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The Monsanto Created 2010 Food Crisis Brings All Other NWO Agenda Items to Completion

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posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 01:22 PM
The MANUFACTURED WORLDWIDE FOOD CRISIS that began in earnest in 2007 is slated to finally HEAVILY IMPACT the U.S. in 2010. This slowly creeping crisis is what the NWO powers that be are counting on to bring all other manufactured crises to completion.

Acquire precious metals with your savings, hide them away and defend them with guns if you want, but YOU CAN’T EAT GOLD or SILVER!

It is FOOD RIOTS over the lack of available affordable food that will bring on Martial Law in the U.S. in 2010.

The 2010 Food Crisis Means Financial Armageddon

There is overwhelming, undeniable evidence that the world will run out of food this year. When this happens, the resulting triple digit food inflation will lead panicking central banks around the world to dump their foreign reserves to appreciate their currencies and lower the cost of food imports, causing the collapse of the dollar, the treasury market, derivative markets, and the global financial system. The US will experience economic disintegration.

The U.S. government is complicit in hiding the imminent food crisis in America from the American public. The USDA’s estimates for predicted 2009/2010 harvest yields make no sense. The USDA’s crop reports predict record soybean and corn harvests and yet the USDA has also declared HALF THE COUNTIES IN THE MIDWEST to be primary disaster areas, including 274 counties between Nov. 15, 2009 and December 15, 2009. These designations are based on the criteria of a minimum of 30 percent loss in the value of at least one crop in the county.

HOW has THIS NWO agenda item (WORLDWIDE FAMINE) been accomplished?

Here’s the insidious story. It should be no surprise that MONSANTO factors heavily in it.

Prior to the 1930s, when hybrid seed development began, seeds collected from one year's harvest were selected, stored, and used again for successive growing seasons. Now, commercial seed companies supply ONLY hybrid seeds. Plants grown from hybrid seeds DO NOT PRODUCE SEEDS that can be used to grow future crops. Once grown, the plants themselves are dead ends; no further selection under the farmer's control can be made to create better crops for the future. Now, also note that the fact that Hybrid seeds CAN ONLY BE PURCHASED from the commercial seed companies (those in control of the proprietary parent lines). In other words, nature's inherent generosity has been COMPLETELY CIRCUMVENTED.

The brave new seeds of the "Green Revolution" are hybrids -- so-called HYVs, high-yielding varieties that will not breed true and MUST BE BOUGHT from the seed companies EACH YEAR. Others have renamed them HRVs -- high-response varieties, increasingly bred to respond to high levels of chemical fertilizers and for resistance to toxic pesticides. Seldom are the high yields reported in the test fields reproduced on actual farms, less still on the small farms most Third World people depend on for their food supply. And the new seeds LACK THE NUTRITIONAL CONTENT of the traditional varieties.

And, unlike the traditional varieties, the new hybrids do not last long -- even with high levels of chemical protection, the new hybrids SUCCUMB TO PEST ATTACK AFTER A FEW YEARS and have to be replaced by another newly bred hybrid. And here lies the problem: the germplasm for the new seeds comes from the old varieties, but the new seeds displace the old -- often where once scores or hundreds of old varieties were grown, now there's only one, the same new variety that now needs replacing. As one expert commented, it's a strange technology that DESTROYS THE VERY FOUNDATION IT DEPENDS UPON.


Who controls the supply of seed in the world? MONSANTO.

Over the past few years the world seed market has been consolidated into the hands of very few companies of which MONSANTO is premiere. One must recognize the fact that THERE IS A DIRECT THREAT TO OUR FOOD SYSTEM when we have a preponderance of genetic resources controlled by institutions whose only goal is profit.

Why is MONSANTO a threat to the food system in the U.S.?

MONSANTO is now the largest seed company in the world and it has bought out many seed companies across our nation. MONSANTO also controls 90% of all genetically engineered seeds. In other words, MONSANTO controls -- and owns patents on – MOST OF THE AMERICAN FOOD SUPPLY.

Critics are crying foul, with fears that MONSANTO is also gaining a MONOPOLY on the WORLD’S SEED SUPPLY. In 2007, MONSANTO purchased Seminis, the world’s largest seed company. At the time of its acquisition, Seminis supplied more than 3,500 seed varieties to commercial fruit and vegetable growers, dealers, distributors and wholesalers in more than 150 countries. When purchased by MONSANTO, Seminis controlled 40% of the U.S. vegetable seed market and 20 % of the world market. In 2008, MONSANTO purchased DeRuiter Seeds, a Dutch company, which at the time was one of the world’s leading vegetable seed companies.

To further complicate matters, MONSANTO also prices their hybrid variety seeds at 400-1000 times the cost of conventional seeds. This is pricing the seeds right out of the ability of third world farmers to purchase them. Even if they do purchase MONSANTO’S hybrid seeds, the seeds do not grow well under less than ideal rainfall conditions. Thus, it should be no surprise that MONSANTO is attributed with causing alarming suicide rates among poor rural farmers—200,000 or more farmers in India since 1997.

What’s the bottom line? MONSANTO continues to increase the price of their seeds to improve their profits even though this causes price increases on the farm and in the grocery stores. Furthermore, MONSANTO vows to continue to increase its seed prices even though in the past year U.S. farm income declined by around 34%. To make matters worse, hybrid seeds prevent farmers from getting any kind of a marketable yield by planting seeds garnered from last year’s crop. This is illegal anyway and gets farmers sued by MONSANTO and put in jail. Even STORING last year’s seed gets farmers put in jail.

Most recently MONSANTO is also making moves to control water resources, fish farming, and milk production.

