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The Second American Revolution has begun!

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posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by AllexxisF1

So yes if you want violent revolution to usurp a democratically elected government you are going against Democracy and what this country was founded on.

No No No!!! We were not founded on democracy! Nowhere in our founding documents is democracy mentioned and for good reason. The founders despised democracy because it has failed everytime in history and will and is failing this time too! Stop repeating this pernicious lie and learn some history damn it!

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by AllexxisF1

We had a revolution in this country against a Monarchy, not another dually and fairly elected Democratic government.

And if you believe that the elections are fair, then you are already a lost cause.

You have no right to have a revolution against our dually and fairly elected Democratic Government.

Once again, if you believe that it has been fairly elected, then you are already lost.

If you do you are a terrorist and absolutely positively NOT AN AMERICAN.

Last time I checked I didn't believe in Allah, wear bombs strapped to my chest, or kill innocents every day.

Because an true American will follow and defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Exactly my point. The Government is pissing on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Look what is going on around you my friend. You actually think that "peaceful demonstrations" are going to solve anything anymore? You need a permit to get a permit to even have a demonstration ANYWHERE. Do you think demonstrations work? Maybe they did in the 60's but this is 2010. The game and the playing field have changed. Maybe you like your government looking in on every facet of your life from the kinds of foods you eat (FDA) to the types of cars you drive (EPA). In order to preserve what our country is founded on, revolt needs to happen on all levels. Peaceful or armed, it doesn't matter. Nobody is hearing the people's voices, and that is my point. Go ahead and call me a terrorist if you wish. If loving my country enough to fight to preserve its original ideals is a crime, then label me as such. Like I said, you'll get no help from me when they start the final massive takeover to shut people like me up.

Some people just won't wake up until it's too late.

Peace be with you.


posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by AllexxisF1

No I will tell you what can and cannot do. You cannot have a revolution against a democratically elected government in this country and call yourself an American. Going against our government which was dually and fairly elected into power is against

Democracy and what we all stand for. So Bubba, that makes you a terrorist and a traitor. Why do you hate freedom so much?...

You are an obvious troll. Even the socialist on this board are not this ignorant and stupid. The country was founded as a republic not a democracy... Democracy itself is our domestic enemy to the republic!

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist Papers: We are a Republican Government, Real liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of has been observed that a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government. Experience has proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity.

John Adams: Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.

Thomas Jefferson: A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%.

James Madison: Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their death.

John Quincy Adams: The experience of all former ages had shown that of all human governments, democracy was the most unstable, fluctuating and short-lived.

Thomas Jefferson: The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

Benjamin Franklin (possibly apocryphal): Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

James Madison: Democracy was the right of the people to choose their own tyrant.

John Adams: That the desires of the majority of the people are often for injustice and inhumanity against the minority, is demonstrated by every page of the history of the world.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:37 PM
Hey guys I wouldn't bother engaging AlexxisF1 in any more arguments. They are entitled to their opinion which is obviously very different from everybody else who has posted in the thread including myself. I feel that our options are very limited as those in power have stolen our republic and are entrenched so very much that voting them out of it would be near impossible. At least not without a massive majority of Americans on the same page which is also been made near impossible by those same people in power's giant propaganda machine. A machine which has many people perhaps like our friend Alexxis, buying their malarchy. My point is you won't be able to change AlexxisF1's mind and so the conversation only serves to derail the thread from the topic. We need to put a stop to these folks and it will require a great deal of our time and energy to do so, so don't waste your time on guys who refuse to, or don't see the same picture as the rest of us..

Edit s&g

[edit on 18-5-2010 by Redwookieaz]

[edit on 18-5-2010 by Redwookieaz]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:46 PM
How exactly does a Republic elect a President and create laws if there is no such thing as Democracy.

I would love to know the answer.

Any takers?

It's a simple question.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:58 PM
The crickets I hear are deafening.

Hurts when someone actually knocks you over the head with reason and facts doesn't it.

Moreover I find it hilarious that I post ACTUAL facts not some you tube video or something spewing out of Redneck High and you call me a troll, stupid and retarded.

When point in fact it really comes down to this.

Instead of doing the hard work it takes to claw back control of our Democracy from Corporations some people here would rather strap on their gun and take over this elected government.

Ok let's say you do just that. Let's say you run right up to the Capital and forcefully take it back.

Then what?

How do you proceed to elect the next President and Congress. Do you keep the same Constitution? or draw up a new one, let me guess something more NeoConservative right? where Christianity is only allowed and people can own Howitzers.

Then what?

