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Gay marriage yes? Then bye bye abortion!

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posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by Proudconservative

As far as I understand it, if abortion was decided to be murder, or if abortion was decided not to be covered under the right to privacy, then states could legislate on it (at least according to the Roe v Wade reasoning, not to say there wouldn't be other factors).

But it would still have nothing to do with the recent Supreme Court decision. That's what I'm refuting, the connection between the two.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by Proudconservative

Without jumping at your bait, why do you spend so much time worrying about what others do? You seem, based on this and other posts, to not want to discuss these issues, only argue your point and belittle people. Your proud screen name enforces this idea. What made you so mad you need to waste this much of your time on people who have different lifestyles than you? Why do you care? Seriously, why?


posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by ColoradoJens
reply to post by Proudconservative

Without jumping at your bait, why do you spend so much time worrying about what others do? You seem, based on this and other posts, to not want to discuss these issues, only argue your point and belittle people. Your proud screen name enforces this idea. What made you so mad you need to waste this much of your time on people who have different lifestyles than you? Why do you care? Seriously, why?


can i not debate people? im not bashing ANYONE. get your head out of you butt.

Im just debating the LAW. Yeah i put a little personal opinions about this in there. But im debating. I do care about abortion though. i DO care about what other people do. Because what other people do effects society as a whole.

[edit on 14-7-2010 by Proudconservative]

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by americandingbat
reply to post by Proudconservative

As far as I understand it, if abortion was decided to be murder, or if abortion was decided not to be covered under the right to privacy, then states could legislate on it (at least according to the Roe v Wade reasoning, not to say there wouldn't be other factors).

But it would still have nothing to do with the recent Supreme Court decision. That's what I'm refuting, the connection between the two.

This was not a supreme court least as far as i know. It did not go to the high court. As far as i know(and i could be wrong) this was just a fedeal non name judge who decided this in mass.

He decided this because of states rights. My whole thesis on this was that if states have the right to regulate marriage then why dont states have the right to decide on abortion?

But like you said roe vs wade and the right to privacy.

Although i do have a question.....why does abortion fall under privacy?

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by Proudconservative
This was not a supreme court least as far as i know. It did not go to the high court. As far as i know(and i could be wrong) this was just a fedeal non name judge who decided this in mass.

You're right, my mistake.

He decided this because of states rights. My whole thesis on this was that if states have the right to regulate marriage then why dont states have the right to decide on abortion?

But like you said roe vs wade and the right to privacy.

Although i do have a question.....why does abortion fall under privacy?

Yes, that's why this decision has no impact on abortion law. With or without this decision, you'd have to attack that principle.

Like I said in an edit to a previous post, I'm not interested in debating pro-choice on this thread. Abortion is covered under right to privacy because the courts decided it was a privacy issue. Take the question of whether it should be into a thread that doesn't assert a connection with the gay marriage issue and maybe I'll show up for the debate

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 09:50 AM
"Social conservatives" should all be ex-patriated to Afghanistan to live in harmonyy among the Taliban, who after all have so much in common with them. With their belief that they have divine authority to control your life, they are 100% in sync. Both claim to be ardent lovers of freedom, so long as it fits their definition. Both are sick, repressed groups of sadists and sociopaths who have no tolerance for anyone but themselves.

It will come to pass that the biggest mistake in the U.S. will have been to accept and nurture the festering boil and horrendous ignorance of evangelicalism.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 09:55 AM

can i not debate people? im not bashing ANYONE. get your head out of you butt.

Im just debating the LAW. Yeah i put a little personal opinions about this in there. But im debating. I do care about abortion though. i DO care about what other people do. Because what other people do effects society as a whole.

[edit on 14-7-2010 by Proudconservative]

Do pull that cop out crap of trying to assert you are just having a debate. You are trying to use law to enforce your social (anti-social) bigotry and intolerance. Let's start a debate about the legality of taking your children from you due to your insanity. Hey, it is just a debate about law, right?

Take your "caring" about people to people who ask for your brand of "caring." Mind your own gdamned business, teach your kids to mind their own gdamned business too and we might wake up to discover a civil society again someday.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by Bob Sholtz
i'm pro-choice, you can do whatever you want to your body. need i remind you that by DAY 21 of a pregnancy (before you miss your period and begin to suspect pregnancy!) the baby has a heartbeat and a closed circulatory system with a blood type that is different than the mother's? it is a seperate human.

i believe it is still a felony to even touch bald eagle eggs, yet the state will help you kill your own offspring.

It doesn't even have a functioning brain until ~22 weeks.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by pajoly
"Social conservatives" should all be ex-patriated to Afghanistan to live in harmonyy among the Taliban, who after all have so much in common with them. With their belief that they have divine authority to control your life, they are 100% in sync. Both claim to be ardent lovers of freedom, so long as it fits their definition. Both are sick, repressed groups of sadists and sociopaths who have no tolerance for anyone but themselves.

It will come to pass that the biggest mistake in the U.S. will have been to accept and nurture the festering boil and horrendous ignorance of evangelicalism.

How very tolerant of you.

Meanwhile, those of us who are actually tolerant will continue to peacefully debate and discuss with these Social Conservatives and point out the flaws in their arguments.

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