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Reid Abandons Cap & Trade in Face of Bipartisan Opposition

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posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 03:50 PM

Reid Abandons Cap & Trade in Face of Bipartisan Opposition

Hitting a wall of bipartisan opposition to placing a price on carbon, even if just in the utility sector, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., Thursday unveiled a narrow, limited energy bill that contains no cap and trade plan.
"Unfortunately this Congress, we don't have a single Republican," Reid told reporters, as he outlined a 4-pronged plan that increases the liability cap for damage incurred from the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as, new oil rig safety regulations; converts the diesel fleet to natural gas; legislates the HOME STAR energy efficiency program which pr
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 03:50 PM
After reading this article, the question must be asked, why does Harry Ried need bipartisan support this bill. The democrats have a definate majority in both houses of the congress, and are able to get passed anything that they desire. This is nothing more than politics at its worse, and there can only be several reasons for such. One is that there is disention in the ranks of the Democratic party, where many of those who are up for reelection can not afford to pass any more bills that the public does not want. Or, and a more darker reason and it would be plausable is that they need a patsy, someone who they can point to when it goes wrong, stating well the Republicans did it as well. Things like this are showing more and more that the politics of the federal government are no longer in the interest of the people of the country, but more in what is good for the person holding the office.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by sdcigarpig

Thank God they did not pass this Crap and Fade legislation.

It would have destroyed an already weak economy. If you look at every recession we have had in the last 40 or 50 years, it has been preceded by a spike in oil prices. Our economy is incredibly sensitive to the cost of energy.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 04:34 PM
Yeah sure ``they are abandoning it. SURE. No way in hell they stop trying to pass it.

Remember when they passed it in the House then said awwww we can't pass it in the senate so we abandon it?

Yeah, 9 months later they were back at it trying to pass it.

Just wait till early next year or between november and january when most of them are gonna have to go in january... they will pass it then because they will have nothing to lose.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 04:56 PM
I believe that the democtrats, who are in the majority right now, are afraid to pass anything that they want until after the election, providing they still have the majority in congress. You see they can pass anything right now, hands down, no fight, no debate, rather just put it out, put a call to vote and vote on it. They have had the majority for the pass 2 years to do such, and could have passed anything they want, as the clear cut majority is in their favore. The problem is that now reality is catching up to them, along with the fact that the Republicans are doing the winning move and not playing their games. If they can not get a republican patsy, they they are not willing to put their necks on the line for any reason. The entire federal government can not afford another bad piece of legislation or scandle, the walls are crumbling down.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by sdcigarpig

Its "bipartisan opposition" and he needs all of the Democrats on board.

Thank God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That would have driven up the cost of everything and people would have suffered greatly because of it.

In Obama's own the words "The cost of energy would necessarily skyrocket".

Gas would have gone up by a large amount.

Food would have gone up by a large amount.

The cost of constructing a home would have gone up because any materials that needed transporting, in other words everything in a home would have gone up.

All goods including everything from laundry soap to pharmaceuticals would have gone up.

The poor would have been hurt and hurt badly. People would have to cut back on food, medicine, heat, lights, clothing and pretty much all necessities.

The plan was total insanity! Gore and Goldman Sachs would have made billions over-night as they control the distribution system for the carbon credits. It is not even a theory about that.

It is a fact that they will get filthy rich on top of all the wealth they already have and the poor would have footed much of the bill. It won't harm the wealthy, but it could destroy the poor. The elderly without the ability to pay heat would no doubt see actual deaths related directly to this. This is no joking matter and everyone from Obama to Reid is lying and don't care.

No tax on the poor he said, but no problem sticking a huge surcharge through energy on everything we buy. How anyone could not understand this is beyond me. It's so simple to comprehend and they were betting a majority of voters were total illiterates to be cleaned out of their meager means of support. Sick, sick people concocted this plan and right here and now I'm saying anyone who was for this has sociopathic tendencies and enough money themselves they don't care about anyone else.

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by sdcigarpig

To do something like this without bi-partisan support would be suicide. Bi-partisan support insures that if anything at all goes wrong, no one party can be blamed. It's an insurance policy. They know it can't work, they just want power. Without bi-partisan support, they basically label themselves for being dismissed from congress in the future.

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