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Is the US the World's Village Idiot ?

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posted on May, 29 2010 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by InSoul

I just wanted to say, Your English is excellent.
Thank You for your kind and knowledgeable words about my country.
And last but not least, I have been to your beautiful country of Portugal in 1965 and again in the 80's, Great place and really friendly peoples.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by DarkStormCrow

Hi Dark,

I'm talking about the day to day type of that way, Americans don't stand a chance with Europeans, although in the higher and most specific "fields" of education i believe USA is in the top, but, the "regular guy in the street" as a lot less general culture than an European...I've been in many Arab countries and i can tell you that the majority of that people don't hate America as you all think, and the ones that hate...well...i guess they just have a little bit of reason...i wouldn't like that a foreign country invade my home and kill my family just for monetary power...because we all know that's we're talking are speaking about the talibans...? Do you really believe that America is in Afghanistan just to give freedom to the people o r to fight terrorism? The real terrorists in the last 50 years all around the world was USA...if you believe those stories you've been told about terrorism and the "great evil" from the East threatening American culture, then I'm sorry for you...your just not seeing the all live an illusion...thats why so many of you go to war to die and kill for nothing....because in the end the power of money and control will always be nothing...If you believe in all of that and even just for a second, stop and think for yourself... then you are very naive...
There we go again...your media as completely stolen the intelligence from American believe in everything they said...WAKE UP, TRAVEL, MEET OTHER PEOPLE...WAKE UP

The best best for you

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by DarkStormCrow

Lol funny how that uses only American sources, its just the yanks they dont like, and instead of the American admiting their low pooluarity, its instant racism.

When I went to Japan I experienced much American hatred and had to make a point of the fact I was Austrialian at which point their entire attitude towards me would shift to the positive and they would say nice things like "I went for my honeymoon there it was lovely" One guy I was talking to on the train didnt know much english but he simply made the gesture of a gun with his hand and said amerikanas badu

But its time we drop the old divisions to unite, and patriotism is couterproductive to world peace. Patriotism is a fantastic tool for TPTB, which is why they dont just allow it they support it. Think carefully about how the hidden controllers want you to think rather than just falling into the default mode you were raised in, cut through the mass programming and liberate your mind, the unpopularity of the truth to the brainwashed should be of no deterent. The U.S was founded by TPTB for their agenda. Its about time we started being proud of the human race rather than segregating ourselfes to the delight of TPTB.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by Lady_Tuatha

And I agree, you live in a gorgeous country with excellent countrymen and countrywomen. I too would have a lot of pride if I lived there.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:08 PM
Several things wrong with the Original Post.

1) Aids was discovered by the French at the Pasteur Institute circa 1981, anbd is widely believed to have come from Africa, unless you subscribe to certain conspiracy theories about its origins. Nothing to do with the USA.

2) The first World Leader to appoint a cabinet level minister to combat Global Warming (against the advise or her other ministers) was Margaret Thatcher, not an American, but a Brit. The idea of Global Warming (and coincidentally Global Cooling in the 70's) was mostly an idea put forward by British scientists in the early 1980's. The main reason Thatcher promoted the idea was that she wanted the press to promote anti public sentiment against coal, as she was in the middle of a massive miner's strike at the time. The country that contributes more to man made Global Warming (if you subscribe to this theory) is China, NOT the United States.

3) Gulf War was caused by Saddam's invasion of Kuwait (at least the first one) and was responded to with an international coalition, after the Saudi's turned down a request from one person to go in with a private army. That person was Osama Bin Laden.

4) Afghanistan has been invaded by countless nations over the years, most notably in recent times the British and the Russians. Don't blame the US for Afghanistan's troubles.

5) Oil spills have happened ever since oil companies started drilling. Again, don't blame just the Americans. Look at Nigeria, Russia, and some of the old Russian republics if you really want a fall guy for oil. And it was a British company's lack of planning (albeit while following US law) that led to this spill, NOT an American company.

6) Bad, violent TV and movies are not a US phenomenon. Britain and many other countries make much worse (and more violent) TV than the USA. Japanese gameshows anyone? Hollywood is a drop in the ocean compared to the sheer volume of movies made in India, for example.

