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If you can’t kill a message kill the way it’s conveyed: My thoughts on the music industry!

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posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Muckster

Yepp. Muse, Linkin Park, Rage Against the Machine are massive. Well definitly Muse and Linkin Park. Muse have just sold out wembley twice and Linkin Park are about to start a sell out tour, so yeah, they are extremely popular

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by vanhippi
reply to post by Muckster

Yepp. Muse, Linkin Park, Rage Against the Machine are massive. Well definitly Muse and Linkin Park. Muse have just sold out wembley twice and Linkin Park are about to start a sell out tour, so yeah, they are extremely popular

I've got two confessions to make: One, I think that Muse are a very pale imitation of Radiohead's 'OK Computer' album and two, I live in Bristol too!

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by subby

Awesome man, Bristol is a great place
And yeah, loadsa people say that, but personallly, compare Black Holes & Revelations to Kid A or OK Computer, and you'll definitly be able to see they're two completely different bands, especially since Muse have been mixing classical genres and rock genres (Exogenesis, Blackout).
I think it's people like Muse & Radiohead, Linkin Park & RATM though, who push the boundries of music in all directions. Wether it be the style they play, or the contraversial subjects they talk about, it's nice to see bands that are still in it for the music

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by drock905

So there are no songs about the current wars? There most certainly are. Here's the first one that came to mind.

Bright Eyes - when the president talks to god


Mason Jennings - the field


Josh Ritter - girl in a war

Desparecidos - happiest place on earth

It has been 10 years and you can give 4 examples..... Sad, Sad, Sad.
I have never heard of any of these bands by the way. They are certainly not main steam.

I have to say I agree wholeheartedly with the OP, and I'm not an old fart by far. It reminds me of a thread I just found in a different forum.

occult music industry NEW DOCUMENTATION (a must see!)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by Funkydung

You think that's bad? Have a look at this and you will know that this generation is a foot from the gates of hell...

Christina Aguilera - Not Myself Tonight

Christina Aguilera - Bionic/Not Myself Tonight (Live on TODAY)
...have a look at the children in the crowd.

Lady Gaga - Alejandro

Rihanna - ROCKSTAR 101 ft. Slash

Jay-Z - "On To The Next One"

Katy Perry - I Kissed a Girl

Katy Perry - Hot N Cold (with Elmo on Sesame Street!)

Ke$ha exposed as Illuminati puppet

...a foot from the gates of hell.

God help us.
edit on 4-10-2010 by walman because: Fix video links

edit on 4-10-2010 by walman because: Video links

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 05:47 PM
there are so many outlets for today`s musicians t express themselves., etc

also there`s a wealth of new genres and their sub-genres that spawn so many mindblowing acts today that quickly prove to be too overwhelming to even try and give a listen to at least one song of every modern band that play the genre of your interest.(assuming you are listening only to cream de la cream) post-rock/metal, nu-jazz, experimental, jazz metal, jazzcore etc.

edit on 4-10-2010 by vectorfields because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by FallingForever

I love this topic because I too often think about todays music. I don't think there's a lack of money to be made in the music industry due to illegal downloading, that's the bs the industry pushes. Knowing some people in the backend of the music arena I know that it has been in a state of corruption from the very beginning. Artists work for decades releasing hit after hit just to retire with nothing in the 1940s, 50s, 60s,70, as well as the present. You would be surprised how little many mainstream artists get paid, how about 3 cents on a dollar and artists like Janet Jackson 15 cents on a dollar. These people use all kinds of gimmicks to sell those records, their mainstay is the concert circuit, that's their bread and butter not record sells. So it's no wonder the music produced in this industry is empty, the music that has a real message is often the least pushed and the artists seldom find mainstream success because nonsense fills the airways.

I grew up in the seventies and eighties listening to Earth, Wind, & Fire, Marvin Gaye, Heart, SOS Band, Maze, Diana Ross, Ike & Tina Turner, The Average White Band, The Dazz Band, The Doobie Brothers, oh goodness the fantastic memories. Today I seldom listen to the radio but when I do I tend to listen to the "oldies" stations.
Thanks OP for the topic, the memories that flood back, wow!!!!!

