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Family kills themselves over global warming - baby girl survives!

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posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by climb

A lack of knowledge in human biology does not a miracle make.

Firstly, if the bullet didn't hit an organ, artery or blood vessel, there will be little bleeding. Cavities within the body are remarkably bloodless. Most of the child's bleeding would have come from superficial wounds which would have congealed rather quickly. Case closed!

I think you have spent too much time in the past thumping the bible instead of learning a bit about science, biology and medicine. Strange considering you inhabit a body. When you think all the answers for life can be found in one little book, then it's just a recipe for ignorance.

Now please... try reading some other books & stop derailing this thread with cliched religious ideology! There's already a forum dedicated to that here... and this is not it.


[edit on 2/3/10 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

You don't know that.

No i don’t... in the sense of i can only give an opinion based on my thoughts on an issue... the same as you... You cannot 100% say that had it not been for AGW they wouldn’t have killed themselves... you can only give an opinion... bit of a pointless comment really...

What you do know is that their note mentioned global warming as part of their rationale for committing this murder/suicide. Not "the recession" or "ww3..or whatever" - they cited the man-made Global Warming theory as a part of their rationale...

*Would you argue that this would have happened regardless (of the AGW theory) and that the deranged parents would have used another reason to kill themselves and their children?

Yes i would argue that!! I believe they were suffering from a form of severe depression or other mental illness/condition!!

Why do you think the parents chose to cite global warming of all things? Why not something else such as "the recession" or "WW3" ?(your alternatives)

You could use that same argument for the many other suicides... Why did Mr X kill his family because of dept? Why not something else??

Ok... here is the point...

Man kills his family due to losing $105,000 on the stock market.

In the letter Barton said he had killed the children with a hammer to spare them "a lifetime of pain".

Man kills family and then himself... police investigating financial state and marital situation.

The bodies of Mrs Mochrie and her four children - Bethan, 10, Luke, 14, Sian, 16, and James, 18 - were found in separate bedrooms of the house in Rutland Close were all wearing "nightwear", said Detective Chief Inspector Anthony.

Police investigating the case have said that they might never know what caused Robert Mochrie - described as a devoted and caring father - to kill his family.

And i can go on...

I could go on further but you get the point... To kill one own family is not some new phenomena due to global warming.

When people get depressed they often find something to pin it on.

Global warming... financial situation... relationship problems... a normal person deals with these issues using reasoning skills... a severely depressed person loses that ability and starts to spiral into hopelessness... eventually leading to suicide...

When i man kills his entire family because his wife has an affair do you blame the wife?

Or do you just see it as a disturbed man who cannot deal with the unfortunate pressures of modern life?

Like i said before... this story has been grabbed by the AGW deniers who wish to use it as a kind of propaganda tool for their argument... shame on them!

Climate change... Man made or natural cycle? With regards to this story... irrelevant... to use this story to feed an argument on AGW is, in my opinion, exploiting the deaths of a family for political reasons!!

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 07:45 AM
About 30 years ago in Sydney, Australia, the media reported that a grandmother had killed her grandchildren and herself to save them from having to suffer the 'end of the world' as predicted in a number of Nostradamus tv-documentaries

No, she wasn't crazy. She'd raised her own children very well and was a normally functioning member of society, much loved and respected. No history of mental illness and not on any form of medication

The 'world's end' type documentaries, supposedly based on Nostradamus' predictions had convinced the woman that hell would soon be unleashed

She loved her grandchildren and took care of them several times a week while the parents worked

In order to spare her grandchildren the predicted horrors of a world gone insane, she 'sent them back to God', i.e., she killed them. Then, having no taste for life without her grandchildren, she killed herself

Some people are more fearful than others. Some are more trusting than others. The global-warming hype has been of the sensational variety. It was designed to terrify people. If the word 'crazy' has to be bandied about, it should more properly be used to describe those who created the deliberately alarming global-warming propaganda

Was Al Gore prefacing his rants with warnings that he should not be taken literally ? No. He was desperate to convince. So are we going to blame the audience for believing his claims ?