[edit on 18-5-2010 by AllexxisF1]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by AllexxisF1
How exactly does a Republic elect a President and create laws if there is no such thing as Democracy.

I would love to know the answer.

Any takers?

It's a simple question.

That's because you do not know history and are repeating media and public school BS! The first president was not George Washington and was elected by the House of representatives. I bet you don't know that even though skewed no one today votes to elect a president you vote for an elector to elect a president. Do you even know the mans name? Still this is not how it was originally done.

More importantly however the elected president was just an administrator over the Federal government WHICH HAS NO AUTHORITY OVER THE PEOPLE OF THE SEVERAL STATES! That is what everyone does not understand. THE PEOPLE ARE NOT TO BE RULED BY A DEMOCRATIC FEDERAL BODY. This federal body was only created to facilitate mutual defense and free trade among the several state republics not be an over seer and law giver to the people as it has become today through socialist democracy.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by AllexxisF1
The crickets I hear are deafening.

Hurts when someone actually knocks you over the head with reason and facts doesn't it.

Your answer is above sorry we were not waiting with baited breath for your response... What did you wait about a minute and a half before declaring victory...Sigh!

[edit on 18-5-2010 by hawkiye]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by AllexxisF1
Revolution against who?

Anyone talking about revolution is not an American, they are terrorists.

You don't like who is representing you, then get off your arse and get active in your community and elect leaders that represent you better.

Armed uprising is not what we do here in The United States. If you want an armed uprising lifestyle go live in Iran.

Clearly, you need to take a refresher course in American history.

What was the American Revolution if not an armed uprising?

What were our founding fathers? The british called them terrorists.

Ever heard of The Civil War? Another armed uprising.

It seems to me that armed uprisings are precisely what has made this into a great country. Sometimes, diplomacy will get you nowhere...

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:16 PM
Once again since reading comprehension is at an all time low in this thread.

Our founding fathers started a revolution against a tyrannical Monarchy for our Independence.

NOT against a dually and fairly elected Democratic Government.

They had every right to fight for our independence.

However, if Britain was a Democratically elected Government surely our founding fathers would have worked out our grievances in a Democratic way. Since they themselves believed in its power so much that they established it here.

How hard is that to understand? What part of that do you guys not get?

Moreover, I asked a simple question to those who were quick to call me retarded and stupid. If we do not have or ever had a Democracy than explain to all of us how you elect a President, Congress and create laws as a Republic?

If you all are so adept at civics please explain it. I dare you.

[edit on 18-5-2010 by AllexxisF1]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by AllexxisF1

Some questions for you...
What makes you think our elections are fair?
How do you know that the elections aren't rigged?

Why call someone a traitor or terrorist for
speaking their mind?
A lot of people are calling for revolution against
our government for selling the american people out!
Do you assume that means grabbing our guns and
shooting all on sight?NO,we start off by voting those
crooks out of office this coming november.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by AllexxisF1
Revolution against who?

You got a beef with the Yankees?

Did Maine somehow tick you off?

Anyone talking about revolution is not an American, they are terrorists.

You don't like who is representing you, then get off your arse and get active in your community and elect leaders that represent you better.

Armed uprising is not what we do here in The United States. If you want an armed uprising lifestyle go live in Iran.

That's right, vote 'em out so the next corporate sponsored crook can take their place.

See if everyone was like you, we could just ban guns right? We could have full trust in the government, after all.....if you don't like something, vote em out

No sir, we aren't terrorists, the terrorists are representing us.

[edit on 18/5/10 by xstealth]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by AllexxisF1

You assume they are not fiddling the votes or the players in this game.

Here in the uk the BNP got more votes but when converted to seats the numbers went down.

BNP eat babies and not only that they eat them whilst they are still alive so it's OK to frig the votes and tell everyone they are going backwards.

Voting for a 3 headed horse is not going to change the rider and all three heads drink from from same trough and are answerable to no one but the riders whip.

You realy need to bring yourself up to speed and should question a lot more than just taking in what CNN/Fox News tells you

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by AllexxisF1

Once again and maybe I should put it in 20ft type.

Once again maybe you should re-evaluate where you're getting your information from. I think any honest person strictly looking for the truth would be open to new information....however, and disappointingly so, you hold tight to some very outdated historical interpretations.

It's almost as if you were referencing a typical 10th grade American History book. Think outside the box!

We had a revolution in this country against a Monarchy, not another dually and fairly elected Democratic government.

Again, this is the old status that more information is being disseminated now more than ever before, I encourage you to research this aspect more deeply and then I believe you will find a lot discrepancies that clearly contradicts this version of our history.

