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Republicans kill Senate jobless aid measure (unemployment extension)

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posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by Bugman82

Tarp funds are now history. Companies that were 'too big to fail' ultimately had NOT benefitted the working man even with that obscene amount helped, as the American economy continues to sputter along.

What's done is done. The thing now is to live the present. There are families out there struggling on 5 bucks an hour salaries. let alone talking about the unemployed.

So the elected representatives' solutions is 'Sorry, we have no money after 99 weeks, go screw yourself?', after the trust and priviledges given to put them in those elevated positions?

Stop at 99weeks by all means, but what happens if a significant prepared to work portion of americans cannot find jobs or jobs with sustainable salaries to feed himself and his family? Tell them to screw themselves? This is the 'civilised' society those republicans who voted against extensions are creating for Americans?

Where are the alternative plans or some butt kicking at their obscenely rich campaign contributors to get them to stop hoarding money but invests in manufacturing and creating jobs/sharing wealth instead of giving out loose pocket change called hypocritically 'charity'?

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 10:33 AM
The fact is that most of the people don't even try to look for a job. Hopefully by cutting their lifeline that it will force them to look for a damn job.

[edit on 25-6-2010 by Alien Mind]

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by Alien Mind

Sure. I will pay you $1 an hour to take care of my lawn and garden. 8 hours a day for 6 days. I'm offering a job now. You will probably need to commute about $5 a day to come here to work. Free water from the taps for you, but food is on your own.

You want or you intend to be choosy and rather sit at home and wait for something better?

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 10:43 AM
USA (United State Of America) ---->> CSA (Corporate States of America)

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 10:44 AM
Before I get going...I HAVE BEEN THERE! So I speak from experience.

First...of all the unemployed, some percentage will stay unemployed as long as they can, and as long as someone else is paying them...namely the government and us. Unemployment has to end because of these leaches. (NOTE: Leaches reefers to those that prefer not to work and take free money)

Second...Get a job, any job, ASAP. It doesn't matter what it is. Clean toilets, flip burgers (just not at the same time - ha-ha). Having a job is like having a girlfriend. It keeps you on your toes, keeps you vital and it is easier to find a new one while you still have one. It is a character builder and keeps you from deciding to be one of those leaches I mentioned earlier. I don't care if it is "under" you...I don't care if it isn't what you were schooled/trained for. Just do it.

Third...KICK THE F'ING ILLEGALS OUT OF THE U.S. SO WE CAN HAVE OUR FALL-BACK JOBS BACK!!!! The millions of jobs they have occupied were there as something we can do for income when there is nothing else. It was our "food" supply, but we left it alone and unkempt so now the roaches have gotten into the "food". It is time to clean it up and start using those rations. On that note, Obama is looking into granting mass amnisty to every illegal...STOP HIM. NewsMax - Yeah I know...but it was reported elsewhere also

Forth...are you married? Does your wife work? (or reverse that for the women readers). If not...get them moving. A two person income is required now-a-days. Sorry...but with few exceptions, that is the case. Just be sure to do your math and make sure that the added expense of the second person getting a job, doesn't actually cost more than the income from that job.

Fifth...DUMP THE F'ING CELL PHONE! Just an example. If you have cable or DSL internet...look into Vonage for your telephone calls. Look at every monthly bill you have. Can you save a few bucks with someone else? Do you need the service at all? If...and that is a big are really tight on money, start getting rid of stuff you don't need to survive. Note the word there...SURVIVE...not LIVE.

Final thought. So many people today seem to think that they are owed something just for being alive. You (as I have personally learned) aren't entitled to #. Sitting on your ass is not an option. And if you don't, my friend...are one of those leaches.

Now...before some of you flame me, let me tell you a brief history of my experience with this. For 15 years I made near 100K not living in a city. In other words...great pay. I lost that computer job by no fault of my own...and just as the economy tanked. I went 2 years on a mix of unemployment and eating our own savings until nearly broke. We picked up, moved to something smaller, cut expenses and my once homemaker wife now works. We both have simple jobs a mile from home at the same company, one car, no cell phone, basic cable, Vonage, etc. End result...ready for this...we have more money now than we did before. How is that possible? Less expenses, more family time, freedom, no debt collector calls and happiness, contentedness...peace. Our rat race has ended...and we lost. But THAT turned out to be a positive thing.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by vor78

i dont suspect, i KNOW you are spot on about that. this tactic used by democrats is underhanded and seems to work for them because alot of sheeple will only touch whats on the surface, republicans took money from the poor people who need assistance, when in reality the real scumbags are the democrats who SAY they are for the people but load on tons of pork and incentives which benefit their own agenda. GOOD FOR THE REPUBLICANS.........

