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Troops FINALLY deployed to border!!

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posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Lil Drummerboy

Well you may get as much compassion as you give others. They say what goes around comes around right?

Some people truly sicken me, those that that would just willingly shoot women and children in my eyes aren't worth talking to. Welcome to ignore, I have no time for childish people.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by whatukno
Well that is fine,. but I do know that once the word got out that the US wasn't playin games at the boarder anylonger,. the illegal infestation would subside.
Maybe you should adopt an entire family to your household.
What I am saying about My suggestion to the boarder solution is simple.
You want to get in,.. follow the rules..

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 10:25 AM
What I fail to understand is why American Citizens are so freaking complacent when brown people from another country are invading their country in droves, and slowly but surely turning American neighborhoods into Third World style barrios. I have been to El Paso, and that is about as close as I want to get to that stinky place south of us. Why do people support this effort to invade a sovereign nation and turn the tide forever after? Is it Democratic votes they are after? Is it the payments into Social Security from their pay checks that may refund the Trust Fund that TPTB have so gleefully ripped off since the Korean "police action?" Is it longer lines in the food stamp/welfare give away? Are all of those foreclosed homes for the illegals? I just want to know what they hell is the matter with America? We have never allowed such a thing before. Our president is committing illegal acts right before your eyes, and I cannot help but remember what my generation did to Nixon when he tried that, we impeached him.
I do not live in Arizona, but sometimes I wish I did. I was taught in the Army how to stop an invading force, and so were a lot of other soldiers. We shoot, and if that fails, we call in arty, and if that fails, we call in the fast movers. Friends, I hate to say this, but I smell another war with Mexico on the horizon, and not with the Mexican people, but with the corrupt government and the cartels. I see the posting of troops on the border as a precursor to military action.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by autowrench
You are right sir,. this is why I am so much against letting in the rats,.
I have seen how many third world countries live and do NOT want this for America,.
Of which will happen if the freeloaders are allowed to settle in.
Just look at the Neighborhoods in this country already that house those that are freeloaders,.
Often not a place a hardworking citizen would want to be.
I like to be able to walk down my street and not have to fight off anything but mosquitoes,..

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by autowrench

Slaughtering civilians is called a war crime. Just so you know. Your little genocidal plan has a huge flaw, the Mexican government isn't invading our country it's people are.

You do have more of a point with the cartels, however the government will never do anything about that because it's much more profitable for them to let drugs into this country, besides the fact that Americans demand drugs. So you are going against the will of the American people by stopping drugs coming over the boarder, the US government knows this and profits off of it.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by whatukno

why even have a border or a standing enforcement? Just let them in, they just want back what was taking from them CA, Texas,AZ, NM, and Utah, so let them have them. what is the big deal?

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 10:53 AM
Anybody with an IQ above 50 knows stopping illegal immigration will never ever be done with borders or laws that go after the illegals. The only way it will ever stop is if we go after the people who employ them with penatlties like 50 years in jail for evey illegal you have. That would take away the reward we no offer illegals for making it here. We offer them jobs here as reward for making it and at the same time complain about them coming. To change this will require a fundimental change in the American way of life. We will have to be willing to be able to place the blame on the rich people who hire the illegals and not the people we bribe to come here. We will have to be willing to take jobs that most Americans consider to hard or below them. We will have to pay the people to replace the illegals much much more money and spend money on improvingt their work enviroments. We as Americans will have to be willing to pay more for food and other things. I do not see any of that happening. Americasn would prefer to keep the cheap food, let the others do that crap jobs and just blame the illegals for coming.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by MrSpad

Good job, someone has a good idea in this thread. I agree with you, that has to be done and I also agree that there's a snowball's chance in hell that Americans will do it. They would much rather just start a war with Mexico for some god knows reason.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by whatukno

You do understand its gang bangers, drug traffickers and slave traders that are coming across right? That's the problem. Look two miles over the border and see for yourself the retched evil that is going on. Be-headings and mass killings. That is what Arizona wants to stop from coming to their border towns. Do you blame them? What do you think they should do Mr. smarty pants?

Should we just let them take over towns in our country and let them start turf wars on American soil because you say the big bad Americans are so hateful and racist? NO! That is a sorry ass excuse that is being used to tear down our country and make it into this free for all utopia of government cheese nibbling co dependent sorry excuse for life slaves.

That is what happens when there is no more order. The government takes over and they are not concerned in the least about you or your family. As long as the wheel keeps turning and they have a ruling class its all good.

There has to be borders and laws. Chaos just does not work. The lie that America is a bunch of bigots that wont let poor Mr Mexican get a free ride from the middle class because of his skin color is tired and played out.

I don't know the answer to this. I do however know letting drug wars spill over into our towns is not a logical answer. They could be anglo saxon, white bread eating, honky, redneck, tea party member following, friends of Jesus for all I care and I still would not let them pass if they did not follow the LAW!

