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Federal Reserve Charter expires 12/21/2012!!!

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posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

In response to your last post, You may also ask if you are on the reocrd and that the court will now take judicial notice of the judges oath of office and that he is acting as judge and NOT as banker.

You can also let them know as a representative of the corporate fiction, you are a beneficiary of the trust, and that you demand the judge do your bidding. That puts him on the spot. He/she, can not refuse, then you tell him you would like the charges dismissed, the record erased and that you be compensated from the trust in the amount of $????? dollars. You go free and with a check too!!

There si much info on the net that explains all this too. There are many good documentaries floating around, like The Ring of Power, Kymatica, Esoteric Agenda and so on. Believe none of what you read and half of what you see and DO YOUR OWN INVESTIGATIONS.

Know thyself and know the truth.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 01:26 PM
Hey Proto, if you did not understand, I was just giving you a little poop, since that is what we all are, sooner or later we are all just fertilizer.

Anyway, I have been trying to understand the WHOLE thing, maybe I am just getting too involved.

Anywhoo, no legal advice given, no legal advice taken.

A color of law enforcer engages me, can I just give my legal name and ask for council at that time.

Then, if it goes further, I then ask the priest of the dark robes for proof that they have jurisdiction.

Then I ask if the DA has jurisdiction or right to be considered the injured party since they need a victim.

Do I just continue this type of defense or do I ask the cardinal of robes to be my trustee when I ask them to put it on record. Or do I just completely continue to thwart their proof of contract?

[edit on 8/6/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by daddio

Thanks Daddio and you are correct the W-4 Wage Earners Form is the first link in the contractual chain.

Amazingly enough because of the way they withhold through the employers, most people once having their money stolen are offered a portion of it back through a 'refund' which gives them monetary incentive to then file the contract (the 1040) to make the theft legal.

So in essence they are paying you with your own stolen money through that refund to get you to agree it's alright to steal the money!

It is actually funny once you understand what's going on. Funny in part because so many people refuse to investigate it or are in denial of it, funny in part because the henchmen and agents involved in the system literally have no answers when someone like me challenges it, and funny in part that even the few who know that the system is fraudelent and debilitating won't actually stand up to it and call it out on those grounds.

Yet it's also very sad too, because between taxation and insurance, and fees, and people becoming indentured to loans and interests through the banks, people are really working for a fraction of what they believe they are being paid!

This does not promote a very quality oriented life and the truth is under our system you are really only as free as the money in your pocket allows you to be, because almost everywhere you want to go and everything you want to do costs money in some way shape or form.

This is how the Powers that Be rule through a game called "A fool and his money soon go seperate ways" which is why they educated us in such a fashion that we are told foolish things are wise.

Great post, thanks my friend.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

The best defense is a good offense, I simply put the system under attack stating the legal definition of the words they are using, pointing out the lies they are stating, and stating the mechanisms through the commerce clause and contract law they are using to attempt to defraud and trick me.

What ever they think I might have done is entirely meaningless and I don't even have to address that, because they first have to establish the legality of their own actions in relation to mine.

They could only do that if I murdered someone or killed someone, or stole real property other than cash (because our currency is worthless).

So no use talking about what they imagined I did wrong, because I never do any of those things.

I accuse them of extortion and abuse of power and fraud, and demand they prove that is not what they are attempting to do through the codes.

They can't disprove those accusations and as a result I become the injured party, which necessitates me then requiring compensation for the inconvenience and the insult to my intelligence.

So I demand payment in the same amount they were looking to collect from me for my so called offense.

If I had more time I would rack up a endless list of code violations and make a fortune off them, alas the beach is so much nicer than a court room.


posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by shagreen heart
ok ok, even if it somehow incorrectly DOES end on 12/21/12, who cares?

we can prevent the fed from returning because their charter ends, correct?

Some people say the end date of the charter is Dec 23, 2013. Some say there is legislation that makes the charter permanent. THe federal reserve has no charter, that is where its different from the 1st and 2nd national banks. They set it up so it could not be derailed. Not having a charter was one of the main issues, because they didn't want to have similar issues to the charter not being renewed as with the 1st 2.

I apologize if everyone got their hopes up...

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by daddio

You can also let them know as a representative of the corporate fiction, you are a beneficiary of the trust, and that you demand the judge do your bidding. That puts him on the spot. He/she, can not refuse, then you tell him you would like the charges dismissed, the record erased and that you be compensated from the trust in the amount of $????? dollars. You go free and with a check too!!

I have done this but only with the State's attorney, and them paying me usually becomes a sticking point until I make it clear everything I just told them, I will tell to a judge from the gallery.

"Now do you really want me to go into a court of law and tell them what I just told you?"

Response "How do you want the check made out"

Because I am reasonable I will accept checks and not require gold.


posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

Hey Proto, if you did not understand, I was just giving you a little poop, since that is what we all are, sooner or later we are all just fertilizer.

Another religious myth! You do not have to die, just ask the Queen of England!

What is she like 6,000 years old now?

