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The Worst Disaster Since the Civil War But Not as News Worthy as an Oil Spill

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posted on May, 8 2010 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by paxnatus


...Not known for blacks.. Hispanics.. or Asians. In fact, it's considered a cultural center for the white loved Country Music.

You find it surprising that the media doesn't care? ... Show me a city where black people are suffering or Hispanics are marching.. that's news. Whites suffering is hardly news.

Pulling the race card on human suffering is as low as you can get. Why not check that deck for the compassion card, or did you lose that one?

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by iridescent

Pulling the race card on human suffering is as low as you can get. Why not check that deck for the compassion card, or did you lose that one?

So well said!! Please do not turn this into a race war! There are plenty of minorities in Middle TN.! But it shouldn't make a difference.

This is not about being black, or white, or Hispanic, or Asian, or Dutch or Persian, or French, or even about being American; this is about being human and human suffering!

People have made crass comments about Faith and God etc.......Does that help unite or divide?

This is just a taste of what is to come! Perhaps if we all come together as they are doing in Middle TN. we might survive whatever is coming next!

And we all something is coming! Just don't know, what, where, when and How!!


posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:31 AM
they ar obviously not reporting it on purpose
i mean what so important abvout somer butaan man it was nothing bs just 2 take ur mind of that tyhe world is totally #ed
floods earthquakwes vulcanos oil disasters
thats my opinion
they new it was coming and now their hiding and if we keep ignoring it soon it will be 2 late'but keep paying ur taxes people they can really use a fourth car u know

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 01:30 PM
Maybe they don't want you to start thinking about something else that's going mental at the moment, the weather.

That volcano in Iceland is still erupting, and on the entire globe the temperature is dropping, a thick pack of clouds is covering the entire northern and southern hemisphere in increasing density ever since the volcano erupted.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by paxnatus

Well now you know how the Katrina victims feel. Anyway I can think of many disaters worse then the civil war, plus the civil war wasn't really a diaster (well it depends what side you were on). Now back to my list of diasters "worse than the civil war'."In no particular order, just he order i thought of them, The Trails of Tears
Tidal wave in Mynamar
Vietnam war
The holocost. WW I and II
Oklahoma Bombing
Now, I'm not saying what happened in Tennesse isn't a terrible act of mother nature, but saying that this is the worse thing that has happened since the civil war is a bit ridiculous.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 08:16 PM
Find a way to blame Bush and they'll be all over it!

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by iridescent

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by paxnatus


...Not known for blacks.. Hispanics.. or Asians. In fact, it's considered a cultural center for the white loved Country Music.

You find it surprising that the media doesn't care? ... Show me a city where black people are suffering or Hispanics are marching.. that's news. Whites suffering is hardly news.

Pulling the race card on human suffering is as low as you can get. Why not check that deck for the compassion card, or did you lose that one?

Not when it's based in fact.

Light tans don't get coverage, unless they're carrying signs or guns.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Are you serious or are you just being a contrarian troll? A few shrimpers and birds? You have to be kidding or know absolutely nothing about that which you are speaking. Do some research on economics and the ecological impact of an oil spill and erase that ignorance.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Def Youth
I can't believe people are acting like there's no black people in Tennessee. That's hilarious. Maybe Tim McGraw will get on a telethon and say, "Barrack Obama doesn't care about white people!" LOL! Why can't we focus on what's important, that people are suffering and need help and not what color their frickin' skin is? Oh, and Nashville is one of the greatest places in the world. The music, the people (of many shapes, sizes and colors.) It's like a home away from home for me so I really hope people get together and help 'em out. I still got faith in my fellow man.

I think there were only like one or two posts that mention people of African decent specifically. All the rest used the word minority, which in America usually means other than white, except for a few locations. I think we can all agree that there are minorities there, the statements were saying that there's just not enough.

We are focusing on what's important, that people are suffering. One way that we can help is to make it seem as bad as it really is because the media chose to downplay it, for whatever reason.

My reason to the OP was because Nashville was the most populated area hit, and like you said it yourself with refering to Tim Mcgraw, that it's a white country music location. I don't know if I personally believe that, but through the grape vine I hear thsi reason being listed first before anything else.

That's all, we're, or I'm, not saying the news is being racist, it's just that there is a possibility that it's not big news because exploiting minorities is big news.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by paxnatus
reply to post by iridescent

Pulling the race card on human suffering is as low as you can get. Why not check that deck for the compassion card, or did you lose that one?

