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Even The Troops Are Waking Up .....

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posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by prionace glauca

My fault, because of your rants I thought you were from the United States.

Then since your not from the USA, you fully understand the freedoms & lifestyle we enjoy because of the braves who fell protecting that for us.

Oh man
Give it up sheep. There is nothing brave about going off to kill innocent people who stand absolutely no chance against the US' weapons of choice. You talk about freedom like we still have any and don't come back at me with the standard, well if you don't like it then leave or well you have more freedom than they do in Iraq... it won't work. Last I checked, the last true brave military heroes who fought for our freedom fought way back in WWII... and we even know that one was being played on both sides by the military industrial cables. Even still, Hitler was thousands of miles away from the US and you're delusional if you seriously believe any one country can really truly take over the world. Last I checked also, the Taliban, Hussein, Amadinjead or Kim Jong are not even close, or ever were close, to the height of power that Hitler and Germany were enjoying in the 30's early 40's. Why do you think the NWO have to use other subversive means to go about taking control of the world?

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE
Lets get 1 thing strait man, im not ranting,

You are correct, more like talking out of your ass about things you know very little about due to your current geographical location.

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE

an a other thing the USA a free country?

Yes sir - free where ALL muslims, atheists, catholics AND protestants can preach and rant without one blowing the other one up, unlike a a certain little country ( more like a territory ) I will not name.

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE

give me a brake

Rotor, pads or drums?

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE

its on the verge of marshal law youv got troops on the streets,

Really, I have no idea where you get your information from.

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE

9-11 was an inside job

REALLY? Care to PROVE that?

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE

your country was the only country on the planet that dropped 2 nukes on your fellow human beings

We also ( about the same time ) saved your sorry neck of the world from the Nazis!!!!

Analyze and evaluate your data before sticking your digital foot in your digital mouth.

That is all.

Dorian Soran

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by zzombie

nice video.

some rhetorical questions:

will the oath keepers also ensure the same standards for those they do not call americans?

or is the presentation in the video only referring to americans, and is not applicable for others?

how many nations have military bases in america?
how many american military bases exist in other nations?

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:27 PM
I sure there are some fake soldiers along with some below average soldiers in these vids.

Not every soldier can be above average. It is a law of statistics.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by prionace glauca

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE

Originally posted by astrogolf
reply to post by DCDAVECLARKE

When you're burning a flag, you're as bad as obama, the UN and the rest of them.

Dont lecture me man im a Bohemian Artist an ill Design a Flag for any Country but dont expect me to have any tears in my eye as the piece of Cotton with Colours on it goes up the Pole, my motto,, "be on the Earth but not off it" PS cant stand National Anthem's ether..

Can I recommend a destination that feels and shares your belief? I would suggest Iran or N. Korea. Also one thing is they do not fully authorize the bohemian lifestyle, so most likely you would probably end up in a prison if you were trying to enjoy any types of freedoms you presently enjoy in the USA.

BTW, those freedoms you do enjoy in the USA are there because of that flag you mock and those brave men & women in uniform/not-in-uniform have shed their blood to fly freely. I am not born of American Soil, but I do take pride in our US flag.

At one time, sure our troops fought for noble ideals, but those days are over. Young people join the military because they believe the propaganda, but then they see what it's really about and then they either discover their inner monster or they awaken to the truth or they get killed. That's why they keep lowering the recruitment standards, so they will have an easier time indoctrinating the new crop of weak-minded thugs.

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by Dorian Soran

Old saying Dorian if you attack me you attack yourself, an don't patronize me about Ireland after all you over there only got your news from the msm nothing but truth's from them what! what! an as for the Nazis they never were a threat to my country we have always been neutral an never had a war with any country other than England an that was because they came over with out been invited even the Romans showed us more respect..

posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by p51mustang
i think the usa should adopt the pirate flag- more true to our nature.
"full spectrum dominance" we'll give them all a broadsides of bunker busters
or my country it's tis of thee.!

That is so true. Why do the deed and not play the role right? We need all black stormtrooper uniforms and some songs about killing children. If we are going to loot, let's loot, not sneakily put things in our pockets. If we as a people are supposed to support such things we need to do them the correct way. We need to end the facade of the humanitarian mission and go in like the pirates we are. Make it a law to put people in jail who say this is not a religious war. Go all out.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 05:08 AM
Not enough are waking up.

There's new crops each year.

And as I have mentioned a few times on ATS, the majority of my comrades are happily sending their offspring to these wars, and most probably to the next ones to come,.

And I will also mention, the majority of my of my comrades never even experienced war. They were stateside or rear echelon warriors.

And I am proud to have been in the mix of things during actual combat, because I can truly speak about the horror of it all.

It's a mix of horror and good I will have to live with it all, forever and what I DID, and what others did as well, but at least I can say, no good comes from this all. And I would never send my offspring to participate in such worthless crap..

When was the last "good" war?

And why did it have to become a war, either "good" or not?

Flame me all some of you want, but war is not the answer, not now, or ever in my lifetime, so far.

I was once ignorant. I am no longer. IMHO,But if someone wants to educate me, I always appreciate education

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 05:21 AM
Those advocating for a foreign invasion of any kind should be placed on the front line. Maybe they will change their views when they are exposed directly to the harsh realities of War.

[edit on 14/7/2010 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 06:07 AM
I agree also with Chris. Don't want to fight, don't join the military. I also don't like the fact that someone would protest a war that we were/ are fighting. We, as the little people, may not know everything that is going on, but the soldiers that are fighting for us deserve our backing and support. What a shame it was when the Vietnam vets came home only to feel that no one appreciated where they had been and what they were doing for us

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX
I agree with Chris here...these people are not drafted...and most signed up with the intention of going to play in the sand...this is not a new war.

