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ATS's Anti-Disinformation Club. A Call For: ATS Whistle Blowers.

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posted on May, 19 2010 @ 03:47 PM
The new phone books are here...
The new phone books are here...


Hey I made the list. I am a highly paid Dis-Info Agent, despite the fact I have a little dirt under my fingernails, a few holes in my socks and ate Cherrios (Multi Grain) out of the box for dinner last night. I've been here since early 2007 and only got a few blue letters.

Some of my more famous single page threads 1 Flag or less:

False Assumptions and the Light Bulb

Ignore All

Canary Fighting

Next time I ask the genie for a wish to be famous, I'll be more specific.

I once asked to feel like a kid again and after a stroke had to grasp those Fisher-Price square peg into round hole devices as part of rehab.

Yeah, I'm a DisInfo Agent in the same way Col Sanders works for PETA. I just might mock sue the OP for slander and ask Rev. Manning to add my case to the docket.

[edit on 19-5-2010 by kinda kurious]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by warpcrafter

Bitches, i don't require any weapons to wield
I'm so bad ass i don't need no gang's shield
Mother F$%&ers I AM a kin to the Unified Field!

Where are my backup singers and dancin video hoes?

either i do, or i do not exist
if i did i would surely have kissed
your mama's privates till she pissed
so tell your daddy to check servicing her off his list!

how are those for appropriate rap lyrics?


[edit on 19-5-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious
Hey well that was some ground breaking journalism there buddy on that"canary fighting thread"that maybe the one that got you on the list

hey dont worry about it cool

[edit on 19-5-2010 by alchemist2012]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 04:03 PM
I must have visited the wrong ATS. It would appear that I have been redirected to the

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by kinda kurious
I just might mock sue the OP for slander and ask Rev. Manning to add my case to the docket.

There seems to be a slight disruption in effective communication here.

I have no previous knowledge of or association with, nor do currently support the list that is suggesting who is or isn't a disinformation agent.

I didn't compile that list.
I didn't post that list.
I havn't stated anywhere that i agree with that list.

Would contributors on this thread please stop associating me with that list.


posted on May, 19 2010 @ 04:20 PM
Is it just me, or is this thread all over the map??
The anagram thing is the only consistant theme throughout the thread and its not even what the OP 's title suggests.

So I am wondering and I have to ask:

What the heck is this thread really for?

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by jibeho
I must have visited the wrong ATS. It would appear that I have been redirected to the

Maybe not meant as a compliment, but i got to be honest with ya, i like that thought's

Thanks for sharing! Congradulations with putting those three words together, wonder what anagrams may exist ...

Maybe you are right, maybe i don't belong here? MAYBE i'm some kind of strange mutant with a theory i have while trying to re-attach someone's story ....

Cigar? A Mutant's Theory:
Anagram Truth Society

Um, Reattaching A Story
Tongue Try Charismata
As Grouchy Anti-matters

Main Entry: char·ism
Charismata: an extraordinary power

Main Entry: cas·ti·gate
: to subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticism

Seriously though, thanks for the input, & star.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Chamberf=6

What the heck is this thread really for?

Addressing (acknowleding and reckognizing) obstacles that deter us from acceptance of what REAL tools we have at our disposal when determining what avenues and paths exist which lead us to viable, sustainable truisms, that remain truisms regardless of ridicule, criticism, and personal delusionary choices.

provide truisms capable of being truisms after your opinion is done with it's judgments, or isolate a statement or phrase that is not true and demonstrate the flawed logic you can identify, and share it with this thread and it's contributors

does this provide any clarification as to the intent of this thread?

was i unclear in the OP?

anagrams provide truisms, to include intimate knowledge of future events.

truisms that become true later in time existed prior to their full understanding. Or, at least your military top brass are convinced of this.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 04:44 PM
There are only 26 letters in the English alphabet. There are many many words. To think that there is a hidden truth or secret in anagrams is completely in your own perception.

Of course the letters of a word or phrase, when re-arranged, are going to form other words. There are only 26 letters to work with.

It's simple odds more than a hidden/secret message of truth.

To say it is more than that is itself misinformation.

truisms that become true later in time existed prior to their full understanding. Or, at least your military top brass are convinced of this

Please give me an example of this.

(Or are you confusing anagrams and acronyms?)

[edit on 19/5/2010 by Chamberf=6]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by Chamberf=6
There are only 26 letters in the English alphabet. There are many many words. To think that there is a hidden truth or secret in anagrams is completely in your own perception.

no, i must disagree.
either that or disregard and/or ignore the information my own senses have provided me.

Of course the letters of a word or phrase, when re-arranged, are going to form other words. There are only 26 letters to work with.

Yes, but information that is consistant or parrallel with the keywords used is more than a tool we can't simply pass over while honestly saying we are participating in denying ignorance

It's simple odds more than a hidden/secret message of truth.

no, in most cases provided here on this thread the mathematical probabilities of information that is pertinent to the phrases is against the odds.