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by tankthinker

what i mean is do you really believe that the current pope has all or much of that power over rome or do you think he is a figure head for the real emperor who is in the shadows?

The Pope is a figure head and the real powers that be rule from the shadows and are not in public positions of power or control.

Even the Rothchild and Rockefeller families are limited in their true power.

There is a Council of Eight that has existed since 942 that actually rules and a Caesar to break ties on it.

These are the people I am trying to ferret out.

I suspected they are all night time 7-Eleven Store Managers as a front!

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I suspected they are all night time 7-Eleven Store Managers as a front!

i dunno if i was them i would probably be close enough to react to events and command accordingly but not close enough for anyone to know its me

i suspect at least one of them is the guy wearing the barney suit, i mean that way hes right under our noses right, that is their style

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Thanks again for the reply, and the subsequent insights and revelations.

Have you yet written a concise guide to historical legal freedom and sovereignty?!!

I'm thinking like "Freedom for Dummies" or something like that

All humor aside, you are doing a great service by helping people like myself understand this enormous information mess.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by beebs
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Thanks again for the reply, and the subsequent insights and revelations.

Have you yet written a concise guide to historical legal freedom and sovereignty?!!

I'm thinking like "Freedom for Dummies" or something like that

All humor aside, you are doing a great service by helping people like myself understand this enormous information mess.

Thanks my friend, I haven't written such a guide as of yet, but it is a good idea.

A lot of what I do know is through my own self discovery and trial and error testing it out in real world, real time situations and circumstances.

That research is ongoing and still in progress.

I do try to share as much as ATS Terms of Service allows for and write about it here, and happily will answer any question I can.


posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by daddio
I must say ProtoplasmicTraveler, you are one of the best. I look forward to many more of your writings.

I concur.

Have either of you any knowledge of what was contained in the ripped out pages of John Wilkes Booth's diary? Just curious if that has leaked out at all.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by shagreen heart
ok ok, even if it somehow incorrectly DOES end on 12/21/12, who cares?

we can prevent the fed from returning because their charter ends, correct? someone is going to invalidate the charter...we just had the supreme court say that corporations can spend as much money on any canidate as they wish, and you can't even find out which corporation is doing the spending unless the individual state has a requirement to do so.
we are now in a psuedo-facist government, where there is a marriage between government and business

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by Riposte

Originally posted by daddio
I must say ProtoplasmicTraveler, you are one of the best. I look forward to many more of your writings.

I concur.

Have either of you any knowledge of what was contained in the ripped out pages of John Wilkes Booth's diary? Just curious if that has leaked out at all.

To try and explain the question about Mr. Booth, we must first understand that he was never killed but died an old man in England. It has been rumored that he is buried in Robin Hoods grave. He was a freemason as was his brother the actor. Both acted at one time or another and that is how John knew the theater so well.

I am not sure what to believe there, but I am sure his diary had named some names and those pages contained those names. Someone did not want that being known.

I sincerely hope that you all take this thread and those others ProtoplasmicTraveler and I and others have created to set yourselves free from the lies of history. We can live happy and free if we chose to. It is the choice that must be made.

Filing paperwork and studying the language is not all that hard. It is only as hard as YOU make it. Think simple and be open minded. You will see the truth and the dots will connect.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by ISHAMAGI

So, since the date clearly is not 12/21/2012 that the charter expires, I have to wonder why you, ISHAMAGI, said in your title "charter expires in 12/21/2012". What a time-waster that was. People who lie in their titles should be banned. Or at the very least their thread should be marked as a hoax.

Common sense would indicate that 100 years after December 1913 would be December 2013 since 1913 + 100 = 2013. But I guess common sense does not matter for some reason. Oh well.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 06:27 PM
the paper we use now has no real intrinsic value. What will change in 2 years?

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by shagreen heart
ok ok, even if it somehow incorrectly DOES end on 12/21/12, who cares?

we can prevent the fed from returning because their charter ends, correct?

No, because the original Federal Reserve was created by bankers, not politicians, and forced upon the President to sign into law.

They met in secret to make the charter. They could just as easily resign it into law because they are above the law.

Believe it or not, where did all that bailout money come from? The Fed, not the government.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by truthquest
reply to post by ISHAMAGI

So, since the date clearly is not 12/21/2012 that the charter expires, I have to wonder why you, ISHAMAGI, said in your title "charter expires in 12/21/2012". What a time-waster that was. People who lie in their titles should be banned. Or at the very least their thread should be marked as a hoax.

Common sense would indicate that 100 years after December 1913 would be December 2013 since 1913 + 100 = 2013. But I guess common sense does not matter for some reason. Oh well.

Actually it was November of 1910 when Senator Nelson Aldrich the Republican Whip in the Senate had Andrew Abraham who was then Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Frank Vanderlip who was the President of National City Bank of New York, Henry Davison the senior partner of J.P. Morgan Company, Charles Norton the President of First National Bank of New York, Benjamin Strong head of J.P. Morgan’s Banker’s Trust Company and Paul Warburg who was a partner in Kuhn Loeb & Company join him on his private rail car in New Jersey where they travelled to Jekyll Island Georgia to formulate what would become the Federal Reserve Act.

