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Examining the Hash House Harriers

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posted on Oct, 19 2012 @ 04:44 PM
Hell of a discussion you have here.

I've only been hashing about 3 years, but it's been long enough to see both the good and bad of various kennels.

I'd be glad to answer any specific questions you may still have Afterthought, I didn't read through the entire 4 pages of this thread...

The hash is absolutely an escape for some. It's not perfect, but I can absolutely say that it's one of the best groups i've been a part of.


posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 12:41 PM
Hi, I'm an RA from the Chicago H3, I think you have some interesting points in your rants. Most appear to be inaccurate though. Specifically the Red Dress Runs being a Satanic Ritual? Here is the story of the RDR origin

As for our lack of contributions to society, my kennel volunteers at several events throughout the year, including the CPD Run to Remember, where we provide the water stop for the 5k. Another area kennel that I run with, the Thirstday H3 just did their Pink Dress charity run. We collected over $5000 for Imerman Angels from online donations, and collections during our run and our bar crawl.

Yeah, we don't seem to be your cup of tea, and I'm all for letting people know what we're about so they can choose if they want to join us, but I'm offended that you have gone out of your way to present the hash in such a negative light to try and scare people away from something they (like thousands of others) may enjoy.

Taste the Rainbow, CH3

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 12:41 PM
sorry, double post
edit on 21-10-2012 by TasteTheRainbow because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by TasteTheRainbow

I have to agree entirely with Taste The Rainbow (by the way, I had no idea you're the new RA, congrats). I read through several pages of this topic and I am surprised at the staggering fear mongering that is present. While I can agree that there is a fair amount of debauchery to be had while hashing, it is not at all Satan worship or anti-anything. In fact, it may be the most inclusive group that I've had the opportunity to see in memory. Sure they have traditions that are, if not unorthodox, parodies on established themes (Robert Rules of Order, Roman Catholicism, Military, etc.) but they all amount to (generally) harmless fun. Insofar as escapism is concerned, Hashing is whatever you want it to be: either a good workout with friends, a way to see cities you are visiting it the company of like-minded strangers, a release from the stresses of modern life, or a sense of community. Much the same can be said about Church socials or family reunions for example. At the end of the day, the people I know who hash (lawyers, graphic artists, graduate students, health-care professionals, biologists, enlisted men and women, accountants, and a homeless guy with a animal horn) are all very inclusive and entertaining folks who would gladly give back to the community (and do in their own way) but should not be punished for attending a social gathering without first tithing.

- FudgeKnuckles

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 04:30 PM
I find it hard to believe that a group is being run with any theme in mind. Hash kennels are not all alike. They all evolve.

The basic theme of running a trail and drinking beer are followed, but even that varies. These are autonomous groups for the most part. Cities might sort of band together a bit, but what happens in the US can and probably will be different from what happens elsewhere. You can't make generalizations.

Most Hashers do drink at hash events. No denying it. Some people drink and lose their inhibitions. Just like they may in a bar or at a backyard BBQ. Just because some of us heard of something wild happening elsewhere (a) doesn't mean it really happened - could be gossip and (b) doesn't mean it's a normal part of the hash or even approved of as acceptable behavior.

I have heard of wilder things happening (nothing Satanic). Flashing is about as bad as it gets where I hash and what's wrong with that? There are Christian nudist groups that see nudity and religion co-existing. It's one thing for a girl or guy to flash if that's all it is. And it's another to go and be promiscuous. Two different things. Some are, some aren't. Like anywhere. Look at all the teen pregnancies in the so-called Bible belt and red states from people who attend church regularly. I'm not gonna say church is the cause. It's emotions and impulses over logic.

Maybe if your friend didn't want you back it is because people see you have a preconceived negative notion of hashers. Maybe you start trouble and arguments when you go. Maybe you won't hear the other side. So inviting you back is ruining his reputation. I'm sure you are welcomed even if you aren't popular. And your friend is the one embarrassed, not the hash banning you.

