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Gender-Bender Chemicals are Turning Boys Into Girls

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posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 07:46 PM

Gender-Bender Chemicals are Turning Boys Into Girls

The government of Denmark has released a 326-page report affirming that endocrine disrupting chemicals are probably continuing to the birth of fewer males and the "feminization" of existing ones.

The report centers on chemicals like PVC, flame retardants, phthalates, dioxins, PCBs and bisphenol-A, all of which mimic the action of estrogen in the body. The researchers concluded that due to the prevalence of these chemicals, children could easily be exposed to high enough levels to place them at "critical risk" of harm.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 07:46 PM
This is pretty sickening...

The chemicals have been blamed for falling sperm counts among men worldwide, and their full effects remain unknown. A study by researchers at Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Netherlands, found that male children who had been exposed to PCBs and dioxins while in the womb were more likely to dress up in female clothes and play with dolls than boys who had not been. Other research has documented a connection between prenatal phthalate exposure and "feminization" of male genitals, including smaller penises.

Evidence is increasingly emerging that estrogen mimics might also be responsible for a puzzling phenomenon: fewer boys are being born than ever before. Typically, 106 male children are born for every 100 females in most populations. In recent years, however, this distribution has been shifting in favor of females, with endocrine disruptors a likely culprit.

This really needs to be stopped. Although I'm all for more women in the world
But that doesn't mean it's right for chemicals to control how many women/men are being born, it should be all natural - although I do know people choose to allow science pick for them once they make a decision of what sex they want their child to be. But that's entirely different, because these children are not being chosen they are being targeted, by chemicals.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 15-3-2010 by highlyoriginal]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 08:03 PM


posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 08:16 PM
Good find.

I remember a great member Loam touched on this subject some time ago.

MEN: You are being chemically castrated..

Im sure you'll find a little more info here to go with yours.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 08:20 PM
Loam did an excellent thread on this a little while ago.

It has been known for many years, but not getting the attention it deserves, IMO.

Oops, I see scubagravy beat me to it.

[edit on 3/15/2010 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 08:27 PM
In my humble opinion I believe this is a calculated endeavor, specifically engineered by 'TPTB' ...whoever they are...hehe.
There are so many good reasons why 'they' maybe could/would do this.
Over the course of time -The breakdown of traditional family values, manipulation of gender perception through genetics and mainstream media puppetry, confusion of the youth, disruption of societal communication...engendering sexual prejudice and tension... all chains they basically hold you by the balls so to speak.
I have come across an interesting article referring exactly to this issue with some other reliable sources - I shall try and find it for you - it may add to the discussion.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 08:41 PM
@OP To help add more evidence to this.

A scientific review highlights the dangers of exposing pregnant women to hormone disrupting chemicals in consumer products, and focuses on the risks these pose to baby boys and the reproductive health of men. The conclusion of this analysis is that exposure to the cocktail of chemicals in our environment is likely to account for a proportion of the birth defects of the genitalia in baby boys, which are linked to under-masculinisation.

Short story, over 100,000 new chemicals in the last 100 years. Causing men to under-develop and retain feminine traits. Such as testicles not decending.

[edit on 15-3-2010 by mryanbrown]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 08:45 PM
Most of these chemical come from treated sewage being put into rivers.
or from landfill leaching.

If all towns built Fischer–Tropsch process plants and turned trash and sewage into oil we would not have these problems,
plus we would not have to import as much high priced oil from the middle east.

With a proper set up Fischer–Tropsch process plant the only water discharge would be distilled water free of all chemicals and drinkable.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 08:50 PM
Thank you for bringing this up again.

The matter is best remembered, for as a society, we are always loosing focus on those things that the MSM doesn't talk about.

Several generations from now, I would like it to be said that there were some who knew that the Big Chemical and Big Pharma industries valued profit over the products. That we urged, with sincere caution and measured reason, that we are not careful enough about the synthetic "cheap" solutions the nutrition industries have foisted upon us.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 09:09 PM

Other research has documented a connection between prenatal phthalate exposure and "feminization" of male genitals, including smaller penises.

Well you learn something new everyday, I thought it was just the cold.

