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Just Ask? I can predict the future.

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posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 11:54 PM
Finally no more Questions.
I'm ready to ask, so just ask, and I'll see if I feel like responding.

posted on Sep, 2 2010 @ 11:54 PM

[edit on 3-9-2010 by sirbikesalot06]

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 01:26 AM
I always miss you!

I suspect that questions personal to the querent aren't your favorite, but still I'll give it a go. I've asked you previously about my situation and you've given me good info. In your last, you said that my general happiness is lacking and this is preventing me from moving forward - out of unemployment specifically, but I assume this to be true in other aspects too.

Can you tell me more about my happiness, where it went, and what is blocking it? Anything you can see will be of great help to me. I know you don't do private messages, but do feel free to do so, if this looks too personal for public posting.

If this really is just too boring to waste your energy on, maybe you can tell us about this "flu" that's going around (here, at least) where you feel as though you should have the flu but somehow you don't feel sick at all. It's a very weird thing, I must say.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 01:32 PM
Well your not the only one. When I first started to predict for other people. There was this one person from India. He wanted to know about his love and I told him, that his love would wear a red dress. I got the day wrong, but he encounter this girl. The only problem is that she underage. That I didn't pick up, but I felt that they really did knew each other and had feeling for each other. But I didn't quite take in account of past lives experience that I was seeing and feeling.

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
I always miss you!

I suspect that questions personal to the querent aren't your favorite, but still I'll give it a go. I've asked you previously about my situation and you've given me good info. In your last, you said that my general happiness is lacking and this is preventing me from moving forward - out of unemployment specifically, but I assume this to be true in other aspects too.

Can you tell me more about my happiness, where it went, and what is blocking it? Anything you can see will be of great help to me. I know you don't do private messages, but do feel free to do so, if this looks too personal for public posting.

If this really is just too boring to waste your energy on, maybe you can tell us about this "flu" that's going around (here, at least) where you feel as though you should have the flu but somehow you don't feel sick at all. It's a very weird thing, I must say.

Your looking for destiny. that not something easy to find, I feel that, like me, you'll be skipping those moments where you need to make this or that decision on achieving it. And since we have an over abundance
of free will, that inlines the problem. It's just like that Adromeda episode where Captain Hunt gets told by this dude "figure it out for your self."
Like you, I'm unemployed too and partly because of my own decisions.

I feel that your doomed to go down this route regardless of wanting to change it. You lack balance of yin and yang. To much Yang in my opinion.
You want money, mainly that, but here's the catch I come to find out that somewhat sucks. "Money should be the last worry on your list." Can't quite do anything with it. Can't do anything with out it.

posted on Sep, 3 2010 @ 01:32 PM
[edit on 3-9-2010 by sirbikesalot06]

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 01:12 AM
I do know very well that predictions depend on so very many things. You do amazingly well, considering all the variables out there. It's a pity the others haven't seen it that way. It cracks me up when you get it "wrong" too, because I understand what you're seeing and why you interpret it that way. Like the guy you said was a slutty girl. I could totally see that and he was just there shouting that you're a fraud. Hilarious!

You are completely right on yang excess and all the rest, from where I sit. Choices. Yes, far too many. There are so many things I could do, but none seem quite satisfactory *enough* to make the effort needed to really move it along. This country is filled to the brim with bureaucracy and I just can't figure out all the red tape.

I must say though about money that over the past couple of years I have learned that enough is enough. There is little that I personally need or want. When I want more money, it's so that I can spoil my kids. But truly, I wish people would understand that the world would work better and more nicely without money or even the concept of money. It isn't necessary and it prevents us from growing into spiritually mature beings.

That has been a huge lesson to me because money always came to me somehow very easily. Then I got too much too easily for too long. I let it run through my fingers like water. I got myself into credit debt. Now I'm trying to work myself out of the last bit of it, but it's really hard. After this long the interest keeps bumping it back up after each payment.

But these are the lessons and this is how they teach us deep in our souls. I feel and have been told that I haven't been here for a long time. Where I've been doesn't use money nor that concept. It was "outgrown".

Why are you unemployed? Surely you could start up a brilliant psychic service. Get a few ads in the local paper or online somewhere and start it up! There are quite a lot of people doing it and they might not even be as accurate as you are.

Okay, one more question: I've kind of decided to start a service. Can you see how that would go? I have a real problem with pricing my work too - always have.
Any further info is gratefully received. I wish I could do something in return for your help.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 02:54 AM
My father once said that my mother a few years ago (not sure how long ago) my mother asked to see me when I was older, to see how I would turn out. He said that she was allowed to see me, im not sure if she met my future self, but im guessing this took place on a date past today . If this is true, will I ever see this event unfold? or would I still not notice it since she would just be an observer?

[edit on 4-9-2010 by MConnalley]

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by sirbikesalot06

What do you make of this prediction?

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 07:06 PM
Hi, Thanks for doing this for us, its a nice thing to do for people that are interested in knowing what might be coming.

Well for me i guess my question would be, do you think i will be happy in my future?

Thank you Sir

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 07:26 PM
How can you say the future if not written in stone when you say that when given a choice you see several paths. Everything that happens to you is written in stone and will come to be based off of what choices you make. From the mundane to important decisions small and large will all determine which path you go down. Otherwise how would you be able to see any path, you wouldn't be able to. If there is no future there is nothing for you to see.

posted on Sep, 4 2010 @ 08:50 PM
Thanks for the insight, but looking for a diff. response from the thread, he is stating that he already knows the path i will take and therefore see's what i Will see. .."Just Ask? I can predict the future". Its gottton my attention anyway, i've been lurking for 5yrs and figured it was time to get involved here with all you great Ats'ers.

