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Didn't know Obama lowered your taxes? Thought he raised them? You're not alone.

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posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by Mactire
That just goes to show that millions of people are watching the wrong news networks.

You mean not just Fox; but also MSNBC, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC and the junk spewed by public television ... right?

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
Republicans have always supported higher taxes on lower and middle income earners.

Because the majority of the tax burden is stuck onto the top 10% of wage earners in ths country. Theft from those people of their money, simply because they have more of it, is unfair. We penalize them for being productive. The ONLY fair tax is a flat tax where everyone pays the same percentage. Anything else is wrong. Period.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by Cthulwho
Stop whinging, compared to most other countries Americans pay ridiculously low taxes. 35% tax on $379,000?? No wonder the countries going broke. Obama should increase taxes by 50%.

And looking at other countries with their higher tax rates I'm very glad that I live here and not there.
You are proposing SLAVERY TO THE STATE. It's absurd. It' frightening.
Work hard citizen ... for the state ... don't mind that red boot pushed up against your neck ...
.... work citizen .. for the state.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

You mean the US, which is completely f'd. Compared to say, Australia, which didn't go into recession and still has a strong economy, with the Australian dollar almost reaching parity with the US dollar.

Australians pay 45% for everything over $180,000.
edit on 20/10/10 by Cthulwho because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by damwel
reply to post by WhatTheory

I'm sorry but you are either lying or your employer is ripping you off. Tax rates have not changed at all since Obama became president. It reminds me of a friend I had that worked in a warehouse all day where they played Rush Limbaugh through the speaker system. He got in an arguement with me saying that Hillary Clinton's health care changes had cut his check so bad that he couldn't live anymore. Funny thing, I told him since Hillary Clinton talked a lot but no change in health care ever happened. He told me "Oh yes it did, I can show you in my check". I don't know when people will quit listening to these right wing liars posing as entertainers and brainwashing people who think they are doing the best thing for their country.
Here is a change that a person can show in their paycheck.

How does it work? Using new withholding tables from the IRS, employers are supposed to pay out the Making Work Pay credit by reducing how much tax is withheld from eligible workers' paychecks.

President Obama has asked that all employers adjust their payroll systems by Wednesday so eligible workers can start receiving the new Making Work Pay tax credit through their paychecks. The credit, available for 2009 and 2010, was a part of the economic recovery package lawmakers passed in February.


Like it or not the politicians in Washington tinker with our paychecks. Sometimes it is just a show, 'Looky here, I am putting more money in your paycheck!' .
Ask someone how much help that has been when they just have to make it up at the end of the year.

Or ask the newly jobless how it helps them.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by Cthulwho
Stop whinging, compared to most other countries Americans pay ridiculously low taxes. 35% tax on $379,000?? No wonder the countries going broke. Obama should increase taxes by 50%.

And looking at other countries with their higher tax rates I'm very glad that I live here and not there.
You are proposing SLAVERY TO THE STATE. It's absurd. It' frightening.
Work hard citizen ... for the state ... don't mind that red boot pushed up against your neck ...
.... work citizen .. for the state.

Well I am not so sure its higher, I pay 16% - and its a flat tax. We all pay the same, no deductions, no loopholes. Seems pretty fair to me. oh and its going down next year

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

I think this is an excellent point - Star and flag.

IMO there has been too much made by tea partiers and republicans who are arguing with principles rather than policy. It's been business as usual as people ramp up the "socialist/communist" rhetoric.

There would have been few disimilartities between McCain and Obama tax reductions, in real terms.

People stimulate the economy - they both acknowledged that - where they differ was at teh higher end of the spectrum, which is where McCain's (typically social-economic) political principles lie.

Funny how people can be manipulated by the media though, isn't it????

Glen Beck, Hannity, O'Rielly, Limbaugh all have a lot to answer for, but you know, it will probably help win them the next election so I suppose lying to the American people is OK... 'land of opportunism' sorry, oportunity and all that.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