God knows how much damage we are done by chemicals everywhere in the enviroment, everyday. heres an article about chemical outgassing of household furnishings etc.



what is a VOC (Volatile organic compound)

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 09:22 PM
While this posting affirms what I had suspected for some time, knowing that chemicals are causing boys to sound effeminate is something that can be observed all around us.

Take the radio and TV talk show hosts. Most of the older types like Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, and others are manly sounding. The sound as if you can easily tell that they have some male testosterone in their maleness. The deep, gravelly voices are indicative of men that sound like men. Even their breathing is more like a man than the hyper Chihuahua dog panting and talking style that we get from the younger crowd of talking heads and talk show hosts.

On the other hand, we have the new crop of talking heads and they sound like girls or better yet they sound like ditsy blonds that cant spell GED. When they get excited it's very amusing to hear just how high their voices can get while trying to sound like angry men. Well, it's not working.

Shawn Hannity, Glen Beck, Mad-cow, Rusty Humphrey, and others all sound like ugly whiny girls. They sound effeminate and you can hear it in their voices. Then sound like girls and have a high pitched sounding voices that seems devoid of any testosterone. They do not sound manly, but they do sound like women that haven't decided what they are.

This posting only confirms what I had already suspected. It is good to know the scientific process by which such a phenomena is causing males to sound like girls, but no where in the posting did I detect a cure for such a malady.

Some of the talking heads probably wouldn't agree, but then you be the judge. Listen to them and see if I'm not telling you the truth. The older men sound like men and the new upstarts in the mid 20's to early 30's sound like women. I hate to say it, but I feel better knowing that my suspicions were not totally insane. While I don't particularly like being right, this time I will have to just say that if chemicals are doing this to the male population, what could be happening to the women?

Oh well, that's another subject. Thanks for the posting. I feel better knowing my suspicions were validated.

Thanks for the posting.

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 09:23 PM
So does everyone posting so far think that bisphenol A in aluminum cans replacing glass was only for cost reasons?

A lot of chemicals are covered in this study, and a lot of them are not. The conclusion of the WWF is that not a lot can be done by individuals, but this is defeatist. You even have clean glass packaging lobbying groups you can help to change congress and senate's minds. If the American Headache Society that specified the epigenotoxic valproic acid migraine protocols to the FDA wasn't run by Talley Management, the same folks who run the Glass Packaging Instutute, I might trust Talley, but I don't trust any of the journals it manages.

Here's a list of some of Talley Management's Clients:

I'm going to point you readers to the term epigenotoxin, and suggest that epigenotoxin source study dissemination continue with deference to the wider scope of chemicals causing damage to the epigenome as new data becomes available.

Mass sterilization campaign Exposed! This Includes You! Epigenotoxins! Legal Loophole!

And if you don't mind OP, I'm going to crosslink you from my thread.

[edit on 15-3-2010 by elusive1]

posted on Mar, 15 2010 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by Maxmars

Exactly. Big pharma would rather us be sick than healthy - more money for them. I have tried to raise awareness, not just by posting threads like this (I've made others exposing big pharma before) but I also share this information with everyone who is willing to listen

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 01:25 PM
This is all part of the Agenda of the Elite.

The Elite are trying to destroy the Center of society... the Family, by feminizing men... so that less children will be born, and less families will exist to counter the indoctrination system of Media and School... just Individuals with less close family ties..

Easy prey.

The REALLY interesting thing, is that Fluoride ALSO has this sort of effect.

And all you have to do, is to correlate the Global Fluoride Chart:
(Redder = More Fluoride)

With the Global population ratio (Males(Red) vs Females(Blue)):

To see the results....


posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 01:52 PM
Before people start to go after these chemicals and drugs that are said to turn males into females, they should first make sure that there weren't chemicals or drugs that turned females into males. These chemicals and drugs may be a cure to those females that just want to be female and not be born as a male as they were.

It seems evident already that people have tried to control who gets born as what.

Don't stop the solution.