By the way cool Avatar you have Trekkr33777

Kind regards

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by Trekkr33777
How can you say the future if not written in stone when you say that when given a choice you see several paths. Everything that happens to you is written in stone and will come to be based off of what choices you make. From the mundane to important decisions small and large will all determine which path you go down. Otherwise how would you be able to see any path, you wouldn't be able to. If there is no future there is nothing for you to see.

I'm sorry that somebody has all ready decided to make that choice regardless of the outcome. That when it is written in stone.

when one is jumping here and there on this or that decision, that is thwne several or more paths are before the individual. That is when I cannot see there futre, just possible outcomes.

Fee will sucks, but it is better than the alternative

[edit on 5-9-2010 by sirbikesalot06]

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by ExplosiveForce
Thanks for the insight, but looking for a diff. response from the thread, he is stating that he already knows the path i will take and therefore see's what i Will see. .."Just Ask? I can predict the future". Its gottton my attention anyway, i've been lurking for 5yrs and figured it was time to get involved here with all you great Ats'ers.

By the way cool Avatar you have Trekkr33777

Kind regards

If you are going to reply to anybody or answer their questions, please use the same format that I 've used countless times.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by ExplosiveForce
Hi, Thanks for doing this for us, its a nice thing to do for people that are interested in knowing what might be coming.

Well for me i guess my question would be, do you think i will be happy in my future?

Thank you Sir

Only if you choose to forgive. Only if you choose to be happy and not allow the universe to say otherwise.

Sor for it mainly a yes, you fail to let the Univers get you down. Now don't let those cyclist get you down for doing critical mass. Join in and have a good time.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by jokei
reply to post by sirbikesalot06

What do you make of this prediction?


posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by MConnalley
My father once said that my mother a few years ago (not sure how long ago) my mother asked to see me when I was older, to see how I would turn out. He said that she was allowed to see me, im not sure if she met my future self, but im guessing this took place on a date past today . If this is true, will I ever see this event unfold? or would I still not notice it since she would just be an observer?

[edit on 4-9-2010 by MConnalley]

She saw you in a dream. And from the looks of it, you will be this person.

I see a person wearing a digital camaflouge uniform. i see a roadside bomb going off. You get badly burned and you loose an arm. Should have joined the Air force or the USCG. oh you do that, USCG, you get alot of girl.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
I do know very well that predictions depend on so very many things. You do amazingly well, considering all the variables out there. It's a pity the others haven't seen it that way. It cracks me up when you get it "wrong" too, because I understand what you're seeing and why you interpret it that way. Like the guy you said was a slutty girl. I could totally see that and he was just there shouting that you're a fraud. Hilarious!

You are completely right on yang excess and all the rest, from where I sit. Choices. Yes, far too many. There are so many things I could do, but none seem quite satisfactory *enough* to make the effort needed to really move it along. This country is filled to the brim with bureaucracy and I just can't figure out all the red tape.

I must say though about money that over the past couple of years I have learned that enough is enough. There is little that I personally need or want. When I want more money, it's so that I can spoil my kids. But truly, I wish people would understand that the world would work better and more nicely without money or even the concept of money. It isn't necessary and it prevents us from growing into spiritually mature beings.

That has been a huge lesson to me because money always came to me somehow very easily. Then I got too much too easily for too long. I let it run through my fingers like water. I got myself into credit debt. Now I'm trying to work myself out of the last bit of it, but it's really hard. After this long the interest keeps bumping it back up after each payment.

But these are the lessons and this is how they teach us deep in our souls. I feel and have been told that I haven't been here for a long time. Where I've been doesn't use money nor that concept. It was "outgrown".

Why are you unemployed? Surely you could start up a brilliant psychic service. Get a few ads in the local paper or online somewhere and start it up! There are quite a lot of people doing it and they might not even be as accurate as you are.

Okay, one more question: I've kind of decided to start a service. Can you see how that would go? I have a real problem with pricing my work too - always have.
Any further info is gratefully received. I wish I could do something in return for your help.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 04:11 AM
College costs. And I absolutely hate sitting in classrooms being spoonfed crap other people think they know. Studying something in my own manner and of my own choosing is fine, but listening to others tell what they learned from someone else who also learned it from someone else and so on throughout all time just doesn't appeal to me. Look at the state of the world - if we know so much, why has it all gone to hell?

Maybe we should all start thinking/doing in new ways. Maybe it's time for this old world to die. So much of what we "know" is just clearly wrong. So much more of it is of such low quality, so totally superficial, that it's really not worth knowing in the first place.

Tell me why this idea won't succeed then? It seems like a really nice thing, to me. I know if I were one of my intended clients, I'd be really pleased. It will allow me to do my healing work, which like you, I lose if I charge for it.

From what I hear, it is completely okay to do this if you take only donations. I just don't understand why that would be the case.

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 05:12 AM
Hi sirbikesalot06, I would be very grateful if you could answer 3 for me.

1: Will I find my partner and what will they be like?
2: Where do you see me in 5 years?
3: Do you have any advice for me ATM?

kind regards

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by sirbikesalot06

Thanks, and i appreciate the advice on the other post as well. Was wandering if you found the time if you might have an answer to a couple of others.
Curious what state i will be living in 5 yrs, and if i will be wealthy(moneywise) or not?

Thank you Sir

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