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The NWO Outline

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posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:03 AM
First off I highly recommend that you read my previous thread for some back story on this subject:

I mentioned in that thread that the aristocracy throughout history has essentially sparked revolutions against patsies so that the public would think they had defeated their oppressors only to have the very same tyranny manifest once again. This is called a reset and the aristocracy has been preparing the public for the next one, of which I am about to outline.

This one is going to be a bit different than previous resets because it needs to be bigger. Instead of resetting one nation or another this time they need to reset the whole world. The phony revolutionary they will be, and have been, putting in place is a race, or races, of aliens. Now they are not actually aliens and you'll never see an actual live alien. What you will see will start out with 'officials' coming forth with their 'knowledge' of alien visitation, the next part of the warm up stage. After that you'll be seeing more and more UFO activity, they'll be in plain sight for all to see. The 'revolutionary' period comes when the public starts hearing what the 'aliens' have to say.

As I said you won't see any live aliens which is because there aren't any actual aliens visiting this planet, but you are made to believe there are. The words will come from humans that will claim they are 'channeling' the aliens. They'll have plenty of UFO activity surrounding them to back up their phony claims. What the humans pretending to be channeling aliens will say is intended to rally a revolution against evil banksters and corrupt politicians. These people are intentionally being cast as villains so that the people will think that they have won once the villains are overthrown. Make no mistake, they are villains, but they are not the only villains. The masses will follow literally anything the 'aliens' say because they believe they are here to help and that they are of superior intellect.

The 'aliens' will be in support of a one world government 'in order to unify humanity' and 'help defend us against corruption.' Moreover a newer more advanced one world religion/control mechanism will be put in place, Scientology. Some Scientologists are likely already under the impression that aliens are visiting the Earth and that some of their 'priests' can channel the aliens. Most Scientologists are completely unaware that the entire thing is a sham intended to ensure the aristocracies place at the top for the next few hundred years.

In addition to this there may be false information disseminated claiming that humans were previously more advanced and destroyed themselves with nuclear weapons. The purpose of this claim is to paint the human race as their own enemy, paving the way for more rules and regulations against you.

For quite some time the aristocracy has been upset. You see in the past the aristocracies, emperors, pharaohs and the like were revered as and believed to be Gods. Eventually the slaves wised up enough to realize they were every bit as human as anyone else. As I mentioned in my previous thread this was foreseen by the aristocracies based on their information gathering capabilities and so they prepared for it by secretly guiding the revolutions. They have always wanted to be Gods again. Today the aristocracies can only go so far with their enslavement of the populace because they must keep it a secret, it has to appear as though you want to work for the rich.

However; after the phony aliens arrive and the one world government setup people can be forced to do far more than today. If the aliens, who will essentially be revered as Gods for their superior intelligence, support one thing or another the population will most certainly agree regardless of what it is. Also important to note is the dwindling of your individual voice with the advent of a one world government. Today, in America, there are about 300 million people, which means each voter's voice is 1 out of 300,000,000. Once a one world government is setup each individual's voice will only count for 1 out of about 6 billion. You will individually have significantly less say in how you are ruled, how you live your life.

This is what many of you are referring to as the new world order. The structure of society, that of a pyramid, and those at the top will not be changing. The only thing that will be new is the method by which those in power today wield that power.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:29 AM
That sounds crazy enough to be plausible. Been hearing more and more UFO talk lately and not just on ATS.

Heard another different story on the news today also. People want to beleive in aliens. I'm not sure about this channelling business, people will need a pretty big spectacle to be truly convinced.

I'm sure parts of your theory are right but we cannot be sure. I do beleive somethings gonna go down in our lifetime that will change things in a BIG way.

PS. If the 'Aliens' tell us that man made global warming is real and we need to accept carbon taxes we will definately know they're fake.

edit on 28-9-2010 by Titan Uranus because: Typo

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by Titan Uranus

The vast majority of today's generation was born and raised to believe in aliens. They grew up on science fiction and now they want to believe in aliens. We've been under the preparation stage for a good while now. Try to keep in mind that by far most people are not into the idea of disbelieving what they are fed. If the media says someone can channel aliens there might be a few thousand or a few million conspiracy theorists that know it's BS, but there will be several billion others that just accept it as truth.