The referenced article from the NYTimes only states that the WITHOLDING rate was lowered but does not mention anything about the BOTTOM LINE, which is TAX LIABILITY. Your argument is flawed.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 08:03 AM
SF because the American people will never be satisfied and I have came to this realization by watching the news and I don't see why no one else has came to this conclusion as I have. Trust me we could have alot worse. I don't think that Mcane would have been a bad president either. I think that Obama's world views are better than most though and that is why I voted for him. If you watch Obama listen to all of his speaches and ideas they are not bad on a global scale. He has basically admitted that all religions are right and that is why I think that his presidency is innovative to the U.S. You know that people will never be satisfied with the job situation and the sad thing is that no president could have or will be able to do a damn thing about it. Factories are leaving us and the industrial age is leaving us as a whole and we just have to realize that. Also the same businesses that were a trend and who ended up getting greedy are leaving us now. Things evolve as the population grows and big corporations get to financially irresponsible. Companies move over seas and find cheaper ways of doing things, this is just the capitalist way of life and unfortunately a majority of Americans are to busy working 2 jobs, barrying thereselves in religion, watching, reality shows, or just spew bull because of their arrogance or inability to get up off their buts and do real research. Also I have noticed that people just don't care and just pick a favorable party like a sports team and stick with them no matter what. Am I right or am I wrong please tell me I am open for better suggestions. I think that one of the more promising ideas for stimulating jobs is green jobs, futureistic technologies, and many other things along those lines. If you really really think about it in about 50 to 100 years most jobs will require a college degrees its only inevidable that we'll have to drain out the idiots in America. Sad thing is that we might head this way if we vote republican and I say this to not promote any inpaticular party but to inform you of the obvious. All it will take is to vote in some extremely religious republican because were pissed off at someone like Obama and the U.S. could change for ever. You know that Bush's "Great Crusade" could cost the U.S. its very existance in the future? Thanks for all your thoughts ATS, I think it would be great if someone from ATS ended up president some day because we need some open minds and someone to get the job done.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by Chett

Well I am not so sure its higher, I pay 16% - and its a flat tax. We all pay the same, no deductions, no loopholes. Seems pretty fair to me. oh and its going down next year

Good point! I have always been a proponent of a 'real' flat tax system.

I love how people think that a tax on business will not affect them personally. The worker pays for it all.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

You obviously have no grasp as to what's being done to raise your taxes - let me preface my remarks by reminding everyone here that I am an Independent voter who voted for Obama. I made a HUGE mistake by doing so ! Let me give you an example of the ways that this administration is raising your taxes: Just last week at the company I work for, we were given our benefits package for the coming year. "One of the changes this year was - and I quote - As of Jan 1st, 2011 your Health Care Savings Account dollars can no longer be used to purchase over the counter medications or health products, unless they are prescribed by a physician. This is a change mandated by the Healthcare Reform Act.". Now what does this mean? In the past, you could set aside PRE-TAX money to be deposited in a Healthcare Savings Account - this money could then be used to purchase ANY medically related item whether prescribed or not (band-aids, cough syrup, aspirin, tylenol, mouthwash, etc.) - TAX FREE - because you paid no income tax on this money that you set aside for healthcare items. NOW - thanks to healthcare reform, I have to pay for these "everyday" healthcare items with money that I have paid taxes on. Thank you Mr. President and Mrs. Pelosi ! THIS IS A TAX INCREASE and is just one SMALL example of how this administration is raising taxes....I suggest you do more investigating before making some big partisan claim like this - look up VAT, look up the proposed changes coming from the CLimate Change will (unless you are simply a Dem schill or drinking the Kool Aid) have a change of heart.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 10:18 AM
Art Laffer is rolling in his empty grave.

Two points I must make to this whole discussion (besides the Laffer curve reference).

1. If we look at the depression of 1920, we can most easily find a way to fix our economic woes. We must grow the private sector, and this is done by shrinking the public sector. Something we are not doing. Tax rates are too high (I say 100% too high, but just for the sake of continuing discussion) to sustain our level of growth and industry and government spending is too high to expect that a Soviet style collapse WILL NOT occur.

2. The whole 'tax cuts' and 'tax credits' idea is a political scam. It makes no economic difference with or without. The government will get its funding either way by deficits (Bush/Reagan eras) and inflation (Now). Inflation is the harshest and most underhanded form of taxation because it takes nickles and dimes out of the purchase power of the dollar, which effects lower classes more than higher classes. Inflation and deficit spending is a greater burden on most people than direct or indirect taxation.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 10:23 AM
So putting this in perspective here, our messiah obama has saved the average household roughly $500.00 a year? Since he has been in office each american shall have to be mandated to pay for health insurance in 2013.
the federal deficit is roughly 11 trillion. over 20 million americans are now on food stamps or some state funded help for housing- assistance. Wow what a deal this has become. We took out the joker-bush, and installed a leech-obama. i think i can sleep better at night knowing this new information. WAKE UP people the two headed snake is just that, two headed. there sure is getting to be alot of federal employees on this sight as the ignorance of this raping and pillaging of america amazes me to the extent of just how far people will protect and defend either this administration, or the last one

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Cthulwho
Stop whinging, compared to most other countries Americans pay ridiculously low taxes. 35% tax on $379,000?? No wonder the countries going broke. Obama should increase taxes by 50%.