We are not a secret society. Our websites often post the locations and start times of our events and all are welcome to show up. Around here we pay as we go, no membership. You show up, you'll pay maybe $5-$10 for the run that day/night and you have to pay again next time. Where does the money go? Towards buying beer. Sometimes food. What's wrong with that? Why does an organization have to do everything or even anything for charity? Whether we choose to is our business. And some kennels don't even collect money. It's BYOB.

We have a bank account for our kennel. We need it to fund hashes. That involves buying beer and food. We outlay the money up front to buy these things and collect money from whoever shows up and hope to cover expenses. If we have a surplus (and sometimes we don't), the money gets saved in case we run low another week. If too much money accumulates, we have a party and use the money to fund it. And no, we're not tax exempt.

I don't think anybody considers the hash a religion although we sometimes parody parts of religion. You say we pray to G. I've never seen it. We have an annual hash to celebrate his birthday and that's about as far as mention of G goes around here.

We have people who find it addicting because it's fun. You exercise which is good for you and then you hang out with friends afterwards. You share laughs and smiles.

Our local naming ceremony is very different. We have everybody say goodbye to "nerd name" and hello to "hasher name" and then the newly named hasher drinks a beer. Sometimes we sprinkle flour or beer on their head. I'm told some places don't even have hasher names. And we don't use our hasher names except around other hashers. So we don't "relinquish" our given names, just in the hash.

From place to place, you'll find different people, different traditions. So it's not that I'm hiding anything. I can only speak for what I've seen. If most people are saying their group is not bad, why not accept it? And know that the wild rumors may be just rumors or aberrations that are much different from the normal kennels enjoyed by most hashers.

If anything resembles some conspiracy, I'm sure it's coincidence. A conspiracy would have to have conspirators. People from around the nation or globe to conspire with. I've been on the management team before and trust me, there's no such thing. If somebody wants to start a new kennel, all they do is announce it. I'm gonna be here at this time, cost is whatever. You lay a trail, viola! A kennel is born. No secret deals, no consulting some world organization.

I can see why people might find similarities to religious cults. Traditions, our own lingo, etc. I could say the same of the Boy Scouts.

I find this group extremely fun. And so lacking in problems and egos found in other clubs I've been in. At least where I live.

Please don't take my word for it. Look up your local Hash House Harriers and experience them for yourself. If you aren't too uptight, you'll probably enjoy it. Come here and tell us what you thought.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 08:30 AM
Oh, and a few more things.

As far as the makeup of people in my area, I'd say the most common professions are computer programmers and nurses. NOT doctors, lawyers, heads of state, etc. Not to say those types of people don't hash here and there. We might have one lawyer who does real estate law, but he's not a partner.

But the hash is open to anybody who wants to come run. And at times, that has brought in other people that might have more prestige in society.

Mostly, we get the opposite of the leader types. Because the hash has a bit of a raunchy reputation, those people with images to protect don't really come out to hash, in my experience. So you don't get lawyers, CEOs, politicians, etc. You get average people with regular jobs.

In another article you mention that KGB agents were hashers? So what? The hash is a concept that goes beyond national borders. Was the Catholic church evil because members of the Nazi party were Catholics? Does a religion practiced around the world mean it's being influenced by other governments just because government personnel may be a part of that religion in a foreign country? You are grasping at straws to try to come to conspiratorial conclusions.

I don't even know whether it's true. Give us some non-anecdotal proof. IF KGB agents were hashers, it would not bother me. Everybody, even KGB agents, does things for fun. Suppose a KGB member was part of a world-wide bicycling club because he liked to bike. Does that mean the bike organization is corrupted?

I mean, even if the KGB were part of hash groups over in Russia, how would that spread to the US? As stated before, each kennel is different. There is no controlling group or organization except at the kennel level. Possibly the city level. But an autonomous group operating in Russia that happens to have KGB agents has no affect on an autonomous group operating in the US.

You know it's strange how you're asking for proof that hashes do charity. How about a little proof about anything other than hashes can be a little raunchy? You launch into coincidences and try to tie them together into a theory. How about proof? Saying G is used by masons and that G for Gispert has the same meaning is not by coincidence. Prove it.

