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Misogyny: Ruining the Female Male Relationship(esp. in the digital age)

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posted on Sep, 19 2010 @ 11:47 PM
reply to post by Brood

It's just another form of hypocrisy in the Feminism movement. If a man touches a woman's shoulder in the workforce, he will be charged with sexual harassment if the "victim" decides to take it further. Women are free to touch men at will because "we like being touched" so it is okay. I have experienced this first hand; I have worked with women that have touched me unnecessarily - sometimes inappropriately - and then they laugh it off and act like what they did wasn't inappropriate.

When men show off their bodies to women by stripping down, they get charged with "indecent exposure". But when some women walk around in next-to-nothing, men are accused of staring and making them feel uncomfortable. When men talk to women about sexual themes (even if the woman initiates the conversation) they have to be careful not to say the wrong thing or they will face sexual harassment charges. Women on the other hand are free to say anything they like, they are free to flirt and trifle with the emotions and hormones of men and there is no consequence for their actions.

To say Misogyny is ruining the Female-Male Relationship is ignoring the big Elephants in the room: Radical Feminism and Misandry.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by Badgered1

I hold doors for everyone, men and women.

So do I !

I have never heard a woman complain about a man opening a door for her. Never. Have you?
I am not saying it couldn't happen. Just saying I have seen a thousand men open a thousand doors and never one complaint - from anyone.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 01:23 AM
Some good observastions have been made from Brood DG and ImaginaryReality1984

Add another to the list is that so many women love to play the victim and I think this OP and thread is just one more example of this.

It wouldn`t bother me if their crying wolf didn`t get innocent people into trouble.

edit on 20-9-2010 by gps777 because: to add another member

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by gps777

So true. Women love to play games. Last night I snagged a ball player without saying a word.
I asked a mutual friend to tell him where he could find me, but not until after I left the bar.
He needs to make the first move. I have already made mine.
It appeared I was filming a karaoke singer but I was really filming him the whole time.
He knew it too. I tried not to get his date in the picture.
We exchanged smiles all evening. We danced next to each other and brushed up against each other, although we were each dancing with other people. They did not know what was going on. Only he and I did.
Electricity. Good to feel it coursing through my veins again. Butterflies in my stomach all the way home.
He was playing the game too. Sparking up a storm. Unfortunately he was with another woman. No rings.
He does not even know it yet but, soon he will be mine.

You ask me boredom and the fact you are not married, is what ruins relationships.

BTW Enjoyed your attempt to copy my style in a post. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so thank you for that.
Now, why would I apologize to you?
I might apologize to your wife, but then she married you, so even her misery is not my fault.

edit on 20-9-2010 by rusethorcain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by gps777
Some good observastions have been made from Brood DG and ImaginaryReality1984

Add another to the list is that so many women love to play the victim and I think this OP and thread is just one more example of this.

It wouldn`t bother me if their crying wolf didn`t get innocent people into trouble.

edit on 20-9-2010 by gps777 because: to add another member

Victim? Pleas eprovide some in thread examples of this OP "playing victim". I will need multiple examples for you to support your claim.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by rusethorcain

That was a rather horrible post, filled with hatred, designed to provoke and if what you said was indeed true i think you've outed yourself as a rather unkind human being. Who would actively try and break a couple up just so you can have some fun?

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by hotbakedtater

Your opening post contains quite a few examples. You have not directly stated "we are victims, we are victims" but you have strongly implied that women are the victims of male oppression:

Beginning with religion, which oppresses women, and causes the whore/virgin phenomenon, and going all the way to our workplace, where to this day some women still have to tolerate being called Sunshine and Honey Baby while on the clock, misogyny is alive and well, and ruining relationships all over the globe.

Here you claim women are oppressed by religion. Then you talk about women having to tolerate being called Sunshin and Honey baby. You come to the ridiculous conclusion that they represent examples of misogyny.

Women haters come busting into a conversation and tend to blame Feminism for every social ail on the planet. Most of the time these are misogynists who have recently been dumped.

Trying to demonstrate that being against Feminism is misogynistic. Planting seeds into the minds of your readers that men who are speaking out against Feminism have probably just been dumped by their girlfriends and are letting out some steam on all women as a result. (Again, women are being victimised by men who have just victimised other women.)

Of course no where does misogyny come into play more on a message board than when we discuss rape.

You have identified the issue of Rape as a key area where you believe misogyny is occurring. If a member believes a woman could have taken precautions to avoid having been raped and they happen to be males, you use this as evidence that they are misogynists and rape apologists. (Women standing behind Feminism accuse anybody that questions the context surrounding the allegations as "trying to blame the victim". This attempts to discredit the person asking questions and stifling debate as to why events occurred in the manner they did.)

This in the long run is detrimental to women as a whole. Instead of being educated about the warning signs and dangers to look out for, they are being brainwashed by Feminists to believe they have no control over the situations they find themselves in. Once again, it is ignoring the variables that show a lack of responsibility on the part of women and instead focuses on the aggressive, oppressing role of the male.