We had every right to our revolution for our independence.

Things evolve, systems change...that is the whole point of any future revolution. We did then and we do now, this will never change.

You have no right to have a revolution against our dually and fairly elected Democratic Government.

Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, our government as a whole has shown a complete inability and an unwillingness to be for the people by the people.

If you can't see this, then I'm afraid you are walking around with your eyes closed.

If you do you are a terrorist and absolutely positively NOT AN AMERICAN. Because any true American will follow and defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In it you will find our framework to which every citizen pledges to.

Are you sure these are your words, because it seems more in line with the playbook of say Sean Hannity.

In reality, those duly elected officials that we have placed our trust in have become the terrorists...economically, politically, socially, etc....

You seem to be deeply dependent on the system. I suggest you find some independence from this, unplug your fox news channel, critical think for yourself, but by all means don't live your life based on what your masters tell you to do.

You don't like who is in power then get off your butt and do the work of changing the system in a Democratic way.

Unfortunately, what ever power the people had, they no longer have. The people who have the real power in this world cannot be voted out. That is the whole point.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:38 PM
So we are revolting against taxes? Great, but how are we going to pay for things? We need roads and programs and such. I don't see how we can have the things we voted for and revolt against them at the same time.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:47 PM
OnTheFelt...What in the world are you talking about?

I had one simple question and again no one has answered it.

If there is no such thing as a Democracy in this country than how do you elect a President and make laws in a Republic?

It's a simple damn question!

Moreover you keep blathering on about how my education is somehow tainted (even though I hold a double bachelors from George Mason University) and how I should think outside the box when you have yet to explain what that out of the box thinking is.

Dependent on the system? Ha!

I watch Fox Noise ..triple Ha!

You all are so smart, then answer my simple question. Especially the nut job who is part of some lunatic militia.

Put up or shut up...answer the question!

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by AllexxisF1
If there is no such thing as a Democracy in this country than how do you elect a President and make laws in a Republic?

It's a simple damn question!

Ok the parties put up a bunch of candidates that are approved by the various working groups. Ie Bilderberg, Trilateral. Then the one that can sell out the most is chosen. He gets the largest funding, and that means he wins.

It's election by media. Then people go in and some of them cast their vote, it may or may not be counted or they may or may not be allowed to vote, it really depends on what colour they are.

On election day you're given a choice between the frying pan or the fire.

Then Diebold voting machines delete all those votes and replace them with something that looks more acceptable.

You don't ever actually vote directly for the President, and thanks to electoral college your vote doesn't actually matter in the grand scheme of things.

And then you're stuck with those people who can basically do whatever they want for 4 years while you sit back and say "Arrg I'm gonna vote against you" meanwhile they're stealing trillions, invading countries, kicking over democracies and running drugs.

Maybe you could call your member of congress, but chances are unless you're a rich banker or an underage callboy, he doesn't have any time for you.

If they get in for a second term, they can do what is called "Lame duck" since they can't get voted in again it quite frankly doesn't matter what happens. You can kill your aides, sleep with interns. Go to war and bailout all your banker friends who are going to give you a job after you leave. Make blood for oil contracts and sit back and enjoy the kickbacks.

Get the picture?

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:58 PM
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This has gotten off topic enough with this person making attacks on everybody, calling some people nut jobs and the like. That is all I have to say about that.

Peace be with you.


posted on May, 18 2010 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by AllexxisF1

We would still have elections and vote for our leaders.
A democracy is a government in which the people hold
the ruling power either directly or through elected representatives.
What kind of an example are we seeing out of our elected
representatives?A lot of self-serving,power-hungry wolves.
The american people are the SHEEP!

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by belial259

Originally posted by AllexxisF1
You know that pesky way of governing called Democracy.

You're a republic not a democracy.

I don't think you realise how special your country is and what it represents. If you fall to tyranny, all of mankind will fall back into tyranny. America represents freedom from the oppression of the state or the majority.

I wish everyone in the whole world who thought like you came here to displace 'them'. I have absolutely no doubt that the immigration rules are kinked to screen out your type, and let the poor nanny state masses arrive in droves. I am almost positive that I will never be allowed to visit England, due to new Orwellian practices accepted there. I hear that Australia is now beset with upswings in crime, as a revolution has been made impossible for you. For all I know I am on the 'no-fly' list, along with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson...

I'm not the type to get choked up about things. One of them is my dog. Another one that causes me to remove my face from view is the very thought you are stating so well!

This is a very special place. We have no idea what they have stolen, on paper, awaiting the dash of a few zionist pen strokes.

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