Your arguments are equivalent to things like, oh here, let me make one up right now. You're on a website that starts with www. W is the 23rd letter of the alphabet. 2 x 3 = 6. So that means www stands for 666. Argh! This site bears the mark of the beast! And you're posting on it. That means you are part of a Luciferian cult.
edit on 23-10-2012 by excultmember because: grammar and punctuation.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 07:04 PM
The replies are interesting. I expected to have things turned around to appear as if I'm the one grasping at straws, but the part tht I find extremely interesting is the fact that hashers have the ability to gauge "lies".
Most of you who have replied have stated that the instances I've mentioned are most likely lies, but I know this isn't true because I have heard of these activites from direct testimony and I have also linked to statements that appear to be factual because the activities are being commented on by a hasher. Why would one of your members even bother wasting time to comment on something that never actually happened?
When people are confronted with the truth, their first defense is to say that it's all lies and fantasy. I don't blame any of you for being embarrassed for some of the things that go on at the parties -- especially the ones where the host has hired security to guard the grounds. Why security needs to be hired is telling in itself. I've been to some crazy parties, but none of the hists ever needed this height of protection.

Anther thing that bothers me is that hashers enjoy taunting "civilians", or those who aren't members, but are in the immediate vicinity of where they are partakign or traveling. This is mentioned in the blog I referred to in my previous post where the blogger mentions how some very vulgar songs and mooning occurred on a train and that several children were on the train during this incident. Where on Earth is this appropriate? It's hive mind at it's best. Even if certain hashers don't agree with this type of behavior, they will most join in because they don't want to disappoint their friends. You don't have to be a psychiatrist to see that this "going along with the group" is an obvious display of low self-esteem.

Speaking of low self-esteem, why do the Harriets happily call themselves bimbos, whores, and trash? What happened in their childhood to make them think that this is normal?
Regarding the men in the hash, why are they attracted to women with such horrible self images? I guess it's a control thing. As long as you're with a woman who feels inferior, the man will always feel superior. Again, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to come to this conclusion. It's a warped mindset and I can't believe that this is viewed as healthy behavior. Trust me, I used to have low self-esteem, then I woke up and ditched my friends who acted just like all of you.

Another thing that I find disturbing is that the blog I linked to in my last post goes on a ridiculous rant about how he furnished photos to a woman who claimed to be a hasher, which she was in fact used to be. Then, he states that she "tricked" him because she needed these photos for her divorce because her husband had their children at this event where people where performing vulgar sex acts. He was irate that she used these photos to gain leverage in their divorce to illustrate that her husband is not a fit parent. I'm not saying that this is the whole story. Maybe she was there, too. The point I'm getting at is WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!?!!?! What parent in their right mind, even if using half their mind, exposes their children to these type of activities? On what planet does someone NOT use any and all evidence to gain leverage in a custody battle.
Hashers seem to be under the impression that they have an expectation of privacy during their parties. You do not! Wake up! You don't think that one or more kennels have been infiltrated by people who care more about children than your right to have fun? Get real and grow up.

I'm not trying to say that I'm perfect. I will freely admit that I have done things that I'm not proud of. I used to be a horrible binge drinker and I'm surprised that I didn't kill myself. I'll also admit that I have been taken advantage of by men who plied me with alcohol, Men who had been my friends for two or more years before "making their move". What makes you people above this type of behavior? Why are all of you so snowed to think this type of stuff doesn't happen at your parties? I'm glad I did wake up and realize that I'm better than the people I was hanging with and found new friends who genuinely cared about me. It honestly seems as though all of you are hell bent on continuing the abuse and even go so far as to act as though it's normal or doesn't exist.
If a bunch of former harriets suddenly gathered their strength and came forward about sex crimes and such that happened at these parties, even if you yourself didn't partake in these violations, are you prepared to go down with you friends? Would you just assume that these women must be lying? Would you blindly stand beside your friends?

