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UN to appoint Earth contact for aliens (Exaggeration)

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posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:16 PM

reply to post by Whatnextlol


There IS evidence, there IS proof, and we HAVE been using it for technological advancements for quite some time now.

Think of how small our world is compared to our galaxy, and our galaxy compared to the millions within the universe, and our universe within the multiverse.

It'd be quite ignorant and naive to think we are the only "superior" or "intelligent" life-forms out there

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Phage

I don't want to get caught up in this sub-thread overall...I respect your answers, but find your being short sighted on the matter.

you admit you find it highly likely advanced civs may be out there somewhere...lets turn the table...make you commander of earth. You got shiny ships that can go faster than light (choose your tech...grav wells, quantum teleportation, whatever the new cool science may be that gets us around) detect some life on a blue ball...say 4 months travel via ship.

your saying the most logical outcome would be to...ignore it forever? not even send a few satellites around the area to keep track, or get some samples of the lifeforms?

Are you getting caught up in the science of getting here, or do you truely deem this planet as so incredibly unremarkable that any and all advanced civs would simply ignore we are less than mold.

I am just having difficulty in seeing your reasoning behind your belief.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by infinite
Interestingly, under the apparent SETI plan, the appointment of an individual to represent Earth (by the United Nations), is apart of the procedure if a signal is detected.

I've had a dig around but I've not found anything to directly support this statement, though I've found reference to directions to "inform the UN" and comments made by others to the effect that "perhaps the UN should appoint a representative in those circumstances".

I am genuinely very interested in the background to this statement, and wondered if you could please point me to the SETI plans that set this out (with a page/paragraph number if appropriate). I've probably skimmed right over the relevant parts without realising!

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:21 PM
Apologies, for some reason the previous message was posted twice.

Removed to avoid confusion!

edit on 26-9-2010 by EvillerBob because: Removed double post.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

Erm... NO. The Daily Telegraph is one of the most respected newspapers in the world. It is a seriously academic read for the most part. It's conservative, soundly based in logic and reason, and has one of the most tricky damn crossword puzzles in the world. It is a SOLID source. I guess people have already pointed this out, but I'm seconding / thirding them.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by witness63

Good for you witness63.

I hope the same thing too.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by Human_Alien
I am sorry you feel this way. And even more worried that perhaps, our scientific community (to whom most people depend on) share your sentiment.

the scientific community is in the business of is based on proof. investigation and research is about evidence, and believers are about you honestly want the scientific community to abandon proof and go with feelings?
"drink this nuclear sludge...there is proof it will probably kill you, but we feel that it will make you superman"

But, our 'ways' are antiquated. Not everything can be measured by our old 3D standards anymore!

So...... in comes quantum mechanics. They do not deal so much on tangible proof rather, hypothetical logic. Hawing's can't PROVE the universe is expanding so, he argues his claim with INTANGIBLE logic.
We simply can't measure time and space. It's a Space/Time continuum conundrum!

Not everything (anymore) is tangible nor black/white. We're in a whole different realm of realization now.

Abductions happen. That is a FACT. The science communities that I've grown up with cannot acknowledge this simply because they can't see/feel/smell or hear it. However...that does NOT mean (what I know to be true) becomes null and void.

Some Beings live in other dimensions. Can we prove that? Of course we can't but that doesn't mean we surrender our 'knowledge' for ignorance until further notice

This paradigm need not come down to our level of understanding. We need to rise to their level of existence.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

If I'm "caught up" in anything it is the lack of consistent and/or convincing evidence of visitation.

Maybe it's you who are getting caught up... in speculation about what an "advanced" civilization might be cabable of (light years in 4 months?) and what their motivations may be.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by lee63
reply to post by infinite

I think you might have a point there, I just hope all this is leading up to something...which I think it is.

See the link for the protocol.

And, the recent documentary about Ancient Astronaut did explain the protocol too. It's on YouTube, if you wish to view it

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by SaturnFX

I see no failure of logic in my second answer. It's consistent; "highly unlikely" does not contradict "not impossible". It would be foolish to think it is not within the realm of possibility but that is a far cry from thinking that it therefore must be occurring. I think there is very (very) little likelihood, and no reason to think, that it is or has occurred.

