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Fish Gasping for Air in the BP Gulf Oil Spill

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posted on May, 25 2010 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Sean48

Really ?

So after the 2 Nukes were used on Japan, Mankind did what ?

O yeah.

Build THOUSANDS more.

Mankind does not learn very well apparantly.

It's because of those two nukes that mankind hasn't since used another one in war and probably stopped nuclear Armageddon during the cold war as the costs had been clearly demonstrated. Oh yeah but we built a bunch more that's really important not that we haven't since used one....

I find it mildly amusing actually that this one event will likely erase all the work that PETA and other similar organizations have ever done to this point ever.

I agree though that this will be the point of reference for energy reform and that alone may save us from future war.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by jennybee35
reply to post by L.HAMILTON

I really have nothing to say, there are no words sufficient. We are watching an extinction level event unfolding in slow motion, I'm afraid. Living here in Louisiana, I've been wondering how long before we start to see diaspora from the south.

[edit on 5/24/10 by jennybee35]

I always imagined some reaction by the government like the US Normandy invasion -- or perhaps someone evil with a diabolical plan. But to have everyone standing around holding each other's wanker, while they wait on some company to solve a problem on the cheap and don't even accept the help available from the rest of the world -- words fail.

If Obama were working for the people, he would have put all the corporate execs of all three companies in a holding sell, and given them 3 days to call out all the stops to solve the problem. Then, a speedy trial and a firing squad.

If some Arab-named people had done this to America, you'd have a million militia guys ready to join the military -- but right now, nothing. And then some people blogging that "how dare Obama try and raise taxes on the Oil Companies!" -- are you fricken' serious? Destroy an ocean and there is someone who thinks 36 pennies on barrel is going to matter one way or another?

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by Mr Tranny

we'd say the same goddamn things like: fix it, plug it, stop the oil from leaking, protect the eco-systems, gov't get off your asses and do whatever it takes, blah, blah, blah. it doesn't matter if it's man-made or not. actually, it's better that it's man-made because we can at least explain how and why it happened and hold someone accountable. the "it could have just as easily been a natural oil leak" argument doesn't work because it wasn't natural. how can you make excuses for the government/big oil and be a member of this website?

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 03:52 PM

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 03:53 PM
When I first introduced the idea of nuking the hole closed to ATS, the idea was met with extreme displeasure. This was 3 WEEKS AGO. If this had been implemented from the beginning the environmental disaster wouldn't be nearly as signifigant as it is now.
Nuke the oil leak? It worked for the Soviets

So, why hasn't something like this happened yet, when it has clearly been successful in the past? Why let the leak continue? To me it is clear...

BP DOES NOT WANT TO LOSE IT'S INVESTMENT. That is why this leak has not been plugged with a controlled explosion. BP doesn't give a damn about the effects on the environment, they just see a multi million dollar investment that they don't want to lose.

It would take me breaking T&C to tell BP how I really feel about their "efforts". The only thing worse is that we (the US) aren't doing anyting about it either.

Thouroughly vented

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by InnerTruths
wow. no more oxygen in the water... that is, to say the least, disturbing!

it makes me sick to my stomach.

we should go back to hemp products.

I don't remember where I read it, but it sounded like we get about half of our oxygen from the water. The less oxygen the water has, the less our air has. Hopefully this doesn't go on too much longer.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 03:56 PM

Don't know if anybody got the chance to see this.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 03:59 PM
I think the Obama administration is purposely dragging its feet on this in order to let the catastrophe get so massive that the people will beg him to do something about our oil consumption. What better way to usher in a radical green energy mandate? Rahm Emanuel said it best by saying, "you never let a serious crisis go to's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." I wouldn't put it past our government to sacrifice it's own people and territory for some ultimate goal. I'll go so far as to say this was done intentionally. To make an omelet, you have to ruin a few states.

[edit on 25-5-2010 by rodge2001]

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by rodge2001

Love your post... gotta appreciate when your chief of staff makes a comment like that.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by Mr Tranny
Now you want a conspiracy?

The initial reports of the flow being stopped when they first activated the BOP were correct. But the POTUS, mister O himself ordered it be opened back up.

Obama has a dilemma. If he pushes his green initiative. It will prevent anyone from harvesting the oil close to the united states. The oil will be left there as a ticking time bomb, for a big geological disturbance to release down the road.