There are women posters here, all over the internet. When we speak up in defense of our gender, we are called feminazis. We are told we are harping on, bitching moaning groaning whining complaining.

At least you are permitted to speak up in your own defence without being told to “woman up” and accept that your rights don't mean anything to the more "radical" members of the other sex.

edit on 20/9/2010 by Dark Ghost because: formatting

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:24 PM

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

You have some good threads started but looking through them I see this is a favorite subject of yours.
A bone of contention. Forgive the pun.
This is but one of my many interests and forgive me for leaving you (call it "running scared" or out of answers, if it makes you feel potent go ahead and think that) but this has grown into an entirely circular and unwinnable argument.
Intelligent people will soon recognize this and move on.
While here you sit.... waiting like a spider in a web, a lurker under a bridge.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by rusethorcain
Couples wear rings.

Really? I suppose you should tell that to people who have been together for 10 years and are not married or wear rings. Does this also mean if you were i a long term relationship with a guy and he went around screwing everyone in sight you wouldn't mind? That's quite forward thinking of you, not something i could do i must admit.

Originally posted by rusethorcain
Are you on something because you are seeing hatred where there is only love and passion and sexual heat?
Acid will skew your perspective and make you a little crazy. Perhaps you should be cutting those pills in half, or be doubling up on them. You are not thinking clearly.

Trying to sleep with a guy when he's with someone else, to strip him away from them is a nasty thing to do, not simply sexual heat and passion. Dont' get me wrong if the guy does cheat he's equally as bad but the way you express your intentions and future actions is rather unpleasant. Don't you care about the feelings of the other woman?

edit on 20-9-2010 by ImaginaryReality1984 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by mayertuck

OK I am now begining to ge tyou but the problem is that even as we speak there are people that are seeking to turn back the clock and drive women back. The mere fact that someone is blaming feminism for the decline in male females relationships speaks volumnes.

I am not a whiner but I have also had bad experiences with women. I just pick myself up and vow to be more careful the next time. Can you dispute that two people sharing living space and head space is a recipe for a potential disaster??

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by tiger5

Thank you for understanding. And you know something those that are trying to turn back the clock will have a fight on their hands. Because just as I feel about men's rights I feel the same about women's rights. I just want everyone to be truly equal with what biology will allow, no special priveledges for anyone regardless of race, gender, religion, etc.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

You haven't read how men are expected do the heavy lifting?
ERRm in the USA that may constitute manual work but thereisn’t as much as their used to be back in the good old days. Anyway there is no conscription in the USA so it is a matter of choices. Some men have avoided manual work for most of their lives or are you defining men in terms of heavy lifting?

That they are expected to refrain from sex unless they are ready to be a father? OK and you did this? I certainly did not.
That the suicide rate amongst males is at least double that of females in almost every part of the world? OK But is that the women’s fault.

Women are more prone to religious cults than men. Women are more prone to self mutilation than men?? Are you blaming men for this?
That they are expected to work longer and harder? But do they choose to do so. At it is heart of feminism is the sheer freedom to just be within thelegal framework. SO a woman canbe feminist and stay at home and paint or go out to work as a mechanic.

“That mothers are much more likely to win custody hearings?” True but if Dad rocks he gets the kids anyway cause they walk out of the house and come to Dad. Trust me mine did!
That TV and Media portray the average white male as dumb, immature, irresponsible and selfish? Oh Dear here is a difficult problem for you. What is the composition of the board of the media and entertainment channels???? Is it 50 % men 50 % women.

You have been shown a myriad of reasons why men feel Mysandry is gaining momentum but you simply ignore them because they do not fit your mindset. Well sorry I feel that it is not gaining momentum at al. Maybe I am one of the uber menchen but a man’s man just ain’t bothered.
When Iwas younger I chilled with feminist and criticized them when I didagreed with their viewpoint. I understood the oppression that they spoke about but I had no intention of being their whipping boy. I also could see the skanks that dog every movment.
So you comments about me being hypnotized is ill advised.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

You presume an awful lot.
For example...the fellow I was there with was a much older man who was at the same party I was earlier and he asked me for a lift to the bar.

The woman with my ball player might have been his sister or a blind date he just got hooked up with, or some otherwise un-suitable woman.

And if they were a couple...

Clearly if there were chemistry there between these 2, it was long gone.

None of us are slaves, and life is short.
If you are with the wrong person move on and try to be happy.
Don't make another person suffer while you run around on them.
Likewise don't keep your wife if she is little more than an indentured servant.
I think marriage vows are a beautiful thing until they begin to work against your own happiness and well being.
This goes for the man as much as the woman.

Give them a chance to find someone that loves them. They deserve love and also to be happy.
If you ever loved them you would do that for them.
Mind you, I am not talking relationships involving children since they fall into a whole other category.

If you are in love you will not cheat.
Not after Fatal Attraction anyway.
Which did for adulterers what "Jaws" did for Ocean swimmers.