I don't dispute that Nigeria exists. That has nothing to do with my point

Before syaing that alien visits are "highly unlikely", one should wade through all kinds of declassified governmnet documents going back to the 1940s, as I have. I reached a different conclusion from reading through those. This is something real alright and the US government has known it for decades, no matter what they told the public.

Of course, the motives and intentions of the visitors are not always so clear cut as the fact that they are around.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Human_Alien

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by Human_Alien
I am sorry you feel this way. And even more worried that perhaps, our scientific community (to whom most people depend on) share your sentiment.

the scientific community is in the business of is based on proof. investigation and research is about evidence, and believers are about you honestly want the scientific community to abandon proof and go with feelings?
"drink this nuclear sludge...there is proof it will probably kill you, but we feel that it will make you superman"

But, our 'ways' are antiquated. Not everything can be measured by our old 3D standards anymore!

So...... in comes quantum mechanics. They do not deal so much on tangible proof rather, hypothetical logic. Hawing's can't PROVE the universe is expanding so, he argues his claim with INTANGIBLE logic.
We simply can't measure time and space. It's a Space/Time continuum conundrum!

Not everything (anymore) is tangible nor black/white. We're in a whole different realm of realization now.

Abductions happen. That is a FACT. The science communities that I've grown up with cannot acknowledge this simply because they can't see/feel/smell or hear it. However...that does NOT mean (what I know to be true) becomes null and void.

Some Beings live in other dimensions. Can we prove that? Of course we can't but that doesn't mean we surrender our 'knowledge' for ignorance until further notice

This paradigm need not come down to our level of understanding. We need to rise to their level of existence.

Yes, but you must remember science is a theory and has ALWAYS been a theory. Any true scientists will repeat this. Thus things are never 100%, there is still a .00000000001 chance that research could be wrong, and it will remain that way unless we have some sort of intervention from a divine power.

..At least in the 3rd dimension.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

I will agree that our methods of scientific investigation are sometimes slow and often inefficient, especially dealing with sciences slightly beyond our ability to truely measure, but there is no real alternative at the moment...
we just need better tools to work with, and its this very fact that makes us realize how primitive we are. perhaps in the near future, we will be able to measure more, but for now, we gotta deal with what we got...and that means bringing things into how we test now verses just accept some ideas as proof.

Abductions are not a fact...doesn't mean they are absolutely fiction, just that there is no proof of such claims...perhaps they are happening all the time, but until proof comes of this, then it is simply claims and a bit of intriguing evidence...the jury is out until something more comes.

I enjoy quantum physics...much of it is indeed wild to speculate on...and more evidence of QP being the true answer gets pushed forward weekly...but even QP has to be treated as theoretical and not factual, even though it will probably all pan out to be accurate..most of it anyhow. Right now, there is a absolute truth to all things, we are simply poking around and trying to find that...and the only way we can define the absolute shape of the puzzle we live in is by measuring it and brushing off the dust of belief towards each piece..

believers suggest pieces, researchers find pieces, and scientists put the pieces into the greater puzzle...each step is necessary, so it makes me a but amused when each side starts bickering at one another on how the other side is unnecessary...its a classic symbiotic relationship

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by SaturnFX

If I'm "caught up" in anything it is the lack of consistent and/or convincing evidence of visitation.

Maybe it's you who are getting caught up... in speculation about what an "advanced" civilization might be cabable of (light years in 4 months?) and what their motivations may be.

For all I know, it's a lot less than four months. I never claimed to be an expert on the science of these things, only that they move VERY fast--almost instantaneously if they want. It's as if they can just "jump" to whatever location they choose. That's what I saw one of them do and I'll never forget it. I've talked to pilots and air traffic controllers who told me the same thing, and of course have read it in many declassified documents.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

I just wanted to give you some kudos for taking on 'difficult' members.

Such are fast becoming irrelevant and outdated, yet they continue to propagate the close-mindedness that has kept us captive for so long. Chronic scepticism and debunking is not something to be remembered for. Rather - the man or woman who will go out on a limb and promote a new theory, and invite criticism. That is to be remembered for.