You people can go ahead and slam me all you want for writing this thread. It was an honest analysis into how and why the hash was started with the little bit of evidence provided by people who probably don't care how and why it came to be. (cont)

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 07:10 PM
I wrote this thread for the women who might be interested in joining. I wrote it to give them a better idea of what they're getting themselves involved in. If a woman joins the group because this really is her idea of a good time, I pity her and hope she finds real love and acceptance eventually.

This is the last time I'm going to visit this thread. Go ahead and continue to slam me or whatever else you feel inclined to do as it appears to be the typcial hash trademark behavior. Just remember, if you're unhappy with the way the hash is being portrayed, you only have yourselves to blame as your own members are the ones creaing all the "misconceptions" and "lies". Just as you all know, the really bad stuff never actually happens, right?

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought
I wrote this thread for the women who might be interested in joining. I wrote it to give them a better idea of what they're getting themselves involved in. If a woman joins the group because this really is her idea of a good time, I pity her and hope she finds real love and acceptance eventually.

This is the last time I'm going to visit this thread. Go ahead and continue to slam me or whatever else you feel inclined to do as it appears to be the typcial hash trademark behavior. Just remember, if you're unhappy with the way the hash is being portrayed, you only have yourselves to blame as your own members are the ones creaing all the "misconceptions" and "lies". Just as you all know, the really bad stuff never actually happens, right?

Well Afterthought, I bet it is not your last post here.

There are plenty of women in Hash House Harriers world wide.
My wife and I both run (now walk) with the HHH here in New Zealand. and yes we have hash names.
We have a saying here that goes as follows:
"If real people scare you, join Hash House Harriers".

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought
I wrote this thread for the women who might be interested in joining. I wrote it to give them a better idea of what they're getting themselves involved in. If a woman joins the group because this really is her idea of a good time, I pity her and hope she finds real love and acceptance eventually.

This is the last time I'm going to visit this thread. Go ahead and continue to slam me or whatever else you feel inclined to do as it appears to be the typcial hash trademark behavior. Just remember, if you're unhappy with the way the hash is being portrayed, you only have yourselves to blame as your own members are the ones creaing all the "misconceptions" and "lies". Just as you all know, the really bad stuff never actually happens, right?

And yes I have sat with a bare bum on ice whilsts drinking a beer and I have partaken in boozy games.
None as boozy however, as a "beer pong" game in a casino in Vegas after New Orleans won Superbowl.
And that day did not include and hashers beside my wife and I.

Another hash tradition is that when you turn up with new running shoes, you get to drink beer out of them after the run.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by Sailor Sam

Yeah, you're right. I came here to edit some misspellings and saw your prompt post, so I'll entertain your remarks.

Let's talk about fear. Fear is discussed often on ATS, but not in a good way. Most ATSers are well aware that our elite rulers use fear as a catalyst to gain control over others. The best example is the threat of terrorist acts. As long as we're kept in fear, they can do whatever they want, which directly results in our loss of freedoms. When people are kept in a state of fear, their vibrational frequencies are kept low. This is not connected to a healthy state of mind and well being. When people are not in fear, the body's frequency is high, which results in a healthy state of mind and the body functions properly.
I can honestly say that not many things frighten me. It's truly a waste of time and keeps you closest to being a slave to sociopaths and psychopaths.

Many testimonials I've read from hashers state that their first time hashing, they did experience fear. This is also the first step to breaking someone down so they can be reprogrammed according to how the group sees fit. We see this in society, which has resulted in our wonderful TSA where adults and children are forced to succumb to being groped by strangers. This is disgusting and shouldn't be allowed. We've taught children for decades that nobody has a right to touch you, but now they're getting mixed messages and will be confused. I'm sure you can see where this leads. If you want you freedom and safety, it's OK to allow strangers to touch you.

Chaos and discourse is being promoted by the elite, but fear must be accomplished first.
The hash also promotes fear, chaos, and discourse.
Thanks for helping add validity to this warped situation we're seeing in the world today.