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 05:58 PM
Starred and Flagged. I was just having this conversation with my music buddy the other day. I've been a musician since I was 8-9 y/o. Now in my 40's I find I'm saying the same thing about music having no"soul" and I'm not just talking about Soul Music. I don't think we'll ever see another Beatles in the sense that I don;t think we'll see a band that affects consciousness the way The Beatles and other bands of yesteryear did. And I do think theres a conspiracy in there. Think about the influence The Beatles had over an entire generation, and on both sides of the Atlantic too. I don't TPTB will ever let a band or musicians hold that much power again. So instead, they keep the assembly line of bubble gum pop and mindless top 40 nonsense going 24-7, never playing music of substance or deep thought. To find it, you have to look. But there are a few out there who are still about the music first. Rage, Dream Theater,Muse I've seen mentioned. Bjork is great for free form and depth, Morrissey, IMO is the Last Great Poet of our generation. His music and lyrics are uncompromising. Sigur Ros makes music that, along with some of the artists I've mentioned, should be mandatory listening for all humans.Or how bout bands like Chicago, definately one of the most talented group of musicians, regardless of what you think about their music. The Who, The Stones, ELO, so many bands that made music that transcends time. Do you think that even half of the top 40 songs you hear today will be remembered and played daily 20-30 yrs from now?Of course not. And that is a shame. I think the great talent and important messages are being denied the opportunity to bloom. However,all is not lost, thanks to global communications, some of those messages will be heard. Maybe not by the number of ears that need to hear it, but maybe enough.
Music is Life!

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Muckster
reply to post by vanhippi

That’s a fair and valid point... But, back in the day, you didn’t have to search for music with meaning and depth, it was everywhere!

All of the artist i mentioned in the OP was chart toppers and mainstream. This meant that the young had easy access to them without having to search hard. Like i touched on before... find me a song about the Iraq war that has been in the charts?

However, same question regarding the Vietnam War and you will be spoilt for choice!

But i hear what you are saying and respect it...


Edit to add...

Just seen your edit

Muse, Dream Theater, Linkin Park, Rage Against The Machine. Are these really big names?? That’s not rhetorical but a real question... i always thought of those bands as kinda underground but just breaking through... Most people i know only heard of Rage against the machine due to the anti X-Factor campaign!


edit on 3-10-2010 by Muckster because: Just seen your edit

see you have to differentiate b/n music as in elaborately arranged sound that can be complex, technical, innovative and beautiful vs lyrics set to simplistic and poorly slapped together mess of a sound. Muse, Dream Theater, Linkin Park, Rage Against The Machine are big names and are as mainstream as it can get. out of these three DT is a band that sets the tone for majority of metal bands. DT used to stay behind the curtains because of pop metal darlings like Metallica (mediocre at best), but with the advent of Internet the popularity of DT skyrocketed. Muse is another run of the mill rock band from mainstream scene. RATM`s popularity is mostly due to their guitar player`s use various guitar effects that sound, umm, pretty. he can be pretty sloppy. Linkin Park is just mediocre bandling popular among the teenagers. HOW CAN YOU EVEN JUDGE THE WHOLE OF TODAY`s MUSIC IF YOU ARENT EVEN FAMILIAR WITH THESE MAINSTREAM GENERIC BANDS?

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 06:12 PM
I think one of the reasons some people say there's no good music today is because there is such an overflow of music nowadays. And with the radios only playing mainstream crap it can be hard to find something that speaks to you.

I've also noticed that a lot of music that I consider good cover a lot of the same topics, even while being completely different genres.

The Roots, Lamb of God, Immortal technique, Dead Prez, Mastadon, Janelle Monae, Muse, RAGE

All of these groups have a very distinct sound but talk about the same types of things, one of which is the oppressive fascist state that we live in.

heres a few of my favorites:

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 06:16 PM
I agree that music industry/artists in the mainstream has taken a fall, but the real good stuff is out there.

I will say that I am no longer fixated on the words of the musicians. I prefer to hear jam bands and electronica tunes. I feel my soul start to dance when I hear the first note and it never stops until the songs over. And I always receive the greatest sense of love and happiness that I just smile to all the people around me and send them good vibes.

I imagine more people have experienced the jam scene, so here is some songs on the new electronica (glitch, dubstep, wobble) genre being performed by thousands of dj's across the globe. Here's a few examples.

Pretty Lights - After Midnight

Booka Shade - Body Language (1:45 - 2:10 live is insane)

I live in the Midwest so I've only recently discovered it within the last year. I think the credit for the revolution in this type of music goes to Europe with artists like Armin Van Buuren and Paul Van Dyk.

That's what I call music now, but understand I am only in my early 20's and never experienced certain musicians back in the day. It's funny though, I will never argue if Phish, Grateful Dead, Hendrix, etc., is better because they are all unique with their songs/jams. Or same with Pretty Lights and Booka Shade. I personally enjoy the music festival atmosphere. To this day some of the nicest people I have ever met have been at jam/electronica festivals. So I could agree the mainstream music has taken its tumble, but the good stuff will always be out there, it just might take a different form. My perspective on the matter.

Kind regards.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 06:20 PM
Good music no longer exists in popular music...maaaaybe outside Eminem.

Want an example of good music most people don't know about?

