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Debate: Should We Fear or Welcome Alien Contact?

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posted on May, 4 2010 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by True-seer

I am a witness of 2 U.F.O. sightings so I know what it is like to want answers I get the I have been dropped in to my bed feeling every night I wish i had any answers to your subject.

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by tauempire

Same happens with me mate, it cant be helped this site ecourages thinking

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by tauempire

Originally posted by True-seer
reply to post by tauempire

well if everyone theory on the goverment already contacting them is true, wouldnt the goverment have allowed them to take samples on us, and observations, atleast thats what all the popular beliefs are.

I dont care if our governments allowed them....the governments dont represent humanity our those individuals that were tortured and mind raped(assuming the stories are true).

and if they did the stupid mfers could have destroyed our race anyways...they even sent out a blood sample in space.

the aliens could make a weapon to specifically target our nano-robots.....THIS IS WHY YOU DONT MAKE CONTACT!

even michio kaku says not to seek them out!

But why does making it across the universe make them smarter or more advanced in military warfare. Instead of basing things off of what we think, we should base them off of things we know or hypothetical.

What if a bunch of space tards figured out how to bend space by playing combining toothpaste with ballet movements. I know this sounds silly, but my point is, just because someone figured out a concept that another has yet to grasp, doesn't immediately mean that they'll know everything. The mayans tracked the heavens but didn't ( I think ) have flush toilets. See my Point?

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 11:30 PM
How can we have a rational discussion about an unknown? Should we fear pink pickles from Venus?

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by AllIsOne
How can we have a rational discussion about an unknown? Should we fear pink pickles from Venus?

Only if said pickles are capable of tickling..........Mulligan

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by Buddyweiser

I have way too many wierd experiences and i always get really bad migraines soo after a sighting. i always thought it was because my brain couldnt process the information.

All this made me who i am today and made my views on this subject clear

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 11:33 PM
I see that most people's decision as to whether or not to fear alien contact hinges on a single point: Are they good or evil?

Well, can we know if they would be good or evil? YES!

I will explain, but first I should start with some clarifying definitions:

Resources: Anything that you believe is yours (correctly or not). And by anything I literally mean ANYTHING. This means not just physical possessions and property, but also ideas, feelings (such as well-being, security, pride or happiness) labor, your rights, life, etc. Anything that you claim is "Yours".

Evil: Anything that takes your resources from you without anything in return.

Good: Anything that shares or gives their resources to you.

Think about those definitions and you will see how all species and peoples of this world interact with each other and determine if something or someone is friend or foe.

Knowing this, what happens when a species or peoples lay claim to the same resource? Quite simply, that's what a fight is. Whether just an argument or an all out war.

So lets look at the history of not just human contact with other humans, but of other species. What is the first thing that is done? They see what resources the another entity has and uses, and whether or not they are a threat to their resources. Do they want what I got? Friend or foe? If they are trying to take your resources then you will battle.

If the other entity is not a threat to your resources, then you will naturally see if they have resources that you want.

If they do have something you want then that brings us to an important point: If you can communicate with them (in any form), then you can negotiate, and you probably will. If you cannot, then a risk/reward assessment will be done to determine if you can just take the resource with a net gain. Can you kick their butt without too much loss?

Unfortunately, if you can kick their butt you will most likely see negotiations as a waste of time. You may trade and contract for a while but at some point the thought of just taking the resource without fulfilling your end will come to mind. And then there is war.

What you don't see is an entity that just gives up it's resources without ANYTHING in return. Quite honestly, if there was such an entity, it would not survive very long, with it's energy and resources depleted.

Next important point for those who think alien contact would be welcome: Why do you really want contact? If you are honest, it is because you want THEIR resources. Whether it be knowledge, protection, enlightenment, or physical resources. It is because of something YOU WANT. You probably did not consider what you would have to GIVE or share. And if you do not have something to give in return, then you are foe. You are also foe if they can kick your butt and just take what you have without negotiation. Do you really think aliens would be coming here to give us resources? That would be certain death of their species.