How can you advocate raising more taxes? Who willingly, besides yourself, to asks the government to raise their taxes? Do you even pay taxes? That’s the only thing I can think of for a raison for you to ask obama to raise taxes to 50%

How about OBAMA stops spending so much! Why most we always raise taxes. How about we cut spending instead. But if we do that that means your going to have to get off your butt and get a job huh

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by TSZodiac

the company i work for took a big hit with heathcare and my costs are going up 20% for the first time in years. thanks obama your the best!

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 10:33 AM
Pre-midterm propaganda alert by OP.

If you believe Obama has done anything beneficial for anyone other than a select few multinational corporations, the rotten banks (BoA, Goldman, cough) and our labyrinthine, Kafkaesque, parasitic bureaucracy then you are probably a brain dead slob. Turn off MSNBC, NPR, ABC, CBS; stop reading the DNC propagandists at the NYT, WaPo, etc and all the other outlets of statist groupthink.

The microeconomic outlook at the moment is dire. There is no hope for organic growth because it is being stifled from the top down. Jobs lost are not coming back because we have a president hostile to growth.

The Bush tax cuts expire Jan 1. Contrary to what the propagandists told you, these tax cuts were not just for the rich and it will be a devastating blow to the middle class if/when that occurs.

Whatever little game the congress/Obama played by decreasing the fed rate by 2% was offset by fica increases and the looming tax cut expiry and is meant for superficial consumption by the ignoramus demographic (i.e. democrat voters).

America is going to abort this rotten president in 13 days.
edit on 20-10-2010 by tetrahedron because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 10:39 AM

How about OBAMA stops spending so much! Why most we always raise taxes. How about we cut spending instead. But if we do that that means your going to have to get off your butt and get a job huh

That's like trying to get a cat to stop being a cat. It is not in D.C.'s nature to lower spending. Obama, Bush, Reagan, they all spend our money, our kids future money, and spend our currency into oblivion. It matters not who is in power, just that they are in power to begin with. Changing the name on the door will not change a thing. As Emma Goldman said, “If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal.”

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by tetrahedron


As per Gallup (10-18), the GOP has a 17 point edge amongst likely voters.

Let me just go ahead and dip my balls in your mouth right now.

Wait, you're about to get...tea bagged.


posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by tetrahedron
reply to post by tetrahedron


As per Gallup (10-18), the GOP has a 17 point edge amongst likely voters.

Let me just go ahead and dip my balls in your mouth right now.

Wait, you're about to get...tea bagged.


your talking about your ping pong balls right? thats what i thought, got to keep it clean

Its funny how the libs still keep attack and defending Obamas so called tax cuts. ( he just changed withholdings, you had to pay it back at the end of the year!) Obama and the Libs are no good for us. Libs love steping on the poor and inslaving them into the goverment.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 10:52 AM
Taxes are slavery - this whole system is corrupt and O-bombs is doing everything he's told to do. Don't gimme dat shiz!

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

How gullable of you. Actually, income tax rates have not changed. Yet. And they certainly have not gone down. He did a witholding adjustment that actually has no effect on the net you pay. They withhold less, you get back less. Or you pay more when you file. Then comes 1-1-11. Rates take a dramatic jump. And don't forget the 600 billion tax increase in the healthcare bill. By placing in on insurers, are you somehow under the impression you don't pay this via premium? Then there's the cap and tax he's pushing. For an average family, that will drive your energy bill up an average of about $3000 per year. The healthcare takeover actually includes an additional 3.9 percent increase in investment income, and the cap gains goes up as well. You reallly should educate yourself on the subject before you make completely incorrect statements of fiction, because you have no idea what you're talking about. You see, unlike democratic congressmen, I've read through all the garbage legislation, as I work in the financial industry. Back to your koolaid. Enjoy November 2nd. I know I will.
edit on 20-10-2010 by astrogolf because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-10-2010 by astrogolf because: (no reason given)

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