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A Strange Feeling as of Late...

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posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by TwoPhish

I've been trying to meditate lately too but my head feels blocked. I can let some light in but, it's without a lot of concentration and sometimes, mild pain.

I'm so glad I'm not the only one. Usually, I have very productive meditational sessions, but my last one was concerning. I tried very hard to surround myself with light energy, and like you said, I did get some light in, but not the usual tons of light energy that I can usually get. I really didn't like it one bit.

I also feel ridiculously anxious about today.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 10:46 AM
Luckily not feeling anything today (that doesn't necessarily mean anything) There's a lot happening in politics today, and I imagine a ton of negative energy floating around. Make sure to shield and clear your energy.
Yesterday, I had a huge wave of vertigo between 12 and 12:30. Very disconcerting. I do hear quite a few people complaining of headaches.

posted on Mar, 23 2010 @ 11:09 PM
started classes on monday and also started to fall asleep in the middle of the day, waking up with a terrible headache... not the usual headache.
And I CAN'T sleep now, I have too much work to do on the 3D realm now =/...

I had a dream yesterday in the evening... There's a certain guy that I don't know IRL, famous, who have been in trouble lately, I use to dream a lot of him but lately I wasn't able to reach him, since everything started. Yesterday, on the dream, he seemed too distant and sad, not as usual, and tried to hold my arm in some ocasions, while staring at me like saying "please, don't leave me".
I have this weird feeling about this guy since a lot of time, and it's somehow impossible to meet him IRL... It's weird.
Somebody around here have some ties like this? It feels really weird... because is not the "OMG I LOEV YOU! *throw knickers*" (typo intended) tie, but another feeling... a weird one. He's not the only one BTW, just... now I'm so freaking worried about him
I feel a little ashamed about posting this, I have been investigating about this kind of ties with people we don't know more than by media. I just know one case aside of mine, and it's one of my friends. I haven't found anything online

EDIT: omg typos
[edit on 23-3-2010 by Caggy]

[edit on 23-3-2010 by Caggy]

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 03:53 AM
It's 8:50 in the mornin here in England and I'm sitting at my desk in work with a shockin headache.
Drank plenty of water so it's not dehydration.

Maybe another wave of electromagnetism?
Not sure, but man, it's a belter of a headache!!

Much love...

posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 10:14 AM
Hello Everybody,

As I'm sure you all have noticed, I've taken a break from posting on this thread in order to compile my thoughts into a coherent jumbled mess (an oxymoron I know). I've spent the last week and a half talking to others that have had the same problems, believers, non-believers, sensitives, and non-sensitives alike. The consensus is the same: everybody is experiencing something that cannot be explained through normal, rational means...believe me, I've tried, and I wish for the life of me that I was just crazy and messed up in the head. However, that is not the case, and that is not the case for all of you that have posted thus far.

I have been trying to do simple mind exercises for weeks now. Something as simple as guessing who was calling in on the telephone (something that I was never wrong about before). I have been wrong every time so far. I feel stifled. I feel like there is some massive weight pushing down on me that is preventing any sort of sixth sense abilities. Energy work is becoming increasingly hard and takes massive amounts of concentration on my end just to get minimal results. The universal energy stream has been disturbed in a massive way, and I fear that I cannot even feel it in the way that I have felt it for my entire life.

These are very troubling times indeed (aside from all the world politics). I am hoping that there is just some "universal reboot" happening and we'll all get back to normal soon. However, I do not think that is the case. I am worried, and I am scared. I do not scare easily if at all (unless it's a big black nasty spider, then I freak out like a little school girl).

I am having a meeting of the minds next week. These are five of my closest friends, all of like mind, and all of different faiths. There is a Native American Shaman, a Wiccan, a Catholic, a Jew, a Druid, and myself.

We have not had a meeting of the minds in a very long time (close to 8 years as a group) and I felt like it was time to get together to figure out what in the hell is going on. I will post again once we've had our meeting, and hopefully with our collective minds, we can put some more of the puzzle together.

Stay strong everybody, and realize that by sticking together through all of this, we become stronger as a whole. Don't fall for the scare tactics used by otherworldly things, and always walk in the light. Nothing can hurt you unless you want it to. Keep up with your individual mind exercises to keep the muscle exercised, and don't fear. That is about the best advice I can give all of you. Take care my friends, it's going to be a bumpy road.

Peace be with you.


posted on Mar, 24 2010 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by truthseeker1984

I am having a meeting of the minds next week. These are five of my closest friends, all of like mind, and all of different faiths. There is a Native American Shaman, a Wiccan, a Catholic, a Jew, a Druid, and myself.

We have not had a meeting of the minds in a very long time (close to 8 years as a group) and I felt like it was time to get together to figure out what in the hell is going on.

