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The Great Mystery

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posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
This is what I' ve come to notice about all these contests.

Every single one of them lead nowhere.

I wouldn't say that at all. As long as there is respectful discourse I'd say many positive things arise from the dynamics of such conversations. I have learned a lot by participating in them, even if it's just who to avoid. I've had my mind changed on certain things and maybe I've done the same for others.

As far as 2012 goes though, I'm not expecting too much. Time will tell

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:56 PM
I think we are in for exciting times too, but I think the revealing of the great mystery is still being done on an a individual basis for reasons beyond what we understand, let alone control. From a spiritual point of view, we break down into two groups, those with experiences and those without. Those not having experiences need extraordinary things to happen to themselves so they have the opportunity to be on the same page as those who are in a constant state of experiencing.

I don't hardly hang out and the spiritual forum on BTS because just like you said, the debates are pointless and no headway is made. One of the craziest ideas I've ever heard is the idiotic concept of soul sleep or when you die, there is nothing more and you're done. How many witness testimonies does it take one to realize that our minds are very capable of seperating from our physical bodies? People need to realize that just as there are physical laws, there are spiritual laws. Science can't explain a lot of stuff, so how can they possibly fathom the spiritual side of reality.

Because of my own experiences, I guess I see things radically different than your typical "christian." Just as there are stages of sleep, there's an opposite side to that spectrum but it's governed by spiritual laws, that we are only going to get a grasp of when we all start to really compare notes. At the spiritual forum at BTS, they argue over interpretation, instead of applying the teachings, so they can have the experiences and share what they've learned.

I wish I could articulate myself better for you guys but I'm just an ordinary housewife with extraordinary experiences. Some I can explain and some I can't. For myself, the great mystery has to do with awakening to the true reality of God, but mankind is asleep. The bible says that God caused a deep sleep to come upon Adam but it never states that he awoke. It's just not in there. Jesus, sent by God, implores all to wake up.

It's a one of a kind teaching for true disclosure.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 05:45 PM
Some great stuff from everyone. What bothers me most about many of the discussions of Spiritual things here and on other boards is the lack of simple, honest courtesy when the doo-doo hits the fan, so to speak. Sometimes we just can't see beyond our own perspectives. I've managed to learn more from people with whom I disagree than I have from those with whom I agree. These kinds of things are very deep within our being, and I think we must feel threatened when someone else even subjectively hints we are idiots or fools. We're all on a trip of discovery, but some don't seem to be looking very hard, or very deep. When people at different Spiritual "levels" discuss things like this, there is very little room available for common ground. We tend to judge each other when we don't have all the information or understanding. This causes us to form misperceptions, and at that point any common ground literally disappears. Add to that the reality that many don't understand or practice precision in their thinking or writing, and it makes me wonder how we truly understand each other at all. We're just all at a lot of different levels, period. Rick

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

I wouldn't say that at all. As long as there is respectful discourse I'd say many positive things arise from the dynamics of such conversations. I have learned a lot by participating in them, even if it's just who to avoid. I've had my mind changed on certain things and maybe I've done the same for others.

I have to admit I missed consideration to the opposite point of view.
I'm glad you brouight this up, because in my mind, the atheist always has way more to gain in these debates than the creatioinist.

I know that was a backhanded way of agreeing. But it is the truth as I know it. So I went with it.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
in my mind, the atheist always has way more to gain in these debates than the creatioinist.

You know, that really is an amazing point and I agree with that wholeheartedly. The atheist's mind is naturally opened by wonder whereas the creationist's is solidified by belief. In that environment, the atheist is always gaining new ideas. Excellent point.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

You know, that really is an amazing point and I agree with that wholeheartedly. The atheist's mind is naturally opened by wonder whereas the creationist's is solidified by belief. In that environment, the atheist is always gaining new ideas. Excellent point.

Ya Ya And you never know, maybe even some ( wait for it ) salvation!

I have documented cases so don't mess.

posted on Jun, 4 2010 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
Ya Ya And you never know, maybe even some ( wait for it ) salvation!

I have documented cases so don't mess.

Hey, you never know. Some atheists turn to jesus occasionally, and vice versa. I personally can't get into the whole human sacrifice religion. It's just not for me. None of them are, really.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

May you live in interesting times Traditional. Even though thats pretty much a given.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 04:56 PM
People will keep looking for the fantastic and the ultimate transcendent, as the truth simply sits there and watches them get worked up over every godman that shows up at the party to audition and lobby for their votes. Then, when December 22, 2012 shows up as just another day - one that hasn't presented anything other than what every other day before it had already offered to the dedicated initiate - reality will pitch in to help clean up the livingroom and wash the dishes, as all the enlightened gurus slink quietly out the back door to go conjure up the next apocalypse.

Reality can't be produced or revealed. It's woven deeply within and throughout every particle of every instant within every life that's ever been lived. It can be ignored. It can be overlooked. The b*tch is that there's nothing mysterious about what's real, and the only thing that's really amazing is realizing the full ramifications of the seemingly mundane.
edit on 12/27/2010 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

Said like true prophet indeed.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 01:26 AM
I know this guy, a local aquaintance I met at the local Mac's Convenience Store, an actor, comedian, street performer, elvis immitator, and a very aware individual, one of those few people you talk to and make eye contact and you both know you know something, shared, that at the same time, you know that you don't know, if you know what I mean..? This guy is WIDE open, and aware, and very funny, even when he's not even speaking just listening attentively - so anyway, to make a long story short, I hadn't seen him for the longest time (I used to just run into him spontaneously even synchronistically in different parts of the city, here in Vancouver), and I'd begun to wonder if he hadn't gone off to LA to become an actor, like I'd suggested he ought to consider just doing when we'd spoke on another occasion - and lo and behold but who shows up two evenings ago but Spencer, and he comes right up to me, and states, without any prompting at all on my part..

