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Ahmadinejad 5/24/10 G15 Summit (full text)

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posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by LostNemesis
I wish there were more posts, stars, flags.

But, alas, I don't know what is going on. This man speaks of a massive conspiracy, and people on a conspiracy forum have nothing to say.

Sure this is nothing we don't already know. But many do not know who is doing what right now.

I had been wondering if he were pushing NWO as well, like most world leaders. But now I have my answer.
He is not one of the cockroaches, but instead the man trying to expose them.
I really, really respect this man.

Exactly what I have been saying about him and Chavez.
Anytime our Government & WHORE media says we should fear or dislike someone I know I have to look into it and see what is really going on.

NOTE: These guys are doing what is right for their people and world and it happens to be against The Empire Of Americas plan so "THEY ARE EVIL AND CRAZY AND WANT TO KILL US...." BULLSHIZA!!!!!!

We really need to get the Army and Gov back under control, if not we are going to kill a lot of innocent people and push GOOD people to horrible ends.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by Sri Oracle

I read the text of the speech through, and to me the man comes off as being very intelligent, well spoken, and well educated in world affairs. He seems to know what is going on most everywhere, which speaks of good intel, and one thing he is not is crazy, as the western MSM paint him to be. He calls America, Israel, and NATO as he sees it, and as I see it too.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by ~Lucidity

You may or may not have been researching this before my 'ass was born', the point is that's pure speculation because you have no idea how long this 'ass' has been roaming around on this earth.

In any case, that is surely irrelevant, or are you saying that because you suspect you have been researching this topic longer than me that you therefore have a better and more accurate take on it.

Ok. Everything that I have said about what has happened in Iran since the June 2009 election is verifiable.

As to my 'suspicions' about the possible complicity between Iran and Israel/US, I agree, that is only my opinion, and I have stated that clearly.
I don't expect anyone to believe it or not believe it. I do believe it is possibe and not completely off the wall. And I believe these psychos are perfectly capable of engineering such a situation.

We know the Zionist agenda is meticulously planned years and years in advance. We know hey make copious use of hegelian dialectic. We know that they fund both sides of a given conflict or conflicts to fuel and sustain that conflict. We know they lie and deceive the public. We know they have infilatrated pretty much all of the national and international institutions in the world, and most of the world governments to some degree.

Have you listened to the election speeches/promises made by Ahmanazijad? Did you see how he promised all sorts of positive 'change'.

Have you seen the disparity between what he promised and what he is delivering? He promised social change, and he has kept his word on that.
Iran is now in the grips of a totalitarian dictatorship.

To be clear, what I mean by totalitarianism is the definition given on Wiki:


Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a political system where the state, usually under the control of a single political person, faction, or class, recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible.[2] Totalitarianism is generally characterised by the coincidence of authoritarianism (where ordinary citizens have no significant share in state decision-making) and ideology (a pervasive scheme of values promulgated by institutional means to direct most if not all aspects of public and private life).[3]

Totalitarian regimes or movements maintain political power through an all-encompassing propaganda disseminated through the state-controlled mass media, a single party that is often marked by personality cultism, control over the economy, regulation and restriction of speech, mass surveillance, and widespread use of state terrorism.

End quote.

Totalitarianism is by its nature interventionist. It's not 'my' interventionism, it's the interventionism of the Iranian government.
In what sense can you defend describing Iranian governmental interventionism as 'my' interventionism? It's not even 'my' theory, it is fact.

My PERSONAL belief is that there are many parallels between what happened in Iran in 2009 and what is happening in US in 2010. It is ONLY my belief. I don't expect anyone to believe/disbelieve it. I'm simply putting it in the pot, alongside many other people's opinions, because I think there could be some truth in it. If you don't believe it, that's fine too. I don't have the slightest problem with that.

What I am also saying is that there is a COINCIDENCE in terms of planned method and planned outcome between the Hojatieh agenda and the Zionist agenda. This is fact. How anyone interprets those facts is up to them.

