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Tell me your UFO story

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posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 10:16 PM
About 15-16 years back me and my family visited Florida and we were staying in a hotel that looked out over the ocean. The moon that night wad a weird orange/red color, but that was not what drew our eyes.

Over the ocean was a weird reddish orb doing crazy manuevers such as intstant high G 90 degree turns and stopping and accelerating instantly at unimagianable speeds. Strangely I thought it was pretty cool and than went back to bed.....

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 11:21 PM
Sorry Tribble, but this sighting did not happen in the 60s, i wasn't even born yet. ( 1979) This happend in the summer of 2003. I'm supposed to talk to her this weekend, so i will try to get her rendering soon. I'll keep you posted

I always thought that farmers sighting was interesting, I mean, nothing was flying around in the sky in those times, i don't think hot hair balloons, or blimps were around yet.So, either he saw something, or he was not just growing peaches on that farm. heheh
edit on 19-10-2010 by phrankie79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by phrankie79

That was around the time of the triangles.
I think different races have different crafts

That farmer most likely grew something.
Hemp was a common crop in the day.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by johnthejedi24

That is cool. Seems like it was showing off.
Did you see where it went?
Was it on the Bermuda Triangle side?

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 09:32 PM
On 10/20/2010 (today) Somewhere just before 9:56 PM I seen a Triangle UFO.

It all just started from me going out and doing my normal night scanning and I thought I seen a Flasher (A flash of white light that is rather bright My sister and I see them often here.. Sometimes it may be 10 minutes before it flashes again).
So I was scanning the sky some more and noticed a flash in the same area again. This time I`m trying to tell myself watch only there when a light shows up to my Left coming From the North. I glance over there and it`s a jet can hear it shortly afterwards and turn my attention back to the flash area.
The jet passes overhead which is around the spot I`m watching as well. I never do see the jet pass over yet hear it. It was just on the other side of the thin cloud layer perhaps. That`s when I seen a faint flash again.

Now I see this dark area triangle in shape. Almost like not there. It was starting to move slowly forward pointing to the North. IT was so almost not there I wasn`t sure it was myself then it did a slow turn like what a boat would do in the water sort of. Tight but was moving forward the whole time then on the back right corner of it I seen a dim light go bright and the thing straightened out at the same time that light went out the front point light came on dim to bright. Once it went bright it started moving forward. Kind of fast, faster then it was in the turn. Then it shot forward fast and was gone in a split second. Well It got a Holly S*** out of me.

This is like my 3rd time seeing a UFO like thing happen here now.

edit on 10/20/2010 by Connman because: corrected time

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by Connman

WOW a Triangle in the Moonlight!!!
I hope you are out there with your camera and tripod right now. If it slowed to turn there was a reason. Maybe the Jet was the reason.
I barely understand the sighting with three things going on. So I have these questions for you.

Did this have anything to do with the "slow flashers?"

It is almost a full moon here. Did the Moon's light play a part in defining the Triangle?

How high up was it? Could you tell the size or the color of the lights?
You mentioned the back and front lights going from dim to bright. So you didn't see a third light?

Where are you in Florida? What direction was it? Which direction is NASA from you?

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by Tribble
reply to post by Connman

WOW a Triangle in the Moonlight!!!
I hope you are out there with your camera and tripod right now. If it slowed to turn there was a reason. Maybe the Jet was the reason.
I barely understand the sighting with three things going on. So I have these questions for you.
Did this have anything to do with the "slow flashers?"

Yes the one other sighting had to do with a Flasher as well. My sister called me from work and told me she spotted a flasher to go watch so when I went out I located it after a while of watching. I watched it flash like 3 or 4 times then it did something strange. Moved as a swirl white vaper like burst came out from behind it.. Took off in a curve as it disappeared. All right there in a very small area of the sky very far off like perhaps space area in the atmosphere.