This is so incredibly epic! sounds like a scene from a movie!

anyway, its really nice to still see this thread alive, and I am really looking forward to what you have to say after this "meeting of the minds."

Good luck!

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 04:23 PM
Hi everyone,

I haven't been on ATS in awhile and I am happy to see this thread is still very active. I came across this other thread yesterday somehow.... and found it somewhat interesting. I apologize if people feel that it has nothing to do with the topic on this thread, but it made me think about how people have been describing themselves developing an awareness or awaking or being blocked by something.....It is rather long, and keep an open mind when reading. I felt the reading was very thought provoking.

This was posted by Hidden-Hand on 10-18-2008. Hidden-Hand has not been back on ATS since 10-25-2008 when he posted last.

"I am a generational member of a Ruling Bloodline Family.

Every so often, as per the directives of the Law of our Creator, a brief window of opportunity opens, whereby a select handful of our Family are required to make communication with our subjects, and offer you the chance to ask us any questions you would like answered."

"I am double-bound in this duty. It is required of me by The Law of our Creator to offer this opportunity to you at this time, though I am also bound by the Law of (planetary) Free Will and by Family Oaths, that there is only so much I am able to say."

In one of his last post he stated:

"Our goal, is a Negative Harvest for Ourselves. Not for you. We provide the Catalyst of Negativity for you, and it is up to you what you do with it. The drastic extent of the Negativity we Create though, has more to do with us, than it does with you. Some of my earlier replies should make clear why that is so."


posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 04:39 AM
I've had the little black floaters out of the corner of my eye too. I was told by a Dr. that I was seeing the blood passing through the capilaries in my eye. I can see it better on sunny days and can "focus" on it at will by using my peripheral vision.
The live wire shocks...I get those as well. Two or three times a month, laying in bed waiting to fall asleep and WHAMMO! My whole body convulses like I was just shocked, arms and legs will jump off the mattress, then its over, no lingering feeling at all. Dr told me it was just my nervous system recalibrating itself and not to worry
For the last few months I've had the sleep issues as well as the "itchy sweater feeling." No migranes ever, but I have a history of sinus problems and am just getting over a serious sinus infection.
What with all the bad news in the world today it's not surprising people are experiencing a feeling of dis--ease. If you live in the USA (and arent a politically connected billionaire), chances are you are experiencing it ten-fold; as we have no one representing our interests any longer.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 02:06 AM
Hi everyone. This is my first post and I actually made the account just to see what was going on here in this thread. I've been lurking on the site for quite a while, just never felt the real need to post until now. Anyhow, I was wondering about what happened (if anything) with the "Meeting of the Minds", Truthseeker? I too have been experiencing strange things but I normally keep these to myself. Unfortunately, I get that 'have you taken your meds today' look when i mention anything. So, if there are any updates I am very interested in hearing them as I'm sure others are as well.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by Tragic

i don't mention what i'm experiencing because i don't want to get to get those " have you taken your meds " look. I am glad you posted, because I am wanting the same thing that you do.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 11:05 PM
Hopefully we hear back something soon. It's getting worse and worse for me personally. It may just be stress in my case but it sure doesn't feel like the same old stress related issues. Just the other night I had another strange dream. All I can remember was the ending of it. I was outside and there was a solar eclipse and I was terrified for some reason. I woke up trying to scream but thankfully, all that was coming out was a low hissing type sound. It would have scared the daylights out of my husband and children I'm sure. I'm usually the calm rational one but I can't claim that anymore as of late. I just keep waiting for something but I don't know what. I hope you're all doing better than I am. And thank you for replying.

I should also add in that I have never been one to be afraid of an eclipse of any sort. Last solar one I remember seeing was when I was a child and got to watch it through one of those viewers. I found it exciting and breathtaking. So, to find the one in my dreams terrifying to say the least is/was baffling. I don't even have the words for how it really felt. When i awoke I felt as though I was sinking. Like my body and soul alike weighed a thousand lbs and was literally sinking through the mattress.

[edit on 6-4-2010 by Tragic] - edit for spelling & bit of clarification

[edit on 7-4-2010 by Tragic]

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 12:21 AM
Hello everybody,

Sorry for keeping you all waiting in limbo, but I needed the past few weeks to gather my thoughts and to have time to sum up everything that was discussed during my meeting of the minds.

First of all, I hope this finds you all well. I know that these are troubling times indeed, and what will keep us strong is the unity that we all share through a common goal of the search for knowledge. We are all connected whether we like it or not, and this connection supersedes country boundaries. This supersedes skin color, creed, religions affiliation, etc. We are all part of a greater whole, and until more of us around the globe, and around the universe recognize this, nothing will be accomplished.

The meeting of the minds.

Let me start by saying that this meeting was over eight hours in length and everything from mediation to channeling was involved. We even talked about simple things like politics, global conditions, etc.

