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Twelve New England towns demand 9/11 reinvestigation

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posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

What took you so long, GoodolDave? It's almost the bottom of the 1st page and so far you're the only faither who has dared to tread into this thread!

I have come to firmly believe that anyone who buys the official story simply cannot entertain a train of thought more than a few cross ties down the track without getting derailed. Or they are simply too lazy to think for themselves or paid to pretend they believe the OS fairy tale.

[edit on 3/5/2010 by dubiousone]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:05 AM
I don't understand this drive for a new investigation.
If there is one, don't you realise that the same people who did 9/11 will perform the investigation, and just tell you a different lie?

They'll find a scapegoat, crucify it, and continue about their business, and you'll be none the wiser. I think we all know there is only one way to deal with this.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:09 AM
I can applaud New England for what they are trying to do but unless the federal government is left out of the process of investigating itself and unless some credible external agency actually intervenes to ensure that the federal government does not stifle or obstruct justice we can be assured that any investigation that takes place will be undermined from the beginning with bribed sock puppet investigators working covertly for those that are paying them to undermine the investigation and or those whose professional credentials can be undermined and discredited covertly by those internal to any investigation.

I do not trust the federal government to conduct any meaningful investigation because once someone needs to go into supposedly classified national security information there will be no way to overcome such a refusal without a lengthy legal battle that will be rigged from the beginning with federal judges that take their orders from their criminal and political masters.

All confiscated CCTV video footage and NORAD radar tapes and all cell phone records for all being investigated should already be in hand and scrutinized before ever beginning the investigation itself. If the federal government wont give up the evidence it has so arrogantly collected and classified as national security then it will only waste the time of any investigators and it will then prove that the investigation is nothing but a show case "dog and pony" investigation that is doomed to go no where because no evidence can be considered or reviewed.

I would begin with a meaningful investigation as to why did bldg. 7 come down without demolition and if demolition is admitted, who ordered it and when exactly was the building ordered to be wired because anyone who thinks the building could have been wired in a few hours is just plain ignorant. Unless a 911 investigation is willing to get to the real bottom of the truth, then there should be no sacred cows or little girls crying about antisemitism.

So much evidence was gathered by the federal government that it only stands to reason that the federal government already knows that 911 was not committed by those from a cave in Afghanistan. Who produced the nano thermite and who would have the expertise to wire three buildings with tons and tons of explosives without expert demolition experts being involved? Why did the Anthrax investigation go nowhere? Why cant the FBI conduct a meaningful investigation? Or did they?

I just hope that if and when New England is successful in this request that indeed we see a meaningful investigation. We deserve to know the truth and only by knowing the truth will the guilty be the sole focus of American's quest for holding the guilty accountable for their crimes. This investigation could not begin soon enough for me. I just hope it begins in earnest and that it ends in justice for the guilty that murdered thousands of innocent American victims to satisfy some foreign policy objective that only benefited Israel, the Bush administration and the Military industrial complex Bush Cheney corporations that profit from war with all the implements of war.

While I can expect Obama to state that he has not reviewed or been briefed on anything to do with 911, I would call that a blatant lie because then I would ask why not? Why have you not since becoming president gotten up to speed on where the investigations are and what those investigations imply?. Obama can play stupid or he can act stupid. Since Obama is just a sock puppet, he will act like he is ordered to act and will use that teleprompter with great ease while he puts America to sleep with his boring presidential monosyllabic utterances.

Lastly if any evidence exists to confirm that Obama has obstructed justice in a move to a meaningful investigation, then I would include legal action that includes Obama for perpetuating the cover-up since assuming office and for obstructing an investigation that would implicate Bush, Cheney and other foreign nationals involved up to their eyebrows with involvement and complicity in 911. To those guilty of the 911 crimes, I hope that justice catches up with you soon.

Should Obama get involved and refuse to allow an investigation, it will be the proverbial "straw that broke the camels back". If this should occur then all bets are off with any justice or with any investigation. It would mean that we are being dismissed like little children and if that attitude comes from Washington politicians, then it will be the last thing anyone remembers before Americans stood up and went looking for politicians to address grievances of a personal nature with a rope in their hands and the proverbial pitch forks and burning torches.

