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Virginia says HELL NO to Federal Healthcare

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posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 02:00 PM
There is something I don't understand about you fellow Americans. Why are you so afraid of a socialized healthcare coverage. All industrialized countries provide universal healthcare coverage for its citizen and many developing countries too. I think it is a fair system for the poor, the middle class and rich people. For the rich citizens you can always go to a private clinic or hospital and pay for it.

I want to mention that I have watch Michael Moore's movie Sicko and I am not proud of your healthcare plan as it is today. Just to think that when you get sick and you need healthcare, the first thing you have to do is call your private insurance company to ask permission to go to the hospital just to make sure they will pay the bill.

Correct me if I am wrong but this is what I am thinking of it.

Wiki: Universal health care

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by St-Patrick
There is something I don't understand about you fellow Americans. Why are you so afraid of a socialized healthcare coverage. All industrialized countries provide universal healthcare coverage for its citizen and many developing countries too. I think it is a fair system for the poor, the middle class and rich people. For the rich citizens you can always go to a private clinic or hospital and pay for it.

I want to mention that I have watch Michael Moore's movie Sicko and I am not proud of your healthcare plan as it is today. Just to think that when you get sick and you need healthcare, the first thing you have to do is call your private insurance company to ask permission to go to the hospital just to make sure they will pay the bill.

Correct me if I am wrong but this is what I am thinking of it.

Wiki: Universal health care

Sorry I can only give you one star. You deserve more.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 02:12 PM

I have an idea, since you and those
with your philosophy are basically
stealing from me and people like
me, just consider your "labor" a
user fee.

To clarify, I have been paying into
the system for thirty+ years "Medicaid
FICA, Social Security), but since I
am not going to get to use it as it
was designed for and you will, pay

That is socialism as defined by
those who cry about but still take
that Medicair, but not bright enough
to realize they are being played for
a fool by the Insurance Companies.

Let me have a few decent years in
which I do not have to struggle with
bill collectors before I go. Give me
the money I put in the system that
you get to use but do not appreciate.

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 05:13 PM
For everyone that thought my posts or comments were too......mean. Sorry, I get worked up a little bit now and than. Where I live, there is a health care system I could join, if I want to. Does your state have one? No? Well why are you not asking your state to pass one? Why?

Also, ruth, if you feel the payment of your income tax dollars, should go for health care, instead of what does the federal government use that for again? Oh yeah, any damn thing they want. Like expanding the federal gov into such things that are coming apart.

Let me see, the Social Security system is broke, the Medicare system is broke, everything is broke. Everything.

You expect me to allow the federal government to not only take over health care, but to mandate me to pay for insurance I do not want. To have access to my bank account, to allow certain special interests(like themselves) to be exempt.

Let me see, the total effective tax rate on a citizen is at 50-75% as it is. Now you want me to believe the health care bill, the bailouts, the Cap and Tax are not going to raise those rates even further.

Please, using my labor with out my permission is slavery, plain and simple.

There will be no Social Security, Medicare/medicaid when I am old enough to get it. And if there was, I would not expect any to begin with.

CONTROL is all they know, not benevolence, not sympathy, not care.

Using the arguments of other countries have it, is really getting old.

And no, I think the US representatives should not be allowed to have their own health care package that we pay for through our tax dollars.

We have a ruling class now, that each and every one of you has helped to destroy this country. What are you going to do? Help them push us over the edge. Repeal any and every damn thing they have installed over the last 30-40 years, get out of defending the FREE world with our tax dollars, THEN maybe I would back a CONSTITUTIONAL amendment allowing this.

Otherwise, the Federal Government breaking the Constitution is just that.

Breaking the LAW, just as SS did and just as Medicare did.

Sorry, no pity party from me. You do not know my situation just as I do not know yours. Life is yours to lead and deal with just as mine is.

Do I hold a gun to your head? So why do want to hold a gun to mine?

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 05:36 PM
Reply to post by St-Patrick

What I do not understand is Americana who do not understand our founding fathers and their documents.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Mar, 12 2010 @ 06:12 PM
Well, this one went off topic pretty quick. I guess the health care thingy is a do or die for some folk.

So, what next thing will be do or die?

I guess food. Everyone deserves food right?

Then housing, everyone deserves a house right?

How about the internet, that is a right too?

And here we are again, back to tyranny. The gov taking my labor for what they feel is best for me. Because I am too damn ignorant to decide on my own.

Thanks everyone, it only took the elites 200 years to convince you, that you are too stupid to run your own life.

Now, where is that sand for me to bury my head in?

Oh to be blissfully ignorant.

For every tax dollar given to the government, how much of that actually goes to anything?

Any ideas people?


I will tell you, ZERO. That is right, not one dime of tax money goes to anything except the bankers. Government income is based not on taxes alone. Do you not understand this? Debt is how they control us. Control is how the control us-giving them the power over YOU.

Keep denying the truth. Keep excepting the lies.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 09:48 PM
Somehow, as usual a great number of Americans feel that they are somehow owed something - they are not. And an out of control government is attempting to give them that something which they have no right to do. I would like to think that when an immigrant makes that fateful trip to America they are thinking - "Its all up to me now. The door is open and now I must decide what I am going to do when I get inside. Fail or thrive - its up to me".

You know why America is so highly revered? Because of our uniqueness. Because you can as an American go all the way to the top of the ladder or wallow below the bottom rung because you are given the scope to do what you will to be what you will - unencumbered by an over bearing government.

Yes you can fail - true! But if you do you will have no one to blame but yourself. Yes it may be a hard road to success but it is achievable through much hard work and few lame excuses.

But as too often the case we see Americans willing to trade liberties for the govenments new offering to the peasantry. People they owe you nothing and you don't want what they are peddling. When will you finally realize this, How bad will it finally get when you understand?

For me I state clearly "I will not accept anything from the Government" as I have not accepted anything from them in 40 years.

posted on Mar, 16 2010 @ 09:54 PM
The black guy in this news report thinks that Virginia blocked his chances at getting healthcare.. how funny is that
What's interesting is they didn't clarify anything for him, but allowed these statements without correction showing that this media outlet wanted a spin against Virginia

[edit on 16-3-2010 by antideceit]

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