You're carbon tax comment gave me a chuckle, good stuff thanks. I find it highly probably that our generation might actually find some reprieve from tyranny for a minute in order to make it appear as though we conquered our foes. Tyranny is likely to slowly re-manifest, future generations will feel the hurt even worse than today.

edit on 28-9-2010 by Symbiot because: Had a few more thoughts

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by Symbiot

How soon do you think "it" will be...? I was thinking that holograms could be used to project images in the sky... enough people can be fooled, however, I do not think that its real far fetched that "real" star brothers can show up too. Look at Hopi prophesys.. the Blue Star prophesy on You Tube... Alien contact has been predicted for years.

So IMO... "fake" aliens first (that is) NWO setup... Then the real thing to come to earth and offer a chance to move to the next level.. But you made some great points.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by Symbiot

What the humans pretending to be channeling aliens will say is intended to rally a revolution against evil banksters and corrupt politicians. These people are intentionally being cast as villains so that the people will think that they have won once the villains are overthrown.

Make no mistake,.......................... they are villains, .................................but they are not the only villains.

i hope you mea that most corporate execs, most lawyers, most used car salesmen, a great portion of catholic clergy ( aka: pedophiles), many career military, most everyone in the pharaceutical R&D, arms & weapons dealers, seal hunters......

they too are villains to certain degrees

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:04 AM
Most certainly couldn't say for sure on a time schedule. I would imagine 2012 would be a perfect opportunity to bring about the aforementioned events, people have been prepared to expect something big that year.

I was trying to keep things somewhat concise, but yes many in the clergy from a variety of religions are likely to be painted as villains for these 'aliens' to help eradicate and likely a variety of other areas where corruption is being made purposely visible. Those that you know have many riches are likely to be made spectacles of, those you don't know of are likely to get away only to secretly rise again another day.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by Symbiot

That's a hefty post. Don't you think that the NWO is going to rub you out for posting their itinerary?
These people don't play around. I'm just wondering why you would risk it all to leak plans.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 08:59 AM
I enjoyed the comments on Scientology. I don't think it's the exact NWO religion, but L Ron Hubbard was a student of A. Crowley, so yeah, it will be an approved Satanic cult. (Hubbard also did magic with Jack Parsons, one of the founders of Jet Propulsion Labs of Nasa.) Have you seen the new ad campaign for Scientology?

Scientology’s New Ad Campaign Promises Immortality
The Church of Scientology’s new ad campaign suggests that we’re all immortal, and as such is slightly more specific about what the cult-like religion stands for than its previous ads. That’s a significant step for Scientology, which has previously used disingenuous CraigsList ads and a TV campaign that merely promised “the truth” (as long as you show up at one of their centers, of course).

Creepy stuff if indeed it does become a mainstream "religion".

But here's the thing about the fake aliens and 2012. 2012 is the faked end of the world. Obama is the fake Antichrist. He'll be removed from office on July 8, 2012 (replicating AntiChrist's rule of 3.5 years) due to the "Obama was not born here" storyline culminating. Because VP Biden (and all of Obama's cabinet) would be disqualified to replace him, the next in line is the Speaker of the House. Currently, that would be Pelosi, but I believe the Republicans will take the House back in Nov. and wittingly or unwittingly elect the only person that could stave off an armed rebellion during a constitutional crisis and martial law - Ron Paul. Ron Paul takes us into the NWO.

So, as per this framework, July is when the fake Antichrist is removed, setting people up to accept that Christ is coming back to rule the world (when in fact it will be NWO dictator.

Now here's the thing about the fake aliens. August is when we will be recieving video feed from Mars!

Curiosity, the Mars Science Laboratory rover that will be on Mars two years from now, has been flexing the robotic arm that spacecraft workers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory attached to the rover body in August 2010. The arm will be crucial for putting samples of soil or powdered rock into analytical instruments inside the rover. ... The Mars Science Laboratory will launch from Florida in November or December 2011 and land in August 2012 at one of the most intriguing sites on Mars. The landing site is still to be chosen from four finalists. Once on Mars, Curiosity will study whether the landing region has ever had environmental conditions favorable for life and favorable for preserving evidence of life if it existed.

