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I'm pissed!! (political trolls and hacks)

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posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:29 PM
Remember that ATS is a living/breathing entity that is fueled with the minds of it's users. To control it would be to instil a guideline or 'modus operendi' towards the subject material. Allowing a free and open forum comes with it's own blowback towards the core value of a post or thread. The discussed matter will be open to off topic individuals who may or may not know the severity of their irrational reply. Instead of constantly trying to enforce a standard of what should be discussed relatiing to a topic, we should instead guide the flow of the topics toward a direction of maturity. That is the only way a living/breathing entity such as ATS may continue to grow and still welcome new members.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks
... if posters use the word PISSED in their thread titles, will that be okay with you and bill?

Mmm, your comment gave me the groundbreaking idea of using the search feature to see what the policy has been about said word in thread titles ...


Seems context is everything.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Did you hear yourself as you wrote your last post ?

Telling people to 'get a grip' and 'grow up ' ?

Telling. Instructing. Demanding

Implying people are not 'grown up'

Did you hear yourself ?

What do you think of what you wrote ?

And why did you write it in the first place ? Wasn't it not only superfluous, but also insulting ?

Physician heal thyself ?

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by Dock9

Did I single anybody out?
Did I call anybody a name?
Did I use a personal attack?

It seems to me that your response perfectly demonstrates how over sensitive some members are.

Did you hit the "Alert" to report a TROLL?

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by passenger

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
"What is a troll?"…In Internet slang, a troll is…Let there be no more confusion on how to define Troll.

That is such a vague and nebulous definition. Internet slang as a definable standard? Please. Troll is now used so often as a pejorative that it is as precise as ‘jerk’ or ‘idiot’. It’s all in the eye of the beholder. The definition for these purposes is too broad and subjective. So yes there is still ‘confusion’ on how to define it because your provided definition is worthless.

That’s what the concern here is. As to which, we all know of the oft quoted phrase coined by Justice Holmes on pornography that, “I know it when I see it”. Yes, but to one person pornography is something involving animals and close relatives. To another person pornography is too much cleavage or thigh showing. One religion's martyr is another’s heretic. The same problem applies to labeling someone a Troll. If there is a problem with Trolls then we should all be clear on what a Troll is.

This is a troll. Case closed.

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

It seems to me that your response perfectly demonstrates how over sensitive some members are.

I don't know, Dock9 has some good points there. Couldn't you just as easily acknowledged that you may have offended everyone posting in this thread and agreed that you would be more cognizant of how you post in the future and then thanked the member for pointing it out? Or is that just not your style?

posted on Feb, 26 2010 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by jackflap
I don't know, Dock9 has some good points there. Couldn't you just as easily acknowledged that you may have offended everyone posting in this thread and agreed that you would be more cognizant of how you post in the future and then thanked the member for pointing it out? Or is that just not your style?

Well I don't know, how offensive was it?

Let's take a look.

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Good God!!!!

21 pages and we are still going round and round.

What ever happened to self restraint? or a simple Respect for others views and opinions? The MODS have a hell of a time policing all the overtly bad posts. Why cant we show some maturity when it comes to an opposing view?

I'll admit that I am just as guilty as the next guy/gal for sometimes taking a thread on small detours [Only if it's pertinent].

Get a grip people and grow up.

[edit on 27-2-2010 by SLAYER69]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Get a grip people and grow up.

You see, sometimes people like to discuss things like this when they are uncertain of what it is that is frowned upon. So letting people discuss things in the way they know how helps everyone to learn. By interjecting something like the above quote into it belittles everyones effort to acquire the knowledge they seek and makes them feel silly for even seeking it in the first place. If you had it your way we'd end the thread here and some people still wouldn't have a clue, but they would be grown up.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by jackflap

See here again is yet another example of being overly sensitive.
I know what you disagreed with but what about the rest?

21 pages and "we" are still going round and round. What ever happened to "self restraint?" or a simple "Respect for others views" and "opinions?" The MODS have a hell of a time policing all the overtly bad posts. Why cant "we" show some maturity when it comes to an opposing view? "I'll" admit that "I" am just as guilty as the next guy/gal for sometimes taking a thread on small detours [Only if it's pertinent].

Who exactly was this directed towards?

I am admitting guilt while putting myself in the equation.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:15 AM
I have risen to the bait a few times myself and been a troll,not about politics but religion.(just now learned what trolls are)

I try to keep things civil but its hard to be civil when your opponent isn't.
I don't like censorship as an answer, by post or by banning because,well that's censorship.
Any censorship is evil,they always mean well.

I feel the ignore button is the best response,maybe a troll button like another person suggested.

I see what you mean and support your intentions but on the real world end of things well,good luck with that buddy.

there are a lot of idiots out there to filter out.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

See here again is yet another example of being overly sensitive.

I'm far from overly sensitive, believe me when I tell you. I am merely pointing out that telling everyone to get a grip and grow up is counter productive to what they are doing. It adds nothing to the discussion in the form of what is to be avoided when making posts. In fact it shows us that you may be learning something right now by claiming people are overly sensitive and should grow up. I believe what is lacking in your post that inspired this teaching is understanding.

Edited to remove double wording.

[edit on 27-2-2010 by jackflap]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:20 AM
ATS members, pull yourself out of the one's and zero's of this post and look at the big picture. Time and resources are being used to critize ourselves over how we conduct our inquiries into subject matters. We are free to post here without governmental oversight, without our mommies and daddies telling us how to present ourselves. We cannot force another to abide by rules that we feel must be in effect because each person has a different view of what that should be. Instead let us kill this thread and get back to what we do best, asking why to the questions of our lives. Recess is over, back to class everyone.

