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Why Does Obama Bow Like a Weakling?

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posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by Target Earth
reply to post by Janky Red

100 bucks, says When Gas goes up to 4 dollars again... Nobody is gonna blame Obama,
but everybody blamed G.W. and so what Bush was holding hands with the Iron Sheik.

No, he was cheating on Laura with the Iron Sheik...

I wanna know why he would humiliate her by doing this in public???


And look how guilty he is, for christ sakes George you have children

[edit on 13-4-2010 by Janky Red]


and what a whore

look at George's neck, is that a #@!#$@@ gold chain???

Whata total hoebag gold digger

[edit on 13-4-2010 by Janky Red]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
Anyone who sees bowing as weak instead of confident respect has some serious self-confidence issues themselves.


Humility shows strength. That is in fact the entire idea behind bowing in Southeastern Asian culture. It is a sign of mutual respect.

By giving respect, you open yourself up to receive respect. It is a noble idea that is lost in Western society. For some reason there are people here who think showing respect is a sign of weakness.

Or, perhaps they are just looking for (yet) another senseless reason to bash Obama.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 12:46 AM
Yeah to hell with another countries traditions or being polite! He should have burped in his face and offered him a beer amirite?

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 12:48 AM
I've become about as anti-Obama style governance as a person can get, but even I find this criticism for bowing a bit too much.

Attack his policies, the Bills he backs, his political ideologies, but this is just schoolyard name calling.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 12:51 AM
reply to post by A-E-I-Owned-You

Actually when in our country the Chinese visitor is obliged to adopt our traditions and when visiting China the American should respect their culture. That is courtesy.

Personally, I think Obama just has some bad advisers.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 12:54 AM
The reason it is not appropriate for U.S. presidents to bow to foreign leaders is, as the leader of the "free" world he represents a country that does not recognize distinctions of individuals based on class or birth. This is the beauty of our country, anyone can run for office.

If the president bows to a foreign leader, the entire country bows with him.

So respect to them or not, it is a sign of disrespect to the free people he represents.

This country was formed and our constitution was written just for the reason to get away from monarchies.

Article I, section 9 of the U.S. Constitution states: "No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State."

So yes it offends me when our "leader" bows to another.

Edit: That goes for ANY president!

[edit on 13-4-2010 by timewalker]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 12:55 AM
If you owed someone 900 billion dollars just is treasury bills and about to debase the currency so you only owe them 400-500 billion dollar and/or begin tariffs on goods from them or just plain default on the debt. Then throw in the fact we need them for Iran sanctions, and they are the only country North Korea will obey.....he should be kissing his backside for those reasons alone then add in not to do the next paragraph to us.

Think about this one, if they sold our debt, bills and bonds at once they would cause our collapse without question. I would show a little humility as well, be it bowing, kissing his backside, giving him Michelle for the night or all of the above. Wake up folks, they are our largest debt holder, our only saving grace is that we are their largest buyer so they need us until they figure that out (lets hope they don't) and believe me when I say they want to crush us if we play mean or own everything and kick all of us out if we play nice.

They are building high speed rails in California, buying highways and bridges everywhere and the list goes on. Don't forget the Treasury this month is coming out with a report to call them currency manipulators (hasnt happened for a decade since they pegged our dollar) when we are trying to do the same thing until Greece had to ruin the Euro for us (but wait the IMF is bailing them out) so all ahead for the dollar to be worthless so we can afford to pay them back, but no they are currency manipulators not us.

Go ahead call Obama a wimp but when someone has your balls (all of ours) in his hand and the ability to crush them, then I would bow too, just my two cents.

P.S. Past Presidents Clinton and Bush both gave them "free trade" to give us lead in toys and drywall that needs a hazmat team to remove and Walmart's on every corner so don't act like this is something else that just happened in the last year on Obama's watch.....

P.S.S. If you voted for Clinton, Bush W., Obama, or shop at Walmart you are the reason he has to bow so grow up and thank him for trying to sweeten him up not to destroy us.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 12:57 AM
Imagine if this was Obama.....what would those angry at Obama for bowing to Asian leaders say?

[edit on 13-4-2010 by David9176]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
I've become about as anti-Obama style governance as a person can get, but even I find this criticism for bowing a bit too much.

Attack his policies, the Bills he backs, his political ideologies, but this is just schoolyard name calling.

it's the little things in life, there is just so much to attack Obama for, that it's nice to talk about him just making a fool out of himself.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

So many current important issues and many feel the need to pick this to judge a man. Lets look at issues and keep in mind many people bow to say hello and good bye in this world. It is little wonder why we get laughed at in the world. We need to stick to the issues and this is not one them. And that goes for both sides.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 01:36 AM
for all of the liberals who are saying "but its a sign of respect". normally i would agree if it was anyone but the president. if i were in china, yes, i would bow, because that is the custom. i would bow to people i met, business partners, etc. BUT, let us examine how the japanese reacted to this. i assume china is thinking something similar.