Now as per Project Bluebeam, (I'll be doing an extended thread later) there are various "orientations" going on at the same time. There will be a fake "demonic alien" invasion (probably via the Tevatron particle accelator (similar to the Large Hadron Collider) which is in Chicago. Remember that in the alien storyline that they travel interdimensionally. The Night of the 1000 stars is the fake Rapture which immediately precedes the fake Messiah talking to people. Most likely this will be 12-21-12.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 03:16 PM
I am not afraid of being 'rubbed' out by those in power, I would much rather have died putting forth an effort than live only to see the world fall into an even greater state of lock down. I have given this information out to a good number of people, not just on the internet, but in my personal life as well. Most of these people do not believe me as you can imagine, but if I were to all of a sudden turn up dead, those people will start to wonder just why it was that someone wanted me dead. You see as it stands now I know what's up with their plans and just one person is enough to ruffle their feathers, but if I died then all of a sudden there would be a number of people that believe what I said. At this point killing me would only multiply their problem. Information is a powerful thing to be in possession of. Their best bet might be to have me 'suicided,' but anyone that knows me personally knows that is something I would never do, I enjoy life regardless of any situation I find myself in and people know this about me.

Obviously there are finer details of their plan that I have not outlined, things such as Barack playing the role of anti-christ I cannot confirm. Finer details are subject to change if the planners deem necessary, but the overall plan is too big to be changed up now. Personally I believe that the role of anti-christ is to be played by older religions, such as Catholicism. They are already warming people up to the idea that the older religions are evil by placing a former Nazi as pope, disseminating information about pedophiles in Christianity, painting Islam as terrorists, etc... Displaying the older religions as anti-christ will pave the way for Scientology as the new one world religion, because people will be looking for something new to believe in and it will be Scientology and their 'aliens' that 'rescued' them from the anti-christ religions.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 03:31 PM
I always saw the NWO agenda as a much more simple premise:

Step 1: Dissmeninate Propaganda and Fear.
Step 2: Sit back.
Step 3: Profit.

I know it sounds excessively simple, but after watching the NWO madness grow for over two decades in scope and breadth, this is has been the predominant observation of the whole affair.

You only become enslaved when you give up your personal sovergeinty of your own violition to any other group - whether real or imagined.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 03:32 PM
So people claiming to "channel" aliens wth UFOs flying around to give them street cred are going to tell people what to do and they will do it? If that is the NWOs plan they have to be the largets collection of idiots the world has ever seen. Americans are far to pessimistic to believe anything and alien would tell them and would laugh anyone claiming to channel them off the planet. UFOs with no aliens would be dismissed as fakes and/or special effects. Hell if UFOs full of aliens landed and told us what to do half the people would assume they were lying to invade us. If the NWO are preparing us to worship aliens they should not have made all those alien invasion movies.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

Alien invasion movies are reverse psychology, it's simply to implant the idea of aliens while maintaining that they are not trying to implant those ideas. If the so called 'aliens' helped to rescue the people from evil banksters and corrupt religions then people would be far more likely to believe in them. That's the whole idea, and it has been done many times in different forms. Those in power secretly create the problem, then they publicly solve the problem garnering support.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by 23_PAPERCLIPS

That's true, but the information disseminated must be refreshed from time to time in order to keep the masses interested. It's like a car, people might like a brand new Jeep Cherokee today, but in a year or two it'll be old news and people will want something newer. In this case the false information being refreshed is mostly of religious type. The old religions are wearing out their ability to keep people believing in them, moreover they are wearing out their ability to attract new followers and so a new more advanced religion is scheduled to take over. Scientology is this religion and what better to get people interested than a public display by Scientology's God, aliens.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:27 PM

Originally posted by Symbiot
reply to post by MrSpad

Alien invasion movies are reverse psychology, it's simply to implant the idea of aliens while maintaining that they are not trying to implant those ideas. If the so called 'aliens' helped to rescue the people from evil banksters and corrupt religions then people would be far more likely to believe in them. That's the whole idea, and it has been done many times in different forms. Those in power secretly create the problem, then they publicly solve the problem garnering support.

