earth, in history. At the same time, it obviously represents a transformation of matter itself, God willing, LOCALLY only, after which they HOPE that whatever forms will immediately dissapate, and on what assumption or by what math they KNOW this to be true, who can say since none of us are smart enough, or have spent our lives doing quantum and particle physics. They JOKE that if they're wrong, then there won't be any consequences, since the world will be destroyed, and quite frankly, I don't find that particular joke to be funny.

HOWEVER - the reason I'm no longer worried, is because of my faith, or, put another way, I believe very deeply in what might be thought of as the "speed of God", who we know, since this is a fraction of a second AFTER the so-called Big Bang, which is, btw just a theory - it could be that we live in a steady state universe of some sort of evolutionary eternal recurrance, arising from the Tao or the Akashic Field aka the Zero Point Field, wherein matter is ALWAYS arising. Thus, from the moment that there was nothing at all, and God said "let there be light" from God's perspective, which includes EVERYTHING, from then on there was ALWAYS light, since this event occured from outside of time, and space. Hawking says that we don't NEED a creator God, and that instead, the arrow of time must reverse itself at some point, with broken glasses, and presumably planets resurrecting themselves, reassembling themselves and reorganizing by playing the tape backwards so to speak, but he still insists in an ARROW OF TIME and a materialist monist creation (matter is primary), and so, if Hawking is wrong, and black holes don't evaporate by moving backwards in time, or, if these srangelets they are about to produce ARE dangerous, in so far as they would represent, in potentia, the most stable element on earth, then there is reason for grave concern here.

And so, if my "speed of God" theory is true (the realm of infinite possibility "knows" in advance all outcomes via the Akashic Field or the Absolute), and, in the realm of all things that are possible ARE in the fullness of time and no-time, actual, then, moving backwards in time, it would be fair to assume..

That I had nothing to worry about to BEGIN with!

You see and that's why I love God so much, because he's so reliable, immovable, absolute, AND praise God merficul, kind, gentle, loving, willing to stoop down to raise what is low up to increasingly higher heights, forever. The higher always and forever comes to SERVE and not to BE SERVED, and so therefore if there are "PTB" above PTB, unto some a-holes here on Earth who think they know better, even still, if from that perspective they cannot be trusted, to make the right decision and do the right thing, and even if there WERE some sort of Occultlike Satanic element involved of some kind, or a willful wreckless negligence ie: hey how can we not flip the swtich just in order to see in, in spite of the risks involved (that's their thinking here) then there's yet another DIMENSION of PTB still higher, by many many orders of magnitude, who totally "get" the full nature of any problems, and unto the highest power in the universe, I'll bet that well he would never lead us astray and if this meant some sort of global transformation, even amid cataclysm, then I say "let thy will and not mine, be done"

And is God a destroyer, did we screw up like in the time of Noah, and would be just let it happen. Since no one knows the mind of God that's entirely possible. I'm sure supernovas blow up perfectly good planets every day. But even still, I will rest my head on his shoulder (the rock of ages), and have absolutely no fear whatsoever, even if it were the end of one world as we know it.

I'll bet a lot of the PTB here on earth are really nervous about the "end of history" and the end of the world as we know it. That's always their greatest fear, isn't it? Since to retain their power and lifestyle, maintaining the status quo at all cost has to be their number one priority and we know them well by now for those fruits don't we.
And that they, would be way way MORE scared than me, that too give me GREAT comfort, let me tell you.

Originally posted by starloveiai
Wow, I can't believe I wrote so much, and it certainly feels very weird openly talking about myself on a forum, but I guess that's what I get for not getting out of my bubble as much as I should

Also, I hope everyone is feeling better and less anxious these days.

No worries as they say here in BC Canada. Oh there's still a tiny doubt, but not really, because there's "feedback", and that's what I feel we've achieved right here in this thread, and so thanks, because indeed..

I, feel, so, much, BETTER NOW!

Love you guys. (whoever's posted or taken the time to run through this thread)

aka "NAM"
edit on 28-10-2010 by NewAgeMan because: injecting fun video, for consumption.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 09:05 PM
..then again, they still haven't run the actual experiment yet either!

This thread is starting to freak me out a big again I need to go have a cigarette!

May God of the highest be with us, always, and of course may the force be with you my friends as we try to navigate a possible NOVELTY event at the end of "history" (as we've known it).

But just remember, just in case, that any end is always nothing but the end of one thing and the beginning of a new one, and imho, it's ALL GOOD.


signing off for now..

And there is something you can do, you can pray, but try not to pray too hard in the negative if you can, neverhtheless God is smart enough to know more than is contained in the movie "The Secret" so no worries at the same time.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by this_is_who_we_are
Could someone post a link to a calendar of events for the LHC for the rest of October and for November?

That would sure be nice, eh?

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 09:50 PM
Here's my bottom line (sorry for hijacking the thread).

