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Electricity collected from the air could become the newest alternative energy source

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posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by playswithmachines

no idea. lol. Just admire his posts. Not necessarily agree with everything.

reply to post by peck420

By the time we ever neared it, we'd not have any room on this planet. We would be leaving en mass.

With unlimited energy comes unlimited food. Vertical farming. No food problems? No energy problems? No water problems? (unlimited energy= ocean filters).

The ramifications would be good. We would build arcologies on Earth, pushing the population limit to 11+ billion. We would see access to other worlds. Terraforming with ease. We could build massive energy harvesters around the sun. We would not have to worry about energy ever again.

Even if we had maximum energy sucking out of the atmosphere, the energy hitting the Earth would still compensate. And that energy would be used in fusion, which would mean we would no longer need all that energy from the atmosphere.

As to your examples, Oil's only negatives is methane pollution, the occasional spill, and the wars that naturally come about from its dominance. GE foods are not bad until you add in parts from unrelated species and get God knows what. Small changes like faster growth and larger nutrient depositing are not negatives. And vaccines? I must admit I've never suffered from one except the flu shot, which I no longer get and have not had the flu since. vaccines are very important for things like meningitis and other big baddies. You would not want a world without them. The fact that they add plastics to them is a negative, not the vaccine itself.

Most of the energy that hits the earth leaves the Earth. If we suck electrons out of the air, the earth gains a charge, sucking it out of the sun more. We also compensate global warming, as we are colling the atmosphere.

[edit on 26-8-2010 by Gorman91]

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

Ever heard of HAARP?

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

Way to go

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 06:19 PM
Some fascinating info on Tesla.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 06:25 PM
This is what someone commented. It seems this person isn't the only one to state this in the comments (that the amount of electricity in the atmosphere is insignificant).

So, take it from people with more knowledge that this is not going to result in free power.

A few years back I briefly researched harnessing lightning energy and learned that, although impressive visually, lightning discharges carry an insignificant amount of energy (high voltage, but a very small interval). So it seems unlikely that the energy of ambient atmospheric polarization would amount to much. They should've cited an optimum projection, because 'the benefits...could be substantial' isn't really saying anything substantial. All the energy we could ever need is right below our feet in the mammoth thermal energy battery that is the Earth's interior. We just need to master accessing it.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 06:45 PM
This definitely is Nikola Teslas work. He had a device that would send an electrical charge into the ionosphere. It would travel around the world in orbit within the ionosphere and when it came back to the first place it started at, it would be accelerated with another pulse from the machine that created the charge. This would be done over and over until the whole ionosphere was charged and primed to just grab power out of the air.

Of course we all know that he was shut down because there's no money to be made from energy anyone can just grab out of the air. In all reality we are hundred of years behind our time as far as energy sources go because of money. (sarcasim)yay, capitalism(/sarcasim)

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 06:51 PM
This idea is hardly new, but hopefully Nikola Tesla's vision will be realized some day.

However, given the power of the power company lobbyists, I doubt it.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 07:12 PM
Edgar Cayce predicted this, if you believe in that sort of thing.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by starstrings

Didn't read the replies, but I'm sure someone has mentioned Nikola Tesla by now. This theoretical energy was his invention. The story goes that he was funded by J. P. Morgan to build a prototype electrical tower that would have paved the way for this exact form of energy. It would have provided free, clean energy to the entire planet. At the last second, Morgan pulled his funding, leaving Tesla no choice but to abandon the project. I hope this time it is allowed to develop and become the foremost source of energy the world over.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 07:45 PM
Not to go too far off-topic but I personally believe that the key to limitless energy is in engineering and getting in-between or using the transfer of energy states to our advantage.

Think of it this way:

The Complex Motion of the Earth

•How fast is the Earth spinning?
0.5 km/sec

•How fast is the Earth revolving around the Sun?
30 km/sec

•How fast is the Solar System moving around the Milky Way Galaxy?
250 km/sec

•How fast is our Milky Way Galaxy moving in the Local Group of galaxies?
300 km/sec

That is a serious amount of kinetic energy. How to harvest kinetic energy is basically up to engineering.

The funny thing about energy is that it IS free and it IS not free....

because it cannot be destroyed you can never get rid of it thus there is a limitless supply. A perpetual motion machine is considered free energy and also considered impossible, however a physical working example of a perpetual motion machine would be the universe itself. In the physical reality of the universe perpetual motion is actually a necessity for energy to even exist at all.

For the laws of energy to exist in the manner they do balanced with no creation or destruction a perpetual machine is the only possible way energy could exist as it does or is currently understood to.

as much energy produce is used, fueling itself in endless motion. What is taken must be returned otherwise their will be an overabundance or a deficit and thus no balance in the energy budget so to speak.

This is why in practical terms there is considered no "free" source of energy where you get more than you put in.

the term "free" energy is rather misleading and easy to misinterpret.

[edit on 26-8-2010 by Sly1one]

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx
Didn't nikola tesla already think of this, but it was shut down because there was no money to be made in it?

Yes he did ( or at very least theorized it).

I'm doing it right now by using radio waves to power my crystal set radio. All you need is a coil, correct diode (germanium or Schotky), and some crystal earphones. I'm about to use some transistors to make it louder.

Using my shortwave set up, I've picked up as far as Radio Espania.