Now this is this sighting below,
I think the triangle was there but the lights is was makes it move. When not moving I think it has no lights. But I could see this Triangle almost transparent as if it wasn`t there. I almost accepted it not being there till it started to move forward. Think it knew I spotted it in a way.

Originally posted by Tribble
It is almost a full moon here. Did the Moon's light play a part in defining the Triangle?

Ok I think it did combined with the very thin layer of clouds. Not a solid sheet of clouds and think that is why I seen it. Rather then hiding itself with the clouds it seemed to cloak in a more of the dark color of where the clouds were not when I seen it. And seemed to be just below or just in that cloud layer. And the moon was bright and I had to stand with a Pine tree Blocking the moons light. The triangle was almost directly overhead but not exactly straight up but near it. The moon was off to the south.

Originally posted by Tribble
How high up was it? Could you tell the size or the color of the lights?

The Lights where white and seemed to come off the very points of the Tringle. As in size of them well all I can think of is like a star but they get bright as like the Brightest star.

Originally posted by Tribble
You mentioned the back and front lights going from dim to bright. So you didn't see a third light?

No I did not see the Third Light Seemed like the light I seen where turning on causing the triangle to move. I want to think the light I didn`t see was the last Flash light that helped me locate it in the first place when I made out the triangle shape.

Originally posted by Tribble
Where are you in Florida? What direction was it? Which direction is NASA from you?

North Florida. Live Oak area which is just slightly off from the middle of how the peninsula starts down.
The triangle when I first seen it was sitting with the front point facing North. It then started to move forward after a small flash from the front then I lost it temporarily. When I seen it again it was in the first 3rd of it`s turn. The turn almost would be like if you pinned the rear point of the triangle to a table and swung the farthest point around it till the triangle was facing South with the front point. Nasa would be South from us here. Close to the direction it was going but a little more west I would think.

Earlier in the day I was watching as it was getting near dark but still light outside. I could almost of swore I seen these lines in the sky. All seeming to be in the same direction of this North to South. The lines almost seemed like they where not there as well. yet they where as fat as a contrail. spaced about as far apart as the triangle was wide. Very hard to see for sure and I only seen them very shortly.

I`d almost say it seemed like this Triangle was a Platform type craft that sat on those Lines with the two back points. I get the feeling like the Lights are more of like a magnet drive in how they work. When it was dim it moved but slow. When it went bright it either stopped or as in the front point light going bright caused it to take off very fast. I also get the feeling it was something from Here Government perhaps but just my opinion.

Now as far as a camera no money to buy one that could pick this up at night. I think you would need a rather nice camera to capture this going on myself. I think these Flashers are showing where they are yet unless the conditions are perfect you won`t see the triangle itself.

I`m also under the impression that once I spot these things they seem to know and don`t stick around to be looked at somehow.. And once you do see one it also seems you can`t take your eyes off it.

I don`t know how to actually tell the size of something up in the sky very well but would say if you take the triangle you could place it in the Moon if you know what I mean. Hope I covered your questions and thanks for asking more then happy giving the answers.

posted on Oct, 21 2010 @ 02:01 PM
I saw what looked like an F-4 flying in the canyons north of Kingman Arizona. It changed direction so fast that a human pilot would have been killed by the G forces. It also accelerated faster than any aircraft I have ever seen.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by Connman

Thanks for all the detail. The lights that brighten as it moved faster is noted.
Cloud level or just above, and fitting inside the Moon. I will have to do some calculations for the size.
It's the first I have heard of the black lines. Laser propulsion.
Turning on a swivel like that is a trip.

Did your sister see it also?

There is supposedly a TR3-B, It's in the first two minuets here.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by earthdude
I saw what looked like an F-4 flying in the canyons north of Kingman Arizona. It changed direction so fast that a human pilot would have been killed by the G forces. It also accelerated faster than any aircraft I have ever seen.

That's what I saw also, the immediate turn would break something, and all those Gs.

I couldn't find the top speed of the A-4. I did find the F-4 Phantom II could do over Mach 2. How fast it could get to Mach 2 was not explained.