"The bow as he performed did not just display weakness in Red State terms, but evoked weakness in Japanese terms....The last thing the Japanese want or need is a weak looking American president and, again, in all ways, he unintentionally played that part." ight-are-wrong.html

also, he didn't even bow in proper form, so people suggesting "cultural understanding" are also wrong.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by Matrix Rising

Welcome to the food chain.



Thats Bill Clinton bowing.


Reagan and Japanese Emperor Hirohito

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by timewalker
The reason it is not appropriate for U.S. presidents to bow to foreign leaders is, as the leader of the "free" world he represents a country that does not recognize distinctions of individuals based on class or birth. This is the beauty of our country, anyone can run for office.

Leader of the Free World? As someone who lives in an Industrialised Western country that's as 'free' as any American - despite the misinformed nonsense about Britain and Europe that is posted all too regularly on American Top Secret - I'm not sure how Obama is my leader.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by Merriman Weir
Well to use the term loosely, it is something that has been used in the states for sometime.

The Leader of the Free World is a colloquialism, originally used during the Cold War, to describe the president of the United States. The term implies that the United States president as leader of the principal democratic superpower of the time was, by extension, the leader of all of the world's democratic nations. Although it had a Cold War origin, it is still being used in America to describe the United States president today.


posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by Subjective Truth
reply to post by Matrix Rising

So many current important issues and many feel the need to pick this to judge a man. Lets look at issues and keep in mind many people bow to say hello and good bye in this world. It is little wonder why we get laughed at in the world. We need to stick to the issues and this is not one them. And that goes for both sides.

I agree. This is partisan politics at its most peculiar and pathetic.

What's worse is that, even in Britain, where we've had a reputation for being over-polite and crippled by social protocol related to class, this whole thread looks very strange coming from the US, a place where superficial and hollow greetings and honorifics are elevated to a whole new level in the service and retail industry.

Obama might been on a better wage, but the acts of diplomacy amongst leaders are not that much different from the wide-eyed fake smiles you get when you're asked 'do you want fries with that?' He's selling the US (insert any country) like others upgrade your fast food meal.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by timewalker
reply to post by Merriman Weir
Well to use the term loosely, it is something that has been used in the states for sometime.

The Leader of the Free World is a colloquialism, originally used during the Cold War, to describe the president of the United States. The term implies that the United States president as leader of the principal democratic superpower of the time was, by extension, the leader of all of the world's democratic nations. Although it had a Cold War origin, it is still being used in America to describe the United States president today.


Oh yes, I'm aware of it and I'm aware of the Cold War origin. However, the claim is fairly laughable. Firstly, this board and it's endless threads about how the American people are continuously oppressed and shafted; how they're on the brink of revolution or civil war because it's so bad; how they can't harvest their own rain water and so on, all highlights the farcical nature of this claim.

Secondly, it's practically oxymoronic that my leader, apparently, lives in a country 1000s of miles away and I didn't get a chance to vote for him nor those that went before him or will come after him. How the # is that freedom, and yet, apparently he's my leader and I'm in his 'Free World'?

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by Merriman Weir
It's quite simple really. The President of the U.S. is not your leader. You live in a kingdom with a constitutional monarchy that has only a de facto constitution. The monarch has the last word no matter what.

You only have as much freedom as the Queen will allow.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by timewalker
It's quite simple really. The President of the U.S. is not your leader. You live in a kingdom with a constitutional monarchy that has only a de facto constitution. The monarch has the last word no matter what.

You only have as much freedom as the Queen will allow.


As much freedom as the Queen will allow...

You are aware that the monarchy in the UK is essentially ceremonial in nature, and has very little role in actual governance, right?

Or perhaps it's time to read up on the meaning of 'constitutional monarchy'.

Sorry but this is seriously one of the funniest things I've read on ATS...

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by Matrix Rising
Give me a break.

He's the President of the United States.

Look him in the eye and shake his hand. All of this bowing is just silly and it's sad how people will make excuses for these politicians just because they support him.

You think the Chines leader is going back to China and saying we will support the United States with tougher sanctions on Iran because this guy takes a bow?

They are probably laughing about it.

Enough is enough.

[edit on 12-4-2010 by Matrix Rising]

HA, at least he's not a complete sycophant and speaking cantonese to the Chinese, just to be the biggest wanker Australia has ever witnessed on the international stage next to Keating.

Rudd is .. well now I think about it, what is it with western leaders doing this?

kowtowing to people who more often than not, treat us as nothing...

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by timewalker
reply to post by Merriman Weir
It's quite simple really. The President of the U.S. is not your leader. You live in a kingdom with a constitutional monarchy that has only a de facto constitution. The monarch has the last word no matter what.

You only have as much freedom as the Queen will allow.

With all due respect, the only thing I can ascertain from this is that you're talking out of your backside. You either seem to be under the impression that I'm not part of the Free World - and, if I'm not, I'd be intrigued as to who is; I read daily on these very boards that America is hardly a bastion of freedom - or you, like so many North Americans, have the strangest understanding of our monarchy and a view that seems to owe more to either some long gone era in history, fairy tales or propaganda.

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