There is a small possibility we could communicate with real understanding and therefore negotiate, but that is the unlikely scenario. Furthermore, contracts will likely fail once the stronger no longer wishes to be bothered with negotiations. Might take time but it will eventually happen History proves

We know they consume resources because they exist, and we know they are stronger and more intelligent because they found us first

It's all about resources folks. Look at history, look at your behavior when you find a roach in your kitchen. Look at what happens when someone lays claim to your water, land, or labor. The only things that entities do not discard are those things that provide a resource to them. This is how the entity is able to continue it's existence. We want from them, they will want from us.

Evil is not a state of being. It is an entity that wants your resources without giving anything in return. They will not expend energy to come here and give us resources. They will want something that is ours.

[edit on 4-5-2010 by TattarrattaT]

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by True-seer

I am very alert now that I am awake because of this site I feel that because of that I am experiencing things I would not if I was part of the norm thank you for this post it makes me happy to see others that feel or experience the same feelings.

[edit on 4-5-2010 by Buddyweiser]

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by True-seer

Yeah, I get the lost hearing, and then high pitched noises. And then I hear a voice that says," Kill all your co-workers, they are on to you. They know too much and they all must perish. They're against you."

Just kidding, I dabble intensly in music so all day long I hear the most pleasant of sounds. Minus the voices about co-workers................................

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by Buddyweiser

Your post means alot as does your opinion, they have (tptb) and we have The people who are not blind.

everyday we get more people like us opening thier eys on this stuff. its only a matter of time till we get the truth.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 12:01 AM
I don't think we should fear contact with Extra-Terrestrial inteligences, truly if they wanted to enslave or conquer us they would've done so many years back....speaking of enslavement has everyone done their taxes, and put enough fuel in their cars so they can get by...honestly we're already enslaved by our own doing, like cell phones, Blackberries, internet etc...all the things we take so much for granted, and can't live without so to speak.
So the ET's don't have to conquer or enslave us cause we do it very well to ourselves.
Perhapes the ET's could guide us to a better living condition, maybe that's why there's always a campaign to make us fear them

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 12:04 AM
Yes I support the reasonable response of a senior Physicist over that of a UFO channeler who's bread is buttered by true believers. Not that I am not a true believer I hang my hat on the Belgian wave. It was either ET or super black budget technology there are no other explanations that make sense to me. The dangers posed by interaction with an intelligence much more advanced than ours are manifold, ET germs, Philosophy, History and Technology. would pose dangers to our Health, Will, and Identity. And that is presuming that their intentions were benign.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 12:15 AM
I ran out of space on the last post so I wanted to make sure my point came across here:

It is unlikely that we will have anything to give them in return (that we will want to give them), therefore, according to my definition of evil, WE will be evil to THEM, and naturally foes. We will want something from them without being able to give anything back. We will be their evil.

Sure, we can share our knowledge if they would want it. But how long would that last? What could we really give them in the end? Look at the previous posts up to this point - The welcomers all are hoping to get something from the aliens.

Even if we gave them our measly bits of knowledge, once they had it, they would turn to wanting our physical resources. I can't think of a scenario where that would be ok.

Many posts are even about how humans are not evil and are ultimately benevolent. That is the ego talking. We are only good so far as our resources are abundant. As soon as there is a depletion, very nice people will justify doing very bad things because the OTHER person is trying to take THEIR resources. The flip side of this is that the person with resources is evil because they will not share their (perceived) abundance. Those that will not share their resources will be characterized as evil because they are unwilling to share. They are selfish and hoarders and hungry for power - aka resource control. (Do you hate those evil rich people?)

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by Dwellewd

It doesn't matter if they are stupid and happen to discover interstellar space travel. What matters is that they will be able to come here and we won't be able to go there.

Even if they did teach us how to go to them, would we be going to them with the idea to give them stuff? Or would we be going with our own gain in mind?