Was there any sound?
Did you hear the sound barrier break?
They make a white patch at that point.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by Tribble

Yes it very well could have been something like that. It was a pretty perfect Triangle shape. The one thing that I don`t get is all the other pictures or video`s out there show lights on all the time on the Triangles. This one wasn`t like that.
If it wasn`t for the clouds I`d of never made out the Triangle but would have seen the lights and the final take off light shooting away.
Unfortunately my sister did not get to see it. I almost screamed for her but it was so almost not there I wasn`t sure till it did that turn and shot off.
It would have been cool to have her there trying to see it and at least seeing the light kick on as it shot away.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 07:07 PM
Yesterday at work, I saw something in the sky, that looked shiny. I was looking into the sun when I saw this so it this might have been why it appeared shiny.

I couldnt tell if it was a plane or not. When I drove a bit closer, which was not that much closer, since it was far away, I could no longer see it in the sky. Im not sure if it disappeared, flew away, just lost sight of it, etc.

Im not exactly sure what it was, it probably was just a plane or something like that, but I could not identify it from what I saw.


posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by Connman

It's all good info, I will let you know if I run across the"propulsion lights" on another Triangle.
I think you are in a prime spot for Triangles, and I don't blame you for not crying wolf.

Lightofliberty- here on page 5 has b/w negatives of a Triangle. I imagine he will start a thread when they get developed.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by FoxMulder91
Yesterday at work, I saw something in the sky, that looked shiny. I was looking into the sun when I saw this so it this might have been why it appeared shiny.

I couldnt tell if it was a plane or not. When I drove a bit closer, which was not that much closer, since it was far away, I could no longer see it in the sky. Im not sure if it disappeared, flew away, just lost sight of it, etc.

Im not exactly sure what it was, it probably was just a plane or something like that, but I could not identify it from what I saw.


You say you were at work, did you then drive towards it?

I don't discount a Sun base. Radiation makes the most sense to me for as a never ending energy source, as far as a free Galactic power.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 04:40 AM
The description strongly suggests what sounds like a test of an "optical stealth" aircraft.

It will be officially called "low observability" because it can't make things 100% invisible like a Romulan Cloaking Device (but even in Star Trek the cloaking device was not perfect).

This has been a technology in development for many decades. Of course it is all classified, since there is no civilian use.

Think of the development of military aircraft technology since 1945. At the beginning the advancement was in the areas of propulsion---jet engines get more efficient, smaller and more powerful. The demands were for fast planes (fighters) and long range (intercontinental bombers). This lead to development on air frames & engines. The later development of guided missiles which had speeds and maneuverabilities (though not range) much superior to any manned aircraft meant that superiority in airframes & propulsion no longer guaranteed victory, unlike the WW2 experience.

Therefore the next profound change was to reduce sensor observability. This meant (a) radar first, then (b) infared, and probably now (c) optical. This succession happens in order of technological feasibility for countermeasures/design. There should be no surprise this is the order which guidance & tracking systems for anti-aircraft missiles developed as well. They started first with radar (1950's), then infrared, and most modern is optical imaging.

Here is an article from 2001:

Exceprt quote:

Modern follow-ons to Yehudi are both more effective and easier to install. Instead of individual lights, the Pentagon has tested thin fluorescent panels of the type already used on military aircraft for nighttime formation flying. A civilian technician working at the isolated Tonopah Test Range airstrip in Nevada says he witnessed a test of an F-15 Eagle with a prototype system. According to the technician, the fighter virtually disappeared as it lifted off the runway.

"We had no problem acquiring the aircraft from about a mile away," the technician recalls, "but at distances over two miles it became harder and harder to spot. Although it was a crude system, it was pretty impressive. Trying to pick out the aircraft against a clear, blue sky was next to impossible. The only time we could easily spot the aircraft was when it produced an unexpected contrail." (Contrails form when the water vapor in aircraft exhaust freezes. On the B-2 and F-117, anti-contrail systems inject chemicals into the exhaust stream to break water into droplets too small to be seen.)