Please research vibrational frequencies.

edit on 23-10-2012 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by Sailor Sam

Another hash tradition is that when you turn up with new running shoes, you get to drink beer out of them after the run.

How much you wanna bet that this "coach" was a bona fide Harriet?

Tahoe coach makes players drink out of shoe

What great judgement this "coach" has!

Granted, she didn't make them drink alcohol, but it seems as though some hash practices/hazing rituals have leaked into society so that they're now being used on children. Just great.

Thanks for bringing that up so this article could be addressed.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

Funny, I never felt fear when joining Hash House Harriers for the first time. It was a fun day, I ran the trail, had a few beers and went home with my wife.
So you are equating the tongue in cheek message abour real people scaring you as a statement saying that we should be scared of Hash House Harriers.
What a twisted mind you have, no wonder you never were part of Hash House Harriers, you appear to be one of the real people that other people should be scared of.

posted on Oct, 23 2012 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by Sailor Sam
reply to post by Afterthought

Funny, I never felt fear when joining Hash House Harriers for the first time. It was a fun day, I ran the trail, had a few beers and went home with my wife.
So you are equating the tongue in cheek message abour real people scaring you as a statement saying that we should be scared of Hash House Harriers.
What a twisted mind you have, no wonder you never were part of Hash House Harriers, you appear to be one of the real people that other people should be scared of.

Real people scaring me? I have a twisted mind?
Just as I stated earlier. I was going to get attacked. Thanks again for verifying exactly what I'm talking about.
I was very candid in my post replying to all the other posts and this is how you address to me?
As I said, I expected this.
I see I've hit a nerve with you and I'm sure you didn't appreciate me bringing up that article in response to your comment about drinking out of a shoe. If you were a mature man, you would've replied in regards to the article.
I do keep my guard up around people because I've met some scary ones. I've met people who did things I thought they weren't capable of. One thing I do that most don't is that I listen to that little voice inside my head. If people make me uncomfortable, my gut is telling me I should be. I've traveled to many places alone and I've always enjoyed meeting new people, but I'll always avoid groups because this is where I've noticed the most destructive people.
Again, you think I'm scared of you people? Do you really think that a scared person would be willing to take on such a topic knowing that hashers would flock to it like flies on.... ?
I'm no stranger to people like those in the hash. I just don't like seeing people get hurt. I also don't like seeing children and animals get hurt because someone thinks it's fun and normal.
So, do tell. What do you find so scary about me? Feel free to visit my other threads. You'll see that I have no problem asking for help when I need it and I also have no problem speaking up for those who can't.
I have self-respect, I trust my instincts, and know the difference between right and wrong.
The biggest problem with the world right now is that morals and values have gone down the drain. The hash is helping this along. You don't have to be religious to have morals, but you do have to have respect for yourself and others to be a truly good person.
Regarding the fear that I mentioned in regards to one's first hash, I didn't make this up. All you have to do is a bit of research and you'll see that hashers themselves state this in their interviews/testimonials.
Like I stated earlier, this is all things I've researched on hash blogs and websites. I just can't make this stuff up.
If hashers don't want people discussing and questioning their activities, they should take down all their websites. That way, people like myself won't be scaring you all.

posted on Oct, 24 2012 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

Well Afterthought - stay living in your miserable life - I will enjoy Hashing in all its forms till I die.
You started of decrying HHH and now taht you are on teh receiving end you cry "foul".
You are the typical bully that gets bullied back and can't stand it.

On On!!

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by Afterthought

The reason your post is getting some renewed attention is because a handful of hashers have posted it on Facebook and are having a laugh at your expense.

As you sated in your original post, you don't really know anything about the Hash House Harriers. You've picked up some of the basics online and added your own assumptions and what could best be described as fantasies.

Several hashers have been kind enough to answer your questions. Your responses to them leads me to believe that you are either trolling, or there is something a bit wrong with you. Mentally speaking, of course.