So the NWO is making movies that make us less likely to trust and more likely to fear aliens just to introduce us to the idea of aliens without making us think they are trying to tell us alien exist? And then because somebody says hey, you see those UFOs? They are talking to me and telling me they will save us from religion and bankers but, you can not see the aliens, can not go to their planet and can not go on their ships but, they want us to form a one world government. If the NWO thinks that plan a has a chance they are complete morons. Worst plan ever.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

If those movies actually served to make people less likely to trust 'aliens,' then how do you explain Scientology? Why is it that so many people are anxiously awaiting the public arrival of aliens if movies have made the public fear them? The reality of today proves that those movies have implanted the idea of aliens, but have not implanted fear of them.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Symbiot
reply to post by MrSpad

If those movies actually served to make people less likely to trust 'aliens,' then how do you explain Scientology? Why is it that so many people are anxiously awaiting the public arrival of aliens if movies have made the public fear them? The reality of today proves that those movies have implanted the idea of aliens, but have not implanted fear of them.

What about Scientology? You mean that cult that is ridiculed on a regular basis by the NWO controled mass media? And who the heck is anxiously awaiting the public arrival or aliens outside of some people on ATS? Anytime there is a UFO sighting what words are used? UFO scare, a UFO has frightened resisdents, etc. If you think that the NWO exists and that they control the media then its pretty clear the message they are sending is fear aliens not worship them.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by MrSpad

If you had read my original post you'd note that it is supposed to look as though Scientology is fighting against those in power today. If it is supposed to look that way then wouldn't it stand to reason that those in power today would make it appear as though they are trying to lambaste Scientology? I mean, if they are supposed to be portrayed as enemies then they wouldn't be doing a very good job if they were all nicey nice in the media.

As far as those outside of Scientology, there are UFO/alien related websites all over the internet. I have personally met people that believe in alien visitation to the point of becoming street preachers. You'd have to have been living under a rock not to notice the massive alien fan base. Have you ever heard of the Ashtar Command? Quite a large group of people that believe in some phony 'channellings' people claim to have received from an alien UN type organization. These people anxiously await the arrival of the aliens they believe were 'channeled' and prophesied to arrive.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Symbiot
reply to post by MrSpad

If those movies actually served to make people less likely to trust 'aliens,' then how do you explain Scientology? Why is it that so many people are anxiously awaiting the public arrival of aliens if movies have made the public fear them? The reality of today proves that those movies have implanted the idea of aliens, but have not implanted fear of them.

I agree with amost everything that you posted so far but the "movies have not implanted fear of them" theory. The only good aliens I can recall are E.T. and Alf....
anyways...latest TV shows that portray aliens as hostile are last years V...and now The Event....and many more movies before......I my opinion we're being conditioned to fear aliens cause there will be a false flag of some kind, that will bring us all together under the NWO umbrella....and it won't be too long till we see that happen.....



posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by ringht_n_wrong

You must remember that there are many shows that promote the idea of peaceful intelligent aliens. Think of the vulcans in Star Trek one of the most popular TV shows ever to grace the small screen. More importantly, as I mentioned earlier, the reality of today is that most who believe in alien visitation anxiously await public disclosure and believe the 'aliens' to be here to help us.

Also like I said the powers today are preparing to pit these fake aliens as their enemies and thus they must make it appear as though they are against each other. Take note that even the movies that paint aliens as aggressive still display them as a more intelligent race of beings.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by Symbiot
As I said you won't see any live aliens which is because there aren't any actual aliens visiting this planet, but you are made to believe there are.

I agree. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that they've done experiments with the brain to show that alien abduction scenarios can be created in the mind. There is a definite psychic connection to this alien/ufo phenomenon. You get enough people believing/seeing it, and everyone else will be forced to live under the new "paradigm shift".

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