Evidence is increasingly emerging that estrogen mimics might also be responsible for a puzzling phenomenon: fewer boys are being born than ever before. Typically, 106 male children are born for every 100 females in most populations. In recent years, however, this distribution has been shifting in favor of females, with endocrine disruptors a likely culprit.

Hmmm.... so people want more males in order to make "men work" like slaves.

What happen to random natural selection and somehow that being able to keep the ratio of male to female equal. Someone has there hand in the pick

[edit on 16-3-2010 by dzonatas]

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Edrick

I agree, and thank you for sharing the info and adding to the thread flag for you.

Originally posted by dzonatas
What happen to random natural selection and somehow that being able to keep the ratio of male to female equal. Someone has there hand in the pick

[edit on 16-3-2010 by dzonatas]

That was a point I was trying to make. Natural selection is becoming more scarce, at least compared to how it used to be before science intervened. When I do decide to have children, I want to have them naturally, and I want to let the sex of the baby be a surprise... I'm not even old fashion, I'm young, but I like the idea of a surprise.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 10:34 PM
I don't see a problem here. Men make up the vast majority of violent crimes and acts in this world. Men always think with their penises first and their minds last unless they have somehow untied their emotions from their bodies. Men are the reason for all the world's man-made (no pun intended) destruction thus far. Men are more prone to corruption and far more likely to walk out on their committments.

This world would be far safer, more empathetic and more technologically advancedwith sayl 10% men and 90% women, though I can't say what a world of 90% women would do for entertainment. Women are creative, though. They would adapt.

+1 more 
posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by sos37

No, you are absolutely NOT going here, Not in this thread, Not on THIS BOARD...

Your position is so ABSOLUTELY SEXIST and blind that I have NO CHOICE but to respond.

I don't see a problem here. Men make up the vast majority of violent crimes and acts in this world.

In prrcvious studies [Aggrtssirc Behavior 142403414, l9t8; Aggressive Behavior lE: I 17-127, 1992] it was found that adolescent girls used indirect means of aggression more than adolescent boys, whereas physical aggression was used more by boys, and direct verbal aggression was used equally by both sexes. The present study investigated whether
males, as adults, start to employ indirect aggression to the same extent as females. Three hundred thirty-three university employees (162 males, 176 females) filled in the Work Harassment Scale by Bj0rkqvist et al. [994]. Specid attention nas drawn to two sub scales: rational-appearing aggrmsion and social manipulatlon. lt was found that males used the former type of aggression significantly more often than females, while females used
the latter more than males. Both are variants of covert aggression, in which the perpetrator tries to disguise his/her aggressive intentions, in order to avoid retaliation and/or social condemnation

Source: Sex Differences in Covert Aggression Among Adults

I know what you are *TRYING* to say.... that women are BETTER than men.

But you are wrong.

Men always think with their penises first and their minds last

Such a sad little generalization... your motives and irrational bias is showing.

That must be why men wear skin tight, cleavage revealing clothing, but women wear more casual wear in public....


Men always think with their penis, huh?

Well, that explains, Agriculture, Medicine, Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Science, Chemistry, Algebra, Philosophy, The Rule of Law, Harnessing Electricity, Geothermal power, Metalsmithing, Metallurgy, Aero Engineering, Space Flight, Satellites, Naval Vessels, The Automobile, the Highway system, Mining, Advances in Medical Technology, The INTERNET...

In fact... EVERY convenience YOU TAKE FOR GRANTED... was given to you by *MEN*

You should probably thank their penises... since that is what they were thinking with AS THEY BUILT THE WORLD.

...unless they have somehow untied their emotions from their bodies.

Oh... a qualifying statement, eh?

So... you are suggesting that women are better at subjugating their emotions than men?

Do I really need to refute that? or does EVERYONE see through the BLATANT LIE of your statement?

Men are the reason for all the world's man-made (no pun intended) destruction thus far.

Men have also BUILT everything "Man-Made" (no pun intended) thus far.

Homes, Skyscrapers, Bridges, Dams, Canals, High Capacity Agriculture...

Men are more prone to corruption and far more likely to walk out on their committments.


That is a fairly BRASH statement.

Especially considering the FACTS that...