Its like going to play poker, losing at it, then demanding we not play poker and poker is wrong...

Sucks that we take more seriously a former soldier that went over there on purpose and now decries the war verses someone whom didn't go and decries the war.

But then we wonder why kids never listen to authorities, but instead learn through experience...because we as a nation do not reward intelligence, we reward experience...

I believe you guys are missing a point here. I am a member of IVAW. I joined the Navy to SERVE my country, to DEFEND her from an enemy if attacked, and to basically perform my patriotic duty. That was in April 1989. I served 20 years and had been involved in every conflict from 1989 to 2009.

Desert Storm - Yes we went in to remove a "bully" that tried to muscle in on a much weaker country Kuwait and bring oppression and tyranny. We saw it as just.

Somalia - Operation Restore Hope. We went in to take out corrupt criminal elements that were starving their own citizens to death by snatching up foreign food aid that was free, then reselling it on the black market (plus some other political BS). We saw it as just.

Afghanistan 2001 - I went in response to my country having been attacked! Remember the days following 9/11 in America when 80%+ of our citizens wanted justice to be served to those that we felt was responsible AT THE TIME!

Iraq 2003 - I went in following what I considered to be just orders AT THE TIME and did what my country had asked of me because who in the world could have fathomed that ANYONE would be so corrupt, so sold out to big banking, that they would send their FELLOW American sons and daughters into a conflict that wasn't.....just? So we did as we were ordered.

It wasn't until after I got home and some years later that I MYSELF began putting certain pieces together that made me question certain elements of what I had indeed supported. And then YES I promptly retired. Many of those young troopers (due to their younger looking age) most likely joined up for the VERY SAME REASONS AS I DID, went to support their country, realized what they saw once they were over there (meaning that the missions that they were assigned to do did not in any way echo national security, or a war on terrorism or find themselves protecting poppy fields, or WHATEVER) AND THEN PROMPTLY GOT OUT IMMEDIATELY UPON THE CONCLUSION OF THEIR OBLIGATED SERVICE man!

BUT....I also know that there exists a certain extreme liberal attitude that exists with many people around the world that no matter how we try and put it, because we were/are soldiers...then we are just a bunch of war mongering baby killers blah blah blah. And to those I will not even attempt to justify mine or any other military members actions as I already know I lose. If anything I hope by me sharing that...that if anything you might view this thread from a slightly different perspective in that you just do not know WHEN (maybe that dude who spoke in the OP joined in 2001 and got out in 2004 and has been with the IVAW since? You don't know) and WHY these guys decided to join, and that AT LEAST NOW they have the balls and are expressing their views/opinions about the wars :-/

My .02

Edit: Oh and okay flame on liberals

[edit on 14-7-2010 by Newbomb Turk]

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 02:09 PM
I would like to thank all the soldiers for trying to do a noble thing. I would also like to fire you all. We can't afford you and the noble cause was a scam. You can come by our clinic and put in an application to work here if you want. Good job! Now go home.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 03:31 PM
Politicians what would we do with out them!

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by ChrisF231
That's odd. The United States ended partial conscription (aka "the draft") in 1973 ... nobody is forcing them to join the military. If they signed that line without realizing they could be sent to war against their wishes then woe be to them. What was it that these idiots think the military does?

If you don't want to fight a war then don't join

You dont realize that they only joined the branch of the military that allows world travel, pays room, board, meals and retirement and health benefits and college tuition, has good base amenities anrd lets them play with stuff they cant afford on their own.
Military that may require them to do something contrary to their comfort and self preservation expectations? Heaven forfend!

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by ChrisF231
That's odd. The United States ended partial conscription (aka "the draft") in 1973 ... nobody is forcing them to join the military. If they signed that line without realizing they could be sent to war against their wishes then woe be to them. What was it that these idiots think the military does?

If you don't want to fight a war then don't join

I agree with you 110% that once they sign that line and get what ever bonus they are promised for joining the military they are pretty much at the governments disposal, but the fact that they are being miss used in a war that was started by false pretenses, kind of side steps that point.

[edit on 15-7-2010 by Procession101]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by DCDAVECLARKE
Politicians what would we do with out them!

Taking Holly Johnsons advice about things will get you aids, although after he did this vid he may have decided ones rectum be 'exit only', so do be careful.
The military has a mission that expressly includes keeping the gov't in line with its duties. It is NOT a Pretorian guard dedicated to the protection of personalities. The current brass know this but ignore it, not a complete set of balls in the whole lot. They are paid by hte citizens but act like they get paid by dear leader, and as such are complicit is dereliction of duty that they maintian by taking money under false pretense.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 09:30 AM
Trust a politician when he says it's a just war when you see his children on the front line.

But not before then.

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by mordant1

the vid is all im interested in not the sexuality of the artist, the politicians should be put in the boxing ring of the world to settle our differences i say our because thats why they send men to war for our sake, only thing is nobody told the common man that, politicians need to grow up an learn to settle there differences around a table an not be spilling our young peoples blood, sad really we were saying just that way back in the 60s

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by ChrisF231
If you don't want to fight a war then don't join

When a decision is based upon lies there is NO informed consent

Decisions based upon lies are evidence of fraud.

It is my hope that the military oath to uphold the US Constitution and protect it from enemies both foreign AND DOMESTIC is the trump card that saves us from armageddon for profit.

[edit on 15-7-2010 by seataka]

posted on Jul, 15 2010 @ 03:35 PM
The only soldiers that are waking up are the ones who joined for the college education and was instead sent over seas to do what they signed up for.

These soldiers aren't waking up, they are whining that they had to go to war instead of sitting in their barracks room playing xbox 360. They feel slighted for having to go and they are just trying to make the rest of us look bad.

In the video if you listen very very closely you can hear the worlds smallest violen playing a sad sad song.

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