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EHarmony meets ATS-Find Your Conspiracy SoulMate

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posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

Glad I'm not alone with the eaten posts!

Do you have any pet theories here, Snowspirit?

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by 8311-XHT
reply to post by snowspirit

Glad I'm not alone with the eaten posts!
Do you have any pet theories here, Snowspirit?

Pet theories, I would say we are spiritual beings having human experiences. That said, I'm not the slightest bit religious, and I'm not big on the bible. I think the universe has its own intelligence.

There are some strange unexplainable things out there though, so I believe in another world of sorts, whether it be dimensional, or spiritual, that I don't know. Maybe both rolled into one. Definitely paranormal.

Other pet theories:
I have 1 small black cat, and 3 dogs, and I totally believe they are very telepathic. One of my dogs, comes in to sleep with me early in the morning. When I go back to sleep I usually just lucid dream by then, because it's almost time to get up. He has jumped off the bed barking at noises in my dreams. Then I am jolted into being totally awake too early. I am working on quieter lucid dreams.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 09:27 PM
Animals have some amazing abilities. What boggles my mind is how we will ever find the answers to these kinds of questions about what our own brains and animals are capable of. Will it just take a long long time of recording all these weird experiencesa and seeing patterns through history?

Coincidentally this is also how I feel you can identify disinformation.. over time looking back at history you can see how people are connceted and see patterns emerge.

I tend to not be a spiritual person.. but at times I see weird patterns in our lives that seem like lssons or signs showing how there is good and evil and something guiding us.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

That is a brilliant theory. I as well have a black cat, though not little, My big fat Gambit. Yes named after the X-men character, long story... I agree animals totally are telepathic. My cats were running around and I was fully dreaming and I was attacked by two cats next think I Know my two cats are pouncing on me. As well I suffered depression and every time I was in a depressive spell and thinking of doing something permanent and stupid they would come and comfort me.

My black cat I call my dream man. I was joking after seeing X-men: Origins how sexy the character playing gambit was and I wanted my own gambit wearing only a bow. He ended up choosing that name and that summer I ended up going through the biggest depressive spell ever and he just wouldn't leave me alone long enough for me to be stupid.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 09:36 PM
Rome and Aliens.

Second line.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 10:01 PM
I think if we follow our intuition, our gut feelings, life will lead us in the right direction. Often we don't even realize until we look back on stuff, that if we did something against what our intuition was telling us to do, it would not have turned out good. You need to be very adaptable to change though. If something doesn't feel quite right, you have to pay attention to that.

Animals are so much more perceptive and emotional than many people give them credit for. Mine are so smart, but all in very different ways. One just seems to "know stuff", You can't fool her in any way, she's already reading your mind. Another one just wants to be the perfectly behaved dog, and my littlest one is the most communicative. When he wants outside he goes over to my jacket or my shoes. My cat is the only one that comes right away when she's called though.

Pets can be the best company at times. They really do know when they are needed.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 10:12 PM
So so true. I remember the day my eldest cat died. It was the high point in my life and It was the best and worst day of my life. That day I realized I was genuinely happy. When I came home I found she'd lay down in her favorite spot and died. Shortly after I had left for the day. I think she knew I was finally happy and able to be on my own. That morning she waited at the stairs as I left for school and had a look of peace, I will never forget that morning.

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by 8311-XHT
This board just ate my post! Grrrr!

If I am a disinfo agent it is inadvertantly - because I got suckered into it. haha

But I do believe there are disinfo agents who come on here and mock people if they are on the right track.

These dis-info agents, who puts them here? Are they paid? Do they have a certain topic they are supposed to infiltrate? I am now curious.

Im a female 29 into geeky things sometimes, but love the gym and Im a professional hypnotist and have been for 8-9 years. I am a stage hypnotist and I am VERY interested in the mind and what it can do!!

Nice to meet you guys!! I might like it here,

posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by L1U2C3I4F5E6R

Hi L1U2C3I4F5E6R, my own personal theory on this is that there is a group in the governemnt whose goal is a massive disinfo campaign to make all of this alien stuff sound crazy.. but also to fool the majority of the people in the general population and even within the government and the military that aliens ARE real.

So I would imagine that they have a group they use to flood the internet with disinfo and to come on message boards like this to basically create havoc and hide the truth.

For example.. John Lear was on here a ton.. his dad was one of the main guys working on Anti gravity in the 50s. He puts out the craziest info you will ever hear.. he is best buddies with Bob lazar.. This sounds crazy.. but I really believe this is true -- I bet John Lear and Bob Lazar spend half their time spreading their "info" in the public and half their time on the moon or in space. As ridiculous as that sounds. We have been conditioned to think that is ridiculous.

Read that book I posted a link to in the original post.. it's written by Ingo Swann. He was supposedly the greatest remote viewer in the world. Lead Viewer for the CIA progam. He wrote a book how he was hired by some scrert UFO spy group in the government to remote view the Moon and saw aliens on there who were hostile and who he believed were keeping Earthlings away from the moon. Supposedly all of these ex government remote viewers say they contact aliens.. and coincidentally the Apollo astronauts all say they see UFOs and believe the government is hiding aliens.

I believe this is all a huge disinfo campaign. I think that journalist Nick Cook knows the same thing.. If you watch this video closely I think he is trying to show the same thing as well.. notice the Remote Viewing part.. pay close attention..

[edit on 14-8-2010 by 8311-XHT]

posted on Aug, 15 2010 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by 8311-XHT
reply to post by Nventual

Sorry to confuse you.. maybe that is why I am having trouble communicating with people.

When you have Aspeger's, which I do, you have trouble seeing your own behavior from other people's perspective.

Plus, this stuff is just difficult to explain. hah

[edit on 14-8-2010 by 8311-XHT]

Nah I understand you clearly I just wasn't reading properly. Sorry lol

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 06:57 AM
I too, am interested in realtionships with dysfunctional types.

Anyone gullible around who's up for a date?

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