To say it is more than that is itself misinformation.

then you better start firing all your government officials who subscribe to the belief that it provides viable intell.

truisms that become true later in time existed prior to their full understanding. Or, at least your military top brass are convinced of this

Please give me an example of this.

i have been, please re-read the thread a few times. i realize what seems to be speculation to you, may be more than it appears.

(Or are you confusing anagrams and acronyms?)

After a decade of active service in the United States Air Force, i hope i know the difference between anagrams and acronyms.

an example of an acronym is G.O.D.

stands for: Government Of Dollars

how is your seperation of church and state holding up?

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 05:26 PM
The examples you gave that remotely had relevance to the original words and phrases were cherry-picked from a much longer list of anagrams that had NO relation.

Now if these examples of yours were the only other words or phrases that could be made as anagrams from the original phrase, they would hold more merit. These don't.

But obviously you will believe what you want. As will I.

[edit on 19/5/2010 by Chamberf=6]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

When you presented an anagram of your name, you CHOSE which one you wanted to represent you. (you chose I Tore Each Secret) You threw away all of the other 66666 anagrams that were nonsense.

Esoteric Teacher:

66667 found. Displaying first FEW:
Theocracies Tree
Treacheries Cote
Reteaches Erotic
Teachers Coterie
Cheaters Coterie
Hectares Coterie
Hectare Coteries
Hectare Esoteric
Reteach Coteries
Reteach Esoteric
Teacher Coteries
Teacher Esoteric
Cheater Coteries
Cheater Esoteric
Crease Theoretic
Cattier Reechoes
Eateries Crochet
Heartiest Coerce
Earthiest Coerce
Athetise Coercer
Hesitate Coercer
A Screechier Tote
A Choicer Teeters
A Crotchets Eerie
A Crochet Eeriest
A Cheerier Octets
A Cheesier Cotter
A Cheeriest Recto
A Threescore Cite
A Cheerer Cottise
A Theoretic Scree
A Trochees Recite
A Trochee Recites
A Etchers Coterie
A Retches Coterie
A Etcher Coteries
A Etcher Esoteric
Ceca Etherise Ort
Ceca Etherise Rot
Ceca Etherise Tor
Ceca Teethe Orris
Ceca Eerie Troths
Ceca Retirees Tho
Ceca Retirees Hot
Ceca Retiree Host
Ceca Retiree Hots
Ceca Retiree Shot
Ceca Rehire Totes
Ceca Rehires Tote
Ceca Either Store
Ceca Either Rotes
Ceca Heroes Trite
Ceca Heteros Tire
Ceca Heteros Rite
Ceca Heteros Tier
Ceca Hereto Tiers
Ceca Hereto Tries
Ceca Hereto Tires
Ceca Hereto Rites
Ceca Hetero Tiers
Ceca Hetero Tries
Ceca Hetero Tires
Ceca Hetero Rites
Ceca Thereto Sire
Ceca Thereto Rise
Ceca Thereto Ires
Ceca Ether Sortie
Ceca Three Sortie
Ceca There Sortie
Ceca Tether Osier
Ceca These Rioter
Ceca Sheet Rioter
Ceca Thee Roister
Ceca Thee Rioters
Ceca Teeth Rosier
Ceca Retire Ethos
Ceca Retire Those
Ceca Siree Hotter
Ceca Reties Other
Ceca Reties Throe
Ceca Testier Hero
Ceca Testier Hoer
Ceca Retie Throes
Ceca Retie Others
Ceca Stereo Their
Ceca Rosette Hire
Ceca Rosette Heir
Ceca Ere Theorist
Ceca Tree Shortie
Catechise Ere Ort
Catechise Ere Rot
Catechise Ere Tor
Catechise Tree Or
Catechise Tore Re
Catechise Rote Re
Catechise Toe Err
Cache Eerie Trots
Cache Eerie Torts
Cache Eerier Tots
Cache Eerier Tost
Cache Retirees To
Cache Retiree Sot
Cache Eeriest Ort
Cache Eeriest Rot
Cache Eeriest Tor
Cache Rerise Tote
Cache Sirree Tote
Cache Retires Toe
Cache Terries Toe
Cache Retries Toe
Cache Retire Toes
Cache Siree Torte
Cache Siree Otter
Cache Reties Tore
Cache Reties Rote
Cache Testier Ore
Cache Testier Roe
Cache Retie Store
Cache Retie Rotes
Cache Restore Tie
Cache Stereo Tire
Cache Stereo Rite
Cache Stereo Tier
Cache Rosette Ire

See what I mean yet???!!?

[edit on 19/5/2010 by Chamberf=6]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

Sure, after entering and looking around a bit, you are more than welcome to find what is deniable concerning the West's languages.
I just offer you a means to read between the lines, is all.....