This is, I suppose, a personal viewpoint of mine as a Christian believer, but I have happen to believe that it's also scientific, especially in a non-local, holographic universe, with physical (spiritual in potentia) man, perched atop the crown of all creation or of, an eternally unfolding creative dynamic ie: the last shall be first, and the first, last.

And this brings in the symbolism of 9/11.

=> No human power, could ever demolish, or absolish, even at "free fall speed", the "twin towers" (pillars) of God's severe justice on the one hand, and his tender mercy, on the other, because this was already rendered large, at the REAL end of time, some 2000 years ago, on a hill called Golgotha (place of the sculls). That cannot be undone, nor the meaning cleaved from it. And all information is contained therein, in a simplicity on the other side of complexity, or at the end of entropy, and, at the beginning of negentropy (death and resurrection). He will protect us. I do not need their "sign" from Chile, of the masonic Lion's Paw, since that's been done already, in the fullness of time and history. But again, this is what troubles me, how they try to reframe history in order to eliminate the work that God has already done in relation to the human being, where we were just a little slow on the uptake in "grokking" it most fully, that rebellious spirit (Crowley comes to mind here) where God's best defence just happened to also, by neccessity involve perhaps the greatest offense, to the will and pride, and sins, of man, in order to be curative or formative and transformative. They "get it" but they can't STAND it, and that scares me, the way some PTB, who are immensely powerlful, in terms of material and temporal wealth only, want to kill Christ again and again, and re-enact the passion, of which the 9/11 event recently played center stage, the only difference being that those sacrificed on that day, and since (in the name of "justice" and "security") had no say in the matter, their free will choice, removed from them, along with their lives (at least in this form on this earth at this time in history).

Back to the thread..

edit on 28-10-2010 by NewAgeMan because: slight mod

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 10:50 PM

Kashmiri protesters beat the remains of an effigy of U.S. President Barack Obama after burning it during a protest in Srinagar, India, Monday, Sept. 13, 2010. Indian forces battled Kashmiri protesters in the streets of the disputed territory Monday in demonstrations fueled in part by a report of the Quran being desecrated in the United States. (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)

I got the feeling that Obama should not go to India in November. The article shows how much hatred they have towards the US and its leader. I think there might be an assassination attempt when he goes. Such an attack I believe would provoke ww3. I hope I'm wrong.
edit on 28-10-2010 by iamnot because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 02:00 AM
Methinks November.
Oct 31 has come and gone.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by this_is_who_we_are
Methinks November.
Oct 31 has come and gone.

Yep so far so good, happy to be proven wrong about that, but the LHC experiment still hasn't begun let's not forget, we've still got a little ways to go, not that I want anything bad to happen.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 02:04 AM
Here is another "sign" I've "read' re: dark matter as explosive material, and no I'm not being schitzoid, this is just an interpretation, a reading of history from "outside the box" you could say.

The most recent plane bomb terror alert involved a type of "dark matter" in this case, nothing bur printer ink, suspected to be a bomb.

"Dark matter" as bomb, triggers
Global Security threat

for whatever it's worth I thought i'd raise it, as another synchronicity I picked up on.

That said, I've gotten other "signs" that all the "loose ends will be tied up" (ie: spiralling particles) and that there will be no "ice 9" reaction as a result.

Sometimes, at least to me, it seems that these events are fabricated, so serve as a type of communication medium of some kind, which have contained embedded within them, intentionally, such symbolism or esoteric meaning as a metaphor or allegory, with "word" going out through the largest network possible, while impinging on the collective consciousness, as a means of "talking to God" or some such thing.

I know I know, sounds crazy.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
Here is another "sign" I've "read' re: dark matter as explosive material, and no I'm not being schitzoid, this is just an interpretation, a reading of history from "outside the box" you could say.

The most recent plane bomb terror alert involved a type of "dark matter" in this case, nothing bur printer ink, suspected to be a bomb.

"Dark matter" as bomb, triggers
Global Security threat

for whatever it's worth I thought i'd raise it, as another synchronicity I picked up on.

That said, I've gotten other "signs" that all the "loose ends will be tied up" (ie: spiralling particles) and that there will be no "ice 9" reaction as a result.

Sometimes, at least to me, it seems that these events are fabricated, so serve as a type of communication medium of some kind, which have contained embedded within them, intentionally, such symbolism or esoteric meaning as a metaphor or allegory, with "word" going out through the largest network possible, while impinging on the collective consciousness, as a means of "talking to God" or some such thing.

I know I know, sounds crazy.

If this interpretation has any validity, the one thing I do know from the research I've done is that if a stabalized form of dark matter forms as a result of the LCH experiment, then indeed that would be an international security threat of the very worst kind, since in this case, such a threat once actualized, could not be contained or simply rendered innocuous. No one should be creating dark matter on earth, it doesn't belong in our world to interact with normal matter.

posted on Nov, 2 2010 @ 05:11 PM
I'd like two bacon double cheeseburgers, two large fries, a coke and a chocolate shake. And an order of flapjacks. Is it too early for flapjacks?

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