Still looking for the perfect rig though!

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by kiwitina948
reply to post by starstrings

Is this the same Energy that Nikola Tesla wanted to make available FREE OF CHARGE for humanity, but was stopped by J P Morgan? who's eyes were filled with $$$ signs (chingching).

There was and is too much money to be milked from established sources of energy, ie. coal and oil.

Just you wait & mark my word, when they have squeezed every petro-dollar they can out of us, they will find some way to capitalize off of even forms of free-energy.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by susp3kt

Originally posted by kiwitina948
reply to post by starstrings

Is this the same Energy that Nikola Tesla wanted to make available FREE OF CHARGE for humanity, but was stopped by J P Morgan? who's eyes were filled with $$$ signs (chingching).

There was and is too much money to be milked from established sources of energy, ie. coal and oil.

Just you wait & mark my word, when they have squeezed every petro-dollar they can out of us, they will find some way to capitalize off of even forms of free-energy.

Capitalization of anything "free" is slavery in its most obvious in your face form...hopefully people won't be so dumbed down by then that they will recognize it for what it is and revolt or what have you.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by xxshadowfaxx

The quick answer is you are kind of right. What Tesla was working on was the wireless transmission of electric power. He did succeed at this but there were problems as you could imagine. If you have seen the movie The Prestige there is a scene in Colorado when the character of Tesla lit light bulbs by sticking them in the ground, this really did happen. At the time in the early 1900's he was the first and only that I know of to do this so the technology was in it's infancy. This program was moved to Long Island when he secured funding from JP Morgan and Tesla built a transmitting tower in the town of Wardencliff. The story goes that Tesla being Tesla kept the true use of the tower a secret from Westinghouse until he was almost ready to unveil it, this is when it became clear that the current sent out could not be metered so JP Morgan could not make any money from it. The funding was stopped at that point, and eventually the tower was destroyed. It was very sad what happened to Tesla after this point in his life from my reading it basically killed him inside and was probably the main cause for bringing out in more of a pronounced way his OCD. I am not a Dr. so that is my own speculation. So that along with a sickening smear campaign pushed an extremely private man into more of a self invoked prison. There is also story of him achieving this with a 1937 Packard converted to an electric car. This has never been proven true but this article may show that the old man wasn't as crazy as he was made out to be. I learned of Tesla in the mid 90's and it seems that year after year what was laughed about and supposedly dismissed since before and after his death have been showing up again. From Geothermal and Solar energy to the wireless power transmitting this man, it seems to me is only now being recognized as being the genius he was. There is a good chance you have an example of one of his ideas in your home, a rechargeable tooth brush it works on his idea or a power pad is another example. I have met some incredibly intelligent people and most were eccentric this man was no different and it is about time he is receiving the credit due to him.

[edit on 26-8-2010 by cjdny]

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by BANANAMONTANA

Tesla did this type of experiment in I believe 1891. The FL tubes are very similar to what he used back then. They absorb the EM radiation from the power lines above the tubes. Every once and a while you hear of some one getting arrested for doing something similar to this. They just do it in a much larger scale they are just stealing electric from the grid. It is called theft of service. We could have an electric car right now, today that could "lock on" to any power line in America and charge the vehicles battery while at the same time run the cars motor. I am sure there are areas in America where you have more than 30 of 40 miles with out power lines so the battery would still need improving, but this idea may change what is needed in a battery. When it comes to the metering there currently are ISP's providing internet over the power lines so two way communications are available. Also, the medical aspect would have to be seriously be studied. I am not sure what EM radiation even in smaller amounts will do to a human over time.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by Silcone Synapse

He certainly did, he called it "Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy" Patent# 685,958. I know that in the past they sold TV antennas with power boosters that collected radiant energy to run itself. My Grandmother has one on the back of her house that she had installed in I believe somewhere between 1968-1970.


posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by wavemaker

Originally posted by xxshadowfaxx
Didn't nikola tesla already think of this, but it was shut down because there was no money to be made in it?

I think Tesla has already done this.

I think Tesla made a car that ran like this.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by kiwitina948
reply to post by starstrings

Is this the same Energy that Nikola Tesla wanted to make available FREE OF CHARGE for humanity, but was stopped by J P Morgan? who's eyes were filled with $$$ signs (chingching).

yeah, JP asked where the electric/utility meter was on the tower and Tesla said "I doesn't have any..its free!!!" mmmm said Morgan not such a good idea after all, end of project.

Good to see this story continues i wonder if we ever gonna see something like this as well


posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by Ex_MislTech

DARPA has some company's working in Solar Nanotechnology and RIT has made some leaps recently. Visually very similar to a flat coil developed by Tesla you probably have seen a picture of Tesla sitting in front of a coil reading a book. From what I have researched the big killer today is simply the current materials. Some do not work well together and some just deteriorate too quickly. While I do hold some of the same beliefs as some here but not totally. There are technologies out there I believe some are modernized versions of what Tesla was working on and the people DO NOT have the ability to not take something helpful and life changing for all humanity and just turn it on it's ear. Electricity at extremely high voltages and frequency's can and will DESTROY. It is a double edged sword we could be dealing with. So are TPTB suppressing things I believe so but not to the level some believe.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by Foppezao

Eh, such a device could easily be metered. Just charge for services rather than meter. Government tax, tax goes to service provider.

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