A in increasing body of evidence points to the fact that the Zionists engineered and funded WW1 and WWII. An increasing body of evidence suggests that the details of the holocaust as presented by the Zionists immediately after WWII may be inaccurate. We know that the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq are illegal according to international law, and in direct contravention of the UN charter.

We know Israel/US/UK have used nuclear weapons (DU) in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine, also in contravention of UN charter.

So, do I think these psychos are capable of engineering a faked clash of ideologies and a confrontation between Iran and Israel/US in order to further their plan of mass global genocide and world domination? Yes I do.

Do I think they are capable of planning this long in advance and sustaining it over many years? Yes I do.

Is it true? I don't know. It's ony my opinion. I hope it isn't true. Because if it is, nuclear war is an absolsute dead certainty unless they can all somehow be stopped.

[edit on 30-7-2010 by wcitizen]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 08:54 AM
We wouldn't even be having this discussion about this leader if the country in question were not in possession of the 3rd largest oil reserves in the world.

My overall issue with all of this is that I could give a rat's ass about what goes on in their country. Fundamentally, it is their country and they have every right to do whatever floats their boat.

There are many so called injustices in this world. We are NOT the world's Police force. If our leaders really gave a damn about any one of us peons, they would focus on fixing the problems we have here domestically first.

For It isn't as if everything is exactly peachy keen here in the US.

But The only reason we have a remote interest in these people and their injustices, is that the ruling class, want to lay claim to their oil wealth and become even wealthier. All at the expense of America's poor IMA.

I mean, what about our own political prisoners such as the former
IRS agent and Whistleblower, Sherry Jackson, politically persecuted and tortured. Whom is currently languishing in a Federal prison for merely speaking out and asking to be shown the law requiring us to pay a Federal Income Tax ?

We don't hear Katie Couric, the CFR controlled journalist, discussing Sherry Jackson's situation much ?

All in all, I can't believe that people are buying this crap once again about the so called Islamic radical threat of nuclear weapons sack of fear based Bull $hit we were sold with Saddam Hussein.

Hook, Line and Sinker...

The same old fear based broken record used as a basis for another armed conflict against another middle east oil rich nation.

But historically speaking, we have no other alternative, for all Fiat currency systems inevitably go broke. Resulting in no alternative other than war. Where we will plunder another countries wealth under the guise of Red, White and Blue Democracy.

Lather rinse repeat....

[edit on 30-7-2010 by nh_ee]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by Sri Oracle

I have to say I really respect this man. I did not know much about him before 9/11 inspite of repeated news I heard of Iran - India nuclear gas pipeline.

Ahmadinejad made first impression on me when he accepted the invitation at Columbia University and where the people who invited him the professors and other officials of university tried to humiliate him. That was the first time I heard about this person. I saw and read his response in the face of aggression ( against a guest which can only happen in US Universities..inviting someone to try and humiliate him) however, his response to them was extremely good. However when the same kind of invitation was sent to Bush who was President of US that time by Iranian University, he pussied out.

Ever since then I have always paid interest to all topics, snippets and news regarding Ahmadinejad and I have to admit I like and respect him.
I found him standing against the American and Israeli aggression to protect his own country and to practice his country's rightful sovereign right to enrich nuclear technology under NPT guidelines. The repeated lies, slanders and propaganda against him has only made my conviction more strong towards him. The uncalled for illegal war in Iraq, the war crimes committed by US in Iraq/ Afghanistan, the Abhu Gharib torture, the Israeli apartheid against Gazans/ West Bank citizens, Israel refusal to adhere to NPT and aggressive tactics against Iran, Lebanon, Palestine etc has dissolved any moral justifications of these countries over Iran. If there were more leaders like him the world would be a better place.

Some may call me biased for Ahmadinejad for that I have to say "he without sin cast the first statement".