An even more experimental active-camouflage system uses thin sheets of light-emitting polymer that glow and change color when charged. Different voltages cause the sheets to glow blue, gray, white, or whatever shade is needed to match the sky. As an added advantage, the thin sheets are easy to apply to existing aircraft.

One such "electrochromic" polymer has been developed at the University of Florida, and the Air Force is studying it as a way of applying a variable tint to the cockpit canopy of a fighter aircraft. In theory, such a coating could also be used over a white-painted skin to vary its color.

But what about concealing an aircraft from an enemy flying above it? Defense contractors have told Popular Science that an even more exotic invisibility system is being tested on two new stealth aircraft at the high-security Groom Lake air base in Nevada. The skin is derived from an electromagnetically conductive polyaniline-based radar-absorbent composite material. It is optically transparent except when electrically charged, much like the LCD panels used in laptop computers.

What makes this new material attractive is that it can change brightness and color instantaneously. Photosensitive receptors, mounted on all sides of the plane, read the ambient light and color of the sky and ground. An onboard computer adjusts the brightness, hue, and texture of the skin to match the sky above the plane or the terrain below it.

The system is also claimed to make the aircraft even stealthier. The electrically charged skin dissipates radar waves, reducing the range at which an air defense radar can track the aircraft by as much as 50 percent.

Such systems do not have to be perfect. The goal is not to build an invisible airplane, but to delay the visual acquisition of an aircraft for as long as possible. In fact, the most effective way of fooling either the eye or a missile may be to present it with an image that is difficult to interpret.

Using fast-changing electrochromic panels, the military is experimenting with "flickering skins" that could prevent missiles from locking onto their targets. In demonstrations at Groom Lake, engineers have turned the entire skin of an aircraft into a missile jammer by applying a special coating that flickers in intensity in both the visible and infrared spectrum.

edit on 23-10-2010 by mbkennel because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by mbkennel

Thank you for that info. It fits what I seen pretty well. Kind of upsets me though due to I would not have seen it except for the way the clouds where thin but not solid across the sky. I was watching again today but think it would be impossible to see it in a clear sky. Now what are they up to hanging around up there above my area. I also can`t help but feel they know I seen them and that`s what caused them to leave the area.

Should something like that show up with a night vision camera?

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by mbkennel

Great reference to cloaking the craft. I have read some on the energized panels/paint.
As far as propulsion for a Triangle, a jet engine at each corner seems like they would brighten as it gained speed.
Is there a noise cancellation process that you are aware of?

1984 north of Anchorage, I saw four military helicopters following each other spaced thirty yards front to back. They were following a canal 300 yards from me at a low speed. (25 mph) The grass and bushes were blown, but I never heard a thing..

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by Ben81

This is a reply to my story
i have draw it down but forgot to post it on your thread lol
this is what the sight looking like

NO noise ... it was no car or any plane copter that i have ever see before
it was scanning the ground or something .. maybe it was looking for me LOL
and this thing .. is the reason for my implant


posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Ben81

OK, I get the picture. It was scanning the hillside- not traversing until it flew over. With all of those lights I have to think it was looking for something.

Implants are no hoax.
There is a YT video that shows an implant that was cut out. (Triangular in shape) Three separate Universities could not identify the metal it was made of.

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 06:13 PM
i could make a page of my story but ill just give a little rundown. 2005 i saw 3 white lights (orbs) in trangle formation. each light split into 3 other lights (total of 9). at this time they lined up and they changed from white to blue to red. 4 more red lights lite up next to the 9 lights (13 in total). the lights blinked out from the left like flairs but only 4 did this one by one until only 9 were left again. within a second all 9 were impossibly gone like someone turned out the lights. thanks to ats i learned about project blue beam and believe that was what i and my freind witnessed. the crazy part about it he can only remember the row of red lights and how they disappered

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