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Just Ask? I can predict the future.

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posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by Pryde87

if you were reading with an open mind ie denying ignorance. you would have some insight that this person is not the typical jerk hoaxer rather the op has a very well different understanding. read the posts carefully and look for intelligence its definately there

Be Well

posted on Jul, 22 2010 @ 12:34 PM
My name is Bart, I'm a Dutch living in Vietnam, married to a Vietnamese. I watch little tv and get very little information. I almost missed the bP oil-spill.

Should I read CNN++ more, or should I develop my personal life?

(btw I prefer peace over the standard US duality theory, there should not be winners and losers, just cooperating people)

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by JohnnyFever

Guess I'm not going to get any insight on this... Please could you look into this for me?

"Please help predict my future.... I am in need.

I'm married, with 3 young kids, but always thought there was something I was missing. Never had over the top love, but was Ok. I met again the person I've thought of my whole life since I was in high school. She is married with 3 young kids too. But we have found each other again and truly feel a soulmate connection with each other. I Love her dearly and she the same with me. Am I to settle with my current wife and be normally happy, or am I to be with my soulmate and feel what I've wanted my whole life, How will the kids be if I stay or go. What will my financial situation be, currently it's not good at all. Please help!
Thanks you.
John "

[edit on 23-7-2010 by JohnnyFever]

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 03:11 PM
well sir bikes alot i would be very interested to share thoughts of what you see for me your manorism reminds me of my freind rob he also has a bit of a nack at seeing things ya know s wat i is sayin lol.

it is always difficult it seems for one to see themselves to much noise to see clearly lo

Be Well

get in touch dang it this is the only thread ive actually been interested in in months dont leave me hangin man Peace .....

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 04:03 PM
I am having a downturn in my life right now, and have been at a stuckpoint. my questions that I want you to predict are.

1. will things change for me and get better, if so how?

2.will I get that job that I was interviewed for?

3.will i die in a car accident like I was told years ago involving a red truck?

the last question was predicted thru a psychic that i know. and have not wanted anything to do with one since.

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 07:29 PM
Calm down and wait for me. The price for being free.........:p

Originally posted by JohnnyFever
Please help predict my future.... I am in need.

I'm married, with 3 young kids, but always thought there was something I was missing. Never had over the top love, but was Ok. I met again the person I've thought of my whole life since I was in high school. She is married with 3 young kids too. But we have found each other again and truly feel a soulmate connection with each other. I Love her dearly and she the same with me. Am I to settle with my current wife and be normally happy, or am I to be with my soulmate and feel what I've wanted my whole life, How will the kids be if I stay or go. What will my financial situation be, currently it's not good at all. Please help!
Thanks you.

I see the Brady bunch already and the cruel things it does to your children. You know, the crazy sibling rivalry that it creates. But the Bad news it that you already chosen to leave your current wife. And she'll take the kids and you'll no nothing of them for years and years or should I say decades.

I feel that you two will leave each other sooner or later and the crap it brings between you too and your children.

I hate divorces,
I really do. Why did you marry her in the first place is beyond me. People like you make me glad I can't get a girlfriend right now.

Now there is hope, you simply choose to choose between this and that. Sit down with your wife Johnny and have the
hard conversation you guys need to have. Oh and make sure the kids are at a babysitters house or relative. They don't need to be apart of your mistake and all the wonderful money from your pocket to hers after the divorce.

Only then will you your children be able to have a daddy.

[edit on 23-7-2010 by sirbikesalot06]

posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by sirbikesalot06

Originally posted by QuickWick

Originally posted by QuickWick
Where do you see my career going/will it be stable/what will I be doing?

Am I going to have a girl/wife? Can you give me a physical description of her? Will I divorce? Do I have Children and how many?

Will I ever meet an extra-terrestial being and when? Will they keep contact with me? What species will it be(nordic,andromedan,orion, etc)? Will the ET be benevolent?

Will I ever develop any psychic abilities?

How do I die/When do I Die?

Will my life be miserable or good?

Will anything happen on 2012/Will anything happen to me in 2012/What will I be doing this year?

you will be abducted once, but don't mind it, you will not have any memory of it and second, you were simply a random Sample.