[edit on 30-7-2010 by name pending]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by wcitizen
You know . What you are exposing or suggesting is a angle I had not thought of . The fact that we have so many senarioes that dont quite work and have one that would be the biggest deceptive aliance almost makes it so perfect . Who would have thunken.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by 54v!0r531f

Exactly. Judge not lest YE be judged. This is so to the point. No leader or country is a saint or freaking innocent. And interventionalists SUCK. No matter who they are.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by wcitizen

What's speculation? The people of that very country might disagree with what you stated...or certainly can put it a lot more succinctly as to what they want. Who are you to judge their "attrocities" for them or do something about it "for them?" You don't even speak the language. Are you Iranian? Why are you even that concerned?

Sorry, Sri...back on topic.

[edit on 7/30/2010 by ~Lucidity]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by wcitizen

May I suggest that you SOURCE all of your supposed claims if you wish to attain any credibility.

Coming in here spouting off the evils of Iran in mini-book format & claiming it as "fact" & "verifiable" isn't doing any good. All you are doing is de-railing the topic.

When your opinions are believed by the minority of posters it's important to provide sources as proof so we can make up our own minds. We will not blindly believe your accusations without so much as a shred of evidence.

[edit on 30-7-2010 by TheSam]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 02:24 PM
for all the posters who demonstrate their "respect" for this Ahmadinejad, let us be reminded he is anti-establishment, and anti-united nations.

furthermore, if all i knew of Ahmadinejad's agenda is that he is pro- "Supreme Leader", i think i may know enough.

down with those who coordinate power, and the front man for the "SUPREME LEADER".

those on this thread who are pro-Ahmadinejad are obviously in favor of one person ruling over the planet, instead of groups of specialities in their fields coordinating with eachother.

NWO, or one individual, aka "The Supreme Leader".

ats is funny,


deny = ignore
ignorance = innocence

deny ignorance = do not accept innocence.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Sri Oracle
I invite you to read Ahmadinejad's words and share your thoughts on this man posed as a "crazy religious fool with destructive nuclear ambitions" in the West.

Oh yeah? Listen to some of the wise things George Bush said!

10) "Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream."

9) "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."

8) "I hear there's rumors on the Internets that we're going to have a draft."

7) "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."

6) "You work three jobs? … Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that."

5) "Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country."

4) "They misunderestimated me."

3) "Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?"

2) "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

1) "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

You obviously dont understand what a great leader is. Number nine is my favorite. It is actually really hard to do that.

[edit on 30-7-2010 by Copernicus]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 02:56 PM
The man says it's stupid. The man says it's anti-American. The man says don't do that.

Like a rebellious teen, I then want to know more...

Chavez, Ahmadinejad, Communism, etc. All BAD!!!!!!!! Don't look! Avert thine eyes!

But I just gotta... but, with guarded curiosity, lest I be burned by the opposite polarity of American Imperialism.

Curiosity killed the cat...apparently it may even land the "gato" in Guantanamo.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by Copernicus

Yeah, but George minced his words...he used mixed metaphors and was prone to Porky-Pigisms (aka, Spoonerisms)... Translation wasn't a culprit...

Ahmaddinejad is, at worst, being plagued by an occasional inopportune Farsi-English translation.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
for all the posters who demonstrate their "respect" for this Ahmadinejad, let us be reminded he is anti-establishment, and anti-united nations.

To be quite fair, I can understand him being anti UN. The US has too much sway in the UN.

In the UN, the US has a veto vote they can use. Whenever Israel receives any condemnation in the UN, the US uses their veto to move to the next topic.

Iran sees Israel as a threat, so if the UN will happily place sanctions on Iran all day while at the same time never talking about Israel's crimes, let alone punishing them, then what good is the UN to Iran? There is too much hypocrisy in their rules.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

...those on this thread who are pro-Ahmadinejad are obviously in favor of one person ruling over the planet, instead of groups of specialities in their fields coordinating with eachother.