He wants to see how good nature would handle a natural blowout situation. If nature can’t handle it. If it is even close to as bad as the people say it is. Then he will back off his green stuff, until the companies have time to remove all the oil from the geologic formations around the US, as a preemptive measure to prevent the possibility of an uncontrollable natural blowout in the future.

Mister O has probably agreed to pay them back (under the table) for any expenditures/losses. You may have show trials but no one will spend prison time.

[edit on 25-5-2010 by Mr Tranny]

Well, I sure can't debate all these FACTS.

The thing is, that this oil gusher was caused by Offshore drilling. In 2040, all the offshore drilling on the US coastline will save you 3 pennies on a gallon of gas -- wow, drill baby drill!

Oil Energy is centralized, and allows for a debt to be created -- this isn't about the Middle East or threats from Bad Guys -- this is the same old con that the Kings of Europe used to play; "For Gawd and Country."

The Mr Tranny I'm replying too, is just one of many people who are going to come up with THEORIES, woven of finely spun silk, no doubt pulled from their rears -- ultimately, the CULPRIT, is the Green Movement, Environmentalism, Socialism -- anything, that takes power from Corporations and gives it to the People.

The problem here isn't what Obama does -- he isn't doing anything. He's sounding stern -- but in the past 20 years, when was the last time a powerful Executive paid for ANY crime? Bernie Madoff (who stole from the wrong people), and Ken Lay who was caught on tape with his ENRON con and perhaps got plastic surgery and one doctor saying he had a heart attack -- any other witnesses?

Anyway, it's incredible to hear about earthquakes -- it's offshore drilling that caused this. It's greed. If we all went to Solar Power -- we all have LOCAL energy production. The force against self-sufficiency is control and dependency -- and it seems that the people who are most MILITANT about Personal Responsibility and Self-Reliance, seem to be the MOST against anything that would enable that -- funny, eh?

The Green Movement is the only way we can truly be sustainable and fend for ourselves -- and depending on the Free Market, is the quickest way to become indentured servants, in debt to a foreign multinational. Maybe BP will one day give us a discount on Oxygen tanks to survive the red tide that starts floating off the Gulf.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 04:06 PM
Wow... I so much hate seeing animals suffering.. and now I see this, when I'm at home, drinking and "having it cool"...

I can't believe this is happening + I can't do anything for it ...

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 04:15 PM
long time listener first time caller..first of all let me apologize, i dont know where to post this. out of curiosity i checked BP stocks(on yahoo) and for some reason they are on the rise...seriously? these guys are resposible for one of if not the most serious environmental disasters in decades, man-made at least. people need to stop supporting these guyshere on west coast i do not see that many BP's however when i was visiting wisconsin they were on almost every frustrated and angry.thanks for your time

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by newBodyoldSoul

Thanks for that video. That makes it all the more real for me. The dispersant seems like it is just creating larger areas of problems and it will make it harder to clean up. I felt like I was suffocating just seeing that.

I wonder if part of the reason to try to sink and disperse the slicks is so the ocean doesn't catch fire - as in wildfire. I know they did some controlled burns. This stuff has to go somewhere. Looks like the put it all in a blender...oil and water don't mix.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by hoghead cheese

Originally posted by jennybee35
reply to post by L.HAMILTON

I really have nothing to say, there are no words sufficient. We are watching an extinction level event unfolding in slow motion, I'm afraid. Living here in Louisiana, I've been wondering how long before we start to see diaspora from the south.

[edit on 5/24/10 by jennybee35]

Those fish where fighting for air, you know what that says don't you. It says that much of the oxygen deeper in the ocean is depleted. I thought it was muddy water until he dipped his bucket in there and it was oil. We are #ed, truly. When this is finally over, we are going to have the entire gulf turned into a dead zone and the shores will be polluted to the point of not habitable.

Which is why people should be protesting in mass that something be done about this quicker than it has, I mean everyone in the United States, if you can't afford to drive or travel to someplace then do what you can to let the government know enough is enough. Can't anyone see that they are stalling for some reason or another? I now am starting to think they want this to get worse, and were sitting here letting them. In the end the blame falls on all of us, we couldn't have prevented the disaster that happened due to a lack of general knowledge of what oil drilling entailed. But we trusted our elected officials to know what they were doing when they slacked on the laws and regulations. Now we have a huge problem on our hands and we have the power to make them stop it and clean it up in a better manner than they are currently doing. But like most anything thats important we will sit and wait, wait for the impending doom to settle in till it's too late, it may be too late already. And YES I'm just as guilty as the next person, and no boycotting gas stations and oil companies will get you no where, to many dependencies on them. For once America hold the people in power accountable now not later, put an end to this madness.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by DOADOA
as an american i am ashamed of what is happening. this will affect the whole world and we caused it. this is truly depressing, i too am grasping for air.