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 07:45 AM
It's sad to say it, but these people have died in vain. Global warming is nothing more than a shame to make money off of "green" inventions and to have a vice that can be used against the people. A lie propagated by greedy capitalists, who are engaged in a power struggle with one another in massive scale global finance. Oh well, despite all of that, I hope this family can R.I.P.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 07:58 AM

from OP link;

Argentines Francisco Lotero, 56, and Miriam Coletti, 23,
shot their children before killing themselves after making an apparent suicide pact over fears about global warming.

in the town of Goya in the northern Argentine province of Corrientes,
...they feared the effects of global warming in a suicide note discovered by police.

with only some subtle differences, this event would have 'Conspiracy' written all over it.

but... lets find out if the Father/husband??
was more than a troubled peasant & his family

was this a drug cartel hit with a suicide note ?
was the man a microbiologist, in the long list of other scientists that got hit ?

investigation is needed here

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

Need I constantly remind you that the child is 7 months old and therefore not as strong as a full grown human being to deal with a bullet lodged in her, she was also alone, no food, no water, with no human care for three days, it's funny I have heard scientists say that people cannot survive without food and water for more than three days so I wonder what they think about that baby. Because by their estimate since that baby is not an adult the survival rate should be in fact much much lower.

God works in miraculous ways.

The word of God is truth. In case you were not aware God is the most greatest and brillant scientist that has ever existed and will ever exist, look how he created this entire universe and people. Man's wisdom is foolishness to God. Man cannot even half comprehend the mind of God.

[edit on 2-3-2010 by climb]

[edit on 2-3-2010 by climb]

[edit on 2-3-2010 by climb]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by climb

I was going to reply to any one of the several similar posts by this member

but as I began to do so, I realised it's Off Topic

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by Dock9

So I guess I should head over to the "Conspiracy In Religions Section". I am quite sure I will feel right at home there. What a suitable place to talk seriously about God. Since after all I am quite sure that Christianity falls under the category of conspiracies according to this forum. Where is the "Conspiracy In Science" I wonder. Wouldn't the global warming falsified data fall under that category. Since everything is a conspiracy on this forum why not science as well, why not have a nifty "Conspiracy In Science" section.

The End (Final Post)

[edit on 2-3-2010 by climb]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 09:59 AM
And people say those of us who believe global warming is a hoax are insane. I can see why. Obviously people who question authority and are skeptical of a theory held together with faulty logic and bad science are much more insane and a threat to society than people who kill themselves and their children because of a gullible belief in that same faulty logic and bad science.

I award these two individuals the Darwin Awards. It's a shame they felt the need to involve their children in their ignorance, but at the very least we're rid of two more obstacles in the evolution of human intelligence.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by downisreallyup
I do hope that stories like this will cause people to take a more balanced view of all this, to consider ALL the relevant science, and to abandon the political motivations that are truly behind the AGW story.

Golly, that's some great exploitation.

Do you care about the family and the girl who survived or is this nothing more than a new and inappropriately ghoulish tool to smite Al Gore?

If they killed themselves because they were afraid global warming wasn't true would you believe they had a legitimate case against the opposing data?

It isn't an argument against global warming in the slightest I can tell you that right now so please don't print up any T-Shirts that say "Global Warming Causes Suicide".

It would be silly.

Rely on facts not the death of this poor family to prove your case.

Originally posted by RadarMan
It's sad to say it, but these people have died in vain. Global warming is nothing more than a shame to make money off of "green" inventions and to have a vice that can be used against the people.

That may be the case, but this familys' decision to kill themselves is not based on the fact that they believed in global warming. Mental illness and or depression played a part in the clearly clouded judgment of these parents.

Many people do believe in global warming, and yet they haven't murdered their families or themselevs.

You all make these actions seem sane and reasonable when they are far from it.

Originally posted by Exuberant1
Global warming propaganda clearly played a role in the murder/suicides.

So now the family is being used for anti-global warming propaganda.

Yeah okay... and maybe the dog next door to David Berkowitz did tell him to kill those people and we should consider the possibility that demons climb inside dogs and project thoughts into our head.

