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Area 51 used for taping the first moon walk?

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posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 02:43 PM
I've actually read up on what some people believe was the great moon hoax. All of the explanations as to why the U.S. flag was flapping in the breeze when there was no breeze. Some people believe that the moon walk was faked and taped at Area 51. Does anyone have any information or links that they can refer me to on this subject. Sorry if this has been posted here before but I am new so please bear with me while I try to figure out this site.

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 02:52 PM
All the information about faking the moon walk was done at Vandenderg AFB in California, at least that's what I heard

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 02:53 PM
Search on google because there is # loads of information and some sites are very interesting reads

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 03:04 PM
Hi kaos, on mpeg link 1st post,


posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 03:07 PM
the moonwalks were filmed on... *drumroll* the MOON!!

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 03:12 PM
great link, sanctum

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 03:16 PM
The moon landing most most assuredly NOT faked.

To even attempt such a thing you'd need to find light capable of illuminating an area of about 3 square miles evenly. This light would have to be at around 6 miles away from the ground surface to ensure an even light->ground distance across the visible area.

You'd need a powerstation just to power the lamp, 6 mile high tower to mount it on, a 12 mile across dome to contain the whole thing and god knows howmany cans for non-reflective black paint for the inside ceiling.

You'd need to go to the moon to find somewhere to hide something like that! They didn't have the means to manipulate images digitally the way we do today.

Going to the moon was easier, and cheaper, than trying to fake it.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 04:45 AM
You never know. Anything can be possible. But I do believe we went to the moon the first time, but whatever we saw could not be shown to the public so maybe we faked a moon landing here on earth. What ever the story is, I just hope we have at least gone there once.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 06:31 AM
The flag 'flaps' because it has been handled by the astronauts and in a low gravity situation like the moon the movement continues for much longer.


posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 06:32 AM
We have landed on the moon. They doent have a moon studio at area 51.
The movie was great... LOL

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by kyateLaBoca
You never know. Anything can be possible. But I do believe we went to the moon the first time, but whatever we saw could not be shown to the public so maybe we faked a moon landing here on earth. What ever the story is, I just hope we have at least gone there once.

I believe we certainly went to the moon and the film and photos taken there are genuine.

However, I think some of the full colour publicity shots that were issued afterwards *may* have been re-creations. Some of them seem much too professional and well-framed/posed to have been taken by astronauts, working in extreme conditions, wearing massive, thick gauntlets and using only chest-mounted cameras.

A scenario where they got back and some of the photos were unusable is not unimaginable. With the world's media clamouring for more, more, more, I could understand it if the decision was taken to relent to this pressure and mock up a few studio set-pieces.

I might be wrong and I have no proof but a hunch when I see some of the remarkably brilliant photography.

On the other hand, if they took thousands of pics, chances are that a large proportion of them turned out good enough for the front cover of Time.

posted on Jun, 9 2004 @ 01:11 PM
So the moon was pulled by tether from anchoring rockets down into area 51 and taped by NASA, then shot back into orbit...yeah okay...err right

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Regenmacher
So the moon was pulled by tether from anchoring rockets down into area 51 and taped by NASA, then shot back into orbit...yeah okay...err right

Now see there's no reason for any of the nasty comments or sarcasm. I had a valid question. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I'm not stupid and I am quite aware that they didn't "pull the moon down to area 51" . However there are many unexplained events that happened on the moon, that lead me to doubt that we actually went there during the first moon walk. If you don't like my opinion then by all means don't reply to it. But I am entitled to post my opinion on this board without the nasty comments from folks who don't have any open mind.

[edit on 10-6-2004 by kaoscreator]

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 10:34 AM
Link from Space web
I have an open mind regarding the Moon landings, there are good arguments for and against. The thing that intrests me the most is haow the Astronaughts got thru the Van Allen Radiation belts with out suffering permenant harm. Ive still not heard a convincing answer for that from NASA yet.
EDIT:Edited for addition.

[edit on 10-6-2004 by Janus]

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 10:43 AM
from the article..

The radiation belts are of importance primarily because of the harmfull effects of high energy particle radition for man and electronics

They spelled harmful wrong.. and radiation.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 10:44 AM
Very good point. Many things seem to point to the theory of the moonwalk being a hoax. I don't know though, I see the point for and against as well. We were in such a rush to beat everyone to the moon that it wouldn't surprise me if we faked it.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 10:45 AM
well spotted, but the science behind it is correct

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 10:59 AM
I have to confess I know zilch about the van Allen belts or space travel in general..

The reason I personally can be sure we went to the moon is because the images taken weren't fakable back then, not even by NASA. Issues like the lack of ambient light other than the sun, or the limitations of filming a scene like that with one light source I mentioned above. Then there's the behavior of the moon surface itself. the way the dust and rocket exhausts move in a way they could only do in a thin atmosphere.

There wasn't then, and isn't now ANY way to fake all of those images and videos other through than digital means, and those means didn't exist in 1969.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 10:59 AM
Man, give someone a tid bit of data and they blow it all out of proportion.

Area 51, was used as a simulation grounds for the testing and perfecting of various "moon walk" related systems and vehicles.

So YES, they did film "moon walks" at Area 51. But this was during the evaluation of space suits, vehicles, portable air systems, O2 thrusters, etc.

They REALLY did go to the moon, but they had to test the stuff before hand somewhere.

So all this talk about "they faked the moon walks at Area 51" is an exagerated, overblown stretch of the actual truth.


posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 11:01 AM
Apparently, (officially), the Van Allen Belt was no problem due to the Astronauts only passing through and not speding sufficient time within it's boundaries to be effected. If they had stopped off for a bit, there would have been a big problem. Also the reason for the flag waving is that it was not only connected to the flagpole at the side but also, (because they wanted it to be seen well) it was attatched to an arm extending out of the top also.

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