[edit on 27-2-2010 by Blood Eagle]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:21 AM
For the love of .....

You all sound like a bunch of old ladies. Can we just let it go already?

All that's being asked is that we act our ages. Thats it.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
For the love of .....

You all sound like a bunch of old ladies. Can we just let it go already?

All that's being asked is that we act our ages. Thats it.

worth a second read.

[edit on 27-2-2010 by LadySkadi]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by jackflap
I believe what is lacking in your post that inspired this teaching is understanding.

It's an opposing view. It only seems lacking becuase it differs from yours.

Understand the situation.

People have opposing views. Everybody thinks they know more than the other person. It's a basic human condition. Again your last reply didn't take into account what else I wrote. Instead you focused on what you felt I need to learn or know. Fine you made your point. I read it.

It's done.

I have not changed my views or stance. I'll respect your right to say what you want and believe. I disagree with it. This does not make you or I correct .

It's just a difference.

[edit on 27-2-2010 by SLAYER69]

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

People have opposing views. Everybody thinks they know more than the other person. It's a basic human condition.

I for one do not believe I know more than the next person. In fact, I come into a discussion with the attitude that I know nothing and expect to learn. If I came into one of your threads and told everyone to grow up and then claimed they were being overly sensitive, how would you like it?

I have entered your discussion and told everyone that they need to grow up and act their ages. I would have made them feel as though they were silly for even trying to learn as I showed them all how grown up and thick skinned I was. Certainly everyone would say that I am a know it all and a bully of sorts.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by jackflap


That's your opinion and you're welcome to it.

Please respect mine and my right to disagree.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

That's your opinion and you're welcome to it.

Well, I wasn't trying to make an opinion. I was actually trying to get to the root cause of why Dock9 felt insulted by what you posted. Something like that can easily derail a thread and everybody loses. Yes, I respect your opinion that you've done nothing wrong, but I hope you can take what I offered and utilize it as well.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by jackflap

Well, I wasn't trying to make an opinion. I was actually trying to get to the root cause of why Dock9 felt insulted by what you posted.

Why didn't you ask him via U2U? He's a big boy I'm sure he'll figure it out.

Something like that can easily derail a thread and everybody loses.

Nobody looses and it's not derailing. Somebody chimed in with their opinion [ME] and expressed how they felt and somebody else got their feelings hurt.

Yes, I respect your opinion that you've done nothing wrong

So why say more?

but I hope you can take what I offered and utilize it as well.

If it has Merritt otherwise it's just an opinion which differs from mine.

posted on Feb, 27 2010 @ 04:35 AM
unfortunately for SO and the Mods:

You cannot quantify or classify a medium that is solely based upon oppinion. words here are based upon oppinion for the most part, unless backed up by scientific evidence, and with political science and political play, there is rarely any "law" to use as a foundation for these bannings that will take place.

fortunately for SO and Mods:

they run the joint and they make the rules. therefore they can say who can and cannot stay based upon their oppinionated vantage of oppinionated banter...

so bottom line it is another means of removal from this place.

ATS has slowly but surely turned to what it was bound to be. entertainment value only.

this is a place for entertainment, best to observe, better to leave alone.

i have been a part of many online forums. everything from physics to finance, news to media, and it all ends up the same. moderators run amuck, drunk with power, imposing thier almighty will at the expense of the weak. and...

through dumb, uninformed, biased, illtempered, and unfair moderators running around chomping at the bit to ban the slightest infraction, and sitting fat and lazy behind their almight keyboard of banishing, the truly intelligent and caring members who actually put forth meaningful and objective content eventually leave or find themselves banned under the thumb of the power drunk, and the fat and uncaring moderators laugh and smile at the weak screams of the people they unjustly destroy, and grow more and more pious at the ignorant who praise thier injustices.

and when it all begins to spin out of control, that is that the few people who are sick of the wrong doings begin to complain as they see the people whom they joined the site to listen to dissapear, the site owner reigns down firey wrath and empowers the moderator further, instead of employing fresh and fair moderators who are willing to spend time and do what it takes to keep the forum running as an informative site, and to keep valuable members around to groom other members to become positive and informative influences on other members.

i am sure that there are some who will take this thread as offensive. there are others who will not.

to the moderators that are offended by my words, it would seem that you lump yourself with those whom this thread is meant to offend, and perhaps you should take the time to examine what type of person you are. rethink how you use your power. look AT the people you moderate and not down upon. and for those who are not offended... yet... you too should look at yourself and how you use the power that you are given, and make sure that you are not acting out upon us without power in a manner unbecoming.

and to the SO

be wary that your precious site does not become laughable. if you want your site to remain credible and meaningful to those who view it, place more stock in the everyday poster, because without them your site would not be... well... anything. fancy graphics and tons of mods mean nothing in the land of forums without posters. using phrases like we dont care about your whining lays the foundation for us "whiners" to feel not only unappreciated, but uncared for. if you dont care about our whining, then with all due, and no undue, respect... i dont care that you are pissed. you get where i am coming from? or perhaps i am wasting my time with this.

all in all...

i suppose i will end up on the BRAC list over this, and my name and all the applauses that i have recieved for valuable input will vanish into thin air. pr perhaps not. but either way, i at least know that i can say that i spoke for us. and i didnt kiss ass to the powerful. i have so far, and i will continue to, speak my mind and call it as i see it.

good luck


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