1. Women are FAR more likely to file for divorce than men


*90% of Non-Custodial fathers Pay Child Support.
(Source: Census Bureau report. Series P-23, No. 173)

* 90% of Fathers With Joint Custody Pay Child Support.
(Source: Census Bureau report. Series P-23, No. 173)

* Fathers With Visitation Rights Pay 79.1%
(Source: Census Bureau report. Series P-23, No. 173)

* 44.5% of Non-Custodial Fathers Still Financially Support Their Children.
(Source: Census Bureau report. Series P-23, No. 173)

* 66% of Fathers Not Paying Child Support Are Unable Due To Lack of Financial Resources. (Source: GAO report: GAO/HRD-92-39 FS)

* 52% of Fathers Who Owe Child Support Earn Less Than $6,155 Per Year According To The Poverty Studies Institute.

* 47% of Non-Custodial Mothers Default on Child Support.
(Source: Garansky and Meyer, DHHS Technical Analysis Paper No. 42, 1991)

* 27% of Non-Custodial Fathers Default Child Support.
(Source: Garansky and Meyer, DHHS Technical Analysis Paper No. 42, 1991)

* Total Custodial Mothers: 11,268,000.
(Source: Current Population Reports, U.S. Bureau of the Census, Series P-20, No. 458, 1991)

* Total Custodial Fathers: 2,907,000.
(Source: Current Population Reports, U.S. Bureau of the Census, Series P-20, No. 458, 1991)

* 66% of Non-Custodial Fathers Do Not Pay Child Support Due To An Inability To Pay. (Source: U.S. General Accounting Office Report, GAO/HRD-92-39FS January 1992)

* Custodial Mothers Who Receive a Support Award: 79.6%
(Source: Technical Analysis Paper No. 42, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Income Security Policy, Oct. 1991, Authors: Meyer and Garansky)

Men are FAR more likley (per capita) to actually PAY child support than women, and the VAST MAJORITY of men who do not have custody of their children, DO pay child support.... even to their own poverty

So, what responsibilities, EXACTLY are you talking about men walking away from?

As far as corruption...

Have you ever heard of the Marian Persecutions?

Yeah... that one is a fun read:

From "Political Cleaners: How Women are the New Anti-Corruption Force.
Does the Evidence Wash?"

To expect that women’s gender alone can act as a magic bullet to resolve a corruption problem that is much bigger than they are, that is systemic, is unrealistic to say the least. It reflects not just wishful but almost desperate thinking. If women do exhibit preferences for less corrupt behavior, that may simply be because they have been excluded from
opportunities for such behavior, and that effect is bound to change over time as greater numbers of women enter public office.

Fundamentally, your assertions that women are "Less Corrupt" than men, is political hogwash that does not stand the scrutiny of the light of day.

So, in other words.... Source your claim.

This world would be far safer, more empathetic and more technologically advancedwith sayl 10% men and 90% women, though I can't say what a world of 90% women would do for entertainment. Women are creative, though. They would adapt.

I see... so you are a SEXIST, and you are advocating the wholesale Genocide of an entire Gender.

That is very telling of your inherent bias and misandry (hatred of men)

You are not only WHOLLY WRONG, but you are also fueled by a hatred of men...

99.99% of EVERYTHING EVER MADE was made by men.

You can't honestly CLAIM anything that you HAVE claimed, and still expect to be taken seriously...

You need to examine your Hatred, because it is tainting your worldview.


posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:37 AM
And you are a Misogynist , Edrick I am sure you two will have a lively discussion....not the first time you do this ^^

You are putting Men on some sort of God-pedestal, the superior sex

George Carlin puts it in perspective

And by the way, gender isnt the same as sex, you get it wrong again

As for the OP's topic: Yes, it is a bad thing, if it leads to sickness and a unhealthy Human life. I am not sure whether very strict MALE and FEMALE dichtomies are a good thing however, maybe a little more balance would be more harmonious, just a suggestion...I wouldnt enforce my ideas about gender and sexuality on people, even if I disagree

posted on Mar, 17 2010 @ 06:59 AM
yup.. heres another artical i found and posted here a few months back.. disturbing to say the least..

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