For that NOT to happen both parties have to give and take, compromise and love each other enough to live beyond the instinctive, pheromone driven phase of attraction. If it was ever there in the first place....People live without it...though I don't know how.

edit on 20-9-2010 by rusethorcain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by rusethorcain

Lets deal with the threads topic shall we?

1. Misogyyny is bad, i won't possibly argue with that.

2. Misandry is bad and does exist, the thread starter doesn't seem to agree and this is causing a lot of the tension between men and women.

If a man dares to call for equality to be applied fairly then we are called sexists.

If a man in the army is required to climb a 6ft wall a woman is allowed to use "equalising measures" (a stool) to climb the same wall. If this woman is say 5 foot 4 she grabs the stool and climbs the wall. If a man is 5 foot 4 he can't use that stool and just has to get on with it. This stinks of inequality and it's not just the army, the police service and fire service often use such measures.

In a job interview if a man is better qualified than a woman going for the job but the company involved needs to recruit more women as to avoid being called a sexist institution then they will hire the woman over the man simply because she is a woman, that is not equality.

If a man takes his children away in a divorce and refuses to let the woman see them then he'll be facing a kidnapping charge. If a woman does it she'll face no police action, only private civiil action.

These are genuine concerns and yet all people like yourself do is to call anyone raising them a sexist, you are as bad as the men in the 1950's who treated women as lesser beings and the OP seems to be of the same viewpoint.

edit on 20-9-2010 by ImaginaryReality1984 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:16 PM

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:19 PM


posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:41 PM
I'm going to refer back to the very first post of the thread.

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
In my opinion it is misogyny, that is ruining the male female relationship.

I will absolutely agree that misogyny ruins any chance of an equal, fair or balanced relationship between men and women, just as misandry does the same. It is however simplistic to think only one thing is the cause for so many problems.

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
Beginning with religion, which oppresses women, and causes the whore/virgin phenomenon, and going all the way to our workplace, where to this day some women still have to tolerate being called Sunshine and Honey Baby while on the clock, misogyny is alive and well, and ruining relationships all over the globe.

I will agree that religion can cause some serious problems regarding sexism. However i take issue with your idea of names simply because of the double standard. I'm a guy and i've been called honey when at work, so why can't i find it offensive? Of course we might also understand that such words as "honey" are not necessarily bad, it is the intent behind them that makes them good or bad.

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
And nowhere can this be seen more plainly than internet message boards, much like the one on which I post (with a bunch of misogynists!!)

Misogyny is the hatred of women.

Reading this entire thread i have witnessed a couple of people i think are indeed misogynists, i have also witnessed some men and women raising genuine concerns who were then called misogynists without posting anything hateful or offensive. Why is that?

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
Women haters come busting into a conversation and tend to blame Feminism for every social ail on the planet. Most of the time these are misogynists who have recently been dumped. They come in and begin spewing hatred on women, under the umbrella of feminism, so as to not own their direct insults. (any female is disgusted and insulted when misogyny is near, and it is something a woman knows when she sees it.).

I'm afraid you have just demonstrated misandry, to generalise all men who have genuine concerns as being recently dumped and daring to criticise feminism is rather unfair. I think you are confusing hatred with criticism, the two can be miles apart.

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
Here we have a thread in which a misogynistic Judge declares that a woman wearing skinny jeans could not have been rapoed due to the skinny jeans.

That is an example of legislated misogyny, and it one reason that male and female relationships are that much closer to ruined on message boards and in general, due to the way this type of topic draws in the symapthizers (of misogyny).

I believe this judge was in the wrong, it seems odd you hold this up as an idea that the internet is a den of misoygyny.

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
Of course no where does misogyny come into play more on a message board than when we discuss rape.

This thread, which claims Rape is the Fault of the Victim], (note the ironic date the initial post was made), should be required reading for anyone who wants a clear picture of misogyny in action. It is one of the biggest and best examples of internet misogyny in action, and it is a fascinating and horrifying look into the minds of women haters.

You might want to check that case as some women have spoken out saying other women who dress provocatively have only themselves to blame. I dont' agree with that assessment, i can't imagine how anyone could honestly blame the victim of rape but it's to simplistic to label such people as woman haters.

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
There are women posters here, all over the internet. When we speak up in defense of our gender, we are called feminazis. We are told we are harping on, bitching moaning groaning whining complaining.

No hang on, feminazi is used when women call men useless, brutes, wastes and other such horrible terms. Simply speaking up for equality does not make anyone a feminazi. It's more interesting how when a woman criticises the feminist movement she is called a traitor or slave or something similar.

Originally posted by hotbakedtater
No it is called pride in gender and self defense.

There seems to be a concerted agenda on some web boards to ruin female male relationships.

Yeah and you aren't exactly helping i'm afraid.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

I still see no examples of where men are needing equality. Anyway the topic is misogyny in the digital age not equal rights for men. That is a nontopic because they already have rights, as do females. That is a different topic.

posted on Sep, 20 2010 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

Of course we might also understand that such words as "honey" are not necessarily bad, it is the intent behind them that makes them good or bad.

You could say this about any word. The N word or the F word included.

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