I'll start with the main points that we discussed as a whole:

1) The uneasy feeling- we've come to the conclusion that whatever connection that we all may have had to the "otherside" has been terminated (whether you know it or not). However, it is not a permanent disconnection. There are forces at work that neither science, nor rational thought can explain. Think of this as the calm before the storm. I still don't have a concrete answer that can be explained via proof. All I have to go on is what we discussed as a whole, and the above consensus is what we came to.

2) Politics- well, I think we all know that TPTB have something going on. Whether we can prove it or not, they know something big is coming, and they aren't telling the general public. Those of us who are sensitive to these things can see straight through the deceptions and lies, and those who can't, well, I feel very sorry for them. The lies and deceptions will be made known worldwide possibly as soon as early 2011. The method to which this will be released I have no idea, but we were able to channel one benevolent being through our meditations that was able to give us some insight and some comfort in knowing that things will get better. But we all must realize that the future is not set in stone, and I think that TPTB underestimate those of us who see through the lies. The future is forever changing, and by bringing about a positive change and acceptance in everybody, we (the group) believe that we will get by and possibly prevent a big nasty supernatural event from ever happening, keeping us from having to don the armor and arm the sword as it were.

3) Our meditations- Well, even with six of us in the room, we were unable to open up a free enough channel to really see through the fog that is in the air. Like I said in #2, we were able to channel a benevolent being and it only stayed for a very short time. It told us to trust in ourselves, understand that a change on a massive scale is coming, and that it will be apparent when more of us start to wake up to what is going on around us. Humans as a species are evolving not only on a metabolic/physical scale, but on a spiritual one as well. As was evident from each of my colleagues, we have all been working with people more and more lately that have had "psychic" and/or "out of body" experiences. I don't think that this is just a case of isolated incidents. We have each racked up at least 10 cases in our case files over the past few years indicating a sharp rise in the amount of alleged paranormal activities. This could be due to the over dramatization on television through such shows as Paranormal State (fake) and Ghost Hunters (also fake in light of new evidence). However, I don't think this is entirely the case. Many of mine and my colleagues clients are regular 9-5 workers with 2.5 kids and a mortgage. Many of them have never had supernatural or paranormal experiences up until just recently. Out of 20 cases I have worked in the past two years, a good 8-10 of them were legit cases ranging from hauntings to psychic trauma/emerging of psychic abilities. It is up to those of us who have experiences with these phenomena to help those that may be too scared to come out due to the fear of labeling of being crazy or "off their meds." Many people on ATS would be just quick to assume that this is the case and dismiss your experiences as just delusion. Don't listen to them. Trust your gut and your intuition. Even those that don't wish to acknowledge that there are things out there that science cannot explain may need your help some day. These are the people I care about the most. Science cannot explain everything. It has a very limited scope, and I still believe a well-trained human machine is the best device known to man.

4) The global disasters- we all resonated with this one rather quickly. We have come to the conclusion that this is just another part of the "reset" that has been thrown into motion. We cannot stop it, and we must learn to ride the wave, or being the never moving rock in the river of flowing water. Let these events flow around you, while you live through them. That is our best advice for this particular topic.

5) My Native American Shaman friend was very disturbed by the particular vibrations that he was picking up, and I thought it only fair to discuss those a bit. It is well known that Native Americans have beliefs that every single thing has a spirit, that we are only "borrowing" this land, and that right now his spirits are angry. They are very angry. What this means to us, I have only the slightest of ideas. We all agreed that it boils down to the fact that all the major religions are connected by one source, and until we discover that source, we are still shooting blanks in the dark.

To sum up, we want everybody to know not to fear, and to ride the wave as it were. Nothing out there can hurt you if you don't let it (especially shadowpeople, whom I've come to hate over the past few weeks). It's time that you all start focusing within to find your own individual strength and power source, because no mythical being is going to come down and save us all. We need to save ourselves from whatever dark and evil force is coming. What good is help from beyond if we can't even help ourselves? Keep that in mind as you go through your own spiritual journeys, and as always, if you need my advice or assistance, don't hesitate to drop me a line.

Peace be with you.


posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 12:46 AM
Thank you and your spirit family (for lack of a better term) for all of this information. I certainly have been feeling quite off for a long while now. I can usually read people and their feelings fairly easily but lately it's been hard. I get a lot of confusion and I'm not sure if I should chalk that up to it just being how many people are feeling now or if in fact I'm getting the signals wrong. I suppose time will tell. I just dislike how it rubs off on me so to speak. I don't think I have any special abilities. Can't most people feel how others around them feel? If I'm around someone and I get that they are happy or upset or confused or what have you, I tend to carry a little piece of that ... energy (I guess to call it) with me through out the day. I try to stay positive through everything though.