So well said!! Please do not turn this into a race war! There are plenty of minorities in Middle TN.! But it shouldn't make a difference.

This is not about being black, or white, or Hispanic, or Asian, or Dutch or Persian, or French, or even about being American; this is about being human and human suffering!

People have made crass comments about Faith and God etc.......Does that help unite or divide?

This is just a taste of what is to come! Perhaps if we all come together as they are doing in Middle TN. we might survive whatever is coming next!

See, now I'm getting pissed. This was not about human or human suffering!! The OP was about why the lack of media coverage. Don't take a bad situation and silence people with tacky politically correct guilt trips.

This is the same as when you try to speak out that you think that a war is not warrented, and someone gets pissed and says, " My son-daugher-dad-mom- uncle etc is "over there"", As if you can't talk about something becasue someone has a personal tie to it.

No one is pulling the race card on human suffering. They, and I, was stating that when one thinks of Nashville, they think white country people. And yes, WE KNOW THAT THERE ARE MINORITIES IN NASHVILLE. That's not what was said. I can not stand the double standard.

Exploiting minorities for sympathy points is something the media is damn good at. It just so happens that in America, especially in larger cities, the poor are usually other than white minorities. In Nashville, this is no exception. And, since the flood affected more white people than other than white minorities, the news aint biting.

This should not be that hard to understand. Also, I've helped with New Orleans during Katrina and I'm helping with people in Nashville and I can testify to the race of people being helped in each case so don't come back with "minorities were affected in Nashville, too" That's not the implication, the implication is that there aren't ENOUGH minorities to make more news time.

Please let people speak their minds without silencing them with double standards as long as they do so in a respectful manner.

P.S. I'm not white, if that helps you. bigot.
P.S.S. I am a jerk though

And we all something is coming! Just don't know, what, where, when and How!!


posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:55 PM
As Nashville Copes, FEMA Faces Own Crisis | VIDEO
- Devastation Takes Center Stage | SLIDESHOW

I just saw this on Fox News website: towards the middle. Seems to be some good coverage-now

S&F great thread.

[edit on 5/8/2010 by anon72]

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by mateandbucky06

Obviously you didn't read the opening post, or the thread. I'll save you the time.

posted by me:

"I'd like to set the record straight. I never stated that the flood was worst disaster since Civil War, the news article I posted said that.

They were referring to Nashville's history not the history of the entire U.S. Thought that was a given, apparently not!

And yes, it is the worst disaster for Nashville and Middle Tn. since Civil War. "

Here is my third paragraph:

"I simply meant there is OTHER worthy news! OTHER than the oil in the gulf! OTHER THAN the almost bomber in NYC!!

Is there not enough room to give this story more than 15 mins. My point being, if people are not aware that others are hurting and in need, then where will help come from. "

I am Not playing " My disaster is bigger than yours" Those are games people, and quite childish I might add, I don't have time for games.

I understand that you may not have read the whole thread, but in the future it will serve you better if you at least read the O.P.

What is your point with bringing up Katrina and all the horrible catastrophe's you named. Do you think if there is mention of another disaster it somehow makes another seem less important?


[edit on 9-5-2010 by paxnatus]

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by Dwellewd

This was not about human or human suffering!! The OP was about why the lack of media coverage. Don't take a bad situation and silence people with tacky politically correct guilt trips.

I believe you are dead wrong!! Yes, it was about the lack of media coverage, but the reason I created the thread in the first place was to bring awareness to the human suffering to the people of Middle Tn. and Nashville proper. I don't give a damn what color the persons skin is!!

If people don't know about a situation and how much help is needed then how are they gonna be helped?

This had nothing to do with race! That is your insinuation. It had to do with people period!

Who have I tried to silence? By asking or stating this is not about race?
This has nothing to do with race for me? Does it for you?


posted on May, 9 2010 @ 01:27 AM
Don't feel alone, there's been a lot of under-reported disasters.

Remember Cedar Rapids?

The ice storms this past winter?

These sorts of disasters cause too much wide-spead infrastructure damage that cossts too much to repair properly, and too much publicity would allow people to connect the dots and understand the criminal neglect of our infrastructure.

Hardly anything gets rebuilt properly: patchwork long enough to last past the next election, usually.

Sooner or later it will fall apart:

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 02:35 AM
I was unaware of this event, until I read a small mention of a news video clip's ticker.
Maybe I can help bump this thread a little bit.