In a Parallel Demention you die in a car reck. In this, No.
As a rule, I only tale of deaths that are a resuld of idiot, or texan driving.

You have those abilities. You choose not to use the.

And repost your girlfriend question, I can't see her right now.

Here is me reposting that question lol

Also please answer the questions you have not, besides the death one.

You also said I will be abducted once. How does this go about happening. Since you said I will not remember anything, what was done to me?

posted on Jul, 24 2010 @ 03:41 PM
One little thing I would like to know: What in the world am I waiting for? I can't understand for the life of me what it might be?!

I love this thread. Absolutely great stuff.

[edit on 25/7/2010 by CosmicEgg]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 12:00 AM
Hmm, these types of things are always interesting to me. I used to have a psychic I called (a local, not those 1800 things) and he was always right...told me things I didn't know about until I confronted the person...

Anyhoo...what to ask. Hmm.

1. Is the person(s) that are currently harassing me on an almost daily basis going to get what's due them and how?

2. Will my relationship with my birth family improve and when?

3. Will my husband reach his current educational and career goals?

4. Will I be able to re-establish my career?

5. Will my meditation/psychic skills improve to any great degree?

That's it ! Thanks in advance!

[edit on 26-7-2010 by goobgirl]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by goobgirl
Hmm, these types of things are always interesting to me. I used to have a psychic I called (a local, not those 1800 things) and he was always right...told me things I didn't know about until I confronted the person...

Anyhoo...what to ask. Hmm.

1. Is the person(s) that are currently harassing me on an almost daily basis going to get what's due them and how?

2. Will my relationship with my birth family improve and when?

3. Will my husband reach his current educational and career goals?

4. Will I be able to re-establish my career?

5. Will my meditation/psychic skills improve to any great degree?

That's it ! Thanks in advance!

[edit on 26-7-2010 by goobgirl]

Yes, they will, can you say their next life.

I see no improvement. It seems you are about to raise your concisenise and thus you will have fewer and fewer opportunity to see your birth family. They think of you as you think of a cocroaches.

This is a yes. but it will take a decade to forefill his goal.

Your not going back to your former job.

And finally.......
You see a slight improvement. But don't bother trying to predict your own future. YOu see what you want to see and none of the bad stuff. Just like me.

I also ask for clarification in my own future. Like does this girl at the Library like me?

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:55 PM
welp i tried wasnt trying to be intrusive guess i see ya round woulda been interesting to hear your predictions but i guess you got the ones you do and the ones you dont..

Be Well

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by QuickWick

Originally posted by sirbikesalot06

Originally posted by QuickWick

Where do you see my career going/will it be stable/what will I be doing?

Am I going to have a girl/wife? Can you give me a physical description of her? Will I divorce? Do I have Children and how many?

Will I ever meet an extra-terrestial being and when? Will they keep contact with me? What species will it be(nordic,andromedan,orion, etc)? Will the ET be benevolent?

Will I ever develop any psychic abilities?

How do I die/When do I Die?

Will my life be miserable or good?

Will anything happen on 2012/Will anything happen to me in 2012/What will I be doing this year?

you will be abducted once, but don't mind it, you will not have any memory of it and second, you were simply a random Sample.

In a Parallel Demention you die in a car reck. In this, No.
As a rule, I only tale of deaths that are a resuld of idiot, or texan driving.

You have those abilities. You choose not to use the.

And repost your girlfriend question, I can't see her right now.

Here is me reposting that question lol

Also please answer the questions you have not, besides the death one.

You also said I will be abducted once. How does this go about happening. Since you said I will not remember anything, what was done to me?

[edit on 26-7-2010 by sirbikesalot06]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by kooa31
I am having a downturn in my life right now, and have been at a stuckpoint. my questions that I want you to predict are.

1. will things change for me and get better, if so how?

2.will I get that job that I was interviewed for?

3.will i die in a car accident like I was told years ago involving a red truck?

the last question was predicted thru a psychic that i know. and have not wanted anything to do with one since.