Although I had a strange occurance on either March 27th or 28th I think it was. I was feeling very drained for no reason at all. So, I layed down for a short nap. I woke up and felt a warmth laying behind me. I smiled and said "Hi honey." Next thing I hear are the words "You promised .... You promised." I didn't recognize the voice but I also wasn't alarmed by it at all. I smiled and started to ask what I had promised but then I drifted off to sleep again. I felt so secure and safe. (I know I was awake and this wasn't a dream. When I woke up I was facing the tv and there was a show on about the top ten beaches.) When I woke up again I asked my husband if he had come in and layed down with me and he said no he hadn't. He knew I was exhausted and didn't want to bother me. He said none of our kids were in there either. I gave him a quick version of what happened and he shrugged it off. So, I checked the menu on the cable to see if I had actually woken up and saw the beach show and there it was on the menu having already been shown. I just don't know what to make of it. I wish I could have asked what I had promised. Now, I feel like I'm letting someone down and I hate breaking promises.

Once again, I really appreciate all the time you have spent on this for all of us Truth. I hope you get some well deserved rest soon.


posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 12:58 AM
Turns out I had a sinus infection.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 01:00 AM
Wierd,it seems that there have ben acouple of posts with people feeling 'wierd' this week I don't know if I'm a "sensitive" but I have had a simmilar of late I have this small pain the same area and it feels as if the skin on my head in some areas is moving

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by tankerpilot

Haha That's great!
I needed a giggle. Thank You Kindly Dear Sir

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by archangel152

That is definately strange. Hope it's nothing serious.
If it makes you feel any better I have been having this strange uhm, I guess you could call it a "tingly" sensation in the middle of my forehead. It's weird but I laugh and shake my fist at those darn aliens and their silly mind control powers ... Now where did I put that tinfoil hat...


posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 02:08 AM
As far as any cravings go......i've been craving to be my ONE true self.

Meaning, removing any factors in this world or the next that might come between myself and the goal of being truly and wholly ONE.

I realized that my family had never made a burnt offering for the land we occupy, so i purposely burned food and buried it in the Earth. It always made sense to me as a child that by purposely burning food you break the psychological cycle of mistakes.

When my mother would burn something in the was like the abyss had come through her minds eye and lashed out in her. She was able to handle almost anything without any mental compromise, except for burning FOOD. Not the spinal taps, not the radiation therapy, not the pestilence or greed of the ones she loved, but the simple act of have something that was supposed to help her family, go completely wrong. the house of cards she was able to build, would always fall apart with food and drink.

By purposely burning food and offering it to the earth, you take all your bad energy and turn it into tiny carbon molecules that fly off into the distance, away from you, and away from your family.

Im the kind of person that KNOWS when something feels right. The water we drink, and the food we eat is just wrong. Jamie Oliver is right and just in his quest to make the world a better place by teaching children about food. Because he knows that our salvation HAS to come from what we teach our children. It can come from nothing else. We cant wait around for the mercury and lead to be removed from our water and food. we have to act NOW. there is no later, the pastures do NOT get any greener than the ones that you, your parents, and the the generations that have passed before you, live on right at this moment. we have to do what we can within our own bubble, both personally and globally.

So im starting my quest for clean and pure food and water. If i can just make those simple changes then the water should flow properly throughout my life. Those were the only 2 factors preventing anyone from being a full and healthy human being.


posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by Tragic

Hey Tragic,

Don't be worried about the 'tingly' sensation!
I think it just your 3rd eye being open, and you physically feel its effects.

It is right between your eyebrows and just slightly up?

Much love...

[edit on 7-4-2010 by zosomike]

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 04:13 AM

Well, it was good to read through the latest posts!

Things have been VERY rough for me and the group of people that I work with for the last three days.

Feelings of anxiety and of a Large event about to take place that will not go unseen.

Unfortunately, still having issues connecting with guides, dead etc.., though knowing that they are still around and helping with what they are doing is somewhat helpful and a nice feeling.

Still taking my once a week bath

Still trying to eat well.
Currently doing a subtle and light cleansing.

Many of the people I work with are now taking up or going back to practicing Yoga and QiGong, with the intention to release and balance the immense energy onslaught.

Also, with the hopes of being able to sleep better.

I wanted to add that we have considered starting a support group that would met once per week in the Colorado area.

I am not certain how many are from this area, but we felt that not only is this board helpful, but also being able to gather together face to face and just talk about what the week has brought, do some nice movement exercise and perhaps some light mediative work would also really help.

I thought it would be cool if everyone in their local areas would reach out too?

A lot of my sensitive friends are in other areas: Arizona, California, Chicago, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas & N.Y.

I believe they would be happy to do this as well

I would love it if everyone on here would start a local "de-stressing" meeting group

Then we could also share on here what is helping people within the groups and what is going on from multiple sources.

Just a suggestion, let me know what you all think.


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