Swinging from a tree or light pole could be the last thing some politicians remember if anymore executive denials and anymore criminal obstruction is blatantly committed in front of those seeking the truth of 911 and justice for the guilty who committed 911.

Thanks for the posting. It got me to vent and I feel better.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by GoodFella

We do not want the government doing a new 911 investigation they cannot be trusted.
I hope to believe they are looking into voting on an independent panel of experts.
If they don’t do this then you are right, it will be a lost cause.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:22 AM
A new investigation is all but worthless at this point.
* Most of the evidence is gone
* Many witnesses are literally gone (dead)
* Due to the length of time remaining witnesses memories are not accurate
* So many crackpots etc that would gladly make up stuff just to get on the witness stand or on TV

What is really needed is to go back in time, and do a proper investigation in the first place. Sadly it is too late for that.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by MaxBlack

The fact is, you are right in everything you just stated.

I have no problem with venting especially when you are telling the truth.
I agree with you and if this country continues on this down hill destruction that I see coming, I certainly would not want to be a politician, because the American people will be looking for accountability for this mess of destroying our great country.

When the rest of the sheep wake up, 911 will be the platform that will open the flood gates of anger and a deep resentment towards our government. G-d help us all.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by impressme]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 03:49 AM
If there is a new investigation (which I doubt will ever happen and if it does it will be done by the US government and we will be lied to again) it MUST be done by an outside source other than the govt. because it will just be a bunch of crap & lies all over again.

Not to mention if a new investigation occurs and the govt. does it and they come up with the same story or something very similar it will ruin the 'truth movement' completely because those who believe in the OS will just use the 2nd investigation to solidify their beliefs in the government and bash the truthers with the 'new' investigation results.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by impressme
People have idle time on their hands; they are spending more time on the internet researching the government’s lies about 911 and many other issues. People are getting angry, and they want some answers.

I wonder if their plan is failing them. They crashed the economy to bring us down to even more subservient levels but now no one has a job! So people are stuck at home, pissed off at the government for bailing out the wealthy bankers while they lost their job so they're out researching what other evils the government has been a part of. 9/11, the War on Terror and the terrible economy would have been better played out in the 90s when the internet was sparse and this information wasn't so readily available for anyone to read.

edit: Don't worry though! Some government spy monitoring this thread is gonna deliver my brilliant plan tmrw and before you know it, employment will go up 100% and the work day extended to 16 hours! hahaha That way we'll never be able to read!

[edit on 5-3-2010 by conspiracy88]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 04:56 AM
reply to post by impressme

Obviously, all they want to hear is:

The Israeli's did it
The US Government did it.

Just what would happen if either of those were proved to be true?
The way I see it, It can only have 2 outcomes, A Civil War or World War.
So if either of those is Actually True, then the truth will never be known.
Don't forget Dec 23rd 2012 is just around the Corner. And if that's true,
then the End of the World will come about because of People seeking the

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by highlyoriginal
If there is a new investigation (which I doubt will ever happen and if it does it will be done by the US government and we will be lied to again) it MUST be done by an outside source other than the govt. because it will just be a bunch of crap & lies all over again.

There are many independed ivestigations. Some of them are known, some are not, but nobody actually wants to do it properly and up to the end.

Simply, people are afraid. Think like this: you found the proof that US government actually did it. So, what would be for them to get you?

[edit on 5-3-2010 by JayJayDee]

[edit on 5-3-2010 by JayJayDee]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by JayJayDee
Think like this: you found the proof that US government actually did it. So, what would be for them to get you?

Or they find nothing at all to show that explosives or super duper nano thermite was involved, they find Flight 77 hit the Pentagon, Flight 93 came down near Shanksville and the "Jews" were not involved and so are not believed by the "truthers"

[edit on 5/3/10 by dereks]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by impressme

I believe that the ONLY way that anything untainted and of value in Congress (or government in general) can be accomplished is to first purge Washington and possibly even the state governments and start fresh. Maybe keep a very few like Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul. And I would definitely try to bring Chuck Hagel back in. There is simply too much corruption. Sibel Edmunds' testimony is probably vital to an investigation like this and if she is able to speak freely, maybe more of her former co-workers- and some in other branches of the special services may be willing to come forward. Once they know that they are going down anyway, maybe more of the actual peripheral players will come forward, too- to save their hides in any way they can. In other words, that it could snowball.

