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Is the Government Hiding the Truth Involving Recovered Extraterrestrial Vehicles?

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posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 08:44 AM
just found these intresting little stotys about different ET crafts that crashed in the usa over time. most of them i already know about but theres 1 or 2 iv not read about hope you enjoy the read.


As always heres the link
because i use my ps3 to do these threads lol its a pain in the hole.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 08:29 PM
Thanks for the link, it's a nice list for UFO believers.

Personally, I don't see how it could be possible. When the space shuttle exploded over Texas it took weeks for the government to collect all the debris. The idea that there could be forty ufo crashes (There are 40 on the list you provided) and the government could clean up the debris in a few hours is ridiculous. Did any of those 40 crashes take more than a few hours to clean up? How could any government agency be so thorough as to not leave a single microscopic piece of evidence for the UFOlogists to collect?

I don't believe that there is a government conspiracy to cover up UFOs, probably because I don't believe in alien spaceships. This is only my opinion and I'm sure there more than enough people who will post how this is all true evidence of a government conspiracy.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by ChicUFO
Personally, I don't see how it could be possible. When the space shuttle exploded over Texas it took weeks for the government to collect all the debris. The idea that there could be forty ufo crashes (There are 40 on the list you provided) and the government could clean up the debris in a few hours is ridiculous.

Not to mention despite 40 crashes, few crashes had any witnesses or any corroborating evidence. Some of these crashes were not happening in isolated regions; the article claims five crashes took place in Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio in two years.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 09:42 PM
Why aren't there any modern examples of crashes and recovered bodies reported by witnesses? Did the government put something in place to prevent future crashes? Are they in cahoots with the aliens and perhaps shared technology to prevent them from crashing? Any ideas?

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 10:09 PM
After reading Kevin Randles recent book "Crash", it becomes obvious that after reports of a couple hundred supposed crashes, many (most) of the reports are spin-offs from only a couple singular events...

Roswell and Shag Harbor, I think, seem to be the best cases. I'm still on the fence about Kecksburg (leaning towards military)....New evidence has brought Aztec back to life, a new book should be out soon...

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 10:43 PM
Hi OP and all.

Of course they are. The us of a starting with Reagan, never wants to fall behind Russia again, or any other Country in strategic or advanced delivery systems.

What is beginning to concern me a wee-bit is, just what is Illuminati plans above and beyond implementation of the NWO. Kissinger was suppose to be jailed years ago according to charges against, shall we say, bizarre sexual ambitions. Then it (charge) just disappeared.

Certainly the USA Government is hiding a bunch of stuff re Alien technology and many Americans have dies for standing up for what they had seen or experienced years ago.

'Be afraid. Be very afraid'. When entering the whelm of Abduction or Introduction by EBEs -- then talking about it.


posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 11:00 PM
I find it hard to believe.The government would have to have a large number of trusted qualified individuals,on standby 24/7 all across the country.

Then they would have to bring in whole large number of civilian authorities that were privy to the situation.

The government is not that competent.Not now or even back then.

Secret movement of material can take place with out the civilian populace knowing but it takes weeks if not months of planning.

I should know, I participated in a number of them.

Heck some of them took place during daylight hours and rush hour traffic.
It is easier to not seem out of place that way.

It is called,"hiding in plain sight".

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by glitchinthematrix
Why aren't there any modern examples of crashes and recovered bodies reported by witnesses? Did the government put something in place to prevent future crashes? Are they in cahoots with the aliens and perhaps shared technology to prevent them from crashing? Any ideas?

Or perhaps it's simply because there aren't any crashes to begin with.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by TÖP_BÜZzËR
Thanks for posting the link. A lot of members enjoy reading about alleged UFO crashes. You might find Project Moondust interesting. It was a secret project for recovering space debris and reported crashed objects. The FOIA docs can be read over here (pdf).

Whether any UFOs have crashed and been recovered? We'll likely never know. Kecksberg, Height 611 and Roswell are the best cases and we still have very little more than speculation. Eye-witness testimony is interesting, but we're all still in the dark.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 02:59 AM
One hypothetical that many people do not think about is that the government may be ordered by ETs to hide the truth b/c if it doesn't, the ETs told them they will destroy us?

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by Afishl1
One hypothetical that many people do not think about is that the government may be ordered by ETs to hide the truth b/c if it doesn't, the ETs told them they will destroy us?

Nonsense. If some alien race had the power to travel across the stars and possess the power to wipe us all out, then it follows they would have the ability to clean up their own messes. Why would they want or need humans to do it for them?

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by DoomsdayRex

Originally posted by glitchinthematrix
Why aren't there any modern examples of crashes and recovered bodies reported by witnesses? Did the government put something in place to prevent future crashes? Are they in cahoots with the aliens and perhaps shared technology to prevent them from crashing? Any ideas?