To give you an idea how comical your posts sound, it's no different than if you tried to tell a group of Israeli soldiers what it's like to be in the Israeli military. Or if you told Neil Armstrong what it's like to walk on the moon. You're clueless and very likely will forever remain so.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 06:33 PM
To those who are having a laugh at me, please feel free. It doesn't bother me in the least.
In a world ruled by crazies, the sane will be called crazy by those who are truly crazy.

I recently watched the following video, and this investigator's findings are eerily parallel to my own theory on what's actually going on. I think Sailor Sam will find this video especially interesting because it is about the activities in New Zealand. His investigation has uncovered sexual blackmail, the KGB, drug trafficking, paedophilia, and several other things that I have discussed in relation to the true roots and activities of H3. This investigator's findings even go back as far as the 1930s just as mine do. I doubt any of you will watch it, but I hope you will. Is it that far fetched to believe that H3 was indeed created as just a branch of the same tree we're seeing here? I don't believe so, but then again, I'm just someone who's only worth laughing at and poking fun at.
I do realize that it's frightening to think that some of you have unknowingly been involved with something much darker than you ever imagined. Just remember, it's not too late to get out.

posted on Oct, 25 2012 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

Upon closer inspection, I see that this website is dedicated to conspiracy theorists and what most people would consider nuts. So at least now I can see where you're coming from.

Putting sanity aside (or the lack thereof), there's still something to be said for general intelligence. The link you posted made no mention of the Hash House Harriers. Granted, it did mention pedophilia and other various vile acts, but I fail to see how posting a link to some other nut ranting about New Zealand's government proves anything about the Hash House Harriers.

To be fair, I didn't play the video backwards. And I don't have a brainwave decoder to read hidden thoughts. So there's a good chance I could have missed something that isn't really there.

And for what it's worth, posting links to a guy who claims Hitler was a British agent isn't going to get you far with anyone outside of a padded room. Just sayin'.

posted on Oct, 26 2012 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

Afterthought wrote:
I wrote this thread for the women who might be interested in joining. I wrote it to give them a better idea of what they're getting themselves involved in. If a woman joins the group because this really is her idea of a good time, I pity her and hope she finds real love and acceptance eventually.


How sexist of you! These poor, poor women can't figure out whether it's just an innocent fun group or not for themselves. And shame on them if they like it.

And again with your preconceived notions. Anybody who actually feels this is all innocent fun is either delusional or lying. Just because some of us are more evolved from your prudish thinking doesn't mean it's bad for us.

But, you've made up your own mind and despite testimonies to the contrary, you will dismiss it all. I'm sorry you're so damaged yourself. I do pity you. It must be horrible to be so afraid of what is different and what doesn't make sense in your world.

IMO, the US would do better with more open-mindedness.

posted on Oct, 28 2012 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by Afterthought
To those who are having a laugh at me, please feel free. It doesn't bother me in the least.
In a world ruled by crazies, the sane will be called crazy by those who are truly crazy.

I recently watched the following video, and this investigator's findings are eerily parallel to my own theory on what's actually going on. I think Sailor Sam will find this video especially interesting because it is about the activities in New Zealand. His investigation has uncovered sexual blackmail, the KGB, drug trafficking, paedophilia, and several other things that I have discussed in relation to the true roots and activities of H3. This investigator's findings even go back as far as the 1930s just as mine do. I doubt any of you will watch it, but I hope you will. Is it that far fetched to believe that H3 was indeed created as just a branch of the same tree we're seeing here? I don't believe so, but then again, I'm just someone who's only worth laughing at and poking fun at.
I do realize that it's frightening to think that some of you have unknowingly been involved with something much darker than you ever imagined. Just remember, it's not too late to get out.

Just stay miserable then and wallow in your pathetic conspiracy theories.
We will just continue have fun.
No Hasher that I know (and I know a fair few) wants to rule the world, take over governments and destroy humanity, or f**k children.
Hell we don't even have nukes, just beer cans.
We just have fun, drink beer and be happy.
So I say to you - Continue to have a miserable life.
Not being happy is obviouslynot something you aspire to.
edit on 28-10-2012 by Sailor Sam because: spelling

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