[edit on 9-5-2010 by Nematode]

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by maybereal11

Originally posted by Common Good

And I wasnt aware that we could only handle one problem at one time.
Oh no wait, this is Obama, best that he does only One thing at a time anyways. We dont want his brain to explode from too much pressure.

I can see that you wasted no time spinning the disaster into an Obama-bash. Pathetic.

As long as you have...lets take a look at the facts. President Obama could not assist until nashville asked for assistance...I am sure you appreciate the deference to states rights..

May 4th

U.S. Senators Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Bob Corker, R-Tenn., were in Nashville Tuesday for a firsthand look at the devastation caused by the deadly storms that passed through Tennessee over the weekend.

“I’d like to congratulate Mayor Dean, Governor Bredesen and the community for doing a first rate job in getting an application together for disaster assistance and getting it to the President, and I thank the president for acting quickly.

President Obama declared it a National disaster the instant the paperwork landed on his desk.

No back to the actual opposed to politically opportunistic false BS.

What annoys the heck out of me is that the people who talk about Independence, and people "making do on their own" are the first to squeal like stuck pigs for Federal help. I'm not making light of the flooding, or the hardship of real people -- but it's this arrogance and selfishness that "I don't want my taxes going to people who don't deserve it." No, only the people who want to drown "wasteful government" in the bath tub apparently deserve help.

The 10,000 people who show up for a Tea Bag event, get news coverage from every station and whine about being ignored. You know what is ignored? That it's totally backed by the same Republicans who turned the Conservative movement into a fundraising event for Billionaires.

A "disaster in Haiti" is just a minor news event in California -- why? Building codes. Those evil government regulations that make sure a contractor can't put in a concrete building without reinforced steel rods is saving your bacon. Those taxes that pay for emergency shut-off valves you never see is making society pay a few $100,000 for cleanup rather than needing to rebuild the entire town after it burns in natural gas explosions.

It is not NATURAL disasters that are the problem -- 200 years ago, you could have many earthquakes and no problems because a log house and dirt roads don't care too much about shaking. But concrete, water pipes, gas lines and fiber optic networks are sensitive and everyone lives somewhere.

The Gulf is going to die, because it saved money to have an explosive shut-off on the bore hole -- that's the reason. Stupidity and greed. If you have a flood that devastates your town -- don't look to the day of storms as the culprit -- look to the 30 years of cutting infrastructure improvements because telling people they need to pay for things doesn't win elections.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by Common Good

I agree the president should have at least said something. But no, no one has said anything other than our local senators. Also, the head of Homeland Security was here and said we can help, but only so much. This help is to the tune of about 4.1 million (with an "m") dollars. As far as I'm concerned they can keep it. We're doing everything we can to take care of our own.

It's my understanding our governor told the president that we'd be in touch when we needed Washington.

No media coverage because we're not shooting each other or crying for Uncle Sam to come save our butts. I have a feeling our state wasn't perceived as so well off and white, cameras may have rushed in here to cover the "human tragedy". Ordinary citizens making extraordinary efforts to pull themselves and their neighbors out of the mess for some reason isn't newsworthy. The opposite, such as shooting your neighbor for a bottle of water, is.

It's not only Nashville that's getting ignored. It's the whole darn state (and some of KY).

Now the rant's finished...

We still need help, whether monetary or prayers. Visit for links on how to help.

Thank you all for noticing us...

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 01:06 AM
Part of the reason why this disaster didn't get as much press is becasue the people here handled it so well. A ton of damage has been done and many people's lives have been horribly effected, but the people here aren't complaining or begging for help because we were able to get together and start dealing with the problem in a civilized manner. Notice that there aren't any sudden crime sprees going on either. Still, this event deserves to get a ton more attention and coverage than it got, but this just goes to show you that the big news stations are only interested in the most exploitable, dramatic disasters that can be sensationalized for their agendas.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 06:31 AM
Well I guess you should have went out and set off an anthrax bomb, I`m pretty sure that`s never been covered: An anthrax bomb (is there such thing?) in the midst of the worst flood in 500 years? Now THAT would be a hot scoop! Not only is the water flooding everywhere, but its been spiked with anthrax! See, now if you had been thinking ahead you might have been better prepared for this disaster and could have brought the death toll (tool?) far beyond the 50 mark...come on, git wit it, foo!

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