Its not a color thing, its a LAW thing. Get that through your thick skull. If armed rebels want to lay claim to American soil and kill Americans and our president wont do anything because we will not grant blanket amnesty, I say GO MILITIA!
Blow their asses back across the border with nuclear tipped rocket launchers until they get the hint that America is not their hoe!

[edit on 19-8-2010 by Digital_Reality]

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by Cobra.EXE

Probably not enough. We need Marines or at least Army to do this.

Better than nothing. If they actually stay then it's good. I would hate to see soldiers put in harms way. But a few armed clashes with cartels and the national guard would probably increase support to put the military on the border. Probably don't need them on the northern border since I think the Canadians do a much better job than we do in terms of border security.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by Digital_Reality

Odd, I didn't mention race you did, have something on your conscience? Projecting much?

And I do agree with MrSpad's idea, unfortunately I don't think that Americans would do it.

I think that the government should protect the boarder, and they are starting to. Do you think it's an all or nothing thing? What is with this country and instant satisfaction?

No one in this country wants to do the tough things, they want the easy solution. That is why some people actually are for shooting women and children in order to try in a lame attempt to stop people from coming to this country.

You have to stop people from WANTING to come over here, so in order to do that you have to eliminate the jobs they come here for. You have to stop the people that employ illegals from employing illegals.

As for the drug runners and cartels, well, if you come up with some magical cure for Americas insatiable need for illegal drugs, let us know, because until that ends, you aren't going to stop the drug supply from coming into this country and Mexico will not stop the drug cartels from killing people.

Come on people, think for a minute. Shesh oh Pete.

And again, I haven't talked about the bigoted racist right wingers yet in this thread.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by Digital_Reality

A star for you! Wukky lives in Michigan. He has no idea what goes on in Arizona. Illegal aliens are something he reads about in his liberal newspaper and watches stories about on the evening news.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by Digital_Reality

As for the drug runners and cartels, well, if you come up with some magical cure for Americas insatiable need for illegal drugs, let us know, because until that ends, you aren't going to stop the drug supply from coming into this country and Mexico will not stop the drug cartels from killing people.

Decriminalize marijuana. Allow all adults to grow and possess up to 10 plants. No magic involved. Just common sense. Prohibition did not stop alcohol consumption, it only enriched the gangsters.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by groingrinder

Great, you solved California's problem, now what do you do about the coc aine, meth, and opiates that come from Mexico?

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by whatukno

Its not women and children that is coming over the borders with bricks of drugs their backs. Your still twisting it to look like poor Mr Mexican has the American boot on its neck. Its drug dealing KILLERS!

And why the hell should it be Americas job to make the Mexicans not want to come here? That's their fault that Mexico is so jacked up they dont even want to live there anymore.. besides the real reason they are coming here is to expand their drug empire not to flee tyranny.

Now its so bad they are doing whatever they want and they want the party to go on in America too. They have a huge country that they can move around in and turn into their dream utopia. They would rather come here and suck our tit until it shrivels up and blows away and move on to Canada.

Lawless drug smugglers are parasites of the worst kind. They consume freedom and use it for monetary/personal gain and then blame it for the reason they are doing it. LIE, FAIL!

The problem in Mexico is not Americas fault. Its the dirty rotten drug dealing corrupt officials that are allowing it to happen. Mexico needs to jerk the leash on its rebels and get this under control before all hell breaks loose.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 12:01 PM
Not TOO many troops are needed, after all, they've probably been deployed to count votes as they come across, real time, just to have a better idea what to expect come election day.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Digital_Reality

Right, sure, uh huh.

If you weren't so blind by the sheer idiocy of that position you would realize that we fund the drug cartels, the government also funds the drug cartels by enforcing the drug laws here.

If America didn't want drugs, the drug cartels wouldn't have anyone to supply drugs to.

I know it's hard for you to understand with all that rage built up inside you, but maybe having an unattached viewpoint, let's me see things in a different light.

See not every person coming over here illegally is a drug mule or a gang member, sure those kinds of people do come here, and yes I think that the gang members should be stopped with extreme prejudice.

Course, still doesn't fix the main problem of why they come here to begin with and that is jobs, really crappy jobs, really crappy jobs that Americans don't really want.

Oh I know, you want to think that every single illegal that crosses the boarder are evil bastards deserving of death, that way you can dehumanize them and placate your conscience.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by whatukno

We know your stance. America bad, everyone else victim. So who is the anti American here?

On topic..

Ill believe troops on the border when I see them.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by bekod

Nothing was TAKEN from them. It was bought and paid for in cash dollars. WE COULD HAVE TAKEN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY AFTER DEFEATING THEM IN WAR, BUT WE DID NOT. We probably should have though.

posted on Aug, 19 2010 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by whatukno
reply to post by groingrinder

Great, you solved California's problem, now what do you do about the coc aine, meth, and opiates that come from Mexico?

Maybe American gangsters should take over that concession? That way they would not have to come from Mexico.

Or we could just control the border and stop letting them in with it. It seems like we are the only nation in the world that does not control it's own borders.

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