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 12:22 AM
Another thing Hawkins mentions is that most likely the ET's would be seeking another home or resources for themselves...if this is the case then contact would've already be made, cause the first thing that a traveling civilization would do if they needed resources or a Home is seek the ones who have control over said resources and large chunks of land, and there you have it from those few words that Hawkins said, government leadership would've been contacted, then it would be the leadership's decision on whether to tell the populous about the meeting...since the leadership wouldn't need the peoples help...basically in could be handled within the echelon of world leadership...fascinating our own common sense can fill in the blanks.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by mlejeune
I don't think we should fear contact with Extra-Terrestrial inteligences, truly if they wanted to enslave or conquer us they would've done so many years back...

This is one statement that really makes me laugh, not just from yourself and please dont take it as an attack. When I hear all the comments saying that they have been here for years and they are so advanced and then yours. How can that assumption be made , I mean really how do you know this . All you're really doing is taking a shot in the dark and assuming . It is arrogant i believe to try and predict the intentions and the abilities of the unknown. Because to everyone here in ATS and pretty much everyone on the planet That is what ET life is , unknown. Ok there may be top dogs in the white house and parliment that have knowledge that we are not aware of but at the end of the day it really is just speculation . Until WE as a people get to see the hard proof when it's staring us in the face it is foolish to make such statements on either side of the fence.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 12:41 AM
My Analysis of the Situation Regarding Alien Entities

I believe that it is impossible for life to magically spring up from chemicals. It really doesn't happen. Evolution definitely does happen, as the life forms on this planet as we know them are able to adapt through experience, just like human culture does, using the same process really - something that I would venture has everything to do with quantum mechanics, parallel universes and string theory, and even some philosophies of thermodynamics.

Therefore, something out there must program in double-helix. Our DNA strands certainly *seem* to be some kind of code that, in my opinion, if we had the right operating system and interface, could be uploaded and then manipulated just like a floppy drive containing the code for some kind of computer game. Basically, the biological entities we see on earth are kind of like robots engineered by intelligent designers - and no, I am not a religious nut. The only difference is, they are somehow able to access free will in order to learn through experience (once again, in my opinion, through visualizing parallel universes in order to make choices) and from those choices, the less effective ones are weeded out simply by being less effective.

The same thing happens with human culture. People band together and form ideals to follow, and these ideals are written down in books or passed on from generation to generation in order to continue their journey through time, evolving as mistakes are made, and eventually giving rise to a culture that has learned enough from experience to be effective.

If I were to guess, one possibility is that at least some alien races out there are extremely short on culture and have started to decay. They simply cannot figure out a healthy way to run their empire. They might even be short on creativity and spirituality. Therefore, why not create something else to continue the work where they have failed, basically a gigantic quantum super-computer formed of human beings especially designed to be spiritually connected to the multiverse in huge doses so that they can evolve a culture that could eventually be adapted to keep the aliens from decaying completely. This is only one possibility.

Another possibility is that in addition to, or instead of, the race of decaying aliens without a balanced philosophy, there is a race of humans that either spawned from Earth or share a lineage.

At any rate, the real important thing that I am almost completely certain of is that if aliens do exist, and if they have the transportation to get here, they most certainly already know we are here and most certainly are already involved in some kind of multi-system government, or more than one.

It would simply be ridiculously retarded if they never bothered scouting the solar system we live in. In fact, they would probably even have the technology to scan solar systems from their homeworld to determine which ones would be suitable for life so that their scouting operations would be just that much more efficient.

The situation where we accidentally send out a signal announcing our presense, and then some alien race in the neighboring star says "Oh look! There is life there, let's go there next week" just doesn't make sense.

Basically, if aliens with the transportation to get here do exist, then the reason we don't know about them is because either they don't want us to know about them, the government of earth doesn't want us to know about them, or the human race in general is so closed-minded and obsessed over their own culture (mentioned earlier) that an alien could slap them in the face and they wouldn't know because they didn't WANT to know.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 12:43 AM
Welcome aliens...but have a backup plan in case the SHTF!

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by dualsweat
Welcome aliens...but have a backup plan in case the SHTF!

You know the annoying thing about what you just said is pal?
Is that you just said in one line what ive taken 2 posts and about 2500 words to say , koudos to you sir heyhey

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 12:51 AM

[edit on 5-5-2010 by 11118]

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