You need to quit looking inwards to the USA and get a world perspective, and leaarn some history.

[edit on 29-5-2010 by babybunnies]

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by guohua

Thanks for your words about my country too!
We are very small...we are only 10 million people...and we too have a "system" that rule our country... corrupt politicians, dumbing down of society's amazing how in all civilized countries the politicians have taken's really sad actually...we're not more than mere "slaves", and most don't even know about it...theres always a beacon of light coming from words spoken with love respect and honesty...

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by Dock9

Almost everything from that list is not from the US. I can go point by point if you want me to.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by InSoul

Its interesting that you think I havent travelled and think that I and many other average Americans dont have "culture" I think maybe you are falling for the stereotype that other nations governments like to project.

Still you believe America is the terrorist in the world, while ignoring all the wrong that other nations do. Has America done wrong things yes of course, but we Americans are not responsible for everything that goes wrong with the world.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by polarwarrior
reply to post by DarkStormCrow

But its time we drop the old divisions to unite, and patriotism is couterproductive to world peace. Patriotism is a fantastic tool for TPTB, which is why they dont just allow it they support it. Think carefully about how the hidden controllers want you to think rather than just falling into the default mode you were raised in, cut through the mass programming and liberate your mind, the unpopularity of the truth to the brainwashed should be of no deterent. The U.S was founded by TPTB for their agenda. Its about time we started being proud of the human race rather than segregating ourselfes to the delight of TPTB.

Perfectly said...great...
now put that into an American mind...

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by DarkStormCrow


You're right in many things, but i disagree with you in some things...
Let's see, without telling me that B.S. that your government and media told you about the so called terrorism an 9/11...Answer me this:
Why is USA INVADING OTHER COUNTRIES AND KILLING PEOPLE??? Why? we all know that terrorism as we know it is a complete one will harm USA...just leave, STOP THE WAR, and you'll see nothing will happen...
Your leaders have abandon truth and justice...i'm not even speaking about equality...
To all Americans i just have one thing to say...
In your recent history in how many conflicts (that we know about publicly) have you been involved?

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by polarwarrior
reply to post by DarkStormCrow

Although we havnt forgotten the Japanese actions, we have forgiven, because of the way Japan retreated into one of the most peacefull countries on the face of the planet for the latter half of the century. Perhaps America will be forgiven when they too choose to keep their troops on their own soil for once, and take a lesson from the Japs and actually learn fron the horrors of history rather than constantly repeating the mistake.

Who are WE?
I don't know where you've heard the Chinese have forgiven the Japanese
about Nanning China during WW11.
But I can tell you, my wife has a very strong distrust and a very strong dislike of the Japanese even today. My wife is not from the Nanning area of China, That is South China, my wife is from the North of China, But even in the North and Central of China, the Massacre of Nanning is remembered.
I Love My Country, I Bragg About My Country and I've Bleed For My Country more than once.
I've done things in the name of my country that might offend some people, but I did what was necessary to accomplish the mission.

I expect nothing less from my President. But, Then we ( not me, I didn't vote for him ) voted in to the highest office of the land, The Village Idiot!

Sorry if I rante and hope I wasn't off topic to much.

[edit on 29-5-2010 by guohua]

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by bagari
reply to post by Lady_Tuatha

And I agree, you live in a gorgeous country with excellent countrymen and countrywomen. I too would have a lot of pride if I lived there.


I was wary before going to Washington DC, an although i did have one bad experience there it was by far outweighed by the amount of genuinely helpfull and friendly people i met, from a friendly elderly texan couple i met outside union station offering me a bottle of water ( it was really hot and everyone was waiting to get back into the station after a suspect device was found) to a businessman offering to help me with luggage, to a cop driving me home when i couldnt get a taxi one night, i never approached any of these people or asked them for their help, it was just offered, nearly everyone i met was very friendly and seemed geniunely nice people.

To be honest i wasnt expecting it. My view of America before I went was keep your head down, dont talk to strangers, they carry guns, you could be dying on the street and they walk on by, i dont know where i got this view from but im glad it was proven wrong. I will definatley be heading back to america again, hopefully.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:38 PM
Somewhere in Kenya, a village is missing its idiot.