Who’s behind the hybrid “terminator seeds” (not able to be grown a second time) that MONSANTO markets? These ’suicide seeds’ were developed with taxpayer money in a joint operation between the United States government and an illuminati-owned company, the Delta and Pine Land Company, whose largest shareholder has been the Stephens Group in Arkansas, controlled by Jackson Stephens, the major bankroller of Bill Clinton’s deeply corrupt political career. Another investor in The Delta and Pine Land Company is the mother of the head of ALL Illuminati organizations (Charles, the Prince of Wales), none other than Great Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II. This same monarch has been secretly and anonymously buying up the property surrounding the infamous Denver Airport. If you’re not familiar with the unusual NOW structural features of the Denver Airport such as its 8-level underground labyrinth of large holding areas, 5 sunken multistory buildings, or 88.5 mile length underground tunnel, please consult the second link listed below.

Knowing all of the above, you just might wish to join the Millions against Monsanto Campaign, the Organic Consumer Association’s campaign to mobilize one million consumers to end MONSANTO’S global corporate terrorism at

[edit on 11-4-2010 by nuffsaid747]

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 01:42 PM
I just tried to go to:

and it came up "page not found". Hmmmmm

Monsanto is evil. I will do whatever I can, legally and non-violently to help bring these monstors down.

PLEASE let me know how I can help!!


posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by hthjason

The Organic Consumers against Monsanto initiative link is:

This takes you to the Oganic Consumers Association website.

[edit on 11-4-2010 by nuffsaid747]

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 02:52 PM
Monsanto is evil. These are the fine folks that manufactured Agent Orange and DDT. Just do some research if you aren't familiar with this company, and you'll find their sticky fingers in MANY products. They have destroyed farmers who tried to fight them. Monsanto actually has thugs that show up to intimidate farmers. They have their own spies that analyze farmers' crops.

One way to fight back is to raise your own food. Even if you have a small space, you can raise a few vegetables for your table. Buy heirloom seeds, not those Monsanto created hybrids.

If you live in a place like an apartment, but have a balcony or patio, check out this: Square Foot Gardening

Every little bit counts.

posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Lookingup

Lets not forget PCB's and what Monsanto did with it in Anniston, Illinois.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 01:14 AM
How is this not getting more attention?

This should've been an ATS "Johnny Anonymous Exclusive" YEARS ago!

That movie, "A Beautiful Truth", is amazing!!

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by nuffsaid747
And the new seeds LACK THE NUTRITIONAL CONTENT of the traditional varieties.

i would be thrilled to have more information on the above quoted statement.

if you are somehow able to come up with evidence of this statement (which is mysteriously lacking a citation in an otherwise apparently well documented OP), then i shall be willing to accept the rest of this at face value.

GMOs have obvious political issues, which is what this thread is all about. but lets not let the valuable science get demonized along with the corrupt politics.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by tgidkp

Originally posted by nuffsaid747
And the new seeds LACK THE NUTRITIONAL CONTENT of the traditional varieties.

i would be thrilled to have more information on the above quoted statement.

if you are somehow able to come up with evidence of this statement (which is mysteriously lacking a citation in an otherwise apparently well documented OP), then i shall be willing to accept the rest of this at face value.

GMOs have obvious political issues, which is what this thread is all about. but lets not let the valuable science get demonized along with the corrupt politics.

Unfortuantely valuable science and corrupt politics are often in bed together!

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 12:12 PM
Here is a link from The Times of India regarding Monsanto's GM alfalfa seed and Monday's ruling from the Supreme Court;

Does anyone have additional information regarding this ruling?


no thing

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 11:38 AM
Any thread which raises awareness of the Evil corporation that is Monsanto gets my thumbs up. S & F from me nuffsaid.
Thanks also for the link to the organicconsumers site,


posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 11:57 AM
Thanks for the thread! Very important information here. People have grown weary of a lot of important issues on ATS, because many reported this information years too early, people bought up supplies, and now feel duped. It's coming guys, it's just not known the exact date. I'm working my tail off to save for food and supplies. One way or another the elite are going to depopulate us soon. Prepare or perish.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 12:31 PM
This just makes me sick and once again we can do nothing as Monsanto and TPTB are one in the same.

Ignorance is bliss and now im pissed. We all deserve to die for letting these people and TPTB get away with premed murder. We need to do something and band together.

Sad part:

As I am ony 1I can not stand up and do anything.
I as many will be addressed as a militant army and destroyed by TPTB.

WTF can we do??? Would love to just donate and think that was good but I will never see the change. Course I am also feeling the strain on my maxed out credit card like many and can not see the light of day.

I feel so hopeless.

posted on Nov, 19 2011 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by nuffsaid747
There is overwhelming, undeniable evidence that the world will run out of food this year. When this happens, the resulting triple digit food inflation will lead panicking central banks around the world to dump their foreign reserves to appreciate their currencies and lower the cost of food imports, causing the collapse of the dollar, the treasury market, derivative markets, and the global financial system. The US will experience economic disintegration.

We near the end of 2011, and nowhere do I see any indication that a panic inducing food shortage has occurred. If overwhelming undeniable evidence bears less fruit than a hybridized seed, then why should we trust such a claim?

I hope you've learned your lesson after this grossly incorrect claim.

On the other hand, I thank you for bringing to light this monopoly of Monsanto. I was completely unaware of this company and the mechanics behind its unfair concentration of wealth.

This is why the world stands agitated, in recognition of companies that value profit above the pursuit of happiness, the human condition. We must stay informed and form a counter-thesis and counter-action to their abominable actions.
edit on 19-11-2011 by KingAceSuited because: food shortage... not 'foot' shortage, heh.

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