Enter West, eh? Deniable?
Read Between Then Lines

Maybe it's over some brainwashed individuals' heads?


on not, whatever ....

actually maybe a few short examples demonstrating valid results is in order.

i just don't want to shove this down your throat.
i realize this can be a very sensitive issue, i mean it involves that which we rely upon for communication itself.

as to providing proof your military brass uses this, no.
i don't have to. i want to. barriers exist, what we are sometimes prepared to accept as possible, and what is truly possible, may differ.

no offense, or belittling intended.

i'm legitimatley pissed of from time to time with those who are involved in social engineering, and whatever obstructs you and others from knowing their own potential.

i'm at war with whatever obstructs you from knowing yourself.

if this offends you, well, war is war, out of love for others or not, war is war.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by Chamberf=6
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

When you presented an anagram of your name, you CHOSE which one you wanted to represent you. (you chose I Tore Each Secret) You threw away all of the other 66666 anagrams that were nonsense.

Yes, i did.

becoming an effective Anti-dis-information agent may require disregarding disinformation.

of all the possible anagrams you found for my Avatar, which one contains false information concerning the keywords: "Esoteric Teacher"?

which anagram provided you with misdirection and/or false information?

please elaborate concerning all 66666 anagrams in detail before posting on this thread any other subject matter.

or, i can meet you half way if you like!

you take the first 33,333
and i will start from the end of the list and meet you in the middle!

Ok? Will this satisfy your expectations?

[edit on 19-5-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

If what you are offering as a way "to read between the lines" is anagrams--sorry but I've been aware of anagrams since grade school years ago.

If playing around with the letters of words and phrases is your key to understanding, then go for it.

I think looking for truth in anagrams is looking the wrong direction. .

Good luck with that.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

You're just being obtuse. I simply used the same site that YOU linked to in a thread on anagrams. (deja vu) You are fully aware that printing the entire list is a waste of space and a futile attempt for you to discredit me.

Here is the link for YOUR name--enjoy.

Esoteric Teacher--anagrams of

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by Chamberf=6


you have flexed your muscles.
you try to squish my "theory"
seems like you want part of me to die? Macabre

Flex, Squish, Macabre
Chamberf equals six

actually that was top the list.
your avatar produces some interesting resuslts.

the word "beach" popped up alot.

did you, or do you live near the beach? any connection with beaches?

you may not agree with me, but at least you are in part entertaining the idea, somewhat.

thanks for the input, and i apologize for the sarcasm.
sarcasm doesn't always translate well on the blogging scene, but i try to keep the humor flowing.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

how familiar are you with the sciences concerning neural-linguistics?

admitingly, i suppose i could know more myself.
but an aspect of what i propose is a part of accepted nerual-linguistical studies.

DISCLAIMER: I'm NO Brain Doctor/Surgeon, that i'm currently aware of anyways.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

I think the sarcasm was missed because it was never there.

No I have never lived even within 500 miles of a beach. What's your explanation now?

If trying to point out to you that "truth" is what you make it in regards to anagrams is "entertaining youir idea" (although it has been far from entertaining for me), then that's a great reason to say "bye bye good luck convincing everybody that anagrams and whistleblowers go hand in hand" (

[edit on 19/5/2010 by Chamberf=6]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

Let me attempt to be less "obtuse".

your feedback is VERY APPRECIATED, by the way. stars all the way, but don't start being too nice, i appreciate the conversation.

Here is another way of pointing the finger towards something i'm trying to bring to light.

BASED UPON WHAT I KNOW OF MYSELF, as it is my most reliable basis for comparison, if i am to try and formulate a personal opinion of you, or at least your actions and behaviors, your views and opinions, priorities and intentionality are your private affair with reality. I consider myself priviledged to get to know how someone notices aspects of, and decyphers their environment.

Whether Reality is a shared thing or not is up to the individual to decide.

I AM 100% convinced that there is some mechanism(s) in all of us that has the intentions of being honest with ourselves.

do you believe that their may be subconscious mechanisms that are efforting remain honest with you? (rhetorical question, i don't require an answer)

do our minds defrag when we sleep, like a computer?
what other internal mechanisms are at work when we are sleeping?

again, rhetorical questions.

Our communications are a reflection of internal communications.
I propose if we do not know absolutley all internal communication systems being utilized by our body, then we do not know absolutley the boundries or confines of communications.

How can i take seriously anyone who believes unconditionally they know all variables involved in communications of intelligent sentient self aware beings when they can not provide unconditionally proof of where their intelligence, sentients(sp?), self-awareness originates from?

Disinformation Agents =

Don't know where i came from.
Don't know where i am going.
I know all variables comprising communication.

i see a flaw in logic where people refuse to admit to themselves what internal processes contribute to the development of linguistics and etymological studies.

Good thinking on your part, though.

got me thinking too!

I'm taking a break to take my dog Fido for a walk.
nice dog, Boston/French Terrier mix.

Be Back soon.

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