- Lee

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 02:57 PM
I dont understand how you can have a fear of global warming?

I remember a story about a girl who killed herself when they first turned CERN on, she thought the world was going to end, I never understood that one either.

I feel for the children and i hope Al Gore see this story.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by climb
reply to post by InfaRedMan

God works in miraculous ways.


The word of God is truth.


In case you were not aware God is the most greatest and brillant scientist that has ever existed and will ever exist, look how he created this entire universe and people.


Man's wisdom is foolishness to God. Man cannot even half comprehend the mind of God.


Your attitude is a prime example of why religion is on the way out... and why the world is so knackered!

Take it to the religious forum and stop imposing your off topic beliefs on everyone else... or don't you get that? This thread isn't about you and your invisible friend.


[edit on 2/3/10 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 05:38 PM
I have an extremely hard time believing any family would take such actions over such a debatable topic. IMO, we are missing a crucial part of the story. Perhaps they went to see Avatar together?

Sorry, this is a serious matter, I shouldn't be joking.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by climb

(1) A plane crashed killing 143 passengers and crew.
(2) But one child survived with only third-degree burns.
(3) Therefore, God exists.

Now regarding the tragic story of this thread. What about the other child that was killed? Was she not as important? Where was her "guardian angel"? What about all of the children who are murdered or raped or mutilated or strangled or drowned? Tell those victim's families that god works in mysterious ways. Tell them god was watching over them. Do you like worshiping a god who watches these things go on but won't prevent it from happening? When are people going to realize that god is man-made? He has human characteristics. According to the authors of the bible he's jealous. He kills. He demands money. He makes mistakes. He hates things that he created. He demands to be worshipped or else. So he's egotistical, bad tempered, and jealous. Sounds like the perfect god to believe in. I know I'm derailing the thread but I cannot handle the kind of ignorance that goes on when it comes to religion.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 06:07 PM
Some of you fail to see the whole picture. Things like this do not happen by accident. A person does not "lose" their mind over a singular topic. It is caused by a culmination of things.

The human misery index is going to increase over the next three or four years. There are too many things that are happening in society that a certain percentage of the population isn't happy with. Rather than having a "Wait and see what happens" mentality, they are going to opt out completely.

You will see this sort of thing again and again over the next few years. Watch.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by downisreallyup

No way... I had a disturbing dream VERY similar. I watched as a man began shooting some guy on a bed, his wife and then baby in the head. I never have such ghastly dreams (apocalyptic more often), but the sadness felt was unbearable.

This sad on a few levels.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 06:23 PM
I am still waiting for the first ATS member to off themself in fear of the coming Dark Rift! Once that happens, it's bye bye ATS.

Okay, ppl are actually killing themselves now. I think History channel has completed its agenda. Will the 6 guys who made the bet (H channel employees) please pay up/collect, and now get back to showing Hitler programs instead of Armageddon BS. Please.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by spinalremain
I am still waiting for the first ATS member to off themself in fear of the coming Dark Rift!

I'm on it.

I don't care about making a worthwhile post because I'm going to kill myself. But here's your second line anyway.

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 09:23 PM
Just in...

A person kills family after being sick of all the bad movies from Hollywood.

Curse Hollywood! Shifffft the blame! Personal responsibility is down the drain!

posted on Mar, 2 2010 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Naughty B0B

Bad things happen to many good people, I am not saying that I do not sympathize with what people go through. I am saying that in the midst of the bad times God is there to support people, I have seen it time and time again within my own life, within my own family, I have family members who have been brutally murdered and in the midst of that I have seen God strengthening and comforting us. What is very troubling is that in the midst of disasters it sounds like some people would rather see everyone perish than one person being alive miraculously and God rightfully being credited for that. Do people hate God and hate people that much. When one person or more survives a disasters or if in the midst of a bad situation and some good comes out should not that be celebrated, should their survival be not celebrated by people, that in the midst of tragedy some good can come out. How many times in our own lives because we have gone through a bad time we can help people who are facing the same situation. God is extremely good at making good come out of a very bad situation.

[edit on 2-3-2010 by climb]

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