America is a fools paradise, not far behind the rest of the world.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:42 PM
Interesting that the Americans are always the ones asked to change, Never Moslems , or the Russians, or the Chinese.

You folks think I want all four of my children to have served multiple tours of duty in Iraq and Afganistan? My oldest daughter is on her 4th tour now she is a nurse and has seen all the horrors of war as have I. Its sad you folks think Americans want war then your vision of the world is truly warped.

I stood on the border of West Germany for 8 years and watched the Russians and East German mass thier tanks for manuevers evey winter, knowing full well that if they decided to come on across I was going to be one of the first casualties of the Big War. I wouldnt change a thing I would have willing laid down my life for West Germany and the rest of Europe for them to remain free.

Of course they hate me and the millions of Americans who have been willing to make that same sacrifice today.

In 1991 I got a free visit to Iraq and Kuwait courtesy of Saddam ,I managed to pick up an enemy marksmanship badge ( thanks to you British Medics who and SAS guys who evacuated me before I managed to bled to death) and a nice case of PTSD to go with it, I would do it again to rid that country of Saddams goons.

Its easy to sit back and be the judge when for the most part many nations contribute zilch to world security. Of all our "Allies" in Iraq and Afganistan the only ones that actually commit troops to the fight are from the Anglosphere all the rest are basically REMFS and useless.

Believe every rumor you want about the war believe there have been millions of casualties if you like believe every piece of propoganda the moslems put out eventually the US will leave and all those peaceful moslems will be rampaging through Europe and Asia, take a look at the Sudan thats what is going to look like.

Blame it all on the Americans, Gods and Goddesses help you when there arent any Americans around to protect the shipping lanes, keep the nutjobs in the mid east contained and show up with aircraft carries with relief supplies after a disaster.

Because many of us Americans are tired and we have our own problems to worry about rather than solving the worlds nonsense.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by InSoul
You're right in many things, but i disagree with you in some things...
Let's see, without telling me that B.S. that your government and media told you about the so called terrorism an 9/11...Answer me this:
Why is USA INVADING OTHER COUNTRIES AND KILLING PEOPLE??? Why? we all know that terrorism as we know it is a complete lie...

You see, this is one, if not the only problem I have with ATS. People get on here and start arguing a topic but there is not accepted 'truth' to start from. How can two or more people argue about the good or bad merits of something, without first having a common core belief? YOU CAN"T.

Everything listed in the OP is either based off of a variety of conspiracy theories, or not unique to the US.

I will add a few of the good things that are not theory based.

-Liberated: France, the Philippines, Kuwait and more.

-Kept South Korea from looking like North Korea

-The fall of Soviet Russia and the Iron Curtain

-Humanitarian aid of Africa, tsunami relief, earthquake relief.

-The greatest contributor of R&D in virtually every field of science and technology.

-More Nobel prize winners than any other nation.

-The most top Universities in the world.

-Most Importantly: Proving the idea of self governance, independence and peaceful transfer of power for the world.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by Lady_Tuatha

Yes many of us own guns and carry them alot of the time, I myself do and the only time anyone will see it is if, I or a memeber of my family are in immediate danger of losing life or limb. This isnt Dodge City 90% of Americans are courteous and law abiding.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 09:51 PM
Dont tempt

I think ya all will finish this world if noot by fast food and obesity

ya a like teenager country but with big toys pushing the elders around i had a friend who beat is dad up ,dont c you gettin to 2000 years of history ,

[edit on 29-5-2010 by onecon]

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 10:03 PM
I think the rest of the world likes to make fun of us, but fears us.

Just as you for anyone who intimidates you...

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 10:04 PM
I'm pretty sure on planet earth, Humans are the village idiots. To say American is to be very discriminate and... well slightly ignorant.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 11:31 PM
Your hard on for the states is misdirected. Why not unleash all your anger and hate at multinational corporations who control the military, media, pharmaceutical, agriculture, chemical and energy markets? In my opinion we are all the village idiots for dancing to their tune.

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