The hardcore sceptic/debunker types will be shuffling away quietly to the corner, to think about what they've done, VERY soon. They've been suffering from inflated self-importance for far too long.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

That's a good point about basic feelings. I don't even think scientist can discount that.

"A bad feeling about flying caused a North Carolina state senator to cancel a Lexington speaking engagement last weekend that would have put him on Comair Flight 5191.

North Carolina Sen. Larry Shaw said in an interview yesterday that he can't explain exactly what made him so anxious. But he decided to cancel the trip, including his booking on Flight 5191, after hearing of the Aug. 10 arrest of terror suspects in London, accused of plotting to blow up trans-Atlantic jets.
"I felt very bad about it because I try not to cancel out on people," Shaw said in a telephone interview. "In my heart of hearts, I was never comfortable about it, never felt right about this."

Now this Senator read something then became concerned about flying. I think that's how I operate. Once I read something then I look for other things to support. So I guess it's my own version of the scientific method. Some may say I'm looking for what I want to find. I say...why is that so different than what scientists do?

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:35 PM
Without going through this entire thread, I went to the UN site and could not find anything on this at all, I typed in as many ways as I could on the subject of UFO/Alien/Extraterrestrial/ you name it and nothing, no protocols or preparedness info at all. That was kind of odd when even fire departments across the US have planning for it.

Any short cuts here that have been posted so I can see official UN documents or PDF to this subject or any pertaining to what they have to say about it?


posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:35 PM
why would ET life talk to anyone from the government if the government are as corrupt as it seems.

and who is anyone to say who they must speak to on they could stop them from landing in my back yard and speaking to me first...if they want to communicate through me whats the UN going to do?

whats stopping them from landing in kenya or pakistan or be very disappointed if they landed on the white house lawn and went straight to the president.

it would be good to have contact soon as long as they came in peace i just dont see enough proof of it coming only speculation

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by SaturnFX

If I'm "caught up" in anything it is the lack of consistent and/or convincing evidence of visitation.

Maybe it's you who are getting caught up... in speculation about what an "advanced" civilization might be cabable of (light years in 4 months?) and what their motivations may be.

But a super dooper advanced civilisation may be so ahead of what we comprehend as the reality of the universe,that they may be able to travel light years in months or seconds,using technology which would make our best theoretical quantum entanglement ideas sound like the the first grunts of a deformed piglet.

Theoretically,we could be the galactic equivalent of mosquitoes,with species far more knowledgable than our humble selves effectivley running the show,without us even being able to comprehend the existence of such beings,if you catch my drift.

Sure its a longshot,but things always seem to turn out stranger than we know IMHO.
Ramble over,SS out.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Come Clean

Great post! Did the flight go down or have trouble? this is the first I heard of it, but good for you and the intuitive Senator.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:37 PM

any awaken person must see that the ball is truly rolling along now.
We are indeed entering a new phase. I am telling you team this is the real thing our friends are appearing very soon now.

We think the same my friend

the countdown is almost at 0

Let the Age of Enlightment start ...

We cant denied that we need that age ASAP

Except the Armaguedon part ... but i beleive it has to worsen to get better ... sadly

We're leaving together
but still it's farewell
and maybe we'll come back,
to earth, who can tell?

I guess there is no one to blame
we're leaving ground (leaving ground)
will things ever be the same again?
It's the final countdown.

The final countdown.

Oh, We're heading for Venus (Venus)
and still we stand tall
cause maybe they've seen us
and welcome us all, yeah
with so many light years to go
and things to be found (to be found)
I'm sure that we'll all miss her so
It's the final countdown.

The final countdown.

The final countdown (final countdown).


The final countdown.

Oh, it's the final countdown.

The final countdown.

The final countdown. (final countdown)

Oh, it's the final countdown
we're leaving together

The final countdown
we'll all miss her so
It's the final countdown (final countdown)
Oh, it's the final countdown

edit on 9/26/2010 by Ben81 because: S&F

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