"Is it just me, or is something happening of the farthest reaching cosmic significance, like some sort of newfound cosmic consciousness, and we are all just part of the ONE THING, and it's all happening like right NOW." or something to that effect. So of course I agreed, as we shared this humorous space of nothing together, and I acknowledged that indeed, the circle has been joined, everywhere!

So then we got to talking and I told him my theory about the funniest joke in the world, awaiting rediscovery, and he said to me "I am that, I am what's funny, that's my existence" and I told him that once he can bring everyone else into that creative, humorous state of unity, in laughter, that there it is, the Great Work of all Ages, and he understood perfectly, talked about how everyone has to have the courage to laugh uproariously, at the WHOLE THING, the whole illusion, all the way up to the very basis of their own illusion about just who and what they are, as now self realized human beings, and bring the whole house down in laughter, and he really got that, in a very big way, and so off he went on his bicycle, but not after my neighbor had to force us to listen to his narrow materialistic, and somewhat winey and negative problematic POV, and why we should be so worried about all the terrible things going on, but Spencer understood perfectly, about the humorous space on the other side of all the suffering, and how all that amounted to nothing more than a misunderstanding, of the most absurd variety.

Laughter will save the world imho. Laughter first, on the other side of sorrow and fear, and then beauty, and then love arising as the only thing that makes any sense as an impetus, stimulant or a catalyst to action, the only thing worth doing, or worthwhile, and Spencer understood cleary how his life's work, to help us all to laugh, is VITAL and of the very utmost importance and significance at this very moment in history - so like me, he too is performing the Great Work, but what was interesting was the congruity of the testimonial regarding the emergence of a newfound re-enchantment of the cosmos, and the dissolution of the ego, in playful humor, in the crucible of the Absolute, or, if not the Absolute, the entire circle of the collective cosmic spiritual consciousness, and love.

So it was confirmed to me, through this guy, that indeed it's on the move, and we're all just water droplets, and some of us are heading over the falls, and it's FUN! There's nothing to fear beyond that threshold except perhaps a slight indignity and some curious laughter, at the expense of who we thought we were, in the old frame, from the perspective of the new one, and it's FUNNY. I told him - "you know there's a LOT of material for you to work with as a comedian", and we both agreed that it's everything, that everything is funny.

Buddhists talk about the joy of losing one's mind, and it is a joy, because it can never be lost in eternity, once we dive in, then we know that we are really eternal beings, and that, imho, represents a type of avalanch of Bodhisatvas, all incarnating together, ready to make this life the last for the sake of love, or any number of lives, whatever it takes, willing to go the distance in performance, and that's why I'm so proud of my friend and aquaintance, Spencer, because he's out there, doing this work, as I do here from time to time when I'm fortunate enough to ring the bell via nothing but keyboard and mouse.

edit on 28-12-2010 by NewAgeMan because: typo + smiley added to emote a real and authentic smile.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

I understood everything but the part after, " I know this guy".

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 02:22 AM
reply to post by randyvs

You're kidding right?

Anyway, here's what I think is happening or "what's going on".

The very notion of human experience and of the seperate self is up for grabs, or has opened up, that fundamental mystery, for exploration, and many people are beginning to re-cognize the focal point of their own personality within a much much larger framework than what used to be the narrow frame of the self ie: accomplishments, family, money, status, upbringing, MSM messaging, etc. etc., all the way to that which we've taken in and accepted without question from authority figures, whether they be parents, teachers, ministers, counsellors, whathaveyou, and we are at long last stopping the whole program, and re-posing the questions of - who am I?, what am I?, why am I?, what shall I do?, or, what have I done?, and more often than not, those who are willing to do the work, and who seek, they find, and what they find is, although perhaps at first troubling, then curious, then sorrowful, then amuzing, is, finally, astonishing, and not at all unlike the same thing all these sages and wisdom people of old, were reporting from their own contemplations and recognitions about human nature and the human condition (although they did not divide reality in the same way that we've come to, with our Newtonian Materialist Monist dominated worldview) and these "guys" (and they were real people, not supermen) in truth were the ones who performed the really heavy lifting, so to speak, so that you and I, or average everyday Joe, in my case, Rob, can now come into an inheritance we did not work for, and that we did nothing in fact, to either earn or deserve, but which, by its very nature is of incaculable value, and of immense proportion.

This particular guy here (see video), describes that in part, that re-cognition, which I think of as resetting a program, by reframing it relative to everything and nothing, or the fullness of the emptiness of true spiritual realization ie: what would a single spirit need or want, if we were in truth united with that spirit in spirit, and in life - where would desire be, from that frame of reference?, where is the self, and where the humour, the happiness and the joy? Anyone among us can get to that space, and if we can't right away then by selfless service we can cause the present self-frame to begin to dissolve, break up, and to expand, in love of other as self, and that also is freely available to one and all, and so it's easy! And, here's the kicker, unavoidable. So it's really taking responsibility for being true to one's self, as we really are, authentic, real and alive, not inauthentic, constrained or contracted in "self" and "ego" (who I THINK I am). The mystery is, we don't know who we are and cannot know, with any certainty, there is only the humour, the mirth, the beauty and the love, that's the ONLY thing of any consequence whatsoever that is "going on". Nothing less is worthwhile anyway, not when we come to the end of the self-program at the end of time and history.

edit on 28-12-2010 by NewAgeMan because: typo, darn!

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

You're kidding right?

God I hope so.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by NewAgeMan

You're kidding right?

God I hope so.

Thank God! I was getting scared for a minute there..

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