Originally posted by Silver Shadow
Maybe it is God's payback for all the depleted uranium, death and destruction America has spread around the middle east.

The cause of that was the American greed for OIL, and the butchery and mayhem around the world America is constantly using to steal it.

It would certainly be a fitting divine retribution if the whole of America were now to be permanently poisoned by that very same oil.

I know it's politically correct to bash America and all, and for all Americans to feel guilt simply from being American, but perhaps you can point out what exactly is "American" about this disaster?

BP = British Petroleum. It's an international company.
The rig was owned by Transocean. That's an international company.
Neither are headquartered in the US.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by Son of Will

Originally posted by DOADOA
as an american i am ashamed of what is happening. this will affect the whole world and we caused it. this is truly depressing, i too am grasping for air.

Originally posted by Silver Shadow
Maybe it is God's payback for all the depleted uranium, death and destruction America has spread around the middle east.

The cause of that was the American greed for OIL, and the butchery and mayhem around the world America is constantly using to steal it.

It would certainly be a fitting divine retribution if the whole of America were now to be permanently poisoned by that very same oil.

I know it's politically correct to bash America and all, and for all Americans to feel guilt simply from being American, but perhaps you can point out what exactly is "American" about this disaster?

BP = British Petroleum. It's an international company.
The rig was owned by Transocean. That's an international company.
Neither are headquartered in the US.

>> What is UNIQUELY American about this disaster is that only off our coastline, unlike any other civilized country, did we have the misfortune to have an SOB like Dick Cheney get rid of all the rules. BP didn't fill the pipe with concrete and backfill with slurry mud, and they didn't have a device to "blow the hole" in case everything went FUBAR. They have something like 500 citations for that rig, and they cut corners.

And NOW, when scientists and news reporters want to see what is going on, they get turned away by the Coast Guard. Our government is capitulating to BP interests and is allowing the people who's incompetence created the mess to be in charge of fixing it.

Really, I think they are just stalling, and probably trying to collapse the reservoir itself -- so that the pressure equalizes. And meanwhile, they are probably paying a few thousand bloggers to start rumors like "it was a natural leak created by a fissure" and nonsense like that. It makes me sick, and if this were a country FOR THE PEOPLE, we would have these SOBs in a court trying to convince us why they shouldn't be in prison for life for manslaughter and eco-terrorism.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 06:38 PM
no one is doing anything to stop this... we are soo screwed! our precious life, oceans, fishes, birds, our mother earth.. its all in distress.. somebody tell me when are we going to wake up.. and take charge of things, be responsible.....

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by yellow.sapphirine
My feeling exactly ; this was big news a few days ago and will be old news a week from now. There is no sense of urgency here to cap this potential catastrophic killer.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 11:11 PM
Every aspect of this is despicable.

They might as well have dumped cyanide into the gulf and tried to fix it with arsenic. BP needs to be destroyed for this. At the very least, they should never again operate in the U.S.

No one knows how to fix this, hence B.P.'s "suggestion line" that people can call. Even if Obama called in the military, you'd just have a bunch of other people out there who don't have the answer.

I hate BP, though. Their neglect is what sank Deepwater, and their selfishness is what's hindering whatever progress can be made here. They don't want to use a different dispersant? Tough luck. This is their mess, and those are our oceans. The government should tell them to shut up and obey. Simple as that.

I'm not paranoid and I don't like fear mongering, but mark my words: This is a catastrophe; an economic and ecological catastrophe. I don't know if this can be reversed, but it'll take decades before there's any chance of it.

I don't blame Obama for the spill, but he better go after BP for this. He would honestly be a traitor if he didn't make BP pay. I don't want just monetary reparations either. Money can't replace priceless, ancient ecosystems and the livelihoods of those that need them. BP needs to be shut down in the U.S. for good.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by MysterE
When I first introduced the idea of nuking the hole closed to ATS, the idea was met with extreme displeasure. This was 3 WEEKS AGO. If this had been implemented from the beginning the environmental disaster wouldn't be nearly as signifigant as it is now.

Haven't you figured this out yet ?

The US government, Congress, and the wealthy elite, will not feel safe until all of you are either dead, or safely locked up in FEMA camps.

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