Oh shoot. I've forgotten your first 2 questions, but as far as the media being a part of it, I don't know. Who owns A&E? Personally, I would rather see a citizen panel chosen with the same scrutiny that a jury would be chosen. Or/ And possibly with foreign members included. Maybe the ICC. Somehow, Israel's influence would have to be kept out of it.
I believe there ARE journalists of the kind of caliber we used to have in our media and if they could work unencumbered- without threat regarding their careers, there is a chance that this might turn around.

ETA: My answer to the other 2 questions is absolutely not!

[edit on 5-3-2010 by DogsDogsDogs]

[edit on 5-3-2010 by DogsDogsDogs]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 05:39 AM
Would the moderators please delete this post? :blush: I found the edit button.

[edit on 5-3-2010 by DogsDogsDogs]

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 05:49 AM
S&F impressme as usual...

I think we are at the beginning of the paradigm shift...

The upside down world that we have been living in for the past 2,000 years is about to be righted.....

'the chaff will be separated from the wheat'

'the truth will set you free'....and we are on the cusp of freedom.....

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 05:50 AM
I herd this on RT last night good news i hope it happens

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by bagari

What if you had a child 10 years ago.
Let's say that child died and you still do not know how or why.

How long would it take you to just "forget about it and move on"?

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by downisreallyup

I could not have said it better! S& F for you!!

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 06:00 AM
Interesting that this thread contains so many calls to arms - tar and feathering, hanging politicians from light poles, purging them...

And yet the Truth Movement prefers to sit at home and do nothing when a genuine opportunity to popularise its ideas comes up.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by skeptic_al

I'm intrigued to know why you think that finding out that the US (&/or the UK &/or Israeli) government(s) were behind or complicit in Sept 11th would result in Civil War or World War- unless you think that Israel would then openly attack the US with nuclear weapons because they would have nothing to lose then. In that case, I guess yes, it might. I'm hard pressed to believe that the Europeans, Asians or even anyone in the Middle East would be so anxious to jump into world war. They aren't as aggressive as we are, or foolish and wasteful and besides that, what would be accomplished by doing that? Why expend all that life, money and property (eps in the context of the world economy now) when it would restore nothing and only add harm to insult?

But why wouldn't it be more likely that those involved in perpetrating this crime; against the United States and against humanity (because after all, it did involve the whole world), would be immediately arrested, charged with treason (among other things), tried and convicted? The expense to the taxpayers wouldn't be such a big thing because so much of the leg work would have been done. Would it be dangerous and somewhat chaotic- probably. We would be at risk for the very factions that may have staged all this to also stage a coup- openly this time. But do you think that our military troops and our citizenry would stand by or support that coup? I don't. Not now and maybe never.
Maybe that's what you mean by Civil War. I doubt it would be much of one because it would just be too asymmetrical.

Why do I think that claiming that this would "destroy the whole country" is just the same as the whole fear mongering manipulation of the so-called terrorist threats and "alerts"? It is beyond obvious how we have been played and manipulated and lied to repeatedly in order to have our freedoms- our very Constitution, destroyed and as a very weak rationale for more aggressions and increases in our "defense" budget.
"Who benefits" is glaringly obvious to the point of practically choking on it.
It would be laughable if it weren't so deadly serious. It's become ludicrous.

posted on Mar, 5 2010 @ 07:17 AM

I think it may be best to leave 911 alone and concentrate on the present threat.
reply to post by In nothing we trust

I agree we need to focus on the present threat, no doubt there. But I'm capable of multi-tasking, and I think we can do both.

I think it comes down to this. How do we want to be governed? By dictatorship? B/c in my opinion America is heading that way. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....but I've just walked into a dark room, its getting lighter, and I think there's writing on the wall.

If we continue down this path of blindly trusting our government, then perhaps further down the road there will be an even bigger threat heading our way. The government should answer to the people; right now, I don't honestly think it does. This is a first step in the process.

As for appreciating the answers I find, I disagree. I might not like them. I might hate the truth. But its still the truth. And I want to know.

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