Or perhaps it's simply because there aren't any crashes to begin with.

Or that, yeah. I wish the truth wasn't so difficult to find on all fronts.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 08:56 AM
I have to say that something about some of these stories sounds bogus.
In a few cases, witnesses and second hand reports claim that alien bodies, and or living specimens were removed from "crash" sites. In those cases, it must therefore be assumed that the beings inside the craft are the pilots, and therefore for the purposes of these cases, the UFO are infact alien craft... now, I posit that these aliens probably did not come from our own solar system, because any technologicaly capable race, living in this solar system would more than likely have been spotted already... Ok ... so now to the part I really dont get.
If you build a craft which can get from one star system to another which would likely as not involve some form of near or even true FTL travel, why the hell can a crash at a mere three hundred miles an hour kill the occupants? Seems like a total seatbelt fail there. I mean when you really think about the technological feat that getting here from where ever the hell they came from represents, and then think about the frankly piddling speed at which one of these things crashed, the damage done to the vehicles makes no sense! This is a vehicle which has had to penetrate the oort cloud, mess with God knows how many clouds of asteroids and space dust and so on and so forth, and thats just after it got to our solar system! Who knows what kind of nonsense it had to put up with previous!?
The very idea therefore that a collision could do the reported damage to the craft is frankly idiotic. Theres no way a vessel which is puny enough to suffer under a 300mph impact, could ever have been piloted by a being from another star system, because the vehicle could never have gotten here if it was that pathetic! I would have thought that in order to ensure saftey at FTL speeds that a craft which could punch a hole in a planet if collided with , would probably be a must, rather than some matchsticks and papier mache BS . I dont buy this stuff. Show me a hundred mile crater with a ship in the centre of it, and I might be in.

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 05:08 PM
Taking the standpoint that crashes of UFOs would not kill the pilots because of their technology should be so advanced as to save them is like someone in BFE saying people in America should never have to move a piece of furniture to retrieve and object they dropped behind it.

Or that, since they developed the ability to fly through the air, crashing in an airplane shouldn't kill the occupants.

All of the technology in the world cannot solve some of the most basic problems. That, or it's simply impractical to develop such technology.

Without knowing what technology alleged alien craft are using - it's rather hard to use such logic to verify/dismiss their presence.

As to whether or not there is a "government coverup" - There are several possibilities:

The first is a resounding yes. I don't really believe that to be the case - or if it is, then the actual number of 'genuine' cases is very small - only a few. The rest are bogus or hyped up claims of some other event of terrestrial origin.

The second is a mottled yes. Certain separate commands and initiatives have likely existed at separate times with the objective of locating and analyzing presume extra-terrestrial artifacts. These programs likely did not share much information between them, and were compartmentalized to the point that very little of anything is actually known by a central authority. The spoils and truth all sit in some intentionally mislabeled box in a warehouse and the programs that utilized them have since been discontinued due to lack of results (only to have a similar program get funded a few years later with a different higher-authority backing the initiative, but being ignorant of the previous program).

That is a more likely scenario - and, again, would require the actual number of crashes to be quite small.

Of course - one also has to take into account the era when many of these crashes were reported. The U.S. and Russia were in one giant arms race and tensions were high. Civilian authorities would have relayed details about any type of crash (and still do). Every command that would respond to such a call had contingencies for dealing with classified material - and if it was unknown, general presumption is that it was a classified project - or something of Russian design. Someone gets woken up and told "We found someone's toy" and custody is eventually turned over to a proper authority. If it were presumed foreign or Russian - it would be directed to places with the objective of convincing the Russians we didn't have their toy, and figuring out, exactly, what it was and how it worked. If it were of ET origin - then it probably go filed away into "we don't do that here" boxes.

So, it's possible a few ET crashes ended up under our microscopes, somewhere. As for why there would be no shreds of evidence - there's quite a bit of clean-up that goes along with military crashes (no one cares about the Shuttle's technology, and, its 'crash' was under quite a bit of a different circumstance). Depending upon what an ET craft is made out of - it may not require much clean-up. There are just too many unknowns.

The third possibility is that there is no government cover-up, and they don't know anything.

And the fourth is that a non-government agency/institution is responsible - which is not entirely likely, but could be the case in isolated incidents. There is more going on out there than just the government. However, they would need to be a very large and very organized institution. The only types of institutions I could think of would be large corporations with operations across the continent. ... Which pretty much narrows it down to Walmart, McDonald's, Burger King...

Honestly, though - Walmart is probably in a better position to be orchestrating such elaborate coverups than the government... who wouldn't want to be the one to reverse-engineer alien technology and patent it?

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 05:26 PM
Yet another example of the layers of the onion of modern UFO mythology.
One story becaomes another story becomes another....on and on.
It's pure BS! Made for the gullible.

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