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by snusfanatic
reply to post by Muckster

Haha. Star and Flag my friend. I was making a similar rant last night. I went and dissected the hits of 2009-2010 compared to some of the billboard top 10 from the 'self absorbed 70s' its pretty depressing. To be honest i expected to find that perhaps things had become more sexualized, but they'd both be equally are far worse today.


Perry and Gaga v. Simon and Garfunkel, Black Eyed Peas v. The Beatles, 1970 v. 2010. LETS GET IT ON!

dont Billboard and Grammies judge on the basis of how many records you sell? yeah seems like a fair way to judge. btw, they dont make you buy any of that trash. you as a consumer choose to make them popular because they LOOK oh so good. there`s parallel MAINSTREAM music culture of every imaginable genre that you all need to tap in. you`ll find acts that play stuff that seemed impossible not so long ago. it`s a mind blowing experience.

"Perry and Gaga v. Simon and Garfunkel, Black Eyed Peas v. The Beatles, 1970 v. 2010. LETS GET IT ON!" this is ridiculous. shows your ignorance of music, music of different decades, real music of today etc. compare apples to apples. Gaga is just an image from Hollywood- nothing else. just like that i could compare The Beatles to ,say, modern band like BTBAM for example and laugh my butt off because it`s exactly like comparing Gaga to S&G.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 06:25 PM
This is from an Site that I didn't mark. I just copied it to send in a letter to a gal with no computer who wonders why she as a singer and I as a writer/lyricist cannot get anywhere.

Have you ever asked yourself why some artists have reached the Top and stayed there, although their music or acting is way under the average? How can someone who does not know anything about music become a famous rock star? And how come some people with lots of talent and ideas never stand a chance? Bad luck? Hardly. The "BIG" rock stars and actors are heavily used by the Illuminati. Some of them are programmed from the day they were born to become puppets for the Elite, and some of them are picked up later in life because they have "the right attitude" and can be worked with. Those young people are introduced into the Occult; into secret orders like the Freemasons, the OTO, the Rosicrucians, Scientology and others. Within those cults they are taught how to think and (re)act in order to enhance the Agenda.

This is how the Elite has planned it with regards to using art to help out with achieving the goals:

1. The Illuminati is planning a new phase in their mission to take over: Much of the planning is political and financial and is happening behind the scenes, but two of their most powerful instruments are Hollywood and the Music Industry, because that is the way they can reach the masses. So they set a new trend to promote their latest strategy.

2. They use mind controlled people (musicians/actors/producers etc.) to set the trend, promising them wealth, drugs, groupies and/or whatever they want, in order to be satisfied. Those "artists" are heavily promoted with techniques learnt from Nazi Germany, which had developed the most extraordinary techniques to manipulate the masses that this world has ever seen. L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, confessed in public (to his disciples) that he used Goebbel's Propaganda Machine to get people into the cult (and keep them there). The Illuminati has no problems promoting whatever they want, and have people responding to their favor.

3. The "Trend-Makers" (The Beatles, Stones, Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Sex Pistols, Eminem, Kurt Cubain, Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin etc.) set the direction for the new trend, and people will start worshipping those new idols.

4. Other (often more talented) musicians follow up on that trend and create their own version of the new idea. Those musicians can be ordinary people like you and me, who have never been close to Governmental Mind Control. Those musicians (and actors) don't have to be severely mind controlled to unknowingly help out with the Agenda of the Elite. They just jump on the same train and the snowball effect is starting. Thus, the Illuminati, who started the trend, can sit back and watch. We, the citizens, are doing the rest for them.

5. Other gifted musicians and actors, who are creating art that goes outside the Agenda - or against it - have no chance to get their message out broadly, because nobody at the top of the Industry (where the money is) is willing to promote them. The International Bankers (The Illuminati) are the ones who own the Industry. As soon as someone is creating something (maybe music, a new label with contrary ideas or something similar) that opposes what is next on the Agenda, the Illuminati is quick to buy it out. If the Company refuses to sell, they are threatened. We all have seen Mafia Movies. This is the way it is - but on different layers.

6. However - the Illuminati's mind control programs (which spans through MK Ultra, Monarch and others) are not 100% workable. The human spirit is strong. Intelligent people like John Lennon, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cubain, Jimi Hendrix and others started taking action AGAINST what they were programmed and controlled to do. The end of that story is sad, I'm afraid - those people were all killed. But the truth will come out broadly one of these days, and their courage will be noticed.

The Good News:

No matter how hard the people in power try to manipulate the masses and control the minds of those we are listening to, the human spirit is strong. I lived together with a person who had been abused like this by the Secret Government, but she started remembering thing she was "not supposed to remember". And I'll tell you - those people, who have been used and abused, who start to remember, are the most valuable people we have at this point, to tell us what is going on, and who is pulling the strings.