NWO, or one individual, aka "The Supreme Leader".

ats is funny,

What a lovely piece of generalisation! Or just an incredible feat of linguistic triple-jumping to arrive at such a conclusion.

An intelligent person like what I is can easily admire someone for being sane and honest without having to sign up to that person's political or religious beliefs.

In a similar manner, I can believe in the US Constitution and the Spirit of '76 even though I realise that most of the last century's US Presidents have been scum!

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by 54v!0r531f

you assume so much that your post is laughable. im still laughing

Oh my, assumptions? Dear sir, you tell others they have no clue of what's happening because they don't speak Farsi or don't know Iranians, or don't have evidence for their claims. I'll tell you that I am Iranian. I've heard the stories, I've seen the scars. Go ahead, try to tell me I'm wrong. While you're laughing at my 'assumptions' allow me to laugh at your ignorance. Ha-ha.

Wcitizen is pretty much correct in his statements and claims.

The reason I am speaking out like this now is because seemingly some people in the conspiracy circle have come to think that mr. Ahmadinejad is a saint because his typewriting monkeys can scan and copy/paste pieces of text that speak to the people already on the edge with their own government.

If you wanted a proper word for it: Propaganda. And you are eating it up.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
for all the posters who demonstrate their "respect" for this Ahmadinejad, let us be reminded he is anti-establishment, and anti-united nations.

furthermore, if all i knew of Ahmadinejad's agenda is that he is pro- "Supreme Leader", i think i may know enough.

down with those who coordinate power, and the front man for the "SUPREME LEADER".

those on this thread who are pro-Ahmadinejad are obviously in favor of one person ruling over the planet, instead of groups of specialities in their fields coordinating with eachother.

NWO, or one individual, aka "The Supreme Leader".

ats is funny,


deny = ignore
ignorance = innocence

deny ignorance = do not accept innocence.

Uhh where did you get all this?

In this speech he condemns unilateralism and advocates new structures that involve more members beyond the 5 permanent members of the U.N. security council. Noticed how he uses "new structures" not "new governing bodies", "[s]ome of its permanent members" instead of "its permanent members".

He talks about reform of U.N. rather than creating another U.N. He may be "evil" but he is not stupid. As he knows well his country gets vital support from at least one of the permanent members and other members of the Security Council.

Granted he talks about replacing materialistic philosophy with a monotheistic one as a solution to today's problems that he believed are caused by materialism. Well this is debatable but the bigger picture is he is supporting what the developing world and some of the developed countries have been pushing for: the democratization of the world's governing body, the U.N.

Today, no one questions this fact that the world shall be managed with uniformed structures and regulations. Therefore, on one hand, we need to review and identify the real reasons behind the failure of the existing structures and, on the other we need to identify the characteristics of the required proper structures and regulations.

Now whether this is in "the NWO's" plan, this process is pretty far away from a "Supreme Leader"-esque system.

Not that I support this guy or even this speech alone. Just want to point out the multi-dimension nature of the international power struggle, of which Iran is part.

[edit on 30-7-2010 by nighinfinite]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 04:58 PM

I have never read any of his speeches until now and I must say he seems like a very intelligent man. Most of my views on him always came from MSM, and like someone already posted, painted him as a nutjob. I'm not big on his trust in the Almighty but otherwise I couldn't find much fault in his speech. Thanks for posting this OP.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 06:03 PM
Ahmadinejad's philosophy on the subject of banking comes from the Sharia law of Al-Riba which I am opening discussion of on this thread:

Would you Submit to the Sharia Law of Al-Ribā?


[edit on 30-7-2010 by Sri Oracle]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 08:05 PM
He's a hypocrite. He speaks about the need for the Palestinians to be repatriated to their homeland. Yet, what about the Iranian Kurds? If he's pressing for a Palestinian homeland don't you think the Iranian Kurds should have one too?

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