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 10:50 AM
The main reason this has upset the Dems so much is because, It slowed down their agenda to ruin this country. It was the only logical thing the Republican could do to slow down the commie train rolling over everyone with their progressive plan. We must all realize that the Republicans are not in control in any form or fashion. They are for all intensive purposes powerless.
I have been working ever since I was 17 years old- I'll be 72 this year and I am still working. I know now that I will never be able to retire because the economy will continue to get worse and I am not ready to make the necessary cut backs right now to live off of my retirement.

I do not know what I would do if I just graduated from college with a degree in say, engineering and I could not even land a burger flipping job.

I think everyone out there must relize that the parties over. If you cannot invent a job then you will not have work. Be creative. If as some of you say, crime is going up and suicides are going up, sounds like to me you better start looking for work in security. There are a lot more and even some well paying jobs in security but you must train for them. Unfortunenately some of you will take the easy way out and turn to a life of crime.
Think of other things that are going to happen when the economy gets really bad and how you can take advantage of the situation. This is what being an American is all about, having the freedom to create and do something with the idea. ................Good luck and God Bless us all , we are going to need it. Israel and the U.S. are about to hit Iran. 7.00 dollar gas ha ha about 10.00 dollars a gallon................Smile God Loves You.. KMG

[edit on 25-6-2010 by kissmygrits]

[edit on 25-6-2010 by kissmygrits]

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by WeAreAWAKE

In reply to the fallacies you offered:-

1. Do you have empirical figures to show what percentage 'will stay unemployed as long as they can...' as you claim and maximised it to prove that the unemployed are scum and free loaders?

2. Take my job offer please then - $1 an hour as posted above.

3. (not relevant)

4. So it's okay to live to work? Humans are to be robots and slave for the obscene rich?

5. (not relevant)

I am not trying to be flippant, but someone has to speak up for the small guy. I am gainfully employed, but there are many whom are not as fortunate as us. And we have to look deeper into the issue, drop illusions and pre-concieved notions of the unemployed inorder to help them. Only the truth can set us free, and let us leave none behind in our society.

Stop speaking up for the NWO/Corporation/ The Club, etc, whatever you call TPTB please.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by vor78
If they wouldn't try to tack on garbage like that, I'd be more sympathetic to the Democrats' argument. As it stands, it looks like they're trying to pass a tax bill and disguise it as something else.

Just to add, its retarded bull **** like this that makes me despise the Democratic party.

I have got to agree. But for you to imply that this is a Democrat tactic is disingenuous at least. The GOP is JUST as guilty of stupid, manipulative garbage politics.

If Republicans keep voting against the people, we may NOT see a GOP takeover in the fall.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
reply to post by Alien Mind

Sure. I will pay you $1 an hour to take care of my lawn and garden. 8 hours a day for 6 days. I'm offering a job now. You will probably need to commute about $5 a day to come here to work. Free water from the taps for you, but food is on your own.

You want or you intend to be choosy and rather sit at home and wait for something better?

So let me understand the deal here. I'm sitting at home doing nothing...or worse. My body is growing fat, my legs hurt when I stand up from watching TV, etc. And you are offering me $3 a day (after travel) for 6 days a week. In other words $18 a week take home. That is $72 a month...enough to go to the Goodwill store and get clothes, etc. Enough for some food. THINGS I DIDN'T HAVE BEFORE WITH MONEY I DIDN'T HAVE BEFORE!!! I would take it given the example.

Maybe from there, I could talk to other workers and get some leads on better jobs. Maybe they can give me some suggestions on places that can save me money. You can't keep shopping at the gourmet shop anymore. Maybe, just and a few other guys could commute together and save some of that travel expense. Or maybe, we could pull our funds and move into a small apartment together. Hell...after some experience with your place, we could open our own little gardening company. We can call it "Three Guys Gardening". After getting some jobs, we could probably afford some advertising and business cards. Maybe come back to your place and hire some of the other workers. But that would just be an (American) dream...wouldn't it?

Or...of course...that TV seems soooo much easier. It is a question of character.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 10:57 AM

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
The GOP is JUST as guilty of stupid, manipulative garbage politics.

That's where I partially disagree with you. They manage to do it every now and then, but in general, the GOP is too stupid to come up with anything like this that entraps their Democratic colleagues.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by vor78
Did they vote down an extension of unemployment benefits, or did they vote down this:

It also included dozens of tax breaks sought by business lobbyists, and tax increases on domestically produced oil and on investment fund managers.

If they wouldn't try to tack on garbage like that, I'd be more sympathetic to the Democrats' argument. As it stands, it looks like they're trying to pass a tax bill and disguise it as something else.

Just to add, its retarded bull **** like this that makes me despise the Democratic party. They know the GOP won't go for those tax provisions. That's exactly why they put it in there. They know that when the GOP blocks it, they can turn around and say 'oh, those evil Republicans are trying to take money away from the poor and unemployed!'

Its stupid, manipulative garbage politics.