Ben Gunn

Susan Boyle hit the top because it was unconventional, a talent show , and there might be others and i hope they make it on their own.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by SpectreDC
Good music no longer exists in popular music...maaaaybe outside Eminem.

first part of that sentence is very bold and unfounded. the part that comes after the ellipsis only serves to prove it. too much credit for someone who doesnt play any instruments and genre that heavily relies on "sampling" of stuff that was written for instrumental parts which were meant to be played live on REAL instruments.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by walman

I've coughed up scarier things.

You want weird imagery? Check out Alejandro Jodorowsky's work, which came out several decades ago and puts what you posted to shame in terms of weirdness. Popular art is no more evil now than it's ever been.


posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by spungy
reply to post by Muckster

Your just looking in the wrong places.. you wont find music on the TV.. You have to goto festivals, listen to indie radio stations. There is some amazeing bands around Kasabian, MGMT,MUSE,Florence and the Machine,Mumford and sons,The Doves,White Lies,Wolfmother.White Stripes.The Libertines,Pete Dotherty every one of the names mentioned above deserve a spot in the history of music and the list goes on, music is amazeing at the moment but its all Live... Different Strokes for different folks but just look outside the box.. Go to Glastonbury

this post perpetuates this view held by mainstream public that only music worth listening to is so called indie which means generic folky-hipstery "rock" bands that used to be called just alternative. most of these bands play material that sounds like recycled and repackaged stuff from classic rock era which it really is. like someone noted above there are much more interesting and fresh bands in metal, jazz and their countless spawns. how abouts math rock?

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by GlummyDay
reply to post by unfor54k3n

This is all lyricists though. (Rap-Underground)
The music isn't anything inventive.
But you're on the right track going to underground music, but we're talking about image along with fame in music.
Think bigger "Mainstream" Bigger.

Well like I said, the mainstream is total crap, be it mainstream rap rock or pop, if it's mainstream chances are most of it is all the same content and message even across the genreswith catchy styles that are usually taken from the underground scenes. Like I said mainstream has an image to sell and I pointed out my beliefs in the occult agendas especially in mainstream music. That kanye video being a perfect mainstream example, as for underground lyricism not being innovative I would have to argue that is the Only genre that actually goes deep into the conspiracy world and is not afraid to talk about the subjects. Unlike most other genres that just lightly mention police state, social injustices and economic issues which is really the tip of the iceberg. The underground hiphop community for over 20 years has explicitly talked about secret societies, occultism/paganism in religion aliens mind control/shadow gov ops higher states of consciousness and a slew of other esoteric/controversial subjects that nobody begins to even touch at the level of storytelling that underground hiphop has. I believe it deserve some merit in that sense,

edit on 4-10-2010 by unfor54k3n because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 07:11 PM
I just discovered from another thread that it's got a lot to do with the Freemason's too.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Whine Flu
Urrrgh. Worst thread ever.

Music hasn't gone crap whatsoever, it's just that a lot of you don't know where to look for what you want to find. Yeah, I know, it's not an easy thing to do whatsoever, so I'm not gonna be much help. Also, if you have the mindset of "they don't have the soul of the classics, maaaaaan", you're not gonna find much stuff you really like. Though the mainstream of yesteryear seemed to have a lot of songs that are considered classics, I can't help but view them in the same way as the plastic mainstream crap of today. The oldies all had hooks and all that sort of crap, too, and I don't really care for it too much.

The last decade has been probably my favourite decade for music. Lots of fantastic releases by awesome bands and groups. If anything, compositions have gotten more interesting as time has gone on. Just stop listening to the radio.

Also, System of a Down really suck.

wow a person who actually who knows his stuff. System of a Down, of course, used to be a pop rock/metal-ish band. nothing so special. but you are right, this decade for music was unreal. i quickly learned here that reason this thread exists is:

1. to talk about TPTB. music is just an excuse.
2. to set up a cliche conversation of how yesterday`s music was sooooo much better. "daddy`s boys who are into daddy rock" are guaranteed to chime in. doesnt matter that yesterday was full of mediocre shyt like Motley Crew. or that something like Led Zeppelin guitarist was nowhere near in technical and composing abilities like today`s masters of guitar like Jeff Loomis for example.
3. to pat each other on the back for agreeing how "today`s music sucks". by which they mean exclusively Lady Gaga and Company. see i dont drink wine so i dont know which wine is the best. but i am sure wine drinkers know it very well. but also i dont try and judge wines. i think i can find a cheap wine for $5 at a liquor store, but common sense tells me the concept of fine wines didnt degenerate into this and there`s wealth of it somewhere out there that i am not aware of.

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