The job that you had that interview for wasn't the career you should have never been in. Because when you lost your job a year ago, you didn't like it at all. a part of you wanted to win the lottery, but since you needed the cash, you couldn't find the time to save because you were so mersible. Since I'm having a hard time seeing your world right now, you need to go back to College and get into some type of Medical. I see doctors in your future, and I bet that is something do do with you.

If you ride a bicycle, you will not get hit by that car. OK.

follow the white labcoat that you will see in a few days.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by triplescorpio
welp i tried wasnt trying to be intrusive guess i see ya round woulda been interesting to hear your predictions but i guess you got the ones you do and the ones you dont..

Be Well

Thats right. The price for being free.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 05:26 PM

1. Will I enjoy university, and the courses I've selected?

2. Is my Mum okay? Is my older sister okay?

3. Do you have any other advice, general or specific, that you think I'd benefit from?

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by sirbikesalot06

Thanks sirbikesalot. you are the real deal. I will keep an eye out for a white coat. (coincidence) my girlfriend's dad is in the hospital suddenly and I will likely see a hospital in a day or two to go see him. I just thought of this WOW!!

While my girlfriend was hovering over me while i was reading your reply and she said ask about our relationship.
The question she asked is very vague, I'll just ask what do you see?

Thank you!

Some people would charge for what you do. my hat goes off to you sir.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 12:42 AM
1. Is the person(s) that are currently harassing me on an almost daily basis going to get what's due them and how?

2. Will my relationship with my birth family improve and when?

3. Will my husband reach his current educational and career goals?

4. Will I be able to re-establish my career?

5. Will my meditation/psychic skills improve to any great degree?

That's it ! Thanks in advance!

[edit on 26-7-2010 by goobgirl]

1. Yes, they will, can you say their next life.

My reply: I was hoping more immediate action, but ok. I'm not vindictive, but I was looking for some legal relief.

2. I see no improvement. It seems you are about to raise your concisenise and thus you will have fewer and fewer opportunity to see your birth family. They think of you as you think of a cocroaches.

My reply: I think you are right. I've always been the strange one in the family, and they listen bemusedly to me regarding my thoughts on the afterlife, reincarnation, etc. I totally HATE cockroaches, so that's sad to think. In fact, my first husband's last name was Roach and I refused to take it as my name due to my dislike of roaches (and having once resided in a cockroach infested state). I have taken my birth family's gradual decline in love towards me as a burning of karma and a way for me to continue on without worry what happens to them and what they think of me. Sad, as we are indoctrinated in thinking we should always cling to blood, but you can only hit me over the head with a bat so many times.....

3. This is a yes. but it will take a decade to forefill his goal.

My reply: If he does what he says he wants to do, you are exactly correct.

4. Your not going back to your former job.

My reply: I can't go back to my former job as it doesn't exist anymore, but the field I have an education and training in, that's what I am curious about.

5. And finally.......
You see a slight improvement. But don't bother trying to predict your own future. YOu see what you want to see and none of the bad stuff. Just like me.

My reply: I don't want to predict my future, I just want some progress with my meditation. Probably if I did more meditation than sleep-a-tation I would have progress (meditating before sleep, lol). I read about all these wonderful planes of existence, and I would like to visit them....

I also ask for clarification in my own future. Like does this girl at the Library like me?

Hmm: I'm much better with animals than people (I am better at understanding animal minds, wants, needs, etc). But, what I saw first of all was someone who had shoulder length brown hair, seems wavy or curly, she's not too tall, maybe 5'4". She stands up at a counter or something and looks to the side to see you (this may not be literal, but a way for me to understand she may have a cautious interest). I could be totally wrong, don't even know if this is a real question, but that's my impressions. Wrong or right, doesn't matter to me.

Thanks for your answers and your time in providing them...

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 02:26 PM
Hi there i was wondering if you could anwser a couple questions?

1. When will i meet my soul mate? and what does she look like?
2.Will i have any kids?
3.How should i go about finding my career?
4.When will i die?
5.When will i get laid next?

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by goobgirl

folks I would like to answer but I can't see
Will answer tomorrow or Friday starting with you.

posted on Jul, 28 2010 @ 08:25 PM
hey i have just one question for you right now i appreciate what you're doing for everyone it's nice

where will i be tomorrow?

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