Nelson Aldrich by the way was Nelson Rockefeller’s Grandfather; Frank Vanderlip’s National City Bank of New York was the largest of all banks in America and represented William Rockefeller’s wealth and the International Arm of Kuhn, Loeb and Company. Benjamin Strong would later become the first head of the Federal Reserve. Paul Warburg who is reputed and known to be Daddy Warbucks from the hit Broadway Musical “Little Orphan Annie” that based that charachter off of him, represented all of the Rothschild banking interests, including those of his brother Max Warburg who ran the Rothschild German Banks.

Those 7 individuals represented what was considered at the time to be ¼ of the wealth on the entire planet.

The trip was conducted in such secrecy that the men were instructed to not even address one another by name on the railroad car to Jekyll Island.

These were the men writing the Federal Reserve Act its eventual passage in Congress because of Nelson Aldrich’s influence a foregone conclusion as long as no one got wind that the bankers themselves had wrote it.

What is in part so significant about this is in the coming age of monopolies the major investment banks all colluding together could then determine who could, and who would get the leverage capital to amass monopolies.

In this way they made it possible for a select few to buy up and control all of America’s infrastructure and most vital resources.

The Government might be the Government but these are the men who own the power companies and utilities that make life in the big city possible, the men who own the railroads that ship in the goods to make life in the big city possible, the men who own the raw and natural resources to build and sustain the cities and the infrastructure and keep it running, the men who own the chains of department stores and retail outlets that distribute them.

The Government has little power in comparison, and even in the troubled days in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, it was Wal-Mart’s trucks that got most of the supplies into New Orleans, not the Federal Governments!

What the Banking Cartel effectively did was determine then who would get the venture capital to become a Wal-Mart, a Bell Telephone, a Duke Power, a Micro-Soft etc.

It would virtually eliminate true competition in the banking industry, and in fact what we have seen in the financial meltdown is some big banks actually paying other big banks not to try to poach on the small cities and towns they were bankrupting through complicated bond deals and derivative swaps, and floating interest rate loans.

Lehman Brothers paying Citicorp for instance to not try to steal such a client.

The big guys all get a piece, the little guys get fleeced.

So in reality both you and the OP are wrong, as far as the date of the actual Federal Reserve Act.

By the way the OP picked up his information from God Like Productions and he clearly states that in his OP as well as questioning the validity of the claim and asked other members to help him clarify.

That is what ATS is for and all about.

So no it’s not a Hoax because he never claimed it was true, and he never claimed to be the source of the information either and it’s turned into a very productive thread that has little to nothing to do with 2012, (by the way the Mayan Calendar expires December 24th 2011) and everything to do with the Federal Reserve and the nature of the Beast that runs our world.

Great thread you ought to have read it.


[edit on 6/8/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by mothershipzeta
Leap years do not work that way regarding contracts and legal documents.

100 years is 100 years, leap-years included.

Besides, even if the extra day every 4 years was taken out (25 days), it would be 11/28/2013, not a whole year early.

You beat me to it MSZ.

When is your birthday, and how old are you ?
You give a date in whole years, you don't start adding/subtracting days, or fractions of days for leap years.

Likewise a one year legal contract starts and expires on the same date at midnight (wherever you are). It would be just silly to do it any other way.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by crankyoldman

Thank you for posting that. That was a DAMN GOOD read, and really helped put certain things into perspective for alternative that SHOULD be considered IMO. So thanks!

Oh and to those who posted saying something to the effect that due to lack of stars, that many people seem to be glossing over some very informative posts without showing their appreciation (or something to that effect). I would just like to say that perhaps I am "guilty" of not having done enough, or made a better attempt at acknowledging those of you that have made some VERY GOOD contributions to this topic/thread, and for that I please keep feeding our minds. I guess...with me when I FAIL to pass out the stars it should be taken as a compliment actually because my ass is so enthralled with so many mixed emotions (which doesn't happen frequently with me) as I read such intelligent yet diabolical posts...ummm I kind of forget as I get so engrossed I eagerly scroll down to look for the first reply/rebuttal/addition of information/etc...that I simply get so caught up (because YOUR POSTS ARE AWESOME AND VERY MUCH NOTED BELIEVE ME) and forget to star....that is until I have had my fill, and/or need to be called away I then make it a point to at least star the last good post I leave off this case this one ;-)

But PLEASE KNOW man....keep 'em coming as I can't speak for the rest of you guys on here, but as far as I am concerned the info is VERY WELCOMED and the info is so vast that I just can't comprehend enough in one sitting to contribute (in topics such as this that I myself am still learning about), BUT DO PLAN on revisiting to take the rest of it in and THEN I will star appropriately ;-)

So thanks for the knowledge lesson. One thing my step-dad left on me was..."You should ALWAYS try to learn something new every day. Doesn't matter what it is...just so as long as it is something that you didn't know yesterday" and this is definitely the place where one can achieve that...thats fer sure ;-)


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