[edit on 24-6-2010 by vor78]

You still believe that its a democrat verses republican thing don't you? Maybe you're even thinking, liberal verses conservative?

I don't think so. How about rich verses poor? Or how about the Banking System verses the slaves? Its a class war. The Democrats in high office are not going to lose anything by the Republicans defeating the bill, or vice versa. The People are who lose. Do you understand this? Do you think Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton are actually going to lose sleep or one ounce of their conscience because Joe Blow down the street can't feed his family? This bill affects you just as much as it affects the millions of people who will not have access to their funds.

Your inability to define the enemy in its most obvious state reflects the weakness of the Unites States as a whole. This is not my attempt to berate you, rather, to illuminate the rules of the game.

Namaste and love

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by David9176

It was shot down for subsidiary reasons.

Never read a bill at face value. Not these days. That was your first mistake.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by PsychoX42

Heck! lol! You tell it as it is way much better than me!

Stars for you, not that you would bother in the least with such inane trinklets, haha.


posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by Shine71
reply to post by Carseller4

I worry about CRIME resulting from it. I worry that I will have to put bars on my windows. I worry about my family going to get gas wondering if they will be murdered for $20.

Do you require more answers??

This was NOT the appropriate time for the Republicans to vote this down.

[edit on 24-6-2010 by Shine71]

You do realize that bill would have cut benefits for the poor, while at the same time giving tax cuts to big and small businesses? It would cut food stamp payments to those who are already struggling.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Alien Mind
The fact is that most of the people don't even try to look for a job. Hopefully by cutting their lifeline that it will force them to look for a damn job.

[edit on 25-6-2010 by Alien Mind]

Care to support this with some facts? Everyone I know that was out of work searched their butts off and nobody was hiring. Luckly they have all found jobs since.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
reply to post by WeAreAWAKE

In reply to the fallacies you offered:-

1. Do you have empirical figures to show what percentage 'will stay unemployed as long as they can...' as you claim and maximised it to prove that the unemployed are scum and free loaders?

2. Take my job offer please then - $1 an hour as posted above.

3. (not relevant)

4. So it's okay to live to work? Humans are to be robots and slave for the obscene rich?

5. (not relevant)

I am not trying to be flippant, but someone has to speak up for the small guy. I am gainfully employed, but there are many whom are not as fortunate as us. And we have to look deeper into the issue, drop illusions and pre-concieved notions of the unemployed inorder to help them. Only the truth can set us free, and let us leave none behind in our society.

Stop speaking up for the NWO/Corporation/ The Club, etc, whatever you call TPTB please.

Responding in numerical order.

1. I said "some", not most, not all. But...some. Hell...I know some. They are what I call leaches. And by the way...I carefully noted that not all those unemployed are. Maybe you should read it more carefully.

2. I already have...if I wasn't employed.

3. NOT RELEVANT? Why the hell not? If someone is stealing your food and you are the hell isn't that relevant???

4. It is OK...not prefered. But it is better than dying, loosing family, ending up in jail or on drugs, etc. What makes you think that you have some God given right to sit on your ass doing nothing...and get paid for it?

5. Your opinion.

Not to argue (too much), but your "leave no one behind" idea is horribly flawed. It suggests polluting the people who give a crap with a percentage of those who don't. I'm fine with "leave no one behind that can and will" but not simply "no one". even goes against nature's "survival of the fittest". I can find work for nearly anyone, in any long as I can dictate changes in their situation. I've been through so much crap that I could start a business getting people back to work and changing their situations for the better. But...if they don't want it...if they don't care...I can't make that horse drink.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by bagari
In my state you are eligible for a maximum amount of money or 12 months of benefits, whichever comes first. If this is not the case for all states, I believe it should be.

Well when your unemployed and the jobs aren't there then what do you do? Esp in states like NY that have seen most jobs leave due to incompetent lawmakers imposing taxes upon taxes. The madness has to stop at some point soon, they can't even put a budget in place that isn't in the negative. And these problems seem to be nationwide, I want to know who authorizes the money spent by political powers, ie: people working for the government. Why can't we get rid of some of the luxuries that they indulge in and spend that waste money on the people of the nation? Office buildings rented for 60k a month, time to downgrade and lower your standards don't ya think? If you totaled all that waste money spent I bet you it would be in the billions of dollars. More than enough to invest back into the economy and help balance negative budgets. Hey Washington get a clue or else we will have to pull you from your seats and figure things out ourselves.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by PsychoX42

I don't think so. How about rich verses poor? Or how about the Banking System verses the slaves? Its a class war.

Which is exactly my point. They're playing divisive politics instead of doing what's right.

Stop bitching at me for a minute and ask yourself a question: why can't they put the jobless benefits out there without tacking on a bunch of other crap that they know will start a fight?

Again, if the Democrats would do that, I would be much more sympathetic to their argument. As it stands, they're intentionally picking a fight.

[edit on 25-6-2010 by vor78]

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